Martial Soul Palace headquarters, Supreme Pontiff Hall.

"Reporting to Supreme Pontiff, a message came from the Side-Branch Palace deacon Su Yuntao in Heaven Dou Empire Fasinuo Province." A black clothed man hurriedly ran into the conference hall of Nov. Look respectful.

"When is a Side-Branch Palace deacon message, do you have to report it to me?" There was a little dissatisfaction in the cold voice.

This is a woman, wearing a luxurious black gown with golden marks, wearing a nine-curved purple crown, and holding a scepter about two meters long and inlaid with countless precious stones.

White skin and almost perfect face make her look so different. Especially the invisible noble sacredness revealed on his body, it is even more tempting to worship.

Bibi Dong, the Supreme Pontiff of the Martial Soul Palace today, above ten thousand people, stands in the presence of continent Peak.

"Master Supreme Pontiff, I won't disturb you with ordinary messages. However, this time the message from Su Yuntao made me wonder. After making many choices, I decided to report it to you." The black clothed person knelt halfway in front of Bibi Dong, opening the mouth and said.

"That's all, let's talk about it." Bibi Dong's cold voice floated in the great hall.

"This morning, Su Yuntao went to a village where he was to prepare for the Martial Spirit awakening for the six-year-old children in the village. But when he arrived, he found that the six-year-old children in the village, Martial Spirit not only awakened All of them have a century-old spirit ring, and Soul Power has consistently reached Level 12."

"After Su Yuntao's inquiry, I learned that the person who helped these child Martial Spirits awaken was called by the villagers Boss’s person.”

The black clothed person said slowly while looking at Bibi Dong.

"Is it a businessman? What is the specific origin?" Bibi Dong came out with interest and said.

"I don't know this." The black clothed person shook his head.

Seeing Bibi Dong frowned, the black clothed person quickly added: "This Su Yuntao was tricked away by an eleven or twelve-year-old boy before he could see the so-called Boss in the villagers’ mouths. Eight hundred thousand soul coins, and was seriously injured by the other party."

"What! A Side-Branch Palace deacon was seriously injured by a teenage child? Did you pick all the waste!" Bibi Dong hands The scepter trembled, and at the same time he was surprised, he let out an angry grunt.

"Your Majesty, Su Yuntao is a 30th-level Soul Master, and he has met the qualifications to serve as the side-Branch Palace deacon in the remote area. The reason why he was seriously injured is because this boy has entered The ranks of souls!" The black clothed person took a deep breath.

"Eleven or twelve-year-old Soul Venerable!"

Bibi Dong suddenly looked towards the black clothed person and his expression became extremely serious: "Are you sure that boy is Soul Venerable?"

"Su Yuntao doesn't have the guts to lie to me."

Feeling Bibi Dong's imposing imposing manner, the black clothed person hurriedly turned to kneel on both legs, immediately Responded.

"If this is the case, this eleven or twelve-year-old boy must be brought in front of me! The soul lord of this age has an unknown secret in his body!" Bibi Dong shook his hand. Gem scepter, give orders.

"Yes, Supreme Pontiff Your Majesty." After complied respectfully, the black clothed person got up and quickly retreated.

At the same time, in the Holy Spirit Village.

"Boss, are we leaving again?"

Looking at the space shuttle in front of him, Xiao Wu looked towards Chu Bei with his head held high, and blurted out.

With the money left by Dai Mubai and Ning Rongrong, the cultivation base of her, Tang San and Wang Fan has all changed from Level 21 Soul Master to Level 31 Soul Sect.

But shortly after their cultivation base was upgraded, their boss called the Space Shuttle.

"You'll know when you arrive, that's a good place."

Chu Bei left a suspense. He moved forward this time, naturally, in order to sign the next Level 1 proxy.


Anyi Town is located at the junction of Heaven Dou Empire, Star Luo Empire and Star Dou Great Forest.

Due to the special geographical location, Anyi Town is a truly trivial zone.

Although the name of this town is called Anyi Town, the people living here are not comfortable, and they even have to worry about sleeping.

Because it also has a name, the City of Killing!

"Boss, is this the destination of our trip? How come it always feels gloomy here." Tang San raised his eyes and looked at Chu Bei, and asked tentatively.

Currently, the small town where they are located is not large, but as soon as he stepped in, he felt the atmosphere around him was a little weird.

He couldn't tell what was the specific blame for a while, but he felt that everyone around him had a special chill.

"If you live here, your actual combat experience can be greatly improved in the shortest time." Chu Bei glanced at Tang San said with a smile.

Perhaps because of a youth with three children, Chu Bei and his party of four walked on the street, and soon became the focus of pedestrians.

