Before All Heavens Store, the masked black clothed person disappeared, leaving only the black shadow flying out of the house.

This is a two-meter-tall humanoid robot with iron knots.

It is Xiao Hei.

Xiao Zhan and Xiao Yan were dumbfounded, the two looked at Xiao Hei in a daze, and said nothing.

Their brains seem to have lost the ability to think. They stand still like wood, like thunder and lightning, like a clay sculpture and wood sculpture.

Xiao Xun'er looked at the direction in which the black clothed person was knocked into the air. He was stunned at first, then his complexion turned to gray for a moment, with a touch of anxiety and worry in his eyes.

When her gaze fell on Xiao Hei, her face was unbelievable.

Pedestrians who had dispersed in a rush, witnessed this scene, and stopped running, and their mouths were wide open.

"'s flying!"

"Just a punch!"

"Dou Qi becomes Wings, the black clothed person is Dou Wang and even Dou Huang Powerhouse!"

"Then its strength is not comparable to Dou Zong!"

"I think it flew out of the house, it must have something to do with that person! "

"You have to be cautious when you pass this place in the future."


A crowd of pedestrians came back to his senses and talked. After looking at Xiao Hei, his gaze gradually shifted to Chu Bei's body.

"Boss Chu, what the hell is this!"


Xiao Yan took a deep breath, pointing to Xiao Hei, The shock on his face has not yet subsided.

He noticed Xiao Hei when he was spinning dishes in the house before, but he only thought it was a large ornament at the time.

The clinker, the opponent can move, and even fist the Powerhouse above Dou Wang!

Hearing Xiao Yan's voice, Chu Bei returned to his senses and gave a dry cough.

He was also surprised.

Xiao Hei's shot made him completely unprepared.

Can meet Xiao Yan's gaze, and Chu Bei instantly appeared as if nothing had happened, a peaceful appearance.

"It's just making that's all in my spare time."

"But judging from the strength it just shot, this is a failure."

Chu Bei's sigh was mixed in the flat voice.

"Lost...failed product?!"

The expressions of Xiao Yan, Xiao Zhan, and Xiao Xun'er condensed.

Failed products can easily hit the terrifying Powerhouse on Dou Wang, so how terrifying the successful products are!

Step on, step on, step on!

At this moment, Xiao Hei turned around, ignored Chu Bei, Xiao Yan and the others, and walked back into the house.

The sound of every step brought by each foot is like a Hong Zhong knocking in people's hearts.

"Boss Chu, since this is a failed product, I don’t know if you can give me a friendly price."

Looking at Xiao Hei’s back, Xiao Yan's eyes There was a touch of heat, and the expression looked towards Chu Bei was pleading.

"Xiao little friend, your wishful thinking is really good."

Chu Bei half-squinted and smiled at Xiao Yan, his tone changed suddenly: "Don't even think about it. "

"Hehe, I'll just say it casually." Xiao Yan scratched his head slightly embarrassed.

"Lady Xun'er, your face seems a little wrong?"

As a protagonist who is familiar with the script, Chu Bei quickly thinks about the black clothed masked man A possibility.

"No, it's okay. I was just scared by it." Xiao Xun'er responded quickly, and the worry in his eyes flashed.

Chu Bei smiled without saying a word. After trial, he had the answer in his heart.

Xiao Zhan on the side hesitated for a moment, and took a step forward: "Boss Chu, I wonder if your realm is?"

Just when Xiao Zhan asked about this confusion, Xiao Yan Xiao Xun'er stared at Wu Fang at the same time, showing expectation.

"There are too many dishes to turn here, you will know."

Chu Bei pretends to be mysterious, and then looked towards Xiao Yan: "Do you want to come again? ? If I don’t have money, then I’m going to find another buyer."

"Of course!"

Xiao Yan can’t wait to respond.

