Battle Royale of the Sinners

Chapter 309: Altering Fate of Yuan Shao

Yuan Shao pressed [Yes] with a trembling hand, unable to believe what in front of him was.

The menu of the clan revealed to Yuan Shao. On the window, there was only the clan chat menu since Jiang Man had only established a solo clan.

Only Jiang Man and Yuan Shao were the members at the moment.

Jiang Man typed in the clan chat, "I'll communicate with you like this in the future. Once I gather at least five members, including us, I can bestow you some lifespans. You can say that I can make you an immortal."

Reading the clan message and realizing that the immortality could be bestowed, Yuan Shao threw away his dignity and slammed his forehead on the ground in kowtow.

"I swear loyalty to sir immortal! I shall prove that I'm worthy of your trust!"

The sudden change of Yuan Shao's attitude baffled Tian Feng and shocked Yan Liang and Wen Chou. All officials had an agape mouth as they could not believe what they were seeing.

"Unfortunately, I can only recruit one person a year. I'll be staying in this city until the new year, so I can revisit you to get your subordinates into my clan. For now, I'll do whatever I can to get your family and your city back from Zhang Tong and Gongsun Zan."

Yuan Shao continued to bow in glee. Meanwhile, Tian Feng's eyes gleamed when he caught the hint that Jiang Man and Zhang Tong were likely not on the same side.

To confirm his theory, Tian Feng knelt and asked, "Sir Immortal, are you working for Zhang Tong, or do you have other purposes for serving him?"

Jiang Man snorted, "I don't work for that asshole! The only reason I'm here because my plan was interrupted by you lots! Had it not you backstabbed Liu Bei and occupied Pingyuan, I would have laid low and relocate myself in a few years."

"Then, what is your plan? Maybe we can help each other."

Tian Feng grinned as he finally grasped on the infighting and rivalry between immortals within Tong's ranks. If Jiang Man was not in a good term with Tong, then an enemy of his enemy was his potential ally.

'If I can get this arrogant immortal on my lord's side, we can weaken Zhang Tong!'

Jiang Man also paid attention to the frank attitude of Tian Feng. Pondering and staring at the face of Tian Feng for a while, Jiang Man gave him a hint.

"In Heaven, Liu Bei is destined to be one of the great Kings in a few decades. My job is to help him reign as the true successor of the Han Dynasty. Unfortunately, other immortals changed the fates of the people as they see fit, and it resulted in our current situation! You are not supposed to possess the authority or enthrone your son into an Emperor, but you did. Zhang Jiao was supposed to die last year, but Zhang Tong altered fate and saved his life. Dong Zhuo supposed to occupy Luo Yang four years from now and die in three years after that, but he captured the city and died this year. Everything was ruined because of Zhang Tong, and it's my job to correct it!"

Tian Feng and Wen Chou's ears perked up when he heard the details. Their curiosity increased.

"Can we listen to the details of our fate? Is it the future that we should have?"

Jiang Man grinned, "Of course. I'll tell you about the future and the real fate that all of you should have."

Yuan Shao's future in the historical timeline was not a pleasant one.

In 189, he and He Jin plotted an assassination of the ten eunuchs, but the plan was leaked and He Jin was killed. Yuan Shao let his forces and exterminated all eunuchs in the court for revenge, yet he failed to establish his political dominance because of one man.

Dong Zhuo.

The forces of Dong Zhuo moved into the palace. Along the way, he captured the two successors of Emperor Ling, the two princes. He killed the elder brother, Liu Shao, and placed Liu Xie as the next Emperor, so he could instate himself as the Chancellor and control all Han Court.

Because Yuan Shao's private army could not fight against the army of Dong Zhuo, Yuan Shao escaped from Luo Yang. He rallied all warlords to fight against Dong Zhuo, which the coalition against Dong Zhuo was formed.

In 190 to 191, the battle against Dong Zhuo ended in failure as Dong Zhuo retreated to Chang'An. Before they left, Dong Zhuo deployed the Scorch Earth Tactic by razing Luo Yang to the ground.

With nothing to replenish their forces or the profit that they could gain from the Capital, many warlords showed signs of quitting.

Yuan Shao and Han Fu attempted to use Liu Yu by making him the next Emperor, so they could have a legitimate reason to command all selfish warlords. Unfortunately, the plan was rejected by Liu Yu himself.

The alliance broken off after the Han loyalists and the major contributors of the war, Cao Cao and Sun Jian, quitted the coalition.

In 191, after returned to his city, Yuan Shao, who had gained a bit of fame from the coalition, made the first move. He formed a secret alliance with Gongsun Zan and attacked Han Fu's Ye City.

In terrified, Han Fu surrendered to Yuan Shao after he was lobbied by his subordinates.

Yuan Shao gained the Ji Province Governor title from Han Fu in the process and established the powerhouse forces in the north.

Yuan Shao's little brother, Yuan Shu, was envious of Yuan Shao's success. He formed a secret alliance with Gongsun Zan and Tao Qian, hoping to destroy Yuan Shao using the other forces.

Yuan Shao did a similar thing to Yuan Shu when he found out the news of this coalition. He allied with Liu Biao and Cao Cao while he moved his forces north, conquering more territories and destroying Yuan Shu's allies.

In 199, Yuan Shao defeated Gongsun Zan in the Battle of Yiling, which he finally ruled over all territories above the Yellow River to the north. His eyes moved to the south where Cao Cao had been capturing all cities on the central plain.

