In the battlefield, Chu Bei looked at the monstrous blood wave that was hiding the sky and covering the earth carrying the World Destroying Might, his face remained unchanged, and he was still calm and collected. .

[Host Code successfully converted to Level 12 high grade products, and got half of Vulcan’s Zhu Rong power, time limit is a quarter of an hour]

As soon as the system sounded, Chu Bei thundered over his head Loud noise.

After that, under the horrified gaze of Gu Yuan, Zhu Kun and other Powerhouses, a huge gap suddenly appeared in the calm sky above Chu Bei, and endless flames poured down from the gap.

Different from the Heavenly Flame breath they have been in contact with, the flame pouring down from the gap is filled with a breath of energy that they have never touched before, and even the flame contains a kind of energy that makes them think To acknowledge the breath of allegiance.

In the rumbling sound, a huge phantom with a musket appeared in the surging gap of the flame.

Phantom swept across the square blankly, with a tendency to look at the world.

When Gu Yuan, Zhu Kun and the others were speculating about the origin of the phantom with the musket, the huge phantom turned into a ray of rainbow light and plunged into Chu Bei’s body for an instant.

Next moment, the breath of Chu Bei has changed from Heaven and Earth turning upside down!

In addition to the other person’s appearance on the breath, there is also a fire divine spear out of thin air in his hand; when you look closely, this fire divine spear is held by the huge phantom that entered his body earlier. .

The monstrous blood wave is getting closer and closer to Chu Bei.

However, seeing the monstrous blood wave about to flood Chu Bei, the latter within both eyes lit up with a touch of red light.

long long long ——

Suddenly, an invisible but tangible terrorist energy spreads centered on Chu Bei.

In an instant, the monstrous blood wave rushing to Chu Bei was pushed away by this energy, and even the former could not be approached within half a meter.

"You will stay aside for now."

Chu Bei glanced at the empty Ancient Emperor Tuo She, and after the calm voice fell, he shook his right hand.

There was a thud in the void, and the Ancient Emperor Tuo She all around was distorted. A flame prison trapped the Ancient Emperor Tuo She.

Boom. Bang, bang!

In the flame prison, let the Ancient Emperor Tuo She crash wildly, the cell wall was not damaged in the slightest.

"Even so easily trapped Ancient Emperor Tuo She!"

"Still trapped with flame!"

"Could it be that Boss Chu Is the knowledge of fire manipulation still above the Ancient Emperor Tuo She? The latter has swallowed the existence of twenty Heavenly Flames!"


I witnessed this scene, The Six Race Powerhouse was horrified.

Even Peak Powerhouses such as Gu Yuan, Zhu Kun, medicine pill, etc., are full of look of shock in their eyes.

"Don't hide."

At this moment, Chu Bei's gaze is cast to Southwest, not far from Ancient Emperor Tuo She.

Just when Chu Bei's flat voice fell, in the confused eyes of the Six Powerhouse, a black light group from Southwest appeared out of thin air.

As soon as the black light cluster appeared, the originally hot temperature above the Heavenly Flame Square suddenly became gloomy and cold.

Looking at it, there is a translucent face in the light ball, but it is impossible to see its specific appearance.

"It's it!"

"It's it!"

"The evil thought from the so-called Great Thousand Worlds!"

See you When it came to the black light group, Zhu Kun's face was obviously filled with fear.

Gu Yuan, medicine pill and the others, there is also a lot of dignity in their eyes, staring at the black light group very vigilantly.

"In addition to it, this continent actually has a fellow like you, who has also reached this realm."

The lacquered black light group first came out with a deep forest. With a cold voice, he shot two scarlet eyes and fixed it on Chu Bei's body: "With it, plus you, I should be able to recover too!"


The sound fell, and the black light ball pierced through the void, passed directly through the flame cage, and sank into the body of Ancient Emperor Tuo She.

Almost at the same time, the empty eyes of Ancient Emperor Tuo She were given a touch of ruthlessness, as if they were conscious.

But obviously, this sense of consciousness is not the Ancient Emperor Tuo She himself, but the evil thought that was previously submerged in the Ancient Emperor Tuo She.

Perhaps with the blessing of the evil thought power, the breath of Ancient Emperor Tuo She skyrocketed rapidly, and in the end, the energy fluctuations that it exploded actually shook the flame prison.

"Emperor Flame Thunder!"

Ancient Emperor Tuo She made a coldly shouted sound, and the right hand swept all around the flaming flame. With the finger pointing out, the flaming flame shrank and gathered , And then squirmed violently like a huge organ.

As the boundless flame shrinks, the sky collapses, and gaps in the dark space spread at a terrifying speed.

