"As a Clan Leader, you are considered qualified."

Looking at Xiao Xuan who is getting older but his eyes are getting softer, Chu Bei gave an evaluation.

He can feel that this ancestor who used that outstanding innate talent to amaze the entire Xiao Clan has carried a huge burden for the entire race.

"Boss Chu jesting, this is what I should do, but in the end I failed Xiao Clan."

The clear pool water became more and more red under the influx of blood. After arriving, a strong smell of blood permeated from it. An extremely terrifying strange power also spread slowly.

Feeling this rushing force, Xiao Yan standing next to the pool water not only felt no discomfort at all, but the bloodline in his body was flowing quickly at this moment, which was an unclear desire.

"Xiao Yan boy, don’t hesitate, enter the blood pool, inherit your Old Ancestor and leave you with the last Bloodline Strength."

Looking at Xiao Yan who hesitated, Chu Bei faintly Open up.

Xiao Yan glanced at Chu Bei, finally made a decision and jumped into the blood pool.

"Little fellow, you must lead Xiao Clan back to Peak."

On the blood pool, Xiao Xuan, who has turned into an old man with white hair, smiled slightly.

At the moment, his voice became extremely hoarse and old. Under this kind of old age, there is a strong desire.

The younger Xiao Clan in front of him, even if he can't step into the emperor realm, can at least reach the height he once was.

"Old Ancestor, I will definitely revitalize Xiao Clan. Moreover, that day will not be far away." Looking at Xiao Xuan's aging appearance, Xiao Yan clenched his fists.


The moment Xiao Yan entered the blood pool, the blood pool fluctuated violently. one after another blood-colored energy that is as thin as a hairspring, like a shuttle needle, pierced fiercely towards his body, and finally crashed into the pores extremely brutally, swimming frantically in the bloodline.

"little fellow, I must first wash away the ordinary blood in your body before I can infuse the blood with Bloodline Strength into your body again." Looking at Xiao Yan, Xiao whose face is deathly pale Xuan continued.

Xiao Yan nodded, clenching his teeth.

Time passes by every minute and every second.

In the blood pool, one after another blood bubble churning out from the bottom of the pool to form a vortex, Xiao Yan at the center of the vortex, the flesh and blood become less and less, until it becomes a body holding a layer of skin Skeleton.

But very quickly, a trace of strange bloody liquid separated from the pool water, and continuously poured into the skeleton.

As these bloody liquids filled with strange energy were injected, Xiao Yan's dry skin began to rebound.

Within a few seconds, Xiao Yan has returned to his original appearance, and his life force is extremely strong.

Gradually, the scarlet pool water moved towards the clear transition, Xiao Yan's breath also steadily climbed.

7-Star Dou Zun!

8-Star Dou Zun!

Nine Star Dou Zun!


When Xiao Yan's breath is stable, it has entered the realm of Half Sage!

hong long!

With a loud noise, Xiao Yan leaped up from the pool. When he opened his eyes, a threaded pattern appeared between the eyebrows, which was vivid.

"Boss Chu, Old Ancestor, he..."

Looking at the disappearing Xiao Xuan, Xiao Yan's eyes were filled with sadness.

"For him, his burden has been removed."

Chu Bei lightly patted Xiao Yan's shoulder: "What you have to do next is constant Make money! Until the time comes, you have enough money to spend with me to revive your Old Ancestor."


Xiao Yan heavily nodded, nothing Doubt what Chu Bei said.


The next day.

Above the southern part of Central Plain.

The flame barriers hidden in the empty space suddenly trembled.

"What happened? Why did the earth tremble? Is it a turbulent flow?"

"Impossible! The space barrier of my family is built by the ancestors of the past. How can it be Affected by the turbulence of the void!"

"Yes! My family has never seen such a situation for thousands of years. Go and find out what happened."



The void trembles, the earth trembles, and Yan Clan Powerhouse patrolling in the flame world shows panic and panic at the same time.

However, before they could find out the reason, there was a loud bang, the space barrier was broken, and countless space fragments were scattered and scattered.

"Not good, an enemy is coming! Hurry up and inform the Great Elder!"

Looking at the sudden appearance of darkness in the sky, a large army of patrolling Yan Clan Powerhouse eyes suddenly shrank.

"The people of Hun Clan!"

Yan Clan, a 3-Star Dou Sheng Powerhouse, looked at the army in the sky, and recognized the highly recognizable representative of identity Behind the robe, there was a solemn touch between his eyebrows.

Sweeping my eyes, there are at least two thousand silhouettes in the sky, and most of these silhouettes have weird chains swinging behind them.

"What do you mean, Hun Clan!"

"First attacked Yao Clan, and now you do it on me Yan Clan again!"

Yue More and more Yan Clan Powerhouses appeared high in the sky, facing away from the black army of Hun Clan.

"Where is Yan Jin? If he takes the initiative to surrender Tuo She Ancient Emperor's Jade, I still consider keeping you alive."

Suddenly, the space where Hun Clan's army is located appears A thick cloud of blood. The moment the blood cloud appeared, a strong smell of blood drifted through the entire flame world.

Dreary ice-cold's words sounded, and the blood cloud fluctuated in waves, and then slowly split under the gaze of countless line of sight.

In the buzzing sound, first the seven silhouettes swept out of the blood cloud under the black mist, and finally hovered in front of the Hun Clan army, staring coldly at the Yan Clan Powerhouse.

