"You don’t need to know my origins, you only need to know that I killed your Side-Branch Palace’s Custodian."

"apart from this, And the Soul Sect Sect Master and Wu Qian."

"By the way, and the Custodian Wu who colluded with Misty Cloud Sect."

Chu Bei carried his hands behind his back, Looking at the thin old man calmly, a smile was raised at the corner of his mouth.

"It turned out to be you!"

Hearing Chu Bei's words, the skinny old man's face suddenly became heavy.

The deep cold sound of killing intent fell, and the overwhelming black energy surged out violently from its body. At the same time, the many dark chains around the square were trembling violently at this moment, and finally all merged into the body of the skeleton old man.

"Anyone who opposes my Soul Palace, no matter what power you have behind, must die! Killing you, taking your soul out, must be another excellent soul body,"

The skinny old man made a crippling laugh, and his eyes flickered with fierce light, and the behind black qi fog became more and more diffuse.

Feeling the increasingly terrifying coercion spreading out of the skinny elderly, Su Qian, Hu Gan and the others are extremely solemn.

Dou Zun Powerhouse, they are far from it.

However, seeing the appearance of Chu Bei calm and collected, the grave expression on his face eased somewhat.

"Seven chained devil!"

When the skinny old man's breath climbed to the extreme, his mouth let out a sharp shout again.

The shout fell, and the behind black gas surged, just like the Demon God who was born into the sky with a roar, only the sound of clanging sounded, seven dark chains in the black fog, with a screaming scream The voice rushed towards Chu Bei from different directions, and the momentum seemed extremely shocking.

Where the dark chains pass, every inch of the void is shattered, and Power of Space is permeated.

Su Qian, Hu Gan, Xiao Yan and the others, immediately retreat, away from the battlefield.

As for Chu Bei, he didn't dodge, he smiled faintly, and saw his palm turned over and an axe flashing with silver light appeared.

The axe looks like Ping Ping, but when you look closely, whether it is the axe handle or the axe blade, there is a hazy mist surrounding it, which lasts for a long time.

long long long ——

As soon as Chu Bei right hand held the axe handle, the space all around violently trembled and twisted, and immediately after this Side-Branch Palace was located The Formation began to shake violently.

The endless energy between Heaven and Earth is like a raging river, crazily poured into the axe blade.

ka-cha, ka-cha!

The seven chains carrying the terrifying breath that the skinny old man wielded, before reaching within one meter of Chu Bei, were shattered by the violent energy of the axe blade all around, and finally turned into a rain of light and disappeared. In the twisted in the sky.

"How is it possible!"

The skinny old man eyes suddenly shrank, a flash of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

Without waiting for the skinny old man to attack again, Chu Bei held the axe in both hands instead and slammed it down.

Suddenly, the energy between all around Heaven and Earth is pulled by the axe blade, forming a blade from the tip of the blade, extending far away, hundreds zhang and thousand zhang, until it penetrates Soul Palace. Formation.

Looking at the huge blade light above his head, a look of fear appeared on the face of the thin old man.

The power of destroying heaven and extinguishing earth is far above him!

Without any hesitation, a ripple swelled under the feet of the skinny old man, but when he was preparing to split open space for a long escape, the huge blade of light above his head smashed down.

Under this force, the thin old man suddenly found that the void was imprisoned and he had nowhere to escape.

"Hundred Chain Shield!"

Feeling the blade light that is getting closer and closer, the thin old man dare not hesitate, and directly adopts the strongest defensive attitude from offense to defense.

As the voice fell, dozens of black chains appeared in the violent black air behind the skinny old man, and each chain was engraved with a weird rune.

Nearly a hundred dark chains are intertwined, forming a huge shield in an instant.

However, the strongest defense of this thin old man is in front of the blade light, which is no different from decoration.


The blade of light is like lightning, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood like splitting the shield, and then, in the horrified eyes of the thin old man, it first landed between the eyebrows.

In the horrified gaze of Su Qian, Xiao Yan, and Yao Chen, the blade light split the thin old man in half in an instant.

In the process, the skinny old man's soul tried to escape, but it was still out of the body, and the devastating energy on the blade of light annihilated it into nothingness.


After smashing the thin old man, the blade continued to slash down and landed on the square and the giant palace like a Wolong dragon in the distance.

During the loud noise, the square and the giant hall were split in half, leaving a deep and deep gully as wide as a thousand zhang.

Next, this Formation was fragmented and revealed in the buried mountain range.

Gu du!

The Su Qian, Yaochen, Xiao Yan, Hu Gan and the others who witnessed this scene finally came back to his senses, staring at Chu Bei in a daze. His back, his expression condensed, and he took a deep breath of subconsciously.

