"The three should be the Wind and Thunder North Pavilion's Lightning Three Elders, right?" Han Chi flew high into the sky, moving towards the three elders hugging the cup one fist in the other hand.

"Where is the guy who killed Chen Yun?"

An old man swept across Han Chi coldly: "It's not easy for your Han Family to stand in North Sky City for hundreds of years Some things are better! Otherwise, the name of the Han Family is going to disappear from North Sky City."

Hearing the old man's threatening words, Han Chi frowned. , His face is a bit heavy.

"Han Patriarch, you really don't want to interfere with my affairs."

Just when Han Chi was about to say something, a smiling voice was proud Floating in the air.

After that, Chu Bei stepped forward and appeared beside Han Chi.

"You killed Chen Yun?"

The eyes of the three elders focused on Chu Bei's body at the same time, and their eyes were full of killing intents.

"You want to avenge him?" Chu Bei put his hands behind his back, looking at the three old men with a joking expression.

Hearing this, the expressions of the three elders changed. After investigating Chu Bei's breath to no avail, the three looked at each other and exchanged their eyes.

next moment, three old men shouting loudly at the same time.

The sound of the shout fell, and the three people simultaneously spewed out a bright lightning flash, and the lightning flash flashed into the sky as a thunder.

In an instant, the originally clear sky was covered with dark clouds.

As the three elders formed a cumbersome seal, countless thunders fell from the sky, densely packed like a prison, wrapping all the space within the hundred zhang of Chu Bei.

When the three elders completed their seals, the prison interwoven by thunder grew several times stronger in an instant, and it was extremely intimidating.

Look at the three elders again. On both palms, a beam of lightning flashes into the prison, which seems to be the source of the prison's power.

"This...this is the nine heavenly thunder formation!"

"Wind and thunder is one of the most powerful great spells. You must have three Dous above 5-Star. Zong can only be used in combination!"

High in the sky, some Dou Wang Powerhouses with eyesight hiding in the distance, after recognizing the great spell cast by the three elders, all face consternation.

Han Chi's brows furrowed even more tightly. Even though he is 4-Star Dou Zong, the energy fluctuations in the Thunder Prison still make his heart palpitations.

Unfortunately, when Han Chi looked towards Chu Bei who was still very calm, there was a touch of worry in his eyes.

"Since the three old man became Elder, they have never joined forces to deal with one person."

The old man in the middle stared at Chu Bei coldly. The reason why he used it directly The strongest killing array is purely for the sake of safety.

The opponent can kill Chen Yun, which has proved that the opponent's strength should not be underestimated. He didn't want to lose any of the three because of carelessness.

"You people in the wind and thunder pavilion have a similar characteristic." Chu Bei smiled and looked at the three elders.

"What are the characteristics?" The three old men looked curious.

"Noisy." Chu Bei smiled even more.

"Heavenly thunder technique!"

The curiosity in the eyes of the three elders was replaced by killing intents for an instant.

The tidy forest coldly shouted as soon as it fell, countless python-like thunders in the thunder cell took shape, hiding the sky and covering the earth moved towards Chu Bei, and its huge momentum made People are terrified.

Chu Bei's expression did not change. With a wave of his sleeves, three groups of flames of different colors surrounded him.

Those intimidating python thunders, within one meter of Chu Bei, were swallowed by flame.

"What a weird flame!"

Looking at the python thunders being swallowed, the three old men browse frowned, and their eyes are on the flames of the three groups hovering around Chu Bei all around .

"Is it Heavenly Flame!"

When the last python thunder was swallowed by flame, an old man exclaimed.

"It's a little eye-sighted." Chu Bei's flat voice sounded.

"Heavenly thunder!"

After the astonishment, the three elders quickly recovered their calm, glanced at each other, and sealed again.

Suddenly, in the thunder prison, countless dense thunders gathered together to form a sharp blade. In terms of power, it is far above the previous Thunder Python.


The thunder blade flashed by.

As soon as he was about to hit Chu Bei, the three Heavenly Flames in front of him were intertwined to form a huge three-color Fire Wolf.

Under countless horrified gazes, three-color Fire Wolf opened his mouth and bit the sharp blade of Thunder directly. Afterwards, the three-color flame swallowed and annihilated the sharp blade of Thunder.

Seeing that the attack was resolved again, the expressions of the three elders were completely heavy to the lowest point, and there was hesitation in their eyes.

"Why? Just this means?"

Chu Bei glanced across the three old men, squeezed his right palm slightly, and the three heavenly flames re-intertwined and became more even.

The three-color Fire Wolf disappeared and became a three-color Fire Lotus.

As Fire Lotus took shape, the terrifying Power of Destruction spread, and the void began to appear in pitch-black cracks like a spider web.

Gradually, the three-color Fire Lotus began to rotate, and as its speed increased, all around void cracks became larger and larger.

Feeling the energy fluctuations contained in the Fire Lotus, the faces of the three elders are obviously more look of dreading.

After a little hesitation, the three elders took a long breath at the same time, seeming to unanimously make some kind of extremely unwilling decision.

"Wrath of the blood thunder!"

I saw blood infiltrated from the body of the three elders and injected into the thunder cell along the energy beams in their palms.

long long long ——

With the thunder cell injected by the blood essence of the three elders, it is as if a qualitative change has taken place, and all the thunders inside have become Bloody color.

