"senior grandfather, with my current Soul Power, I can only make this one in a short time. While it's hot, you can eat this big sausage." See Chu Bei didn't reach out his hand, Oscar spoke again.

Looking at Oscar's innocent gaze, and then looking at the big sausage in Oscar's palm, Chu Bei coughed dryly.

Finally, he waved his hand: "Oscar, I am not hungry at all now, you can save yourself to eat. Or, give you grandfather to eat, your grandfather is hurt."



Oscar immediately turned around and handed the big sausage in his hand to the old man.

The old man obviously did not think as much as Chu Bei, so he chewed on the big sausage.

With the entrance of the big sausage, although the old man’s injury did not heal immediately, he has already started to stop bleeding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"My lord, when you shot earlier, why didn't you see your Martial Spirit?" After eating the big sausage, the old man couldn't help but looked towards Chu Bei and asked out of his confusion.

"When your strength reaches a certain level, all confusions will naturally be solved."

After Chu Bei glanced at the old man, his eyes returned to Oscar's body and said: "little fellow, I said earlier that I am a businessman. I want to recruit a business empire. I wonder if you would be willing to be my Level 1 agent?"

"Level 1 agent?"

Oscar held his head high, with a dazed expression on his face.

The old man on the side was also puzzled.

To the eyes of the above two people, Chu Bei patiently described the advantages of being a Level 1 agent for shops.

"Oscar, don’t hurry to thank the senior! For you, this is a great opportunity! Follow the senior, so that you will not bury your innate talent, and one day, become the one standing on the continent Powerhouse!"

Chu Bei finished speaking, Oscar was still at a loss, but the old man understood it, and quickly took Oscar to thank Oscar.

"senior grandfather, I am willing to be your Level 1 agent." Oscar nodded agreed.

Afterwards, Chu Bei handed the agent ring to Oscar.

Oscar also bit his finger neatly and dripped blood on the ring.

[Host successfully signed Level 1 agent Oscar]

[Battle Through the Heavens cultivation base conversion speeding up]

[Progress 3%]

[Four percent progress]

[Five percent progress]


When the system sound stops, switch The progress has reached 13%.

On the'agent' interface of system, on the Level 1 agent list, in addition to Xiao Yan, there is another Oscar.

At this moment, Chu Bei's appearance also gradually changed. The wrinkles on his face were reduced a lot. He was in his eighties and nineties, and turned into sixties and seventies.

As for the changes in the cultivation base, Chu Bei is clearly aware of the fullness of power within the body.

Behind the conversion progress bar, Chu Bei displayed the current Douluo Continent cultivation base is: Twenty Level 8 Soul Master!

"My lord, what do you look like?" The old man looked at Chu Bei in a daze, and couldn't help but say aloud.

"This is not the point."

Chu Bei laughed, and then with a wave of his hand, nine Spirit Pills the size of a thumb with a strong medicinal fragrance appeared from the air.

"Oscar, this pill is called Soul Master pill. Swallowing one pill can increase Level 1 Soul Power. As for the price, since you are a Level 1 agent, you have one 10,000 soul coin."

Different from Dou Qi Continent, on this Dou Qi Continent, Chu Bei can directly select goods from the mall and sell them to Level 1 agents, with low price terrifying.

Of course, because the discount is too big, the system also sets the upper limit of sales.

These Level 1 agents can buy every day, and at most they are only a large-scale Soul Power.

For example, at present, after Oscar has obtained a century-old spirit ring, the Soul Power Level 11 is currently, and the purchase of today about the progress of the cultivation can only reach the 20th level.

"My lord, do you mean that as long as Oscar eats these Medicinal Pills, he can immediately reach level 20?"

The old man looked at Chu Bei in shock, but he just said something. Exit, as if thinking of something, an awkward expression appeared on his face.

"Although you have no money, they have money."

Chu Bei pointed to a pile of corpses all around, especially the middle-aged man's waist. There is also a soul guide for storage.

Hearing Chu Bei's words, the old man was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately searched among a pile of corpses.

"My lord, I found a total of 120,000 soul coins on them."

After a long while, the old man returned to Chu Bei and placed all the soul coins he found. In that soul guide.

[system gets 900Force of Desire Value, and backfeeds the host gets 450Force of Desire Value]

Chu Bei takes 90,000 soul coins in his soul guide, and the system tone sounds.

On the system interface, compared to the Force of Desire Value of Dou Qi Continent, here is the Force of Desire Value obtained by Dou Qi Continent, which is different.

With the Duluo Continent’s Force of Desire Value, the merchandise in the system has become very cost-effective.

"senior grandfather, can I eat it?" Oscar cautiously took the nine Soul Master Dan handed over by Chu Bei.

After seeing Chu Bei nodded, Oscar threw Soul Master Dan into his mouth one by one.

At the entrance of the Medicinal Pill, a touch of coldness spread in Oscar's mouth. Following this, the warm pure energy went straight into the body from the mouth, impacting the limbs and hundreds of skeletons.