With the power of an axe, they thoroughly experienced the terrifying power of this mysterious Boss Chu!

This Side-Branch Palace Palace Master, the existence of 4-Star Dou Zun, can't even catch the opponent's axe, directly body dies and Dao disappears.

"It deserves to be Splitting Heaven Ax."

Looking at Ping Ping's strange axe that started to dissipate in his hands, Chu Bei couldn't help but let out a sigh of emotion.

This is a one-time killing consumable that he selected by using the right to use Level 9 goods, weakening the Splitting Heaven Ax, which is one of the ancient Ten Great Divine Artifacts, Splitting Heaven Ax.

Splitting Heaven Ax disappeared, Chu Bei silhouette flashed, and came to Yao Chen's side.

"many thanks Boss Chu!"

Yao Chen moved towards Chu Bei again and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand. After seeing Chu Bei’s one-axe power, Allow some respect in his eyes again.

"It is only half of the deal to rescue you."

Speaking of which, Chu Bei waved his embroidered robe.

Along with the ripples, a golden disc with a diameter of one meter emerged, exuding dazzling rays of light.

The top of the disc is engraved with the five characters [Task Wheel].

Compared with the normal trading turntable, the task turntable has no limit on the number of rotations, and the transaction will not end until the system determines that the transaction object is 100% satisfied.

But through the previous several times, the mission turntable has a high hit rate terrifying.

Looking at the turntable that appeared in front of Chu Bei, Su Qian and Hu Gan looked at each other. When they used Fallen Heart Flame as their trading target, they turned the turntable and gained a lot.

"It will give you a fleshy body that is satisfactory enough."

Chu Bei pointed to the task turntable, and at the same time told the rules for the dust.

After a while, Yaochen put his right palm on the turntable in the state of soul body.

The pointer turns.


With a crisp sound, the pointer fell on a square box.

The square box exploded.

This is a human body made of latex.

When the information of this human body came out to Chu Bei Sea of ​​Consciousness, Chu Bei looked at the medicine dust in surprise, and there was a hint of envy in his eyes.

"What's this?"

When I met Chu Bei's gaze, he noticed the other's expression, Yao Chen was confused and a little curious at the same time.

"You know it as soon as you enter." Chu Bei said with a smile at the corner of his mouth, pointing to the human body.

Hearing this, the medicine dust directly submerged into the human body.

Next moment, under the gaze of Xiao Yan, Hu Gan and the others, the human body began to change. It was no longer made of silicone material, but turned into a flesh and blood human body.

And the appearance of this human body is exactly the same as the medicine dust!

"How about this fleshy body? Can you still see it?" Chu Bei said with a smile.

"many thanks!"

Feeling the extraordinary body of this body, Yaochen looked excited, and moved towards Chu Bei bowed.

As soon as his weak soul enters this fleshy body, it is affected by its majestic blood energy. In a short moment, his soul power has an astonishing increase.

As for his cultivation base, it has also returned to the level of Dou Zong 7-Star.

He is confident that once he is completely immersed in this fleshy body, he will be able to restore Peak strength and even advance to a higher level in less than half a year.

"This fleshy body is called Divine King Physique. It is the physique of the gods. It is a great opportunity for you."

Chu Bei is lighter than patted medicine dust, and his words are strong:" As for which step you can get, it depends on you."

After all, Chu Bei sent the information stream about Divine King Physique to Yaochen.

This so-called Divine King Physique comes from Shrouding The Heavens plane.

The more you learn about this body, the more excited Yaochen is.

[Host Bone Chilling Flame transaction is completed, Level 9 merchandise permission is activated, and 1 million Force of Desire Value rewarded]

The moment the system sounded, Chu Bei surprisingly found that Bone Chilling Flame also Can be used by myself.

At the same time, the merchandise redemption page of the system interface, originally grayed out Level 9 goods, has all become multi-colored, enabling redemption.

Shortly after the departure of the Chu Bei entire group, a large number of Powerhouses arrived in the Black-Corner Region.

When I saw the Soul Palace Side-Branch Palace that was almost turned into ruins suddenly appeared in the mountain range, everyone was shocked and looked at each other in blank dismay.


Canaan Inner Academy.

"Boss Chu, are you going to Central Plain again?"

Su Qian looked at Chu Bei, beside him, stood Little Zi Yan.

"Do you want me to take her with you?" Chu Bei saw through Su Qian's mind.

Su Qian nodded: "In Central Plain, maybe she can find her clansman."

Chu Bei looked towards Zi Yan: "What do you mean?"

"I want to be by your side." Little Zi Yan stuck out his tongue.

