Battle Soldier Leon

Chapter 310: trade

The Deward priest and the shadow sat on both sides of the table, and the scepter in the hands of the Deward priest flashed with white light.

Leon was shocked in the shadow, but because he didn't perceive the threat, he didn't make any extreme actions.

As Dward's scepter waved, Leon felt the void energy fluctuations, and then a few plates of fruit and two unknown drinks appeared on the table in front of him.

To be honest, Leon, who was in the mountain cave outside the city, was extremely surprised at this time. Even his battle partner Tom also possessed space abilities, but this was the first time he had seen intelligent beings use space abilities.

Although this is the ability of space storage, it is the same as Leon's own void ring, and the function of the space backpack, but Leon uses foreign objects, and Dward's ritual uses its own ability.

This has a completely different nature. The use of space storage of foreign objects requires special materials to achieve it, while the space storage capacity of Dward's sacrifice seems to require only a little energy.

It's no wonder that Leon had no long items except for the sacrificial robe and scepter.

It turned out that the sacrificial items were all placed in a special space, but I don't know whether this space disappeared after the death of the sacrificial priest, or what happened.

Fortunately, Leon was surprised here, but there was nothing unusual on the shadow face.

Leon is not at all worried about the safety of fruits and drinks.

The shadow may have become a real life, but what he consumes is the lightning regular energy to maintain his actions, and has nothing to do with food.

Even Shadow doesn't even have a digestive system, but has changed into a werewolf, with a digestive system, that's just what it looks like.

The food that the shadow eats is only kept in the body and will not have any effect.

"Please use it!" Dward asked the priest with a smile.

"This is the item I brought, please give me some advice on how to do it!" Shadow took a piece of fruit. He learned the movement before Dward's sacrifice, and while waving the scepter in his hand, a pile of items appeared on the table.

These items have medicines and a variety of materials. Fortunately, the table is big and strong enough, otherwise it would be really unbearable.

Dward did not expect the shadow to be so direct. He looked at the items on the table and his eyes flashed with shock.

The materials and medicines that can be stored in the temple are naturally not particularly bad, not to mention that there are years of accumulation in the Chaga City Temple.

In Leon's eyes, these materials and medicines have no effect, but in the eyes of Dward, who is also a sacrifice, they are extremely valuable.

"Holyshaw sacrifice, I don't know if you intend to exchange these items for big gold, or something else?" Dward sacrifice suppressed the surprise in his heart, and he asked aloud.

At this time, he had a lot of speculation in his mind. Perhaps the Horatio priest came to the area of ​​the Lightning Temple not unintentionally as he said, but came here deliberately.

The source of so many items is likely to be incorrect. The Horatio sacrifice came here to sell the stolen goods.

"If you can exchange for Dark Star Crystal, it would be the best!" Shadow replied.

Dward's sacrificial eyes flickered, and Dark Star Crystal was not a precious item for him.

The dark star crystal has a certain effect on the cultivation of Wuyang energy, but for the sacrifice, it is mainly to reward and reward those intelligent lives that have made outstanding contributions to the temple.

The most important thing is that among the items taken out by Horatio's sacrifice, there are many resources that can enhance Dward's sacrifice and meditation. He doesn't want to let go of such a good opportunity.

With resources like this, the sacrificial vessel will not be sold in one case, and most of them are reserved for self-cultivation.

"Holyshaw Sacrifice, I will buy out two thousand dark star crystals to purchase your items. I don't know what you think?" Dward Sacrifice didn't even think about contacting other people anymore, he said his price.

"I am not familiar with the city of Sgar, I don't know where there are a large number of dark star crystals, this news plus two thousand dark star crystals, then the transaction can be concluded!" Shadow said faintly.

Dward's priest was startled, he didn't understand what Horatio's priest meant by asking.

Could it be that the Horatio priest wanted to rob him, and then he couldn't help feeling ridiculous for his thoughts.

Regardless of the sacrifices walking outside, they can gain the respect of all intelligent lives, but in fact the strength of the sacrifices is more manifested in the magic of the gods, the use of the magic of the gods needs to communicate with the gods.