"I have seen the elders and the demon saints!"

The Hun Clan army moved towards Qidao silhouette and bowed down.

However, the Qidao silhouette did not pay attention to Hun Clan's army, but continued to respectfully look at the blood cloud.

I saw another passage in the blood cloud, and immediately flashed with blood color from far to near, and finally turned into a Blood Lotus filled with endless blood-reeking qi, suspended in the three elders and four The devil’s up ahead.

Blood Lotus is suspended in the air, and a bloody silhouette sits on it. And with his appearance, the bloody smell permeating Heaven and Earth is even stronger to the extreme. In the end, the air fluctuates, and the blood-reeking qi actually condenses into blood drops hiding the sky and covering the earth, hua hua pouring down like a rainstorm.

Blood rain is all over the sky, and the crackle falls in the mountain range below. The spectacular scenery makes people feel infinitely chilly.

"Hun Tiandi!"

"Are you too dismissive of me, Yan Clan!"

Saturated with a drink of anger With the sound, a red robe man appeared in the void in front of Yan Clan's powerhouses.

"I have seen Clan Leader!"

When the red robe man appeared, the Yan Clan Powerhouse immediately bowed.

The red robe man is Yan Clan Clan Leader Yan Jin, and like medicine pill, it is also Dou Sheng 8-Star Peak.

Next to Yan Jin is a red-haired old man. It is the old Yan Clan who led Yan Clan Powerhouse to participate in the void trade fair not long ago.

"Where is Tuo She Ancient Emperor's Jade?"

Hun Tiandi sits on the Blood Lotus, behind long blood hair fluttering with the breeze, a pair of scarlet His eyes swept across Yan Clan Powerhouse with a smile, and finally fixed on Yan Jin's body.

The indifferent voice fell, Hun Tiandi's body shook slightly, and a terrifying power like destroying heaven extinguishing earth surged towards Yan Clan Powerhouse.

"Emperor Realm, you have a breakthrough!"

I noticed the terrifying breath of Hun Tiandi, Yan Jin and his behind Yan Clan Powerhouse, and his face suddenly changed.

The most shocking is the red-haired old man beside Yan Jin.

At the moment, the power released by Hun Tiandi, he had previously felt on Dou Di Cannian.

Although the breath of Hun Tiandi seems to be lacking compared to the breath of Dou Di, it still makes him feel a sense of powerlessness.

Intuition tells him that now Hun Tiandi has detached from Dou Sheng this realm!

"Yan Jin, hand over Tuo She Ancient Emperor's Jade! The Emperor is giving you a chance."

Hun Tiandi slowly stands up from the Blood Lotus, like Heaven and Earth Sovereign usually overlooks the Yan Clan Powerhouse on the opposite side.

The voice with endless blood-reeking qi reverberated in the flame world. Even the Hun Clan behind him was suddenly pale, and each one shivered instinctively.

"Did Clan Leader really break through to the legendary realm?"

"If so, how can we stop them."

"Does this Hun Clan really want to become the unshakable overlord of the continent!"


A crowd of Yan Clan Powerhouses stared at Hun Tiandi in a daze, Feeling the incomparable horrible imposing manner of the other party, their faces became extremely heavy.

"You probably haven't stepped into the real emperor realm yet! Now you are only half of your foot stepped in. You really want to speak of which is the half emperor." Yan Jin frowned and stared With Hun Tiandi coldly said.

"So what? When I enter the Ancient Emperor Cave Mansion and swallow the Emperor Pill, then I will be the only real Dou Di for thousands of years!"

Hun Tiandi The bloody glow in his eyes surged, the palm of his hand came out, and he suddenly shook the Yan Clan Powerhouse in the distance: "The same ancient seed clan, now I will let you see what the power of the imperial realm is!"

Sen Han's voice fell, and the rain of blood between Heaven and Earth suddenly condensed and turned into a thin line of blood across the sky like lightning!

Where the blood line passes, the empty space is directly split away.

A ten thousand zhang black hole suddenly appeared in the sky above Yan Clan Powerhouse.

"Wait to destroy you, the next one is Shi Clan! After today, the ancient eight clans will only be left with my Hun Clan clan!"

In the sky, ten thousand zhang black hole Suppressed with Hun Tiandi's cold voice.

Looking at the huge black hole above that carries the weird rumbling sound, the complexions of Yan Clan Powerhouse are instantly heavy to the extreme. The energy fluctuations in the black hole made them feel trembling.

"Everyone, let's do it together!"

Yan Jin brows tightly knit. After a loud shout, a huge flame giant wrapped it up.

Under his control, the flame giant slammed his fist towards the huge black hole.

Almost at the same time, headed by the red-haired old man, other Yan Clan Powerhouses shouted, shaking Heaven and Earth.

Immediately afterwards, the monstrous Dou Qi surged out violently from their bodies, and moved towards the ten thousand zhang black hole in the sky at the same time.


The flame giant from Yan Jin summon, with its blazing fire fists, was torn apart by the energy storm gushing out of the ten thousand zhang black hole as soon as it strikes.

next moment, under countless horrified gazes, the flame giant shattered under that energy storm.

"Go and send a signal to the other six races!"

"Be sure to notify Gu Clan and ask Boss Chu to help!"

The red-haired old man immediately moved towards one Yan Clan 2-Star Dou Sheng gave instructions.

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