Almost at the same time, all around the originally calm air suddenly fluctuated, a trace of pale rays of light penetrated from the air, and then continuously penetrated into Oscar's body.

Gradually, Oscar's breath began to climb rapidly.

It didn't take long for Oscar's Soul Power fluctuations to surpass that of the old man beside him!

"very good!"

"Oscar, your Soul Power really reached level 20!"

When Oscar's breath stabilizes, The old man couldn't help but stepped forward, holding Oscar's arms with trembling hands, his eyes became red and moist.

Since the day Oscar Martial Spirit awakened, when he learned that Oscar Innate was full of Soul Power, he had been in trouble all day long.

Because of his lack of resources, he fears that Oscar's future will be ruined in his hands.

To this day, the boulder that was pressed in his heart by chance encounters with a nobleman has fallen.

At only seven years old, Soul Power is at level 20. Looking at the entire empire, I am afraid that there are very few.

"My lord, thank you so much!"

The old man knelt down in front of Chu Bei again, and at the same time pulled Oscar to his side, pleading: "My lord, please let me Oscar followed him. Although he was young, he was very sensible. I hope you can accept him."

"I just meant this."

Chu Bei will be the old man After holding it up, he looked towards Oscar and said: "At this moment, you have been able to obtain the second spirit ring, so continue to look for it further."


Oscar is a little stupefied complied.

The old man also took a deep breath.

He has never heard of someone who can receive two spirit rings a day, which means that in one day, Soul Power surpasses a great realm!

Not the same realm, the upper limit of the soul beast that can be absorbed is also different.

It's like a spirit beast that can be absorbed by the largest Soul Power of the first spirit ring from a tenth-level spirit warrior to a Soul Master, in about a hundred years.

In the same realm, the closer it is to the upper limit, the stronger the increase it can get. The hundred years of healed rabbits that Oscar had absorbed before, happened to be the maximum limit of his realm, and it was a very good one.

As for the second spirit ring, the upper limit is 800 years. The third spirit ring, the upper limit is 1,700 years. The fourth spirit ring, the upper limit is five thousand years. The fifth spirit ring, the upper limit absorption is 12,000 years. The sixth spirit ring absorption limit is 20,000 years. The seventh spirit ring is between 30,000 and 50,000 years...

After a further distance, Chu Bei found a second suitable soul beast for Oscar.

The Hei Du Scorpion of Eight Hundred Years!

After successfully absorbing the spirit ring, Oscar has entered the ranks of the Great Soul Master.

"grandfather, I will often go home to see you."

Outside the hunting forest, little Oscar cried and bid farewell to the old man.

"Follow the adults to cultivation, don't be lazy!" Before leaving, the old man reminded him again and again.

After one hour.

"Boss, where are we going next?" Following Chu Bei's words, Oscar also changed his name to Chu Bei.

"Star Dou Great Forest."

Chu Bei glanced at the agent map given by system, and chose the location of one of the red dots.

Due to the conversion of the cultivation base, Chu Bei also slightly relaxed the use of Force of Desire Value.

This time, Chu Bei directly converted a void shuttle to penetrate the space.

When Chu Bei stepped on the Void Shuttle and took Oscar through the void, the latter's eyes widened directly, speechless.


Star Dou Great Forest.

This is a huge primitive forest, you can't see the end at a glance. The terrain in the forest is complex, including wetlands, swamps and so on.

It is also one of Douluo Continent's three most famous settlements of soul beasts.

It straddles the borders of Heaven Dou Empire and Star Luo Empire, two-fifths of which are located in Heaven Dou Empire and three-fifths are located in Star Luo Empire.

The closer you are to the middle of the forest, the stronger the soul beast.

It is said that in the deepest part of the forest, there are soul beasts that are 100,000 years old. Here, as long as any Soul Master is strong enough for good luck, he can find the most suitable spirit ring for him.

"I heard that the people of Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect and Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect went in to hunt soul beasts together?"

"It is said that the team of the two sects was originally engaged in dísciple The friendship between the two was exchanged, but then someone saw the ten thousand-year crypt demon wolf outside the forest. It happened that the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect led the Elder and the 50th Soul Sect needed the fifth spirit ring urgently, so he invited The people who got the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect helped hunt them down."

"They have entered the little one hour, and now they should have found the Hell Demon Wolf for Ten Thousand Years."

"Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect and Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. This is the Upper Three Sects of continent. It would be nice if I could get in, even if it's just an Outer Sect's disciple."

"Don't dream anymore. , Let’s continue cutting timber with me. Sect like that, if you were not born in it, you won’t even want to enter in this life."

"But having said that, I have never heard about Clear in these years. The news of Sky Sect, why is this?"

"It seems to have escaped from the world! But I don’t know why."


Star Dou At the outermost layer of the Great Forest, a group of woodsmen were cutting logs while chatting about the news they had heard.

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