The prison of the nine swords is one of Myriad Sword Pavilion’s profound swordsmanship. Only the breakthrough to Dou Zong is eligible for cultivation.

With the strength of Jianheng, even the 8-Star Dou Zong Powerhouse of the same realm could not be broken in a short time.

But this iron bump that suddenly appeared from nowhere in front of me was completely shattered with a punch!

In midair, Jianheng regained his calm, and after lightly scanning Chu Bei with a smile on his eyes, he right hand moves, and a long sword appeared in his hand again.

Compared with the purple rapier used to display the prison of nine swords, this long sword is obviously more refined.

Jianheng held a long sword, and his body began to dance.

Every time the long sword is swung, a huge imposing manner will condense on the tip of the sword.

This imposing manner keeps accumulating until the golden sword glow at the tip of the sword is as bright as the sun.

"This is a folded sword of the nine-sword style!"

Looking at Jianheng's dancing silhouette and the increasingly fierce sword power, the Fei Tian trio were shocked again .

Nine sword style, Myriad Sword Pavilion is a sword art that only the master and deputy Hall Master can cultivation, and its cultivation is extremely difficult.

Even among the previous generations of Hall Masters, there are very few people who can cultivation to peak.

Myriad Sword Pavilion's nine sword style, the reason why it has such a high reputation, is because the Hall Master who created this sword technique, used the 4-Star Dou Zong cultivation base to surpass the three small realms killed a 7-Star Dou Zong!

The stacked sword is the Power of Slaughter strongest move in the nine sword style!

Chu Bei looked at Jianheng calmly and felt the power of his sword.

The trick of the stacking sword performed by the opponent is different routes to the same destination in the artistic conception of the Seven Devil Swords.

As the number of long sword dances in Jianheng's hand is superimposed, there are more and more golden glows at the tip of the sword. When the sword power reaches Peak, the sword glow is intertwined into a golden dragon. .

"Let me learn your skills!"

The voice fell, Jianheng was holding a long sword, silhouetted with a forward sweep, and the tip of the sword pointed at Chu Bei.

The sword tip trembled, and the golden flood dragon composed of sword glow took the lead to pounce on Chu Bei at lightning speed.

Faced with such a killing attack, Chu Bei's mood did not fluctuate at all, nor did he make any movements.


The iron lump moved again.

It turned into a black Changhong, greeted it, punched out.

In the battlefield, the pitch-black fist touched the golden dragon's mouth.


In the loud noise, the collision place is like fireworks blooming, which is extremely gorgeous.

The aftermath of horror swelled like ocean waves, shaking the air with chi chi.

next moment, I saw that dark fist penetrated the golden dragon with bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and the vigor permeating from the fist fell on Jianheng's chest.

Pu chi!

Jianheng without any defense, directly mouth spurt blood, his face pale for a moment.

The silhouette is even more like a cannonball. Fiercely fell on the ground, bringing up a horrible to see pit. And the golden flood dragon has also turned into a rain of light and dissipated in the sky.

"Ok...really strong!"

"What the hell is that!"

"Just a punch, not only broke the Myriad Sword Pavilion deputy Hall Master’s attack will seriously hurt him!"

"It should be a puppet."

"Even the puppet is so powerful, how terrifying that guy's cultivation base should be! "

"With this strength, it's no wonder you dare to grab what Four-Way Pavilion sees!"


The col is all around, witnessing the whole process The cultivator has his mouth wide open and his face is full of look of shock.

In midair, Fei Tian, ​​Yu Hong, and Shi Bin came back to his senses, and looked towards the iron bumps that had returned to Chu Bei's side, and their eyes were filled with deep fear.

"It turns out that this big guy is so powerful!"

If you say that the most surprising person in the field is the two daughters of Xiao Yixian Qing Lin.

Since staying at All Heavens Store, they cleaned the behind of the house, contacted Xiao Hei every day, and often used it as a rag rack.

They didn't expect how they were treated as iron knots of rag racks, not only active, but also with such terrifying strength.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yixian and Qing Lin looked at each other with lingering fears. Fortunately, Tiepi didn't care about them, otherwise they would have been photographed as meat sauce.

"As I said, this is something that has a master, so don't covet it."

Chu Bei flew back to the battlefield from the pit, but his chest was sunken in. Jianheng of Jianheng said.

Seeing Xiaohei clone's shot, Chu Bei suddenly discovered a problem.

Every time this iron bump is shot, it seems that it will only severely injure the opponent, and will not be a critical strike.

In Wu Tan City, when Xiao Hei shot Ling Ying, he also saved the other's life; now, this Xiao Hei clone is also.

But the same thing is that whether it is Xiaohei or clone, they only took a punch.

Hearing Chu Bei's words, Jianheng did not respond, but took a bloodshot jade pendant from the Storage Ring and crushed it.

Seeing this action, Fei Tian, ​​Yu Hong, and Shi Bin looked at each other, and then took out a small object and crushed it.

"Is this called reinforcements."

Chu Bei saw Jianheng's intentions, and also guessed the identity of the people who will come next.

After all, the status of Fei Tian and Jianheng are already under one person in the Four-Way Pavilion.

hong long!

In just a few seconds, above the location of the Fei Tian four, a huge thunderbolt suddenly swept down from the clouds.

The strong light in that instant made all the people around the col close their eyes instinctively.