In the next instant, right above Chu Bei, a pitch-black crack suddenly stretched open, and countless mountain-sized flames of thunder poured down like a torrential rain.

The flames and thunder are rolling, and the power contained in each path makes Gu Yuan, medicine pill and the others in the distance appalled.

"This is the power of that evil thought!"

"Still on top of Ancient Emperor Tuo She! He is now using Ancient Emperor Tuo She to perform divine ability!"

Zhu Kun looked at the'Ancient Emperor Tuo She' in the battlefield with great dread, and it was not difficult to hear the jealousy in his words.

In the battlefield, Chu Bei raised his eyes and looked at the thunder that was hiding the sky and covering the earth above his head. He held the fire divine spear in his right hand and shook slightly.

Suddenly, the flame interwoven with dozens of colors swept from the tip of the gun, and then evolved into a flame giant standing between Heaven and Earth.

The flame giant's mouth opened, and Heaven and Earth were silent immediately. The incomparably gorgeous flame beams of several colors intertwined violently sprayed out of its mouth and collided with the countless thunder.

hong long!

Above the sky, the flame beam collided with the thunder.

With a loud noise, the entire void was trembling and torn out one after another huge crack under this violent energy fluctuation.

However, the billowing thunder only lasted for a few seconds before it was weakened until it was swallowed by the flame beam.

"How is this flame possible! Did you also go to this step by devouring Heavenly Flame?!"

"No, your flame breath is weird, different from it It doesn't belong to this continent at all!"

Looking at the flame beam that destroyed the flames and thunder and disappeared into the pitch black gap, the ancient Emperor Tuo She eyes shrank that was invaded by evil thoughts, a little bit of astonishment flashed in his eyes: " Could it be that you, like me, also entered this continent by mistake!"

"Do you only have this means?"

Chu Bei did not answer the question of evil thoughts, but his hands He hugged him with a playful expression on his face.

Hearing this, the face of'Ancient Emperor Tuo She' sank, it was hard to see the extreme, and the scarlet eyes began to move towards the black and purple transition.

"Looking at the previous battle, Boss Chu not only accepted the attack of evil thoughts, but also gained the upper hand."

Gu Yuan glanced at Zhu Kun beside him, Then he locked onto Chu Bei in the battlefield and spoke.

"Perhaps with this Boss Chu, our situation is not as bad as I thought." Zhu Kun's eyes are also fixed on Chu Bei's body.

"Listening to what the evil thought said, it seems that Boss Chu really came from the Great Thousand Worlds with him!" medicine pill said solemnly.

"Have you forgotten that Boss Chu once said that there is a broader world besides Great Thousand Worlds." Yan Jin added.

"We have a long way to go for the road to be built! At least we have to get out of Dou Qi Continent first and go to Great Thousand Worlds to take a look."

Zhu Kun, Gu Yuan and the others looked at each other, their faces full of longing. Immediately, he glanced at that silhouette on the battlefield again, his eyes filled with respect.

"Don't think that you can take the previous attack, and then you can compete with this seat!"

In the sky,'Ancient Emperor Tuo She' has a pair of purple black cold eyes locked on Chu Bei, Sen Han's voice fell, and the huge black hole in the center of the square moved towards Heavenly Flame took a breath.

Suddenly, a force of suction surged out violently, and the endless black rays of light hiding the sky and covering the earth in the black hole swept into his mouth.

Along with the black rays of light being swallowed by the Ancient Emperor Tuo She, his body suddenly swelled, and the strange black glow surging like a rushing river quickly whizzed out from the pores of his body, short In a short moment, it turned into a black fog giant with a height of several ten thousand zhangs, and black light spheres circling around it with the sound of crackle explosions.

The black mist giant stands on Heaven and Earth, covering the entire sky dome down. Under the terrifying visual impact, medicine pill, Lei Ying and the others have no doubts, just'Ancient Emperor Tuo She'A random simple ordinary punch can easily smash all the Powerhouses of their ancient eight tribes.

Compared with before, at this moment, the horrible breath on'Ancient Emperor Tuo She' has once again climbed a level. There is a surging of wind and thunder between the throughput alone, exhaling it in one breath, and the entire void energy produces huge fluctuations for it.

"Is this the body of Dou Di?"

Looking at the ten thousand zhang black mist giant, Zhu Kun, Gu Yuan and the others changed their faces suddenly.

As a remote ancient seed clan, they naturally understand the legend of Dou Di. The real Dou Di Powerhouse can take Heaven and Earth into the body. At that time, they were Heaven and Earth. Every gesture is capable of breaking through the sky, powerful and terrible!

This huge body is not transformed by energy, but the actual fleshy body. This ability to incarnate the body of ten thousand zhang is called the body of Dou Di.