"Boss, tell us exactly what this place is. These people seem to look very bad at our eyes." Tang San tugged at Chu Bei's arm, and pointed his finger all around. pedestrian.

"Don't pay attention to them."

Chu Bei indifferently smiled: "You just need to know that this may also be the headquarters of our All Heavens Store. If you really choose the location here , Then we are the Sovereign here."

Chu Bei said with a sense of confidence.

Hearing Chu Bei's words, Tang San, Oscar, and Xiao Wu looked at each other and shrugged one after another.

In the end, they still don't know where this is.

Led by Chu Bei, a group of four people walked into a tavern.

The air in the tavern is very muddy, and all the decorations in the tavern are black.

Although it is still daytime, when I walk in here, there is a feeling of darkness.

Looking around, the seats in the pub are about 30% occupied at this moment. The air in the museum is muddy, few people speak, and it seems very quiet.

The arrival of Chu Bei and his party of four successfully attracted the attention of everyone in the museum, but most of them just looked away after a quick glance.

"Objective, what can I drink?"

Before Chu Bei walked to the counter, a waiter with an indifferent face in black clothed walked over.

"If you don't drink, just open the door." Chu Bei said indifferently with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Objectivity is really jesting, how can I open the door for you without a test." The waiter complexion slightly changed.

"If you must drink something, then give me four glasses of boiled water." Chu Bei looked at the waiter calmly.

"Is it objective to drink boiled water?" The waiter's face was completely heavy, and his voice was cold and severe.

"Where did the chick come from? Come here to drink boiled water! Don't you know where this is? If you get into this place by mistake, hurry up and roll back from where to go."

"hahaha, take your three dolls home to suck. Don’t be scared of the urine."

"It’s the first time I have encountered such an idiot, isn’t it Do people who know here drink only human blood?"


In an instant, all kinds of ridicule and ironic voices filled the tavern.

Those alcoholics seem to have found a point of catharsis in their depression, and they scold Chu Bei unreservedly and ironically.

Chu Bei glanced across all around everyone, laughed, ignored.

Then, with Tang San, Wang Fan, and Xiao Wu, they sat down at an empty table nearby.

"San'er, install your Zhuge god crossbows, and give each of them one."

Chu Bei looked towards Tang San, finished talking Refers to Xiao Wu and Wang Fan.


Meeting Chu Bei's gaze, Tang San was confused and didn't understand the other party's intentions, but he immediately executed the deacon.

Immediately, Tang San took out a bunch of finished parts from the agent ring that could be used as a soul guide, and began to install it.

In a short while, Tang San installed the first Zhuge god crossbow with several arrows.

After installing the first set, Tang San quickly installed the second and third sets.

"Little San, is this something you used to beat while playing iron?" Wang Fan opened his mouth wide and his face was full of shock.

Xiao Wu on the side also looked surprised at Tang San's skillful movements, his mouth slightly opened.

"This little fellow seems to be Interesting! He made this weapon. This is the first time I have seen me, it is really interesting."

"None of you should rob me , I like this little fellow. If anyone has ideas, ask the sword in grandfather's hand first!"

"Hehe, Lao Tzu's sword is already hungry and thirsty. It's time to let it drink blood. "

"haha, just his craftsmanship, if anyone gets him, he won't have to spend money to buy weapons in the future."


In the tavern, A group of big men put down their chopsticks, got up from the chairs one after another, moved towards Tang San closer. Each expression was greedy, and his eyes were full of bloodthirsty.

"Boss, ready."

Tang San glanced up at the crowds of big men who had gathered, and looked up towards Chu Bei.

After that, three Zhuge God crossbows were kept for themselves, and the other two were handed to Xiao Wu and Wang Fan respectively.

Chu Bei was faintly nodded, then raised his hand and pointed at the big guys who were approaching, his voice became cold: "Kill them."


Chu Bei's sudden instructions made Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Wang Fan stare at the same time, and then looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what to do for a while.

Obviously, they didn't expect that their Boss would give them such an order.

"Hahaha, did you hear that? This kid is going to let three dolls kill us?"

"This is the funniest joke I've heard since I was born, You laughed at me!"

"Boy, I think you are tired of living, right? I will sacrifice your blood with my big sword!"


A lot of big guys laughed wildly at Chu Bei's words, and their eyes were full of contempt and sarcasm.

Chu Bei still ignored all the big guys, and kept his eyes on the faces of Tang San, Xiao Wu and Wang Fan for a while: "Aren’t you curious about where this is? It’s another name called the City of Killing. . No one who comes here has no way to die. Each of them has the blood of at least ten people in their hands. They fled here because they were chased and killed in the outside world. To survive here, to be kind to the enemy is Be cruel to yourself."

Speaking of which, Chu Bei lowered his voice: "The way to survive is to never be merciful to those who should be killed!"

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