The Battle of Guandu, which Cao Cao and Yuan Shao decided the decisive battle, concluded in the year 200 with Yuan Shao's defeat.

Yan Liang and Wen Chou were killed in the battle, while Tian Feng died because Feng Ji falsely accused him in front of Yuan Shao that he was in league with enemies, which resulted in their losses. Though Tian Feng protested, Yuan Shao believed in Feng Ji and executed the innocent Tian Feng.

In 201, without good generals and advisors, Yuan Shao lost to Cao Cao again in the Battle of Cangting, Shangdang territory.

In regret, Yuan Shao died from the stress and mental illness in the year 202.

For half a day, Jiang Man told everyone about the other timeline's historical event of the late Han Dynasty to the Era of Three Kingdoms.

When Yuan Shao heard that he lost to Cao Cao in the Battle of Guan Du, he gritted his teeth in frustration. The same applied for Tian Feng when he heard that he was killed because Feng Ji backstabbed him.

Wen Chou and Yan Liang also did not have a good mood. Listening to the tale that Guan Yu killed them in the future battle, they frowned in irritation as they were unable to believe that they lost.

"W-We lost? We're fated to lose?"

Jiang Man laughed, "Immortal like myself can alter your destiny! Work for Liu Bei and me, then I'll cut a path for your future! You should know that Liu Bei is fated to be one of the three emperors of the new era. Getting on his good side now will save you a lot of troubles in the future. Besides, do you want to lose to your best friend, Cao Cao?"

Yuan Shao stood up and screamed, "NO!"

"Then work for me. You, too, Tian Feng, work for me. I'll be back next year to get you into my clan."

Tian Feng bowed, "I'll be waiting, sir immortal. But first, I have a suggestion for our future movement. About the coalition against Xiongnu, I have an idea …"

Sending Jiang Man back, Yuan Shao, Tian Feng, Wen Chou, and Yan Liang remained inside the government hall.

Tian Feng turned to Yuan Shao, "My lord, please follow through with my plan. We'll use that brat to our advantage."

Yuan Shao nodded in embarrassment as he showed an unsightly behavior in front of them earlier.

Tian Feng continued, "If that brat's story is true, we'll ride along with this Liu Bei until he gets his hands on the Yi Province. After that, we'll kill that brat and steal everything from Liu Bei later."

"Of course, that's what I have planned."

Wen Chou also wanted to comment, "My lord, about our fate …"

"Oh, about that Guan Yu?"


"If we side with Liu Bei, Guan Yu won't become your enemies, so you don't have to worry about your death."

"T-Thank you, lord!"

"By the way, did you remember about the part where Sun Jian found the Imperial Seal?"

"Yes. He said Sun Jian will find it inside a well in Luo Yang."

"We'll get that before Sun Jian does."

January 1st, 186 A.D.

Jiang Man had not left Pingyuan yet. He stayed behind inside the city and waited for the New Year to come.

Today, he summoned Tian Feng and invited him into the clan as promised.

With Yuan Shao and Tian Feng as his clan members, Jiang Man was more optimistic with his plan.

January 20th, 186 A.D.

Jiang Man returned to Nanpi and reported his task to Lu Zhi.

"Yuan Shao wants to bargain for our hostages. He demanded that we have to return his family to him first, then we will also have to return Nanpi to him after the coalition is over. I can't make the decision on the spot without consulting you, so I postponed my answer."

"Oh, that isn't a problem. I'll send someone else to confirm the negotiation later. For now, I want you and your brothers to take the militias and the volunteers to Xuchang. I've arranged the necessary supplies for your troops and already briefed the tasks to Liu Bei, so you can ask about everything from him."

Jiang Man was taken aback by the sudden mobilization order. He thought the dispatch order would have come later next year or the later years since Tong's forces had been quieted recently.

"Is it too fast? I haven't told Yuan Shao about the gathering date of the coalition! You've only asked me to form an agreement with them, but you've never told me this!"

"What are you agitating for? I said I'll dispatch another messenger to Yuan Shao, and he'll inform them about that. Besides, why do you look so troubled?"

Seeing the squinted eyes of Lu Zhi, Jiang Man stepped backward, "N-Nothing, sir! I'm troubled at all!"

Jiang Man could have killed Lu Zhi to sabotage Tong, but he could not do it now. Had he done so, Liu Bei might see him as his enemy since Lu Zhi was his mentor. To use the fate and luck of Liu Bei and his brothers, Jiang Man remained patient and waited for the right opportunity.

'Zhang Tong is mimicking the Anti-Dong Zhuo Alliance event. I'll participate in this and gather more clan members. Too bad I can only recruit one man a year.'

After Lu Zhi dismissed Jiang Man, he joined with his brothers, who were partying with their newly formed platoon.

"Look, little Jiang. We have our private force again! My master said we will dispatch our men to Xuchang to fight against the Xiongnu with other forces. Are you excited? We're going to get our chance for the real achievement this time!"

Jiang Man shook his head, "No, Xuande. Do you know that we're being used? Zhang Tong is using Lu Zhi as a proxy to manipulate us into fighting the Xiongnu."

Liu Bei snorted, "Manipulate us? He's an idiot then for allowing us to get a chance to demonstrate our might to the world! I'll show them how our forces triumph over the barbarian tribes!"

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