"overestimate one's capabilities."

Medusa glanced at the black shadow called Custodian Wu by Yun Shan, and seemed to have also judged its cultivation base. There was a playful look on it.

"Master, stop."

At this moment, Yun Yun appeared on the battlefield, his clothes fluttering.

"Shut up!"

Yun Shan screamed: "Kill Yun Leng first, and hurt me badly. He will die anyway!"

After all, Yun Shan looked towards Custodian Wu: "Brother Yu, please!"

After Custodian Wu's cold gaze swept across Yun Yun, he freezed on Chu Bei's body, and the black mist surged out violently from his body , Rushing straight into the sky like a fire beacon.

Feeling the eruption of Custodian Wu's power, the Misty Cloud Sect dísciple below is shivering.

As for Medusa, Jia Xingtian and the others, the expressions have not changed at all.


Custodian Wu made a gloomy syllable.

Next moment, I saw eight black chains quickly gushing out behind it.

Chains intertwined and transformed into a weird sickle.

Chu Bei glanced at the similar moves and smiled at the corners of his mouth.

right hand turns, a red longbow and matching white arrows appear.

It is the weakened version of the Hou Yi bow that Medusa has used in the first-line battlefield.

Chu Bei found it easy to use, so he also redeemed one.


Under the control of Custodian Wu, the sickle split open space intertwined with pitch-black chains, moved towards Chu Bei slashed away.

Almost at the same time, Chu Bei raised his arrow and drew his bow.

The white arrow shoots out.

The ending is no surprise.

After the white arrow crushed dry weeds and smashing rotten wood like black chains, before Custodian Wu could react, he directly shot through the latter between the eyebrows.

Before even screaming, the physical body and soul of Custodian Wu were annihilated by the terrifying energy carried by white on the arrow.


Looking at Custodian Wu, who had turned into a corpse and began to dissipate, Yun Shan was taken aback first, then his face was in a daze.

Neither the battle process nor the result was what he expected.

It can even be said that the deviation is far out of reach!

Just one fight, his support fell!

The process is simple and rough!

Shoot with one arrow!

"Boss Chu, please let me go..."

At this time, Yun Yun's anxious voice sounded over Misty Cloud Mountain.

No matter what, the words in his mouth have not been finished yet, the white arrow has reached Yun Shan who hasn't recovered yet, passing through.

"Dead, the old Sect Master is dead."

Below, I witnessed the whole process of Misty Cloud Sect dísciple, and watched Yun Shan dissipate as a rain of light, muttering .

One by one, they lost their minds and seemed unwilling to accept this result.

"Sect Leader Yun, I will kill the person who should be killed. I hope you can manage Misty Cloud Sect well in the future."

Chu Bei put away the Hou Yi bow and walked to Yun Before Yun, his voice was calm.

I learned from Yun Shan that if it weren't for Yun Yun, Xiao Yixian and Qing Lin had already bode ill rather than well.

Yun Yun glanced at Chu Bei, then stopped talking, finally sighed, shook the head moved towards and flew down.

"The solution has been solved, and it is time to go back."

Chu Bei moved towards Medusa, Jia Xingtian and the others After waving goodbye, bringing Qing Lin and Xiao Yixian together The woman left.


The next day.

A statue stands on the central square of major cities in Jia Ma Empire.

The person engraved on the statue is Chu Bei.

"This battle is really thanks to Boss Chu!"

"Yes, if he hadn't arrived in time, our empire might have been dead. And we will also I was displaced and lived a life of escape from famine."

"I heard that Misty Cloud Sect was unwilling to help the Imperial Family because the previous Sect Master Yun Shan colluded with Soul Sect. But just yesterday, Yun Shan and those in Soul Sect were killed by Boss Chu."

"For the rest of my life, I will see Boss Chu daoist last time. He is the benefactor of the entire empire."

"Let’s go to Wu Tan City as a companion now? See the beauty of Boss Chu?"


The news of victory on the frontline battlefield soon spread throughout the empire .

The name Chu Bei was also spread to all the people of the empire overnight.

Whether before tea or after dinner, pub or street, Chu Bei was the topic of intense discussions.

Wu Tan City, Anyi Street, if it weren't for the soldiers to intercept it, I'm afraid it would have been blocked by the enthusiastic people.

In All Heavens Store.

"Boss, you are now the Savior of the people of the empire, known to everyone known to everyone." Qing Lin said while pinching Chu Bei's shoulders.

Chu Bei looked sad and sighed: "Don't make fun of me. It's not easy to be a celebrity."

I heard what Chu Bei said, Qing Lin , Xiao Yixian The two women looked at each other and smiled.

For a long time.

