Wu Tan City, in front of Xiao Family.

Chu Bei stopped Ge Ye and Nalan Yanran entire group.

"Who you are! How dare you stop me!" Ge Ye stopped and looked at Chu Bei coldly.

Chu Bei ignored Ge Ye and looked at Nalan Yanran with a smile: "I lost my wife in the first battle and was divorced. Isn’t it unwilling?"

"In the great hall, I see You and Xiao Yan, did you deliberately laugh at me when you followed up?" Nalan Yanran frowned, coldly snorted.

"no no no, I'm just a businessman."

Chu Bei stretched out his index finger and said, "Here, as long as you have money, I will be able to Let you defeat Xiao Yan and wash away today's shame." After that, Chu Bei moved towards Nalan Yanran compared to a gesture of asking for money, the corners of his mouth rose.

If Xiao Yan is here, and hear Chu Bei this remark, I don’t know how I feel.

"No! Don't give way, don't blame me, you're welcome!" Nalan Yanran's face was heavy, obviously not taking Chu Bei's words seriously.

"That's the case, it's really a pity." Chu Bei shrugged, I won't say more.


Xiao Family, better than fighting field.

"Yan'er, where is the Boss Chu person? Haven't treated him well yet!" Xiao Zhan came to Xiao Yan and asked.

Xiao Yan looked around and couldn't find Chu Bei's silhouette, then said: "Anyway, I already know where he lives. I will visit him tomorrow."

" Xiao Yan big brother, why are you Dou Zhe 2-Star all of a sudden? Could it be that you have been pretending for the past three years? Even Xun'er has fooled! But what is the point of you doing this?"

Xiao Xun'er hurried to the side of Xiao Yan, his eyes rounded, and there was confusion between his eyebrows.

"It's hard to explain for a while, I'll talk to you later." Xiao Yan stroked Xiao Xun'er's blue silk.

"What about winning? You humiliate Nalan Yanran so much. Not only her, but Misty Cloud Sect behind her will probably not give up!" Great Elder was expressionless.

Xiao Yan didn't even glance at Great Elder, and pulled up Xiao Xun'er's little hand and moved towards the side.

At this moment,

Chu Bei has also returned home.

To be precise, Chu Bei has not yet entered the house, and he is standing in front of the house, looking at the Golden plaque above the door.

The plaque is engraved with four large characters, [All Heavens Store].

Obviously, this plaque is a masterpiece of system.


Chu Bei opened the door of the house.

Huo Ran, eyes shrank.

In front of him, stood a two-meter-high humanoid robot with iron knots.

"What the hell!"

Chu Bei blurted out.

Next moment, on the system panel in Chu Bei Sea of ​​Consciousness, the information of this iron lump robot is added.

Name: Xiaohei

Responsibility: All Heavens Store Guardian

Cultivation base: Can’t be measured

Step, step, step!

Just when Chu Bei was about to take a closer look at the structure of the iron lump robot, the latter suddenly turned and walked towards the corner.

Next, motionless, like a sculpture.

Chu Bei stepped forward to investigate, but couldn't see why he came, simply no longer paid attention to, and went straight into the back room.

At the moment, his Force of Desire Value totals 1980.

Looking at the countless items on the light screen, Chu Bei decided to use all the Force of Desire Value for the cultivation base.

In the battle qi stage, every 300 Force of Desire Value can be exchanged for a battle qi.

[Host Code successfully converted to cultivation base]

[6th stage battle qi]

[Deduct 1800Force of Desire Value]

system While the sound was on, Chu Bei only felt that his whole body was enveloped by a warm current.

Under this warm current, every one of his cells became lively and filled up extremely.

"Is this battle qi?"

Feeling the sudden increase of power in the body, Chu Bei murmured, nodded with great satisfaction.

Although the Force of Desire Value in 1980 can match some items with good lethality, after all, they are all foreign objects, or disposable.

Only the cultivation base is permanent.

Two hours later.

The whole Wu Tan City has become hustle and bustle, in groups of three or four gathered together, saliva splash across.

As for the topic of discussion--

"Have you heard that Marshal Lionheart's granddaughter Nalan Yanran actually has a marriage contract with Xiao Yan! He came to divorce not long ago!"


"Of course I know, it has been spread! It is said that this Nalan Yanran is still the Direct Disciple of Misty Cloud Sect Sect Master!"

"There is such a thing? Xiao Yan is just a Waste, Nalan Yanran’s retiring must have been successful."

"My God! Did you just go out?"

"The ending has changed from a door-to-door resignation to Xiao Yan's divorced wife. Ah!"

"Come on! Stop selling off!"


Whether it is in the streets or the major teahouses and pubs, there are heated discussions With Nalan Yanran coming to retire.

"What? Xiao Yan turned out to be 2-Star Dou Zhe!"

"Why did he do this? Even if he was humiliated by Xiao Ning, he couldn't resist!"


"Who knows what medicine he sells in bottle gourd. But when we see him in the future, we won't be able to mumble, after all, Dou Zhe was not our provocation."


Night is falling.

Xiao Mansion.

An exquisite cottage.

"Young Miss, what can you tell me?" A dark shadow appeared in the room.

"Old Ling, I want you to help me investigate the Boss Chu during the day and see what his origins are."

Xiao Xun'er looked out the window: "Xiao Yan The big brother’s cultivation base, upgraded from the 3rd stage battle qi to Dou Zhe 2-Star, is thanks to him. As for his residence, it is at the end of Anyi Street."

"Okay, Young Miss!"

Ling Ying nodded, then opens the door, Dou Qi becomes Wings and goes away.

In the dark night, a black shadow passed over Xiao Mansion.

At the end of Anyi Street, Ling Ying let go of perception. After a long time, the target locked Chu Bei's residence.

"The fruit is unusual!" Ling Ying said.

The reason why he was able to lock the All Heavens Store was because all around the room had a strange energy fluctuation that was indescribable.

This kind of energy fluctuation is very weak, if he hadn't deliberately looked for it, I am afraid that he would not be able to detect it.

Ling Ying stepped forward looking at the closed door.

Prepare to nudge.

However, when Ling Ying's hand was still ten centimeters away from the door, a light film emerged.

Ling Ying frowned.

Immediately, the majestic Dou Qi ran on the palm.


A muffled sound sounded.

The light film is rippling without any damage.

Ling Ying was shocked by an invisible force and took a few steps backwards.

Ling Ying fell into hesitation.

After a while, Dou Qi's wings waved and moved towards Xiao Mansion and flew away.

Looking at Chu Bei in the house again, he slept beautifully without knowing it.

"What? Formation that can't even be broken by you!"

When Ling Ying said, Xiao Xun'er was shocked: "Old Ling, what strength do you think you need? Break it open?"

"At least Peak Dou Huang!" Ling Ying answered.

Xiao Xun'er frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and said: "Old Ling, he will open the door tomorrow morning. You will go there again, don’t reveal your identity, you can test out his strength Best."


Ling Ying answered nodded, bowed, and exited the house.

"Why on earth are you approaching Xiao Yan big brother? Hope is not the enemy." Xiao Xun'er muttered to himself as he stood in front of the window.

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