Chu Bei raised his eyes slightly, looking towards the place where the huge lightning bolt appeared, only a silhouette walked out slowly.

This is a tall man. He is wearing a silver robe. The silver robe is covered with lightning patterns. From a distance, it looks like a living thing. There is a faint allow. Some Leiwei diffused from it.

"East Hall Master of Wind and Thunder Pavilion, Venerable Lei!"

"Why is he here!"

"It must be the North Hall Master Fei Tian came here for information!"


The mountain cols are all around, and some experienced and knowledgeable Powerhouses recognized the silver robe man at a glance, and immediately screamed in surprise.

Shoo, hoo!

Following Venerable Lei, two figures soon appeared. It is the West Pavilion Hall Master and South Pavilion Hall Master of the Wind and Thunder Pavilion.

"Fei Tian, ​​why is it so urgent, I have to be there!"

Venerable Lei swept his eyes all around, and when he saw the towers of heaven, his expression was obviously moved. Finally, his gaze stayed on Fei Tian's body.

The sound was like thunder, with thunder, and the cols all around some of the weaker bodies trembling involuntarily.

"Lei old man, your voice is still so powerful!"

As Venerable Lei's voice fell, a harsh roaring wind sounded high in the sky.

Next moment, under countless horrified gazes, a huge giant sword cut through the void, and a silhouette came out of the gap.

Compared with Venerable Lei, this is a short, old man wearing a linen shirt.

Although there is a big difference in body shape, the power of this short old man is not weaker than Venerable Lei.

"Sword old man, why are you here?"

Looking at the little old man who appeared, Venerable Lei's eyes flashed with surprise.

"It's not just him, I'm here too!"

Before Jian Venerable could speak, a strange laugh that allowed some ghastly flavour sounded. Afterwards, I saw a jet of dark rays of light appearing from high in the sky.

This is an old man with allow some shadowy color between his eyebrows. His pair of pupils are different from ordinary people, they are actually one black one white.

"Venerable Huang Quan, it's been a long time since I saw it." Jian Venerable glanced at the black robed old man and said, neither salty nor indifferent.

Venerable Huang Quan just wanted to respond to the sword Venerable, and suddenly felt something, looking towards Northwest with a gloomy look.

Just listen to the sudden sound of a wind like a dragon roar, and then a huge azure wind tore through the void and appeared beside the sword Venerable.

In the whirlwind, a silhouette came out.

This is an old man wearing an azure robe, with white hair draped over his shoulders, giving people a sense of freedom and ease. Perhaps because of the Wind Attribute Dou Qi of the cultivation, its breath is a little erratic, and it gives people a strange and unpredictable feeling.

"Venerable Lei, Sword Venerable, Venerable Huang Quan, and Venerable Feng! They are all here!"

"haha, it’s worth seeing these four Okay!"

"The four great Venerables are coming, I wonder if that guy will claim that this tower belongs to him."


Shan Col all Around, countless eyes focused on the bodies of the four Venerable Lei, with excitement on their faces.

For them, it is difficult to meet this and the others normally, it is simply difficult to heavenly ascension.

But who would have thought that not only saw today, but also saw four at the same time!

After the arrival of the Big Four Venerable, Han Chi, Han Yue and other Han Family Powerhouses have even more worries on their faces.

Before, Chu Bei killed the four Great Elders of the Wind and Thunder North Pavilion, which is regarded as standing on the opposite side of the wind and thunder pavilion.

Just now, the iron bump beside the opponent severely injured Myriad Sword Pavilion Deputy Hall Master Jianheng.

In this way, Chu Bei directly offended the two pavilions in the Four-Way Pavilion!

"Jianheng, why did you call me to come!"

Sword Venerable looked towards Jianheng, but when he noticed that the other party was seriously injured, his face suddenly sank: "Who It hurts you!"

The shouts filled with anger from the sky fell, and the cold eyes of the sword Venerable swept across Fei Tian, ​​Shi Bin, and Yu Hong in turn.

Jianheng stature flashed, flew to the side of Jian Venerable, his lips moved slightly.

Fei Tian, ​​Shi Bin, and Yu Hong also flew to Venerable Lei, Venerable Feng, and Venerable Huang Quan, respectively, and detailed what happened.

Hearing this, the sword Venerable took the lead in looking towards Chu Bei, and then the eyes of the other three Venerables also fell on Chu Bei.

In the eyes of the four major Venerables, Chu Bei's mood fluctuates a little for the first time. This is the first time he has faced Dou Zun Powerhouse since he has traveled!

If it hadn't been for the right to use Level 9 merchandise once, and Xiao Hei by his side, he wouldn't have been so calmly facing the four Venerable.

"Leave pagoda aside, you kill me Wind and Thunder North Pavilion and the four Great Elders, how are you going to solve it!"

Without waiting for the sword Venerable to speak, Venerable Lei is the first to speak , The loud voice like thunder exploded high in the sky.

"What do you think?"

Chu Bei's eyes are facing Venerable Lei, and his voice is calm.

"Pay for life!"

With the sound of killing intent falling, Venerable Lei burst out with a terrifying energy wave.

With the coldly shouted sound falling, the power of this energy moved towards Chu Bei like a torrential river.

Chu Bei is calm, because of the system's presence, these so-called coercion, let alone a little Dou Zun, even the Dou Di coercion of this plane is useless to him. .

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