In the deafening rumbling sound, the rolling thunder has evolved into a blood-colored giant axe, and countless thunder snakes are beating all around.


With the voice of three old men falling down, the blood-colored giant axe slashed towards Chu Bei.

At this moment, the faces of the three elders pale for a while, as if they had been emptied of the power in their bodies.

Facing the blood-colored giant axe, Chu Bei's complexion remained unchanged. With a wave of his hand, the three-color Fire Lotus with high-speed rotation greeted him.


Under countless line of sight, the blood axe collided with Fire Lotus!

In this moment, except for the terrifying explosion of the two touching, Heaven and Earth is silent!

At the intersection of the two, the bright energy light wave robbed everyone's sight.

As the explosion faded and the glaring rays of light faded, when everyone was able to see the battlefield again, the blood-colored giant axe disappeared.

Only Chu Bei from start to finish face doesn't change, and the three old men who are being swallowed by the three-color flame and can't even scream.

In the burning sound of chi chi.

Under countless horrified gazes, the three elders were burned into nothingness by flame.

Between Heaven and Earth, there is more and more dead silence.

Chu Bei ignored the all around spectators, and after taking back the three groups of Heavenly Flame, he fell back into the Han Mansion.

"The three Elders of Wind Lightning... were also killed by him!"

"In one day, the Wind and Thunder North Pavilion fell four Great Elders, and the loss was heavy!"


Looking at the original position of Chu Bei in the battlefield, it was not until a long time later that a crowd of spectators came back to his senses, looking at each other in blank dismay.

Phoenix Dwelling mountain, North Thunder Pagoda.

In the first seat, the silver robe man is arranging the matters of the Four Pavilions.

Suddenly, there were three crisp sounds behind it.

When he heard the crisp sound, the silver robe man's face suddenly sank.

"How...how is it possible!"

"Wind Elder, Elder Lei, and Electric Elder are also dead!"

"It is also the one who killed Elder Yun Did the guy do it!"

"The Three Great Elders are dispatched at the same time, but they can form nine heavenly thunders!"

"Is that guy scared to the point? ."

"Could it be that this is a Dou Zun Powerhouse!"


Not only the silver robe man in the first place, the seats on both sides The other people on the site also saw the three broken soul steles, all with an unbelievable expression.

Obviously, they cannot accept the fact that the Wind Lightning Three Great Elders has fallen!

"Hall Master, what shall we do now?" Elder opened the mouth and said.

"Let's start with the Grand Meeting of the Four Pavilions!"

The silver robe man clenched his fists and tried his best to suppress the killing intent in his eyes.

Wind lightning and the three elders teamed up, in the case of using the nine heavenly thunder prison formation, even he can only fight with one of them undefeated.

But the person of unknown origin can kill the Feng Lightning Third Elder by the strength of oneself.

In other words, even if he went in person, he was afraid that he would not be able to kill the opponent, and even the result was the same as the wind and lightning.


The other side.

Chu Bei returned to his residence to enjoy Qing Lin's squeeze comfortably while looking back at the previous battle.

Now, his cultivation base is Dou Zong 7-Star. He uses his own strength to motivate Heavenly Flame. The battle strength is equivalent to Peak Dou Zong.

Ta Ta Ta!

There was a sound of footsteps from far to near.

Han Chi and his daughter walked into the house.

"Say whatever you want to say."

Looking at the three Han Chi father and daughter who are still talking, Chu Bei said with a smile.

"Boss Chu, can you tell us what kind of cultivation base you are? Have you broken through to the realm of Dou Zun?"

Han Yue couldn't help but open his mouth after all. He added: "Central Plain Four Pavilions Grand Meeting. This time the organizer is Wind and Thunder Pavilion. The address is set at Phoenix Dwelling mountain where Wind and Thunder North Pavilion is located. Hall Master will be there, and this time there will be no exception."

"It is rumored that the Hall Masters of the four pavilions are all Venerable. You killed the Wind and Thunder North Pavilion and the four Great Elders of the wind and thunder pavilion. If that Venerable learns about this, I will definitely not give up. I am worried about you..."

Hearing this, Chu Bei already understood what Han Yue meant, waved and interrupted: "Don't worry, they It can't help me. As for my cultivation base, you will know one day."

When Chen Yun was killed, Chu Bei already had a plan in his mind.

Although he currently has the highest authority to redeem Level 8 products, when he won Sea Heart Flame, the system rewarded him with the right to use Level 9 products.

If the crisis is really reached, he will use this privilege to solve all the hidden dangers!

[This system will open the Heavens Opportunity Tower for the host for the first time]

[This time the Opportunity Tower will open Seventh Layer, the 8-Layer]

[Ticket price for the tower, 7-Layer 5 million, 8-Layer 10 million]

[Force of Desire Value from the Opportunity Tower, one-half of the host's return]

[Opportunities The opening location of the tower, centered on the host’s current location, random within three hundred miles]

[Opportunity Tower is starting, progress is 1%]


At this moment, a series of system sounds sounded in Chu Bei's mind.

Chu Bei was taken aback first, came back to his senses and quickly checked the system interface, only to see a new page about the opportunity tower on the system interface.

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