"Take it with you, and drop a drop of blood on it."

Chu Bei glanced at the little boy named Li Dong and waved his right hand. A golden ring floated in front of the little boy.

Different from the ring of the Level 1 agent, the Level 2 agent is the ring.

Hearing what Chu Bei said, the little boy cautiously took the ring, put it on his wrist, and bit his index finger.

As the little boy dripped blood on the ring, the ring, which was originally two or three times larger than the wrist, shrank suddenly until it completely fitted the boy’s wrist, as if it were tailored. Customized in general.

[The host has successfully signed the Level 2 agency, and the Level 12 Soul Power package is issued]

At the same time as the system sounded, a gorgeous square box appeared in front of the little boy.

The square box exploded, containing eleven pills and a yellow halo.

According to Chu Bei, the little boy first swallowed ten pills, then his right hand plunged into the yellow halo, and finally swallowed another pill.

"Do you feel it? Soul Power! Xiaodong has Soul Power!"

"Soul Power fluctuates rapidly!"

"You guys Look! The spirit ring has appeared! Yellow, it's still a century-old spirit ring!"

"My God! Doesn't this mean that Xiaodong has entered the Soul Master list!"

"Really very good!"

"haha, my son is the Soul Master, I don’t need to be like us, I will farm for a lifetime!"


While witnessing the changes of the little boy and feeling the fluctuation of Soul Power, the villagers were very excited.

Especially the little boy's parents, with a puff, knelt down in front of Chu Bei with gratitude, repeatedly kowtow to thank.

"Let's go next."

After Chu Bei held up the boy's parents, his eyes scanned the other villagers.

The representative sent by the second family is a girl, eight years old.

Compared with the boy before, this girl is better, but she only has two levels of Soul Power.

After a set of procedures, the little girl’s Soul Power has also reached Level 12 and has a century-old spirit ring.

"My lord, it's our turn now!"

"The next one will be us!"


With As time passed, amidst the excitement, one family after another sent representatives.

No matter which household it is, the representatives sent by it have the same characteristic, that is, sending children first. If there are no children in the family, the youngest person is selected.

After one hour.

Chu Bei took a long breath.

Finally, the representatives sent by 90 households were signed.

What makes Chu Bei feel a little relieved is that when the 90 Level 2 agents were signed, the conversion progress of his cultivation base at Dou Qi Continent actually increased by three points, from 56%. It became fifty-nine percent.

As for Soul Power, it has also changed from Level 68 Soul Emperor to 7Level 1 Soul Sage.

Although this has not risen much, Chu Bei is still very happy based on the principle that no matter how small the ant is, it is meat.

"Those who have previously received the Soul Power package, please gather together."

Chu Bei stepped back a certain distance, and signaled all around the villagers to give up an open area.

Soon after Chu Bei spoke, ninety Level 2 agents gathered in the open area.

At a glance, at least 80% of these ninety people are under twenty.

"You guys go over too."

The gaze of Chu Bei, Dai Mubai, Oscar and the others nodded, walked in front of the ninety people.

"Little fellows, you all know that I will build a continent well known business empire. And you, as my Level 1 agent and Level 2 agent, will enjoy enviable privileges."

"Presumably, I don’t need to say, you will work hard to sell goods and make more money. But, I need all the names you play are All Heavens Store!"

"As for the address of the headquarters of our All Heavens Store, it has not yet been determined. Once I find the most suitable location, I will notify you immediately."

"Treasure the time you last gathered together right now From the day after tomorrow, let’s go to the wider world alone or with your family!"


Chu Bei glanced over the agents, and a loud voice was present. Wandering.

"If you are in danger, you can call me by the void sound transmission stone. I will arrive immediately to ensure the safety of you all persons."

Speaking of last, Chu Bei Yang With a wave of his hand, a total of 96 crystal clear and near-transparent jade stones fell into the hands of 96 people in the court.

As an agent, the level of treasure boxes that can be sold every day is determined by the agent’s cultivation base.

However, due to different agent levels, the number of treasure boxes that can be sold every day is also different.

When the treasure box is sold in a certain quantity, the agent ring or agent gold ring will give the agent a clearly marked commodity. As for the actual price of the commodity, it depends on the agent itself.

The excess price sold is owned by the agent.

Becoming a shop agent, the most direct advantage is that no matter where you are, you can buy goods from Chu Bei from a long distance, and the price is extremely low.

Compared with the series of square boxes that Chu Bei can specify, the square boxes sold by the agency are all random.

For example, Dai Mubai, Oscar, currently Level 41 Soul Sect, as a Level 1 agent, they can sell Level 5 and below square boxes.

For every square box sold, they can get a little commission from it, and then buy the treasures they need from Chu Bei.

"Boss, we will do a good job!"

"Many thanks for giving us this opportunity!"

A group of agents hold hands tightly The void sound transmission stone, moved towards Chu Bei, waved and waved, his face was full of excitement.

