Battle of the Third Reich

Vol 6 Chapter 253: The end of the cave (1)

It's almost three o'clock in the afternoon. The busy city scene on Nanjing Road has been bustling. Since the war left the city, the isolated island has maintained this ridiculous prosperity. Only the rising sun flag across the Suzhou River constantly reminds the people of Shanghai that heinous war crimes are constantly occurring on their own territory.

The people of Shanghai Bund should be one of the earliest people in China to open their eyes to understand the world. The city of Shanghai is also the birthplace of China's modern revolution. If a city has a soul, the soul of the magic city must be pure purple, red and blue merge together, you are me, and you are me.

"Every time I look down on the city from the air, I will be fascinated by her beauty." Lieutenant Adrian Yeager sighed and moved the joystick to straighten the tilted body of the Ar196 reconnaissance aircraft.

"Who said no." The observer in the back seat felt the same.

In the past half a month, the German crew on the [Prince Eugen] has already traveled throughout the Shanghai Concession. This is the first world-class metropolis that this group of sailors have ever docked in their lives. This group of German barbarians really opened their eyes.

You should know that in the early 20th century, a metropolis like Shanghai, even if there were no more than one hand in the world, even when the Japanese capital Tokyo and Modu were worse in terms of city size and prosperity. One order of magnitude.

This group of sailors, mostly from northern Germany, has seen such an amazing city of miracles. At that time, Shanghai was at the forefront of the entire world in terms of urban construction and humanities. Every time there are any fashionable gadgets or new technological inventions born, you can basically go to Shanghai on the beach in just a few months. See on the streets.

The time has not yet been erased. The damage to the city from the war a few years ago was still visible everywhere in the Zhabei and Hongkou generations. The ruins left by the Japanese bombing of that year were still everywhere, and they were particularly conspicuous when viewed in the air.

"Here is [Black Shark], can you hear it clearly? Xianyu No.1." A lazy voice of the ground command came from the headphones.

"It's sailfish...Swordfish One, sir." The pilot reminded, holding his oxygen mask.

"Don't worry about such a small problem, Lieutenant, where are you now." The speaker was Captain Max, the flight officer on the Prince.

[Prince Eugen] The three AR196s carried by the ship all have to obey the captain’s deployment and command. He is responsible for managing the aviation department of this warship, not to mention that the rank is only a captain, but it is second only to the gun on the warship. An important officer of the cannon torpedo chief.

"Now...Nanjing Road...Oh...I think we just flew past the Happy Valley." The observer probed the ground and reported to the pilot.

"We are in the sky above the Racecourse, sir, we have been spinning around in this area for twenty minutes." Yegel replied pressing the oxygen mask.

"Don't complain, Xianyu No.1, continue to stand by in the air, it's over." Then a clear "click" came from the headset, and obviously the microphone was turned off opposite.

"How did this guy get promoted to captain?" Yeager couldn't help complaining to his partner.

"He used Ar196 to shoot down two HRH hurricanes and one Blenheim." The partner replied lightly, he didn't want to criticize his boss behind his back.

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"My people have been on standby for twenty minutes. What did the group of commanders think? If they are unsure, I suggest that I return my pilot." Major Max put the microphone on the radio station. Then he turned and walked to the map table in the communications command room.

"Their fuel is still sufficient. Max, the superior's order is to stay on standby. You told me these are useless." Lieutenant Colonel Powers, the communications officer, opened his hand and said it had nothing to do with him.

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"Grenade." Corporal Coleman whispered to his men.

"Understood." The superior soldier nodded, pulled an M24 from the grenades around his waist, unscrewed the back cover and handed it to the corporal. Coleman took over the M24 in one hand and grabbed the white porcelain pendant on the hairline with the other hand, and then pulled it down neatly.

"Pay attention to concealment." A warning was issued to the subordinates in German. The SS corporal waved his hand and the grenade rolled into the room. A roar sounded two seconds later, and a stream of debris spewed out of the doorway, and a pungent smoke filled the corridor.

"Come with me!" Coleman picked up the MP38 hanging from his chest and turned sideways into the door.


"Compared to the Secret Service headquarters, the resistance here is not very strong." Lieutenant Claude looked at his wrist watch. According to current trends, the clean-up work here will soon be over.

"Actually, before I set off, I never thought I would encounter resistance here." Jingan's chief inspector, Major Dennis, pressed the bazi on his lips and answered slightly embarrassedly.

