"Senior, you are afraid you have heard it wrong. The grandfather who adopted her was killed by Titan Giant Ape."

Heard Chu Bei's words, Yu Heng Hurriedly corrected.

Looking at the little girl again, her thin body shuddered abruptly, and then she looked at Chu Bei in disbelief.

"little fellow, who are you going to follow now." Chu Bei put his hands around his chest, his expression jokingly.

"I'll follow you."

The pity of the little girl's face disappeared, replaced by an extremely serious look.

Speaking, the little girl broke free of Yu Heng's hands and walked to the right hand side of Chu Bei.

Seeing this scene, Yu Heng and Ning Feng looked at each other in blank dismay. Their faces were confused. They couldn't figure out why the little girl's choice had been reversed.

"You made a right choice." Chu Bei was satisfied and nodded.

Different from human beings, soul beasts have been cultivation from birth, which is divided into ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years, and even the legendary million years.

Each level of the span is a qualitative change for the soul beast. When the soul beast’s cultivation base breakthrough tens of thousands of years, wisdom will grow rapidly, and when it reaches a certain level, it will not be inferior to humans.

When the soul beast is cultivated to a hundred thousand years realm, any soul beast will reach a wonderful level. The strength of the spirit beasts at this level is almost the same.

At this level, the soul beast also faces a choice.

The first is to maintain one's own strength and continue to live as a body. However, at one hundred thousand years, the soul beasts of the overwhelming majority can only live another thousand years at most.

The other way is to transform into a human form and re-cultivation.

The little girl in front of her took the second path. Of course, the fundamental reason she chose to transform into a human form was to avenge her mother.

The one who hunted and killed the little girl mother was the strongest power of continent, Martial Soul Palace!

"Senior, if you are free, you must visit my Lightning Tyrant Dragon sect as a guest." Yu Heng once again moved towards Chu Bei cup one fist in the other hand.

"You Sect, I don't know when I will be free, but Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, I will go there soon." Chu Bei looked towards Ning Feng.

"senior, then I am waiting for you at Sect." Ning Feng was delighted.

After the two sects guys left, Oscar walked to the little girl and couldn’t help but ask: "What's your name?"

"She's Xiao Wu, dancing Dance."

Without waiting for the little girl to speak, Chu Bei's voice floated in the air.

Suddenly, the little girl glared at Chu Bei with her head up, her eyes rounded and her face looked incredible.

"You...how do you know my name!"

"Also, how did you know the death of my mother!"

"You Who is it after all!"

From the shock came back to his senses, Xiao Wu asked three times, even more vigilant in his eyes.

"The performance between you and Er Ming is so vivid that I was amazed." Chu Bei said with a smile.

This time, Xiao Wu pulled away from Chu Bei directly, frowning tightly.

"Little fellow, don’t be nervous. You and I are destined. The reason why I left you is because I want you to be my Level 1 agent."

The voice fell, and Chu Bei was close in an instant Xiao Wu, in the latter's horrified gaze, his index finger lightly tapped between the eyebrows of the latter.

With the influx of information, the vigilance on Xiao Wu's face began to fade.

"I am willing to be your agent."

For a long time, Xiao Wu moved towards Chu Bei nodded.

[Host signed Level 1 agent Xiao Wu successfully]

[Battle Through the Heavens cultivation base conversion speeding up]

[Progress 14% ]

[Progress 15%]

[Progress 16%]


It’s in Xiao The next moment when Wu drops blood on the agent ring, the system sound rang in Chu Bei's mind.

When the system sound stops, Dou Qi Continent's cultivation base conversion progress has changed from 13% to 22%.

At the end of the progress bar, the Chu Bei displayed by the current Douluo Continent cultivation base is: Level 37 Soul Lord!

Looking at the system agent interface again, Xiao Wu's name is also added to the list.

With the improvement of the cultivation base, Chu Bei's appearance changed again, and some black hair appeared in his white hair.


The next day.

Heaven Dou Empire, Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect.

"The old man in your mouth still has such methods!"

Outside the glass great hall, a refined middle age person looked at the first spirit revealed by Ning Feng ring, with a look of shock on his face.

The middle age person is the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect Sect Master, Ning Fengzhi, who enjoys the title of the continent’s first auxiliary Soul Master.

"Can you taste the ingredients in the liquid?" The person who spoke was an old man in white, standing on the right hand side of Ning Fengzhi.

"There is no smell, but there is a cold sensation at the entrance. After passing through the throat, it turns into a warm current and sweeps through the body. It is very magical." Ning Feng recalled the feeling of swallowing the beast soul potion.

"You said he repelled the Titan Giant Ape in Heaven Dou Forest without taking any action?"

At this moment, a withered old man on the left hand side of Ning Fengzhi also spoke. He was skinny and skinny.

Ning Feng nodded: "Not only me, but the other dísciples who walked with me in the clan witnessed it with my own eyes. If it weren't for the senior's action, we would all have to die in the hands of the cruel Titan Giant Ape."

I got confirmation from Ning Feng again. The two old men beside Ning Fengzhi glanced at each other, and strange colors appeared in each other's eyes.