Compared with the terrified look of Zhu Kun, Gu Yuan and the others, Chu Bei in the battlefield only glanced at the black fog giant, with a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, and his mood did not fluctuate at all.

"Strength is not determined by body size." Chu Bei held a fire divine spear, wandering from the battlefield with a playful voice.

To Chu Bei's scornful look, the ten thousand zhang giant black mist giant issued coldly snorted, then straddled with a big foot, and carried the wind and cloud lightning with a punch and moved towards Chu Bei directly, and the sky collapsed suddenly. .

Chu Bei neither too fast nor too slow raised the musket in his hand, and the tip of the gun greeted the black mist giant with a punch.

In front of the fist of the black mist giant, the divine spear in Chu Bei's hand is small and even not as small as a grain of dust.

But, in comparison, with such a small musket, it forcibly stopped the frightening punch that was thousands of times larger than it.

Not only that, when the Six Powerhouse was in shock, a burst of monstrous energy suddenly gushed out from the unremarkable tip of the gun.

Under this force, the huge black mist giant of ten thousand zhang flew directly upside down, a mouthful of blood spurted, like a red blood stream lying horizontally in the void.

"Half a step Heavenly Supreme! actually touched this realm!"

ten thousand zhang The black mist giant steadied his body, and his large pupils looked towards Chu again When Bei, the color of horror appeared.

"You don't belong here, but why do you want to harm the creatures of this continent? Listen to my advice, leave that body as early as possible and let it return, and you go into reincarnation." Chu Bei calmly Looking at the black mist giant, he spoke to persuade him.


"Hei Xuan Boom!"

Hearing Chu Bei's words, the panic disappeared from the eyes of the black mist giant and replaced it. It is a more intense killing intent.

The low voice of the cold forest fell, and the terrifying black energy storm swept away with the black mist giant as the center. Several long dragons intertwined with black energy roared towards Chu Bei.


There were bursts of energy whistling in his ears, and Chu Bei's smile gradually faded away.

After that, hold the fire divine spear in both hands.

Fire divine spear dance, stab!

The spear glow wrapped in flaming flame flashes past.


After passing through the black energy dragon with the momentum of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, it magnifies sharply.

Under the horrified gaze of the black mist giant, spear glow came in an instant.

At this moment, the spear glow has reached the length of ten thousand zhang, even slightly larger than the body of the black mist giant.

In the next moment, a terrifying and strange sound rang in the ears of Zhu Kun, Gu Yuan and the others.

Under the horrified gaze of the Powerhouse of the Six Races, the ten thousand zhang spear glow directly penetrated the body of the black mist giant ten thousand zhang.

Followingly, a stern wailing sound came out from the giant black mist, resounding through the entire void.

Amid the screams, the body of the Black Mist Giant kept shrinking until it returned to a normal figure.

The cluster of black light with a translucent human face flew out of the Ancient Emperor Tuo She, struggling and rolling in pain in the sky, and the hoarse wailing sounded pity.

The black and purple pupils stared fiercely at Chu Bei fiercely, full of monstrous hatred.

As for the Ancient Emperor Tuo She, it was directly like a corpse, smashed directly from a height, and landed on the square with a bang.

Chu Bei glanced at Ancient Emperor Tuo She, then his gaze returned to the group of evil thoughts, again a spear thrust out.

The spear glow is so fast, it's almost instant!

The cluster of black light was penetrated by spear glow before it even had time to dodge.


With one shot, the cluster of black light splits directly into two.

One group is still the translucent face filled with monstrous killing intents; while in the other group, there is an old man with long hair, exactly what the Ancient Emperor Tuo She looks like.

Under the lead of Chu Bei, the light ball with the long-haired old man slowly flew into the body of Ancient Emperor Tuo She on the square below, and the two became one.

After a while, the Ancient Emperor Tuo She, who was like a corpse, slowly opened his eyes.

Compared with the previous void, the Ancient Emperor Tuo She now obviously has self-awareness.

Under the gaze of the Powerhouse of the Six Races, Ancient Emperor Tuo She quickly flew in front of Chu Bei, folded his hands together, and bowed very sincerely.

"His consciousness is back!"

"This is the real Ancient Emperor Tuo She!"

Seeing this scene, Zhu Kun, Gu Yuan , Medicine pill and the others sudden enlightenment.

"Thanks Senior for help!" Ancient Emperor Tuo She looked at Chu Bei with gratitude.

"You shouldn't stay in this continent anymore. Leave the inheritance and go to the wider world." Chu Bei stared at Ancient Emperor Tuo She and spoke lightly.

"I have deliberately planned for thousands of years, and all my hard work has been ruined by you! You damn it!"

At this time, the evil thoughts not far away stopped struggling and spoke out The chilling roar of the heart trembling.

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