Jialie Mansion, in front of the gate, a pair of black iron stone lions with a height of several people stand on both sides, their manes are flying, and their hair is like steel needles, their eyes are wide, and they look forward. , Each stepped on a flying geese in the sky, with dragon balls in the mouth, and the eyes were bright red, as if there were two flames burning inside.

At a glance, it is sharp and domineering, and imposing manner is majestic.

"Unfortunately, it will no longer exist."

Chu Bei glanced at the black iron stone lion, shook his head and sighed.

The reason why he didn't fly directly to the mansion was because he was worried that he would discount the mission by missing the guard in front of the door.

"Who you are!"

"Maybe you also came to make trouble?"

"You are afraid that you didn't see those guys during the day, we were What miserable look he looks like!"

"It seems that he is also a bad person, so take it directly and hand it to Patriarch for disposal!"


In front of the gate, the four Canadian guards looked at Chu Bei and pulled out their sabers at the same time, showing fierce expressions.

Chu Bei's face was expressionless, his gaze only glanced at the four guards who came up, and then set up the grenade launcher.

The muzzle is aligned.

The trigger is pulled.


Along with the dazzling rays of light, there was a loud sound.

Next moment, there was a scream.

The four guards flew directly, bloody.

The door exploded, and the mighty and domineering stone lions on both sides fell to the ground.

Only a red lantern hung on the edge of the door is left, but under the impact of rain, on the verge of collapse, it reveals a sense of wind and rain.

"What's the sound just now!"

"What happened!"

In Jialie Mansion, including Jialie Bi, Jialie Ao, Liu Xi, etc. People were alarmed by the loud noise and walked out of the house one after another.

Ta Ta Ta Ta!

In the sound of rapid footsteps, more and more Jialie clansman and guards moved towards the door, with vigilance on their faces.

"Who are you!"

"Dare to break into my Jialie mansion at night!"

"Don't want to live anymore?"

A wave of guards closest to the gate first spotted Chu Bei, glanced at the shattered gate, a touch of fear flashed in his eyes.

After reacting from the panic, one by one pointed the lance in his hand at Chu Bei, and the spear pointed at Chu Bei's head.

Chu Bei faintly glanced at the guards all around, his expression unchanged, and proceeded along the main road at a gentle pace.

One step, two steps, three steps.

The heavy rain is pouring, every step Chu Bei takes, it will bring a splash of water.

This wave of guards followed closely, but no one dared to take the lead.

It didn't take long for Chu Bei to meet the assembled army of Jiaalie Mansion, headed by Jiaalie Bi.

"Who are you! Do you know where this is!"

Jialie Bi stopped, looked at Chu Bei coldly, and shouted.

"Patriarch, he...he is the Boss Chu!" A guard recognized Chu Bei and quickly said.

"It turns out that you broke my good deed!"

Hearing the words of the guards, killing intents appeared on the faces of Jialie Bi, Liu Xi and the others.

Especially Jiaalie Bi, his tightly squeezed fists are already bulging.

"The fight between the square and the market should have been a fair fight for the market. But you are extremely despicable, you poisoned Xiao Family city square without compromise."

"And this poison is also contagious. Sex hurts innocent residents!"

Chu Bei glanced across Jialie Bi, Liu Xi and the others, expressionless.

"Kill him!"

Jialie Bi looked at Chu Bei with disgust and waved moved towards all around. The guards gave orders.


In the Darkness sky, a thick and long lightning flashed again, tearing the entire night in half.

The raging thunderstorm rolled up a few broken leaves on Changxiang Street and brought a chilling intent.

"Patriarch, what's going on!"

"Is it possible that those residents did it during the day?"

"Impossible! It's from Jiaalie House Dou Zhe, to say nothing, can be hundreds, how could a group of residents destroy the gate."

"The guard in front of the gate seemed to have just died, but what weapons would make them so bloody and burnt. It’s the same."


In front of Jialie’s house, a group of Xiao Clan people who rushed over looked at the shattered stone lion and the terrible four. A corpse.

Boom, bang!

At this moment, two loud noises came from the house.

After hearing the sound, Xiao Zhan's eyes narrowed: "I'm afraid that the person who destroyed the gate of Jiaalie Mansion is still inside! Go straight in!"

"No matter who it is, the enemy's The enemy is a friend!" Great Elder said.

After that, Xiao Mansion's army aggressively rushed into Jialie Mansion, fighting intent high.

But when they reached the depths of the mansion, everyone including Xiao Zhan and Xiao Yan stopped.

When I saw the scene ahead, one by one subconsciously wriggled his throat, and his eyes were full of incredible colors.

The ground that should have been flat has several more deep pits. Smoke is rising slowly in each pit, and all the rainwater around has evaporated.

There are only red blood, fuzzy fleshy bones, scattered limbs, and broken weapons.

There are even more corpses, their whole bodies scorched black, as if they had been roasted in a fire, they were extremely scary.

"Chu...Boss Chu!"

"How could it be him!"

Xiao Zhan, Xiao Yan and the others, staring at the front in a daze, Like a thunder and lightning switch, like a wooden man.

At this moment, there are only a few of the hundreds of Jialie Mansion guards left. Looking at the deep pit and those horrible to see corpses, they began to retreat involuntarily.

"Daddy, what do you do now."

Jialie Ao's gaze is firmly locked on the smoking grenade launcher that is about half a meter long in Chu Bei's hand, and his face It's full of fear.

Jialie Bi did not respond, but there was a lot of fear in the gaze looking towards Chu Bei.

Even, the incoming Xiao Mansion army has been ignored.


Chu Bei's voice was indifferent, and he aimed his muzzle at Jialie Bi.

"I don't know who died!"

Jialie Bi's face is fierce, and the majestic Dou Qi forms Dou Qi armor outside her body.

At the same time, the right hand was clenched into a claw shape, and his body suddenly leaned forward, rushing towards Chu Bei quickly.

Chu Bei pulls the trigger.


There was another loud noise, like a thunderbolt.

A touch of white glow blends with Jialie Bi.


In an instant, Jialie Bi's Dou Qi armor shattered.

A scream followed, annihilated in the white glow.

"No, no!"

Jialie Ao's body is trembling, her face deathly pale.

"Escape, don't you run away!"

Seeing this scene, Liu Xi took the lead to react, and ran away.

6-Star Da Dou Shi's Jiaalie Bi can't resist a blow from that big guy, let alone him.

The other guards also recovered one after another, ignoring Jialie Ao, abandoning their weapons, and dispersed.

"If you do this, none of you can escape."

Chu Bei's expression is indifferent, and his calm voice is heard in the ears of Liu Xi, Jialie Ao and the others as if from hell The magic sound.

Next moment, Chu Bei waved its invisible wings and soared into the air, aiming the muzzle at Liu Xi and other escaped people.

"Do not use external force to stay in the void, without Dou Qi becomes Wings, this is the symbol of Dou Zong!"

Looking at Chu Bei in the sky, Xiao Zhan opened his mouth wide, surprised Exhale.

Xiao Family Three Elders has even more respect in his eyes.

Don't say it is Wu Tan City, look at the entire Jia Ma Empire, Dou Zong Powerhouse is the existence of aloof and remote!

It is admirable and admired!

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