Even if they are as good as they are against this Titan Giant Ape, even if they can win, it will not be easy.

These two old people are the jade pillar of Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, the purple beam of the sea, and the two protectors of Sect.

The white-clothed old man was titled a sword, and his name was Chen Xin. Known as the strongest attacker, Titled Douluo, Soul Power is as high as 90 Level 6.

The withered old man was titled bone, named Gu Rong. Soul Power is as high as 9 15th level and is known for its treacherous changes.

Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect can become one of the three sects, although it is related to Ning Family's super auxiliary Martial Spirit, but it is absolutely inseparable from the support of these two Titled Douluo.

The evaluation of Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect with Martial Soul Palace is: When the sword intersects with the bone and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect Sect Master appears, the light that flickers will be invincible.

"Grandpa Sword, I didn’t see you one hour, did you miss Rongrong? Rongrong missed you. Wu wu......"

At this moment, five or six The year-old girl ran out of the hall, ran directly into the arms of the white-clothed old man, and pretended to cry.

The old man in white hurriedly hugged the lovable body of the little girl, "Hey, my Little Darling, it's been half an hour, of course Grandpa Sword misses you! I can't think of it."

The little girl lifts the head, "Really?"

The old man in white said resolutely: "Of course it is true."

The little girl looked towards The withered old man: "Grandpa Bone, do you miss me?"

"Of course, I miss you more than Grandpa Sword." The withered old man hurriedly took the little girl from the arms of the white-clothed old man.

"You fart."

The old man in white doesn't give face to the withered old man at all. "It's obviously that I want Rongrong to be more."

"You only Fart."

The withered old man burst out with tyrannical breath, "It's obviously that I want more."

"How to drop, find a place to go single?" The white-clothed old man The imposing manner on his body also began to rise.

"Okay, okay. Uncle Jian and Uncle Bone, you have been fighting for a lifetime."

Ning Fengzhi hurriedly calmed down the two old men, and then glared at the little girl:" Rongrong, don't be naughty!"


The white-clothed old man and the withered old man snorted almost at the same time, no one looked at each other, and their eyes fell on the little girl.

The little girl rolled her big eyes and said: "I have a way to prove that two grandfathers miss me more. Two grandfathers, let's do this, you all give Rongrong a gift, whose gift is Rongrong I like it more. Who wants Rongrong to think more."


When I heard the little girl, I noticed the cunning in the eyes of the other person, two old men. Glancing at each other and at the same time twitching the corners of their mouths, they have followed the Little Demoness way again.

long long long!

As Chen Xin and Gu Rong were thinking about what gifts to give Ning Rongrong, a violent rumbling sound suddenly sounded above the glass hall.

Immediately afterwards, a huge monster with a body shape of about ten meters in the sky slowly emerged from the sky.

The huge movement not only attracted the attention of Ning Fengzhi and the others, but other dísciple Elders in the clan rushed to hear the sound, and looked towards the sky above the glass hall one by one.

"Look at it! What is that!"

"It can be suspended in the air!"

"There seem to be three people on it!"


A group of dísciple discuss spiritedly.

"Two grandfathers, what is that! Rongrong wants it too!"

In front of the glass hall, Ning Rongrong dragged Chen Xin and Gu Rong with two hands respectively, hooking up He stared at the space shuttle above the glass tower, his eyes gleaming.

Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin, and Gu Rong did not pay attention to Ning Rongrong, but looked at the three silhouettes on the space shuttle, frowning gradually.

"Senior, I didn't expect you to come so soon!"

At this moment, Ning Feng, who saw Chu Bei's appearance, cry out in surprise, and shouted Excited.

After hearing the sound, Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin immediately turned their attention to Ning Feng.

"He is the old man you just mentioned that allowed your spirit ring to evolve?"

Chen Xin frowned, and said: "But looking at his appearance, it seems that he is still young I’m older."

"Old Jian, you don’t know that today’s senior is younger than yesterday. When you arrive at your realm, can you all rejuvenate and rejuvenate." Ning Feng moved towards Chen Xin Ju Bowed, very respectful.

Chen Xin nodded indicated that he was not entangled in the appearance of Chu Bei.

"I said yesterday that we will meet again soon."

While speaking, Chu Bei took Oscar and Xiao Wu and landed on the glass In front of the hall.

"Many thanks, your Excellency saved my dísciple from danger yesterday."

Ning Fengzhi moved towards Chu Bei and hugged cup one fist in the other hand, with gratitude in his eyes .

"It just happened to be passing by, and I went smoothly." Chu Bei looked indifferent.

"I don't know what is going on with your visit to Sect? If you need help, Zong Ding will do my best to help." Ning Fengzhi was curious.

Chu Bei glanced at Ning Fengzhi, then put his hand out and pointed at the little girl between Chen Xin and Gu Rong: "Come for her."

"What do you say? Meaning?"

When I heard Chu Bei's words, not only Ning Fengzhi, but Chen Xin and Gu Rong's expressions also became heavy in an instant.

Ning Rongrong is their heart. If anyone dares to hit her attention, he will definitely kill the other person even if he tries his best.

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