A patrol unit under Jingan's arrest room was originally responsible for cleaning up the four two-story houses in the family area of ​​No. 76. It was thought that it was just a group of old and weak women and children. It was not expected that there would be a evil tiger hidden inside.

It was originally a high-end community, and the development of this area was a British construction company, and the customers it faced were all high-end people in the concession. In fact, most of these houses are purchased by wealthy Chinese officials. This is the concession road construction area. The house price is much cheaper than the concession area, so it is very popular with Chinese customers. When the Japanese invaded Shanghai, a large number of wealthy businessmen and officials abandoned their houses and fled, and the rest could not fight the traitors and hooligans on the 76th. Most of the high-end residences in this area fell into the hands of the 76th.

When the patrol cleared a house in the second building, it was suddenly attacked by the people in the house. The Indian patrol chief who was standing at the door was immediately shot and killed. Two dead and two wounded in the same patrol was a heavy loss. When the patrols were annoyed, they found that with their rifles and pistols, they could not suppress the fierce firepower of the other party. The other party had at least one Chicago typewriter in their hands, and there was no guarantee that there would be no other weapons.

At this time, almost all the maneuverable forces that the Ministry of Industry and Labor can mobilize were put into this operation. Don’t expect to get reinforcements from the superior again. After all, Major Dennis has a chance to seek help from the German SS who is performing the blockade task nearby. People actually transferred a platoon of troops directly.

A series of crisp gunshots sounded inside the building, and Claude recognized that it was the movement of MP38. After a while, he saw a SS soldier walk out of the gate with a submachine gun and raised his right hand to the platoon leader.

Lieutenant Claude turned to smile at the major and said, "It's all over, major, and your job is next."

"No problem. Thank you very much, Lieutenant Claude. Come out and play cricket when you have time."

The Inspector General raised his hand afterwards, pointing to the side of the line of patrols, and then made a toggle gesture. The British patrols who had been waiting for it for a long time seemed to be hit with chicken blood, and screamed and rushed to the building.

"What a sad bastard." Corporal Coleman kicked the body curled up on the floor with his boots.

This is a Chinese man who looks very strong. He is in his prime and is wearing an elegant beige three-piece plaid suit. At this moment, the entire back of the suit has been soaked with blood. The man was hit by an M24 grenade, and he still had the power to stand up and continue to resist, so the German squadron hit Parabellum with a half magazine on him.

The Thomson submachine gun kicked away from the body. This is a military version with a hundred rounds of drums. It is very expensive in the international arms market, especially in the place of Shanghai Beach, whether it is in the Japanese controlled area or the concession, it belongs to the first level. Of prohibited items.

"No one in the kitchen." The top soldier reported loudly in the kitchen.

"No one is on the balcony." Another subordinate reported. At this moment, Coleman heard a sound of something knocking on the ground behind a door on the side of the living room, and there seemed to be a shrill cry.

The corporal immediately lifted the submachine gun and raised his left hand, making a gesture of attention to the situation. Then Coleman put his finger on his lips, reminding his subordinates not to make a noise, and after getting a nod from his subordinates, the Corporal slowly walked toward the door with a submachine gun.

Tall leather boots with steel studs stepped on the wooden floor. Although the SS corporals have been very careful, they still inevitably made a slight footstep. It seemed to find that it was suddenly quiet outside, and again after the door. Nothing sounded.

Slowly moving to the door, Coleman winked at his men, and the two soldiers nodded with submachine guns. The corporal turned and kicked under the door lock. It was just an ordinary bedroom door. It could not withstand such a strong kick, so it was kicked open at once, and the door that popped open hit the door. There was a loud bang on a piece of furniture behind the door.

Coleman flattened the MP38, took a deep breath, and then moved a probe inward against the door frame.

"Don't fire!" Although the glance was short, the corporal still saw the situation in the room. He quickly raised his fist and signaled his subordinates not to shoot.

"It's a woman with a child." The corporal held the MP38 grip in one hand and pressed the door that was closing again with one hand.

"Don't be afraid, ma'am." The SS Corps sergeant smiled at the Chinese woman who was shrinking in the corner, as he thought he had the mildest smile.

"Ah..." Coleman's reply was a loud scream.

PS: Thank you for your support, the update has resumed.

Sunburned, began to shed skin, darkened a lot.

There is only one chapter today and continue tomorrow.

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