Since the day before Xiao Yan’s cultivation base breakthrough to Dou Zhe 2-Star, Xiao Zhan counted the family’s assets overnight and took out 1 million Gold Coins.

Unfortunately, after the Level 2 turntable has rotated seven sets, which is 700,000 Gold Coin, the system sound rang in Chu Bei's mind.

[System gets 7000Force of Desire Value, and backfeeds the host gets 3500Force of Desire Value]

[According to the judgment of the host’s cultivation base, the host’s Gold Coin sold today has reached the upper limit]

Compared with the upper limit of 400,000 the day before, since the Chu Bei cultivation base has reached the 6th stage battle qi, the upper limit has also increased to 1 million Gold Coin.

Seven sets, seventy boxes.

45 of them thank you for your patronage, 8 Level 2 magic beast core, 12 medicinal herb, 4 Dou Zhe Dan, and 1 Ning Xuan Dan.

"Boss Chu, see you tomorrow! If you have time, remember to visit my Xiao Family as a guest!"

After Xiao Yan swallowed 4 Dou Zhe Dans, his cultivation base jumped into Dou Zhe 8-Star.

"No." Chu Bei waved his hand.

After Xiao Yan and the others left, they went straight to the largest auction site in Wu Tan City, Premier Auction.

As for the pedestrians in front of the shop, they hesitated for a long time, waved hello to Chu Bei, and left one after another.

After the front door was cleaned, Chu Bei looked at the Force of Desire Value 5180 on the light screen, hesitated a little, and still used it for the cultivation base.

After deducting 900Force of Desire Value, the Chu Bei cultivation base climbed from the 6th stage battle qi to the 9th stage battle qi.

After deducting 1000 Force of Desire Value again, Chu Bei condenses channels in his body and enters the realm of Dou Zhe.

Different from the battle qi stage, the Dou Zhe stage increases 1-star and requires 1000 Force of Desire Value.

[Host Code successfully converted to cultivation base]

[Dou Zhe 4-Star ]

[Deduction of 4900Force of Desire Value ]

"Is this internal vision? Interesting." Chu Bei murmured.

The difference between Dou Zhe and battle qi is that in addition to condensing the channel, it can also achieve introspection.

Simply put, it is to be able to know your physical condition more clearly.


Three hours later.

Xiao Mansion.

"Why haven't you come back."

Xiao Xun'er stood alone in front of the window, wearing a blue silk swaying in the wind, his face full of anxiety and worry.


At this moment, the sky-splitting sound started, and a silhouette swept into the house.

Hearing the movement, Xiao Xun'er turned from worry to joy.

But when he turned around and saw Ling Ying's appearance, his joy disappeared instantly, turning into guilt and regret.

At this time, Ling Ying looks pale, without a trace of blood. The right arm was missing, wrapped in heavy white gauze, and the whole body released a strong smell of pill.

"Old Ling, are you okay? I'm all to blame. If I hadn't let you test him, you wouldn't be what you are now." Xiao Xun'er stepped forward to help Ling Ying , Tears rolled in his eyes.

"Young Miss, it’s not to blame you, who would have thought he was terrifying so much."

Ling Ying didn’t have the slightest hatred on her face: "And I have served Revolving Essence Pill , The fortune-telling is saved."

"Old Ling, can you judge the strength of the thing that hurt you?" Xiao Xun'er wiped away his tears, bit his lip and asked.

"It does not have any Dou Qi fluctuations, just like Ping Ping's frequent punches."

Ling Ying shook the head: "I feel it hasn't really made any effort yet, otherwise that With one blow, I’m afraid it’s directly turned into a pile of minced meat."

"Have you not done anything yet?" Xiao Xun'er complexion greatly changed.

"Young Miss, we still don't want to test that person. With his strength, if he really wants to do something against Xiao Yan, I am afraid that the whole Jia Ma Empire will be unstoppable." Ling Ying said.

"en. ”Xiao Xun'er answered nodded.

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