Battle Royale of the Sinners

Chapter 337: Hua Shi’s Crisis

While Yuan Shu and Liu Yang were partying inside the main camp, Hua Shi and her 200 escorts rushed out of the county, escaping from the conflict and the two otherworlders.

As Hua Shi was an angel with two wings, she detected a similar aura coming from Sun Fang and Li Jing. Though her power was superior to theirs, she could not do anything in this situation. As many eyes and dangerous generals were nearby, she could not risk herself by trying to kill anyone in there.

Furthermore, it was a situation where she had to deal with two otherworlders at the same time. She had no confidence that she could come out unscratched.

Completing the job and keeping her life took priority!

'That was close. From their looks, they should have also detected my power. Friday said they were Sun Fang and Li Jing, and their main cheats are cultivation and shadow teleportation. I can't fight them with my archery alone.'

Two days later, after Hua Shi left Li County, he reached Wan City. Without stopping to resupply, she and her escorts galloped through the territory, heading northeast toward Xuchang.

Once Hua Shi could get to Xuchang, proceeding toward Ye City would be more comfortable.

Unfortunately, she could not go far as an army without a banner was blocking her path.

Hua Shi glanced at her skill list and activated one of the skills that she obtained from Tong by dual-cultivation, the radar map.

The map showed hidden troops of 5,000 soldiers in this vicinity. Also, the leading commander of this army possessed a strong aura of one wing immortal.

The name of this person put Hua Shi on her toes.

Pang De


In the other world's historical timeline, Pang De served Ma Teng and Ma Chao. His first major successful campaign was in the year 202 when Cao Cao and Ma Teng were still in the same alliance.

During this year, Cao Cao was cleaning the northern provinces by waging war against Yuan Shao's sons, Yuan Tan and Yuan Shang.

Yuan Tan ordered his men to attack Hedong County, which located north of Hongnong City, the opposite side of the Yellow River.

In response, Cao Cao sent Zhong Yao to conscript soldiers from Ma Teng's Liang Province, so they could repel this sudden invasion toward the central plain and Hongnong City.

Ma Teng received the SOS request from his ally and sent Ma Chao and Pang De to the battle.

Amid the combat, Pang De slew Guo Yuan, a general under Yuan Tan and Zhong Yao's nephew. He took Guo Yuan's head without realizing about the relationship between them and gave it to Zhong Yao later.

Upon realizing their relationship, Pang De immediately apologized to Zhong Yao, but the latter did not mind it. He said, "Even though Guo Yuan was my nephew, he was an enemy of the state. Why do you apologize?"

Ma Teng appointed Pang De into General of Household later for his contribution, and the military road of Pang De began from there.

In 211, Pang De and Ma Chao were defeated by Cao Cao Army. Both of them sought refuge under Zhang Lu in Hanzhong and became Zhang Lu's subordinate in exchange for their safety.

In 215, Ma Chao betrayed Zhang Lu and joined forces with Liu Bei, who seized control of Yi Province from Liu Zhang. Pang De remained with Zhang Lu, but they surrendered to Cao Cao in the same year when Cao Cao's forces reached Hanzhong.

Around 219, a rebellion broke out in Wan City. Cao Cao sent Cao Ren and Pang De to quell the uprising, and they had to defend the areas from the possible southern army, led by Guan Yu.

After Pang De finished off the rebels, they garrisoned in Fancheng (Fan Castle).

Because Pang De was a former subordinate of Ma Chao, soldiers suspected in Pang De that he might rebel and join Liu Bei like his old master.

Pang De was angry by the insult. He promised his men that he would bring Guan Yu's head to prove his loyalty to Cao Cao.

In one of the battles, Pang De fired an arrow and successfully hit Guan Yu's helmet. However, in the novel version, Pang De hit Guan Yu's arm.

Guan Yu became wary of Pang De ever since. He remembered this person as the White Horse General as Pang De often rode on a white horse to battle, just like Gongsun Zan.

Later that year, heavy rain turned the terrains in Jing Province into swamps and mud land and flooded Fan Castle. Pang De gathered his men to the top of a dam, retreating from the battle. However, Guan Yu raided them with his warships and managed to capture Pang De after half a day of intense fighting.

Guan Yu persuaded Pang De to join Liu Bei like Ma Chao, but Pang De refused. Having no choice, Guan Yu executed Pang De at Fan Castle.

Throughout Pang De's life, he did not obtain many victories like other famous generals like Zhang Liao or Zhang He. However, he was one of Cao Cao's generals who could terrify Guan Yu in a duel and close combat. Though his command ability was not on par with other elites, no one could look down on his prowess in battle.

Extra noteworthy, Pang De's son, Pang Hui, managed to avenge for his father in the later years of the Three Kingdoms Period. In 263 AD, Pang Hui participated conquest of Shu Han. He slaughtered all family members of Guan Yu and his descendants, ending Guan Yu's bloodline.