This void sound transmission stone is the guarantee for them to dare to sell the treasure box!

"Everyone, you are all leaving the village. Let’s have a good carnival today and tomorrow."

"Don’t be too sad. With this sound transmission stone, everyone can Feel free to contact."

"Haha, let us follow in the footsteps of Boss and stand on the top of this continent!"


Excited In the middle, a group of Level 2 agents and villagers began to run back to their houses, and one after another came out with normal food and wine.

Less than one hour, the originally quiet Holy Spirit Village has become a carnival hall.

"Boss, can we still gold today?" Dai Mubai looked at Chu Bei expectantly.

"You can always have money." Chu Bei responded.

"Really good!"

Dai Mubai and Ning Rongrong exclaimed excitedly.

Next, Dai Mubai and Ning Rongrong embarked on a journey of krypton gold.

Oscar is still packaged by Ning Rongrong, while Tang San and Wang Fan are packaged by Dai Mubai.

After half a quarter of an hour.

Ning Rongrong, Oscar, and Dai Mubai have all improved their cultivation base.

Ning Rongrong has become a Level 31 Soul Master from a Level 21 Soul Master.

Oscar changed from Level 41 Soul Sect to Level 51 Soul Sect.

Dai Mubai also became the Level 51 Soul Sect from Level 41 Soul Sect.

Tang San has become a Level 21 Soul Master from Level 11 Soul Master.

Wang Fan has also become a Level 21 Soul Master from Level 11 Soul Master.

"Boss, I also want krypton gold."

Looking at a few people who are stronger than him, this time, Xiao Wu finally couldn't hold back.

"Boss, Sister Xiao Wu's money, I have taken care of it!" Ning Rongrong held his head high, very proud.

Due to Xiao Wu's special reasons, Chu Bei didn't need to prepare a spirit ring for him, and went directly to ten Medicinal Pills that grew Soul Power.

After a while, Xiao Wu changed from Level 11 Soul Master to Level 21 Soul Master, equivalent to Tang San and Wang Fan.


The next day.

On a straight mountain road not far from Holy Spirit Village, two figures one after the other, looking at their trajectory, it is obvious that they moved towards Holy Spirit Village.

Walking in front is a youth wearing a gorgeous white robe, and behind is a youth wearing a plain black robe, the latter is the former's entourage.

Look carefully, the youth of the white robe has sword eyebrows and star eyes. At the center of the chest, a fist sized "soul" character is particularly conspicuous.

Under the word'soul', there is a long sword badge on which three long swords are interlaced. Long sword means that the opponent is the Soul Master, and the number of swords means that the opponent has the third title, the 30th-level Soul Master.

"Sir Deacon, do you think there are a few good seedlings in Holy Spirit Village this time?" The black robed man respectfully followed the youth behind the white robe.

"What good seedlings can there be in such a small place, how many years have been here, let alone Innate full of Soul Power, you can't even see a seventh-level Soul Power."

The white robe youth is called Su Yuntao, which is the deacon of the Martial Spirit Side-Branch Palace nearest to the Holy Spirit Village.

Throughout the entire Douluo Continent, whether it is Heaven Dou Empire or Star Luo Empire, Martial Soul Palace exists in any city.

Martial Soul Palace has five levels, and different cities have different levels.

The smaller city is generally the Martial Spirit Side-Branch Palace. Above the Side-Branch Palace is the Martial Spirit sub-hall, and the higher Level 1 is the Martial Spirit main hall.

Further up, there is the Martial Spirit Temple, which is only found in the capital of Two Great Empires. Above the temple is the Supreme Pontiff Hall, which is also the most noble place in the Martial Soul Palace. Generally, only Powerhouses that reach the Douluo level are eligible to enter the Supreme Pontiff Hall.

Su Yuntao is here to help the children in Holy Spirit Village who have reached the age of six in the awakening ceremony.

Of course, if he can meet one or two good seedlings, he will take them away directly in the name of Soul Palace.

During the journey, Su Yuntao and the two are getting closer and closer to the Holy Spirit Village.

"Is there any happy event in this village? It's so lively!"

When there were several hundred meters away from the entrance of Holy Spirit Village, the black robed man who was an entourage heard it The noise from the village.

I can vaguely hear the shouts of joy in the hustle and bustle.

Su Yuntao frowned, continue on.

Perhaps because the village is too lively, even though Su Yuntao has arrived at the entrance of the village, no one has noticed his arrival.

"cough cough ——!"

As a last resort, Su Yuntao can only pretend to cough.

Finally, a few villagers nearer noticed Su Yuntao's arrival.

"Look! The prime deacon of Martial Soul Palace is here!"

"Why did he come early this year?"

"Haha, but this We don’t need him anymore."


More and more villagers focused their eyes on Su Yuntao's body and made a sound.


Looking at the indifferent villagers, Su Yuntao brows tightly knit.

In previous years, all villagers with a six-year-old child in their home would immediately come to greet him when they saw him; but this year, no one came up.

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