For a long time.

Tang Chen opened his eyes.

Compared with before, Tang Chen at this moment, within both eyes, is shining with wise rays of light.

"many thanks."

Tang Chen moved towards Chu Bei and hugged cup one fist in the other hand: "I need to leave for a while. When I come back, I will do my best to help You build a business empire famous for the continent!"

"Are you going to find Bo Saixi?" Chu Bei raised his mouth, and a calm and smiling voice came into Tang Chen's ears.

Hearing this, Tang Chen slightly trembled, after the consternation, nodded.

"Before you leave, please expel all the villains in the town above. The address of the shop headquarters will be here." Chu Bei said lightly.


After Tang Chen answered the nodded, he looked towards the four deacons whose terrified look has not faded away on the face not far away: "According to this king, before sunset today , Qingguang Anyi Town, all the residents, tidy and clean every courtyard. As for the passage leading to the killing capital, change from inside the city to outside the city, and announce it!"

"Yes, great The king!"

The four deacon moved towards Tang Chen bowed, then glanced at Chu Bei fearfully, and immediately retreated.

After giving the order, Tang Chen silhouette disappeared, and when he reappeared, he came to Tang San.

Looking at the King of Slaughter right in front of him, Tang San instinctively backed up a few steps, with a look of alertness on his face.

"little fellow, I look forward to your growth."

After smiling voices floated from the air, Tang Chen flew high into the sky and quickly disappeared from everyone In his sight.

"Boss, what is the connection between this King of Slaughter and me?" Tang San looked at Chu Bei sincerely, with pleading on his face.

"Your father's grandfather."

Chu Bei looked at the disappearance of Tang Chen, his voice fell, Tang San immediately looked dull, came back to his senses, His eyes were filled with deep consternation, and his expression was full of incredible color.

"The King of Slaughter is my great-grandfather!"

Tang San raised his eyes and stared at Chu Bei, a confused look appeared on his face: "Then why is my father just An ordinary blacksmith?"

"About your father, you can ask him later. Besides, he is not ordinary." Chu Bei stopped short and didn't say much.

After half a quarter of an hour.

"Does any of you know what has just gone through in the killing fields? Why are there so many corpses!"

"How come a large number of guards have left the inner city moved towards the outside Is the direction of the city going? Are they leaving the killing capital to go to the outside world? What happened to the outside world that can cause such a big battle? is it possible that the people from Martial Soul Palace are attacking?"

"Is this a terrifying battle? Who is fighting here again!"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't ask, the more you know, the sooner you die "


Shortly after Chu Bei's group of four left, the killing fields of hell, which had turned into ruins, came one after another.

These people smelled the pungent and bloody smell in the air and looked at the dead corpses, their faces full of confusion.


Star Luo Empire, star Luo imperial city.

Changxiang Street, the most prosperous area stands in great numbers side by side with large and small mansions.

These mansions are mostly named after surnames, and their owners are all high-level nobles in Star Luo Empire.

Among these nobles, the Zhu family had the closest contacts with the Imperial Family.

Zhu Mansion.

Looking ahead, this mansion is very large, with beautiful trees, green onions, strange flowers blooming, rockery, small pond, jade-green lotus root, and pink water lotus, all reflecting each other looks quiet and beautiful.

On the bluestone road that crosses three to five, to-and-fro walks with guards holding sabers and busy maids. At the end of one of the roads, there is an exquisite hut.

Standing inside the house, the first thing that catches your eyes is a purple tent, underneath the tent is a soft wooden bed, and the exquisite carved decoration is extraordinary. The foot of the bed is covered with tassels, gently swaying. Looking sideways, the ancient zither is standing in the corner, and the copper mirror is placed on the wooden dressing table. The whole room is so refreshing and relaxing.

"Daddy, I have to find that businessman anyway!"

The speaker was a little girl who was only five or six years old, dressed in a black dress, she was young , But it has given people a high cold feeling that strangers are not close.

"Zhuqing, that person can see Mubai, doesn't mean he can also see you!" The middle-aged man sighed faintly.

Since Dai Mubai returned to the Imperial Palace with the strength of the Level 51 Soul King, it has directly caused an uproar in the Imperial Palace.

Only three days away, the cultivation base has gone from Level 26 Great Soul Master breakthrough to Level 51 Soul Master, it is hard to imagine!

Especially when the other party later sold a treasure box worth 800,000 yuan, it was even more magical and astounding. It can be said to be both love and hate!

Some ministers didn't get anything, but some ministers were able to draw out two Medicinal Pills. After swallowing them, the Level 52 Soul King could actually break two levels in a row!

I learned from Dai Mubai that all of this stemmed from the businessman who took him away and signed him as the Level 1 agent!

"Daddy, how can you know if you don't try it! You know the child's character and the things that child decides, even you can't look back." The little girl looked straight at the middle-aged man and said.

"That's all, since you are going to find him, let Uncle Hai follow you." The middle-aged man said hard.

"Thank you daddy!" The little girl stepped forward and hugged the middle-aged man.