If any priest dared to rob the gods to perform divine magic, it is estimated that no matter whether the robbery is successful or not, the consequences will be more serious than the crime of robbery.

Besides, the place with a large number of dark star crystals has nothing to do with the Lightning Temple, even if there is any trouble, it will not affect him.

"This is a map, marking a large dark star crystal mine near the city of Sgar, where a large number of dark star crystals are stored in the warehouse all the year round!" The priest Dward took out a map and placed it in front of the shadow. Said with a smile.

When he saw that the shadow had put away the map, he took out four more boxes from the space, which were exactly the kind of boxes containing dark star crystals that Leon had harvested before.

When Leon saw the four boxes, he was already judging how big the space for the sacrifice was. These four boxes, plus the items taken out before, made the storage space not small.

"Happy transaction, I have to leave beforehand!" Shadow put the four boxes into the space items, stood up and said goodbye.

Fortunately, the items were taken out, otherwise the four boxes might not fit the items in the two spaces.

I am afraid that it will be embarrassing at that time, and there is nothing wrong with the embarrassment, and I worry that Dward's priest will see what it is, that is a big trouble.

"I'll send it to you!" The priest Dward smiled and stood up, his scepter waved across the table, and everything on the table was taken into the space.

What he said was sending away, it was a kind of surveillance. He kept sending the shadow out of the city gate before returning.

When the priest Deward watched the shadow leave the city of Sgar, there was such a look on his face.

In his opinion, this was a looting operation of Horatio Sacrifice, but he did not understand why Horatio Sacrifice exchanged precious resources for dark star crystals that seemed useless.

Leon naturally wouldn't consider Dward's idea of ​​sacrificing. After leaving the city gate, the shadow immediately accelerated and came towards the mountain.

Leon also came out of the cave on the mountain, and they would join together.

Leon transferred the contents of the shadow space items to the void ring, and he was a little envious of Nadward's ritual spatial ability.

The inside of the Void Ring is indeed very large, but as he puts more and more items in the Void Ring, its space is also a bit tight.

You should know that he brought a lot of things from the universe world, including a spacecraft "Broken Space", plus a bunch of items that are not small in size, as well as the Overlord and the Golden Eagle, allowing usable space It's even less.

While thinking about it, Leon took out the map that Dward had sacrificed to him.

A gorge two hundred kilometers outside the city of Skar is marked on the map. Below the gorge is the mining area where the dark star crystals are produced.

"Let's check it out first, if you don't have too much strength, then grab it all!" Leon muttered to himself.

His mental power swept across the shadow, and the shadow was taken into the void ring by him.

The combat power of the shadow may be the same as that of Leon, at least in the world of foreign spirits, but the speed of the shadow cannot be compared with the body.

Leon wanted to move fast, but the speed of the shadow couldn't keep up.

While flying, he took out the dark star crystals from the void ring, and the dark star crystals were collected one by one into the wooden cup at the heart, and then turned into pure spiritual energy to enhance his spiritual power.

It takes time to absorb all the two thousand dark star crystals, and there is no delay in absorbing and driving.

Of course, this is the outskirts of the city of Sgar, Leon did not dare to rush like before, mainly because intelligent life appeared from time to time.

He wasn't worried about being discovered, but worried that if the Dark Star Crystal mining area was alert, it would cause trouble for his subsequent actions.

Since he absorbed the Dark Star Crystal, which prevented him from maintaining the effect of completely hiding his breath, he also happened to give Tom a rest.

Leon has been hiding his breath for so many days, little Tom has never stopped the ability to hide his breath, no matter how small the consumption is, it is a burden.

Tom is still in his infancy and can't continue to consume like this.

Inside the temple in Bouma City, Edwin had a sad face at the sacrifice, his face was very ugly.

This is the consequence of the continuous use of tracking magic for many days. As the fourth-level lord Franks, he can't order him to consume himself like this.

You must know that every time Edwin fails, the spiritual power of Edwin's sacrifice will be backlashed, and no matter how the backlash is controlled, his spiritual power will also be damaged.

With Edwin's sacrificial background, it would naturally not be an ordinary existence that can be consumed by him like this.

