"Father, do you mean you want me to go to Jia Nan Academy?"

After Xiao Yan understood Xiao Zhan's thoughts, she shook her head repeatedly: "That place I don’t want to go."

"little fellow, don’t you tell me that you don’t know Jia Nan Academy?"

Seeing Xiao Yan’s disgusting expression, Luo Tian brows frowned: "Entering Jia Nan Academy, you can get in touch with a variety of Qi Method and Dou Technique. With your innate talent, you can even have the opportunity to learn Di Class Qi Method and Dou Technique."

"Tutor Luo Tian is right."

Instructor Ruo Lin answered: "If you stay in this small Wu Tan City, you will only be buried. The cultivation is the more you need in the future. The larger the external material. And Jia Nan Academy can continue to supply."

"Two mentors, I have my own technique of cultivation."

Xiao Yan still refuses: "Follow Boss Chu is the kingly way. When I went to Jia Nan Academy, I was really buried."

"Boss Chu?"

Luo Tian couldn't help but looked towards Chu Bei and looked at it. After a while, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes.

"Let me see what he has, so that you can even look down on Jia Nan Academy."

Luo Tian coldly snorted, and then the violent Dou Qi's body Gushing out, it shook the air in the house chi chi.

"Tutor Luo Tian, ​​don't!"

Aware of Luo Tian's intentions, Xiao Zhan's expression changed drastically.

However, before he could stop him, Luo Tian had gathered Dou Qi on the right fist and blasted towards Chu Bei.

Chu Bei waited for a while.

The iron knot robot in the corner did not move.

Helpless, I can only poke out with one finger and meet.

Chu Bei's seemingly slow finger, suddenly released dazzling rays of light.

The energy fluctuations at the fingertips have even more ripples.

Feeling the terrifying breath oncoming, Luo Tian eyes suddenly shrank, the original inattentive expression suddenly became serious.

"Fold your palms!"

Luo Tian turned his fist into a palm, and Dou Qi's whole body climbed to the extreme.

Shot with one palm, several palm prints appear in the palm.

The palm prints were superimposed on each other, and finally they gathered together, with great momentum.

Touch your palms!

Chu Bei fingertips all around the dazzling rays of light instantly converge in one point.


A terrifying energy wave burst out.

With a scream, Luo Tian flew upside down from the house, fiercely hit the street, and brought up a deep pit.

"How is it possible!"

Looking at Luo Tian who had risen up in pain in the pit, the expression of Teacher Ruo Lin was startled, as if he had lost his soul.

Zhangzhang is Di Class Low Level Dou Technique. In Jia Nan Academy, only instructors above Dou Ling are qualified for cultivation.

With the strength of Luo Tian Dou Ling 3-Star, you can use your palms to fight 4-Star and even 5-Star Dou Ling.

But it is such a powerful one, but with no difficulty, it was destroyed by the youth in front of him.

Xiao Yixian on the side was also taken aback.

She didn't expect Chu Bei besides being able to make a lucky draw, her own strength is also so strong.

As for Xiao Zhan and Xiao Yan, they are quite plain, but they feel pitiful for Luo Tian.

"Dou...Dou Wang!"

Luo Tian crawled out of the pit and looked at Chu Bei in horror.

He can't imagine that a youth who seems not to be twenty three-four years old will turn out to be Dou Wang!

The palm of his right hand has been pierced, bloody and bloody, and the bones of his hand are even more shattered.

"Don't just look at everything with your eyes, this can be regarded as a long memory for you."

Chu Bei looked at Luo Tian expressionlessly, his voice indifferent.

The point just now was an offensive Level 6 commodity that he spent 10,000 Force of Desire Value redemption.

Enhanced version of Finger of Harmony!

Unfortunately, it is a one-time consumable.

Hearing what Chu Bei said, Luo Tian and Ruo Lin looked at each other, then looked towards Xiao Yan, and finally turned and left unwillingly.

"Boss Chu, I didn't expect Tutor Luo Tian to be so reckless. I'm really sorry." Xiao Zhan apologized.

"He has already paid for this."

Chu Bei looked towards Xiao Yan and said: "Dou Qi Continent is very big, you can be more comprehensive in Jia Nan Academy You know this World. Moreover, you have been staying in Wu Tan City. With Xiao Family's financial resources, I am afraid that you will not be able to turn the lucky plate soon."

After hearing the sound, Xiao Yan fell into silence.

The fact is indeed the case. Just like today, the other party’s upper limit is 5 million, and he has raised all the current assets, but only 2 million.

"Father, I decided to go to Jia Nan Academy."

After a long time, Xiao Yan made a decision.

"On the day of departure, don't forget to put on the ring again. With your current strength, the existence in the ring will soon wake up." Chu Bei reminded.

"Boss Chu, what is in the ring?" Xiao Yan asked, curious and longing in his eyes.

"You will know by then."

Chu Bei gave a meaningful smile.

After Xiao Zhan and Xiao Yan left, Chu Bei used the remaining Force of Desire Value to redeem the cultivation base.

[Host Code successfully converted to the cultivation base]

[Dou Shi 5-Star]

[Deduction of 10000Force of Desire Value]

"Xiao Yixian, I'll go out."

After speaking, Chu Bei spread out the invisible wings and flew out of the house.

Follow the red dots on the system light screen map and embark on the journey to find Yun Yun.


Misty Cloud Sect.

Jia Ma Empire one of the very best Pang Great Influence, its Sect is located on a majestic mountain ten kilometers away from the imperial capital.

This mountain is called Misty Cloud Mountain.

Looking ahead, Misty Cloud Mountain peaks, shrouded with clouds and mist, just like Immortal Realm.

All over the mountains, Misty Cloud Sect dísciple can be seen assiduously cultivation.

At this moment, on the black rock on the edge of a cliff on the mountainside, there is a woman in a moon-white dress and gown practicing both hands forming seals and to close eyes.

"Nalan Senior Sister, Nalan Su Old Master is here." A girl in a pink dress came up.

"father? How could he come!" Nalan Yanran frowned slightly.

Not long ago, a middle age person with a heavy face quickly walked to the edge of the cliff.

"Father, don't you know everything you need? Why do you have time to come to Misty Cloud Sect?" Nalan Yanran stepped forward and took Nalan Su's arm.

"When I came back, I heard that you privately pushed the marriage plan of Old Master?"

Nalan Su asked: "Among clan, who doesn't know Do you grandfather want face? Your move now will undoubtedly make others call me Nalan Clan. Seeing that Xiao Family's power is weakened, he disdains to marry with him, thus ruining his faith!"

"My marriage, Why can grandfather decide with one sentence? I will be the master of this matter!"

Nalan Yanran looked at Nalan Su: "If you really want to fulfill the so-called agreement, let grandfather marry it! "

"Shut up!"

Nalan Su snarled: "You have been in Misty Cloud Sect for a long time, so you dare to say such things!"

"I heard that Xiao Yan fell into a rubbish three years ago, do you think he is not worthy of you?"

Nalan Su said again: "Even so, it should be in advance Tell me, think of a way for your father and you."

"Trash? He is not trash! Everything is an illusion!"

Nalan Su's words seem to hurt Nalan Yanran's heart, after coldly snorted, Nalan Yanran took out a wrinkled paper from his arms and threw it to Nalan Su.

"Shut up!"

Nalan Su's eyes were instantly attracted by the two striking characters, and his expression changed suddenly.

"Damn Xiao Yan! How dare to treat my Nalan Su's daughter like this!"

In Nalan Yanran, he told about what happened that day, Nalan Su clenched his fists, eyes Ling Ran flashed the killing intent.

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