The other side.

Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect.

"Senior brothers and senior sisters who have reached the soul, don’t miss it! Level 4 treasure chest is 250,000 soul coins. You can earn it when you buy it. Come take a look Take a look!"

On the martial art field, Ning Rongrong squatted on a stone chair, waving his white hand moved towards the martial arts training dísciple loudly.

On the stone table in front of her, ten identical square boxes were arranged in an orderly manner.

"Huh? Rongrong is back!"

"Isn't she taken away by the mysterious man who defeated Jian Lao!"

"Leave her alone Why come back, now she is what the hell?"

"Listen to her yelling, she seems to be selling boxes?"

"Let’s go and take a look! I’m going to see See how she wants to do our tricks again."


Ning Rongrong's hard yelling quickly attracted those cultivation dísciples, but within a few seconds, Shizhuo all around. It was full of people.

"Senior brothers and senior sisters, if you have money in your hands, you might as well give it a try! Especially if you become a soul-sovereigner, you won’t be able to buy it, you won’t be deceived, you won’t be fooled, you will earn money if you win!” Ning Rongrong rubbed his palms, and moved towards all around dísciple to ask for money directly.

"Rongrong, you want two hundred and fifty thousand for just such a box?"

"What's in it?"

A crowd of dísciple is curious After looking at the ten square boxes on the table, after seeing nothing special in them, he looked at Ning Rongrong incomprehensibly.

"I'm here from Grandpa Sword and Grandpa Bone! They said, each box is worth 1 million!" Ning Rongrong's big eyes rolled around, nonsense.

"Jian Lao and Gu Lao gave it to you? Really?" A group of dísciples looked suspiciously at Ning Rongrong.

"Senior brother and senior sister, how could I Rongrong lie to you! Do you think I am someone who lacks money?" Ning Rongrong blinked.

When I heard Ning Rongrong's words, all around dísciple looked at each other, there were obvious signs of heartbeat.

"Bring me one!"

"I want one too!"

After a long while, three dísciples came forward and took out twenty-five each Soul coin.

Almost at the same time, the agent ring in Ning Rongrong's hand emits a blue light.

next moment, the seventy-five soul coin disappeared.

Seeing this scene, all around dísciple is dumbfounded, with an incredible look on his face.

"Three brothers, quickly pick one." Ning Rongrong is very enthusiastic.

After three paid dísciple nodded, they picked a square box one after another.

"Rongrong, this box has no opening."

Just when a dísciple asked, a loud explosion sound, the square box exploded directly.

At the same time, the other two boxes also exploded.

The square box disappeared, and the four characters 【Thank you for your help】have been suspended.

"haha, there really is nothing!"

"These three idiots actually believed Rongrong's words!"

"Fell into Rongrong's pocket I want to get back, but it’s difficult to heavenly ascension."


Listening to all around with sarcasm, three spent money dísciples , Eyes are full of deep regret.

"Sure enough, we are still too naive. We actually believed Rongrong's nonsense. Let's spend money to buy lessons."

"But this time, the money was spent a bit too much. "

The three dísciples shook their heads and sighed again and again, with helplessness in their sighs. Who made this person who played with them was the daughter of Sect Master.

"Brother, I didn't lie to you, this box can really be a treasure. However, it has a certain chance."

Looking at the faces of the three people who spend money Lonely, Ning Rongrong had a little more apologize on his face, and hurriedly said: "If you still have money, open the rest, you will definitely be able to drive the baby."

Listening to Ning Rongrong's words , Not only the three people who have already spent money, but the others at Stone Table all around couldn't help but twitch their mouths.

Obviously, in their opinion, Ning Rongrong's appetite is too big, he is still not satisfied after he cheated 75.

"Rongrong, why are you back!"

At this moment, a middle-aged man and an old man came over with surprise in their voices.

"I have seen Sect Master!"

"I have seen old bones!"

Seeing people, a crowd of dísciples quickly moved towards Ning Fengzhi and Gu Rong Bowed.

"Rongrong, your Soul Power?!"

Gu Rong soon discovered the changes in Ning Rongrong, his mouth slightly opened and his face surprised.

"Grandpa Bone, I am already the soul deity!"

Ning Rongrong looked at Gu Rong triumphantly, his voice fell, and three spirit rings lit up on his body.

" is it possible!"

Seeing the three spirit rings lit up on Ning Rongrong's body, the crowds of dísciples were dumbfounded, like a thunderbolt in the sky, like a clay sculpture of wood. people.

What they know, Ning Rongrong hasn't even arrived at the age of six, so Martial Spirit hasn't awakened yet. But right now, the other party not only awakened Martial Spirit, but also had three spirit rings!

The souls of less than six years old, when they think of this, the crowds of dísciples can’t help but suck in a breath of cold air.

"Three days, but only three days!"

"Rongrong, is all this thanks to the Boss?"

Ning Fengzhi, Gu Rong glanced at each other, and stood still like a wood, staring at Ning Rongrong with both eyes blankly, his face full of horror.

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