Now, Hua Shi was facing a sudden ambush by this combat specialist with angel power. She hesitated if she wanted to fight him now, or should she pretend to surrender.

'How did he get that power!? It was supposed to be the privilege of all otherworlders!'

Hua Shi could not believe her eyes and her sense. The angelic power coming from Pang De was real, but the logic behind it was baffling.

'Did Xiongnu King bribe Lilim? Shit, Tong just did something to the lifespans in the clan pool. Is it possible to bribe Lilim into awakening local people here as well?'

Being helpless, Hua Shi typed into the clan chat.

Hua Shi: "I'm being ambushed in Wan. Pang De is attacking me."

Hua Shi: "He has a wing! How the fudge did he get it!?"

Tong: "Khan probably did the same with what I just did."

Tong: "I just bribed Lilim to give Zhang He and Zhang Liao a chance to awaken their wings."

Tong: "I think Khan can do the same."

Tong: "BTW, do you think you can win or escape?"

Hua Shi: "Not possible. I have 200 men with me, but Pang De has 5,000."

Li Feihong: "It will take me a day to teleport there and another day to get you out of that place."

Li Feihong: "Sister-in-law, can you pretend to surrender to buy times? Try to avoid the disadvantageous fight."

Tong: "I agree. Pretend to surrender. As long as you are alive, we will know what Khan and his Xiongnu are doing."

Hua Shi: "Great, my life is in peril, and you all want me to be your spy?"

Tong: "No, I just want to ensure your safety."

Li Feihong: "We will rescue you in two days. Please be patient."

Hua Shi's despair turned into anger as she did not like how calm Tong and Li Feihong were. Her life was in jeopardy, but they did not feel the urgency of the situation.

In reality, Tong and Li Feihong worried about Hua Shi. As they had been through thick and thin from wars and conflicts, Tong and Li Feihong's mental strength was stronger than her, and they could stay calm regardless of pressure.

Hua Shi did not participate in many battles, so she lacked experiences in handling the pressure. As a result, she lost her cool, and her face flushed in frustration.

Meanwhile, Pang De ignored about Hua Shi's existence or her escorts. He bellowed, "Zhang Tong's dogs, drop your weapons and surrender!"


Being called a dog was unpleasant to the escort soldiers. As a result, none of them cared if they had to die today.

Moreover, these 200 soldiers knew that they were protecting the first wife of their young master, so surrendering could spell a fate more horrifying than death to Hua Shi.

Hua Shi bellowed, "Screw you all! Kill!"

With bloodshot eyes, they pulled out their pistols and aimed at the nearest soldiers.

"To the death!"

"We are servants of immortals! We won't surrender!"

"For the immortals!"





Two hundred guns unleashed their power, firing at any ambushing soldiers they could find.

The Xiongnu soldiers of Pang De were hit by bullets and were shocked. As none of them had experienced about firearms, they thought that all escorts used sorceries on them.

Hua Shi also took out her bows and summoned her two virtue souls. Each of them wielded a bow and activated her iconic skill, Homing Arrows.

With a stroke of bowstrings, hundreds of magic arrows headed toward Pang De alone!

The targeted man remained indifferent.


With a roar, Pang De gathered his virtuous aura within his body and his axes. He did not parry them or try to stop the arrows. Instead, he stood still and watched all light arrows befall on him.





All arrows did not penetrate his skins. Betraying Hua Shi's expectation, all bolts only caused superficial wounds, but they could not get through his muscles.

At this moment, Hua Shi remembered a part of Friday's teaching.

[All skills in this world have a limitation. When you're up against a real demon or angel, you won't be able to use these skills to fight them. If they don't summon their souls out of their body, but they gather their aura instead, no system cheats in this world can harm them.]

Hua Shi clicked her tongue in resentment. She blamed herself for being reckless and foolish for letting an outburst like that. Now, their chance of survival was getting lower each second.

'To kill an angel or a demon, one must use their own strength.'

Hua Shi recited Friday's teaching in her mind as she summoned all her souls back. Once they entered her body, two white tentacle wings spread from her back.

The sight of celestial wings astonished the Xiongnu. Now, they finally realized that they were fighting against a real immortal.

Yet, Pang De smiled.

'It's as the princess said. We found one of the immortals.'

Pang De reported his finding to his clan chat right away.

Pang De: "I found an otherworlder. It's one of Zhang Tong's dogs."

Pang De: "He's a eunuch, though."

Liu Yang: "That might be either Hua Shi or Xiao Wu. Be cautious, either of them is stronger than you."

Pang De gazed at the sweating Hua Shi. He smirked as he did not believe in Liu Yang.

'That eunuch is a rookie. I can kill her at any time.'

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