"I don't have credit here, so it doesn't make sense to have no money to follow me." Chu Bei patted Little Zi Yan's head.

"I will find a way to steal...to earn." Little Zi Yan responded immediately, her innate talent is Power of Space.

"So, let's go."

Chu Bei took the lead on the meteorite spaceship, Xiao Yixian and Qing Lin followed closely from behind.

Little Zi Yan waved goodbye to Su Qian, Hu Gan and the others, and jumped on the spaceship. He looked around and looked excited, just like Grandma Liu entered the manor.


[Host obtains Force of Desire Value to meet requirements]

[All Heavens Store is being upgraded]

[ All Heavens Store is relocating]

[All Heavens Store is selected successfully, the host will check it out immediately]

During the spaceship flight, Chu Bei is enjoying what Xiao Yixian has done Delicious meals, sounded by the system.

Hearing the sound, Chu Bei was taken aback for a moment. After sorting out the information flow, he immediately put down his chopsticks.

"Boss, what's wrong with you?" Xiao Yixian said curiously.

"Going to Central Plain this time, we have a place to stay." Chu Bei said with a smile.

Xiao Yixian and Qing Lin glanced at each other, with confusion on their faces. As for Little Zi Yan, regardless of whether he asked, he mumbled and ate the delicious dishes on the table.

"Wait for you to find out." Chu Bei clicked to the end, deliberately leaving a suspense for the second daughter.

Central Plain is broadly divided into East, South, West, North Four Regions, but the place where the four meet can also be called Central Area, which is also the central area of ​​Central Plain.

The Peak forces of Central Plain, even if their headquarters are not in the Central Area, will be distributed in the Central Area.

From the system map, the upgraded All Heavens Store is located in the southwest of Central Area.

In the southwest area, the biggest names are Sound Valley and Burning Flame Valley.

These Two Great Influences can be regarded as Sovereign in the southwestern region. Of course, in addition to the Two Great Influences, there are countless other large and small forces. It's just that these forces are far worse than Sound Valley and Burning Flame Valley.

If you are more specific, the location of All Heavens Store is located in a city called Yellow Sky City in this southwest area.

This city is located within the sphere of influence under the jurisdiction of Burning Flame Valley; as for the two largest clans in the city, they are Cheng Clan and Liu Clan.

In empty space, the meteorite spaceship flies quickly.

A quarter of an hour later.

The meteorite spaceship reaches the sky above Yellow Sky City.

From a high altitude, compared to North Sky City, Yellow Sky City has a larger area and is more popular, and there is more Powerhouse breath above Dou Wang in the city.

At the request of the three women, Chu Bei put away the meteorite spaceship and landed on the Main Street at the entrance of the city with the three women.

The streets are full of noisy breath with a constant flow of people.

Look over here to see the three girls who have joined together over there, Chu Bei somewhat grudgingly shook the head.

Shopping is really a woman’s nature, it has nothing to do with age and plane.

Amidst the noise, Chu Bei entire group advances along Main Street.

"Sister Xian'er, this Yellow Sky City is really more popular than Wu Tan City, and even North Sky City can't match it." Qing Lin held Xiao Yixian's arm with a face The color of excitement.

"Of course! This is the Central Plain Central Area, the center of the entire continent. How can Wu Tan City compare to it."

Xiao Yixian's eyes dripped Staring at the clothing store on the street, he spoke as if he had been to Central Plain.

Just as the three girls were walking around, the pedestrians on the street suddenly surged and moved towards one direction.

"Why are you guys roaring in such a hurry?"

"Don't ask, keep up with you! I'm late, I'm afraid there is no good place. "

"What the hell is going on, talk about it!"

"I heard that the divine object suddenly dropped in the city square!"

"It seems to be a small Mansion."

"Huh? And this and other things!"


In the hustle and bustle, more and more people on the street moved towards the center Ran to the direction where the square was.

"Heavenly Mansion?"

Capturing the conversation of street cultivation people, Xiao Yixian's face flashed with surprise, and then looked towards Chu Bei: "Boss, let's go too Join in the fun."

"You can't go." Chu Bei shook his head and sighed, seeming to guess what happened to the mansion this day.

In the center of Yellow Sky City, there is a very spacious bluestone public square.

At this moment, the square all around is occupied by densely packed crowds, the noise is like magical sounds, the eardrums are humming, and countless curious eyes are all looking at the center of the square.

There is a stone stage in the center of the square. The huge pitch-black space wormhole of the stone platform is slowly rotating, and amazing space fluctuations diffuse out from it.

At the moment, it is not the long-existing spatial wormhole that has become the focus of everyone in the field, but a small mansion about 100 meters away from the wormhole.

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