"What? Even Dou Di can't be saved!"

Xiao Yan was shocked, he would not doubt whether Chu Bei's words were true or false.

In his opinion, every word Chu Bei said is the truth, because the other party is a bug in this world!

On the side of Xiao Xun'er, the disdain in his eyes flashed past, as if Chu Bei had exaggerated it.

After that, Xiao Yan wriggled his throat, and put Poison Pill away very nervously.

At the next moment, he seemed to think of something, and instantly turned into a bitter face.

"Boss Chu, I'm an old customer, can I take credit? Just one time!"

Xiao Yan put his hands together and looked at Chu Bei sincerely: "My Xiao Family is now There is an urgent need for a detoxification method."

Chu Bei moved towards Xiao Yan, laughed kindly, and did not speak, just pointed to the door.

The meaning of the action is very simple: you can leave.

"Boss Chu, I also have one million here, and I can open another set."

At this time, Xiao Xun'er spoke and took out 100 from the Storage Ring. Ten thousand Gold Coin.

"Xun'er, you...Where did you get so much money?"

Xiao Yan opened his mouth wide, staring at Xiao Xun'er in amazement, staring roundly Eyes.

"Xiao little friend, your understanding of Miss Xun'er is not thorough enough. Don't talk about millions of Gold Coins, she can spend tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars."

Chu Bei shifted his gaze to Xiao Xun'er, with a smile in his words.

"Who are you!" Xiao Xun'er instantly became alert.

"Don't be nervous, I'm just a businessman. But well, I know all that should be known, and all that should not be known." Chu Bei said with a smile.

Listening to the conversation between Chu Bei and Xiao Xun'er, Xiao Yan looked on the side with a confused expression on the side of the monk Zhang Er.

[System gets 10000 Force of Desire Value, and backfeeds the host gets 5000 Force of Desire Value]

[According to the judgment of the host’s cultivation base, the host’s Gold Coin sold today has reached the upper limit]

Just when Xiao Yan was about to ask something, the million Gold Coins Xiao Xun'er took out were swallowed by the vortex in the center of the turntable. In Chu Bei's mind, the system sound also sounded.


The pointer turned, and ten square boxes flew out.

Same as before, there are still eight [Thank you for your patronage].

As for the other two, one is a dark green-colored snake-shaped plant and the other is a tube of blue liquid.

"You are lucky, only two groups have been opened." Chu Bei's voice sounded.

Xiao Yan was taken aback for a moment, then he was full of joy: "Boss Chu, do you mean that the detoxification method lies in the two of them?"

Chu Bei nodded, pointing Naguansen blue liquid: "This is T potion, which is developed by a strange Academician. It can cure all kinds of poison."

"The poison in Xiao Family City can only infect Dou Shi. The person who gets down must be in the range that it can solve."

Chu Bei continued: "As for how to use it, add it to the water and feed it directly to the poisoned person and drink it. "

"It's really good!"

Xiao Yan cautiously received the T potion, and after receiving it in the Storage Ring, he looked towards the serpentine plant: "What about it?"


"Snake blood grass has a deterrent effect on Magic Beast below 3rd-Rank." Chu Bei briefly introduced.

"This is also a baby. With it, there is equivalent to a body protection symbol on the periphery of Magic Beast."

Xiao Yan is very satisfied with the blood of the snake. After the grass was also collected in the Storage Ring, he hugged Chu Bei a cup one fist in the other hand: "Boss Chu, father urgently needs me to go back there. If you have time, do you want to come with me?"

Chu Bei answered, slightly nod.


Xiao Family, Yihaofang City.

"Xiao Zhan, how long will we have to wait before you can give us an explanation!"

"What is going on with those poisoned people now? Do you have any way to detoxify!"

"Where does this poison come from!"

"If you can't get rid of the poison, I will never visit your market again!"


Gradually, the residents outside the fence became restless, and some even forcibly broke into the city square, but they were all stopped by the Xiao Family guard.

"Everyone, please wait a little longer!" Xiao Zhan kept looking into the distance while calming everyone.

"Didn't you say that the doctor from Qingshan Town Myriad Medicines House was invited? What did she say!" a woman asked.

"Sorry, my abilities are limited, I can't deal with this poison."

Xiao Yixian walked out, solemnly moved towards a crowd of residents bowed with a face apology.

"What do you mean? Didn't my Husband save it?"

"You Xiao Family are so conscientious!"

"Can't get rid of the poison, get out Out of Wu Tan City!"

When I heard Xiao Yixian's words, the residents surrounded by the fence became more commotion.

"Let's let, everyone let's go."

At this moment, I have been paying attention to Xiao Zhan eyes shined in the distant streets, as if I have found a savior all at once.

"Boss Chu, finally waiting for you!" Xiao Zhan stepped forward quickly, very polite.

"Sir Father, there is a detoxification method."

Xiao Yan took out the T potion from his arms: "Just add it to the water, and then feed the poisoned people. "

"What is this?"

Xiao Yixian stepped forward and looked at the T medicine in Xiao Yan's hand, with suspicious eyes in his eyes: "For safety's sake, Why not give me some time to analyze its medicinal properties."

Xiao Yan shook the head: "Medical fairy mother, I understand your caution. But please believe it, it must be no problem."

"But even if it can detoxify, such a small dose can only save one person. If it is really diluted, I am worried that even one person's poison will not be detoxified." Xiao Yixian has a face on his face. Worried.

"Medical fairy mother, there will be no problem." After all, Xiao Yan walked into Fang City quickly.

Xiao Yixian seemed to want to say something, but when the words reached his lips, he swallowed it back, and could only follow Xiao Yan.

"Clan Leader, are we going to die?"

"Xiao Patriarch, I don't want to die yet!"

"You must find a way to save Us."


City Square, whether it is the poisoned Xiao Family, or the Boss or the buyer at the stall in the city square, all lie on the bed in pain.

In severe cases, between the eyebrows, blackening, look pale, and dying;

In mild cases, shortness of breath, hot complexion and constant coughing.

When seeing Xiao Zhan and Xiao Yixian turning back, a group of poisoned people spoke out one after another, with pleading in their eyes.

"Everyone, don't worry, you will be well soon." Xiao Yan looked confident and poured T medicine into a tank of clear water.

Soon, the clear water was dyed light blue.

"Feed them and drink it."

After checking the eyes with Xiao Yan and Chu Bei, Xiao Zhan gave instructions.

In Xiao Yixian's questioning gaze, all the poisoned people successively swallowed the detoxification water diluted with T medicine.

After half a quarter of an hour.

"It's better, it's really better!"

People with mild symptoms are the first to notice the changes in their bodies, and they are all excited.

Their breathing became steady, their body temperature returned to normal, and their cough disappeared, just as if there was nothing to do.

In severe cases, the original pale face has become bloody again, between the eyebrows gradually become normal, breathing becomes stable, and strength is restored.

"many thanks Clan Leader (Xiao Patriarch) life-saving grace!"

More and more poisoned people got up from the bed and walked to Xiao Zhan's side with a puff kneel.

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