Chu Bei put down the tea in his hand.

"Boss, what's the matter with you?"

To the eyes of Chu Bei, Qing Lin and Xiao Yixian were confused.

"It's time to go for a stroll in Central Plain."

Chu Bei glanced over Qing Lin and Xiao Yixian, and said: "You two will go with me or just Stay here?"

One of the reasons why he made this decision is that Jia Ma Empire is so popular, wherever he goes is the focus; second, his daily sales ceiling is rising. Even if the Imperial Family's treasury is exhausted, it can only last for two days at most.

What's more, now that the Empire War has just ended, the Imperial Family is also impossible to mobilize funds for consumption in a short period of time.

"Central Plain? I just heard that I didn't expect a chance to go there." Qing Lin muttered to himself, the meaning in his words was very obvious.

"Since the Boss is willing to take us, we are naturally willing to follow!" Xiao Yixian's face was full of joy, and Shui Lingling's big eyes were full of longing for Central Plain.

"Then let's go."

After that, Chu Bei got up and walked out of the All Heavens Store.


With a roar, a huge disc-shaped spaceship appeared diagonally above All Heavens Store.

This is a spaceship built by meteorite iron from the 28th century that Chu Bei spent 100,000 Force of Desire Value to redeem. It can penetrate the space.

As for the shape, it is similar to an alien flying saucer.

"Boss, this...is this?"

Seeing the meteorite spaceship, Qing Lin and Xiao Yixian's mouth opened wide, and they were stunned.

"Just treat it as a mobile and flying residence."

Chu Bei raised hand, flying into the meteorite spaceship with the two daughters.

Coming to spaceship, looking at all around various high-precision science fiction screens and operation buttons that have never been seen before, the two women looked at each other, and the shock in their eyes could not fade for a long time.

In Dou Qi Continent, Powerhouse, or expensive clansman's family, there will be air transportation tools for transportation, but these tools are all kind of flying system Magic Beast, and they only have the role of transportation.

Now, the spaceship they are in is not only faster, but the area is even more exaggerated. It is simply a mobile castle.

"Boss, who the hell are you? Can you tell us about your past."

Xiao Yixian looked at Chu Bei and Qing with admiration. Lin is also looking forward and curious.

"It's been a long time, and you will know it in the future."

Chu Bei smiled knowingly and steered the spaceship to the Central Plain continent.

During the flight of the meteorite spaceship, Chu Bei redeemed a novel called "Battle Through the Heavens" from the system and read it with interest.

Because of the long journey, he has no impression of many plots, especially the geographical location.

After watching some specific plots, Chu Bei learned a lot about this Central Plain.

Central Plain, the Central Zone of Dou Qi Continent, is roughly divided into four parts, Central Plain Northern Domain, Central Plain Southern Region, Central Plain Western Region and Central Plain Eastern Region.

This is the place where Dou Qi Continent Powerhouse gathers most, Dou Huang and Dou Zong are as numerous as feathers.

Because of its vast area, some large cities in Central Plain have a special transmission tool called space wormhole.

The creators of space wormholes are mostly the Peak Powerhouse or senior in the city where they are located. Of course, the clans of these Peak Powerhouses have huge wealth because they have space wormholes.

In terms of power, it can be roughly divided into One Hall One Tower, Two Sects Three Valleys, and Four-Way Pavilion. In addition to human forces, there are naturally Magic Beast forces.

Yidian refers to Soul Palace, Central Plain is a mysterious force, not to mention the headquarters, even Side-Branch Palace is particularly hidden and rarely known.

The Yu Custodian, Wugan and the others killed by Chu Bei before are the Side-Branch Palace from this force.

One tower refers to Pill Tower, which is the Holy Land in the heart of Dou Qi Continent Alchemist. The prestige of the Pill Tower Big Three is even more known to everyone known to everyone in Central Plain.

Two sects refer to Sky Abyss Sect and Flower Sect.

Although these two sects are not comparable to Soul Palace and Pill Tower, they are also second only to them. Powerhouse in the clan is like a cloud, and both are huge monsters.

Three Valleys are Glacier Valley, Sound Valley and Burning Flame Valley, which should not be underestimated.

Four pavilions, Star Meteor Pavilion, Myriad Sword Pavilion, Death Pavilion, wind and thunder pavilion. Because the Four-Way Pavilion stands on the Central Plain in four corners, it is also called the Four-Way Pavilion.

In addition to the above forces, Central Plain also has many other powerful forces. These forces randomly pick one out and place it in Jia Ma Empire, which are all other existences on Overlord level.

Like Misty Cloud Sect, it is a 3rd Rate Influence on Central Plain at most, and few people pay attention to it.