The Shrine of Bouma City normally does not receive guests. The shrine is a place where sacrifices communicate with the gods, and it is sacred and inviolable.

Today, the fourth-level lord Franks is sitting in the temple, but he is not the host or guest. He respectfully faces the winged snake man with the head of the snake.

This winged snake man was sitting in the temple, with a touch of coercion on his body.

This coercion was carefully controlled around the body by the winged snake man, and it did not spread in the temple, and more importantly, it did not spread to the idol.

But it was this kind of restricted coercion that caused the fourth-level lord Franks to be frightened, and he felt as if he was facing a terrifying behemoth.

"Lord Herman, is it possible that this aura is not the son of God?" Edwin sacrificial finger nodded on the artifact that was placed in front of him, and said.

According to his name, this winged snake man is a domain master.

The domain lord is the existence above the lord, and is also the top combat power in the world of foreign spirits.

This time the Flame Temple sent the Herman Domain Lord, which also had its own considerations.

Winged snakes are born with two wings and are one of the very few intelligent races with the ability to fly.

And the general intelligent race, as long as the strength reaches the domain master, it will naturally have the ability to fly.

The racial talent of the domain master of Herman makes his flying ability far surpass that of domain masters of the same level.

It was his speed advantage that was transferred to capture the son of the "God of Lightning".

But after the Herman domain master came over, the biggest problem encountered was finding the position of the son of god.

This was originally not a problem. The main temple sent the Herman Domain Lord over because the news reported here contained the aura of a **** child.

It's not that Herman's Domain Master is all right. He just took the time to come this time. He didn't expect to be delayed here all of a sudden.

So he forced Edwin to sacrifice and perform the tracing magic every once in a while.

Of course, the background of Edwin's sacrifice is also something that the Herman domain master needs to pay attention to, so the Herman domain master allowed Edwin to recuperate from his injury before performing the next tracing magic.

"There is nothing wrong with this breath. The **** child doesn't know what to do to subdue the lord beast, and uses the lord beast as a mount. The lord beast has a very obvious aura of the **** child!" Fourth-level lord Franks replied very positively. road.

The breath of the **** was collected by him, and he was a werewolf with a keen sense of smell. Edwin Sacrifice said that it was almost a distrust of the talent of his werewolf race.

Even so, the fourth-level lord Franks still did not dare to get angry, he could only explain.

"When will such a day be big!" Edwin Sacrificial also understood that the breath of the **** child in front of him could not go wrong, otherwise he would have found the source of the breath long ago, and he just couldn't bear to complain.

"Edwin Sacrifice, are you recovering well?" The Domain Lord Herman asked in a deep voice.

This is a question and a urging. After several days, the Lord of Herman has a good understanding of the recovery of Edwin's sacrifice. When will the injury of Edwin's sacrifice recover, just look at the time of the Lord of Herman. Sure.

Edwin sacrificially raised the scepter in his hand weakly, a burst of red light energy came from the temple, and a map appeared in front of him.

The map still starts with Chaga City first, and then gets bigger and bigger, and contains more and more regions.

"Huh!" The first difference was the fourth-level lord Franks.

When the map shows farther areas, it is obviously oriented.

As if there is a clear direction, the map no longer zooms in, but shifts the map content in that direction.

"Find him!" Edwin's spirit came to the sacrifice all at He said while mobilizing more energy.

As long as he finds the Son of God, Edwin’s sufferings during the sacrifice of these days can be over, plus finding the Son of God is also a credit. With his background, this credit can give him many benefits.

The content on the map is constantly changing. If Leon is here, you will find that this is the road to the city of Sgar.

The map finally showed that it was on the outskirts of Skar City, where a light spot was moving.

"Why have you walked such a long distance!" Fourth-level lord Franks murmured.

It would take several days to travel from here to the city of Ska, as he rode the wolf at full speed.

When he arrives in Sgar City, he doesn't know if the **** child will stay there, and he is even more worried that the **** child will hide his breath again and make the tracking magic impossible to work.

The Herman Domain Lord does not have much time to waste on this matter. If the God Child is not found this time, he can't guarantee that the Herman Domain Master will continue to track it down.

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