During the flight, Chu Bei not only reviewed the Battle Through the Heavens, but also carefully taught the two girls how to use this meteorite spaceship.

This spaceship can be offensive and defensive, and can be summoned at any time; it is used by the second daughter of the church, and equivalent to giving them a means of self-protection.

"Boss, look ahead!"

Suddenly, Xiao Yixian looked towards Chu Bei and pointed his finger at the operating screen cred out in surprise.

On the screen, not far from them, there is an invisible space passage with faintly discernable pale-silver space barriers on both sides of the passage.

Looking intently, there is a small flat boat in the passage. A middle-aged man and a red dressed woman are standing on the boat.

"Boss, is that the transmission passage of the space wormhole?" Qing Lin was curious.

Chu Bei nodded responded, but the passage of space in front of him is obviously unusual. The two walls of the passage formed by Power of Space seem to be suffering from some kind of energy shock, and they are naked eye The visible speed is fading.

"Young Miss, we are afraid that we have encountered a space storm!"

In the space passage, the middle-aged man on the flat boat seemed to think of something, and a panic appeared on his face color.

Hearing what the middle-aged man said, the red dressed woman's face was instantly dignified.

When using wormholes for long-distance transmission, the most dangerous situation is to encounter a space storm in the space passage.

This kind of probability is very low, but once it is encountered, if you are involved in the empty space by the storm, unless it is a Powerhouse above 5-Star Dou Zong, there is absolutely no possibility of escape.

"I hope this is just a small storm, hurry over."

red dressed woman took a deep breath, folded her hands and prayed in a low voice.

But in this case, the more afraid of something, the more it will come.

As soon as the red dressed woman whispered, there was a crisp crackling sound in the space wall, as well as strange wind howls.

Looking out of the space wall, the energy storm already visible with naked eye, the hearts of middle-aged man and red dressed woman sank to the bottom in an instant.

Under the raging energy storm of this space, the originally smooth transmission passage shook violently, bringing up the sound of ka-cha breaking.

"Damn it! Unexpectedly, I would fall here!"

Feeling the energy storm that has penetrated into the passage, the red dressed woman looked unwilling, Dou Qi surging all over her body, Attempt to block the rupture of the transmission passage.

"Boss, they seem to be in trouble." In the spaceship, Xiao Yixian pointed to the screen.

"Boss, let's save them." Qing Lin looked at the panic-faced two people in the space passage, with pity and sympathy in his eyes.

"Didn't you already teach you how to control this spaceship? Since you want to save it, you can do it." Chu Bei smiled knowingly.

Hearing this, Xiao Yixian and Qing Lin looked at each other, and after nodded, they controlled the spaceship to fly to the transmission passage.

ka-cha, ka-cha!

At this time, under the devastation of space storm, the wormhole transmission passage has been damaged in many places, and it may collapse completely at any time.

At this moment, the faces of the middle-aged man and red dressed woman on the flat boat turned pale because of fear.

"Young Miss, look above your head!"

But when the two were about to accept their fate, a huge monster in the shape of a disc came over their passage.

"What is this?!"

Looking at the huge monster above, the red dressed woman's pupils suddenly condensed.

"Hurry up, you guys."

At this moment, a gentle and pleasant voice rang in their ears.

Immediately, under the huge monster, a long ladder stretched out, directly penetrating the space passage, and extending to the front of the red dressed woman and middle-aged man.

Seeing this, the two of them did not hesitate, and stepped onto the stairs subconsciously.

hong long long ——

Just a few seconds after the stairs were raised, the power of space storm rose to a level again, and the space passage was completely shredded by the loud noise.

The red dressed woman looked down and saw that the flat boat that originally carried them was torn apart by the energy storm and instantly turned into a piece of powder.

I witnessed this scene, the red dressed woman took a deep breath, and my heart was lingering.

If this huge monster appears later, they are probably already buried in the sky, and there will be no bones left.

Soon, the red dressed woman and middle-aged man came to the spaceship.

When the two saw the super sci-fi decorations all around that they had never seen before, their bodies stiffened and their mouths instinctively opened.

"Are you okay?"

Rather than waiting for the red dressed woman to come back to his senses from the astonishment, Xiao Yixian and Qing Lin have already walked over and asked with concern. .

"You saved us? Many thanks!"

The red dressed woman was taken aback, then moved towards Xiao Yixian and Qing Lin bowed, middle-aged man The same is true.

"We passed by here, and happened to see you in trouble."

Xiao Yixian pointed to Chu Bei, who was walking slowly behind him, and continued: "And if you really want to thank you , We should be grateful to our Boss, this ship belongs to him."

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