"Boss, are you looking for us?"

In the Holy Spirit Village, a group of Level 2 agents came and looked at Chu Bei in confusion.

Level 1 agents such as Oscar and Dai Mubai are also incomprehensible.

"I'm here to let you come here to enhance your agency authority."

The calm voice fell, Chu Bei right hand raised with a wave, golden rays of light Brushed everyone.

Suddenly, a stream of information flooded into the mind of every agent in the field, and at the same time, the agent ring and agent circle in their hands had undergone slight changes.

For a long time.

"Boss, you mean, we can have our own branches!"

"Are we one person and one city?"

After sorting out our minds In the information flow, all the agents were excited.

Chu Bei slightly nod, and then his gaze first fell on Dai Mubai's body: "Mubai, you are responsible for the imperial city of Star Luo."

After that, Chu Bei moved his gaze to Oscar’s body: "Oscar, you are in charge of Tian Dou Huang City."

"Xiao Wu, you are in charge of Star Dou Great Forest."

"Tang San, you are in charge of the plant forest "

"Wang Fan, you are in charge of Notting City."

"Yu Xiaogang, you are in charge of Soto City."

"Tang Chen, you Responsible for Sea God Island."


The loud voice of Chu Bei floats in the Holy Spirit Village.

According to the plan, Chu Bei divided the entire Douluo Continent into nearly one hundred plots, each with an agent assigned to it.

"In the course of the transaction, if you encounter any problems, you can help each other through the void sound transmission stone. It really can't be solved, I will be there in person." After the quota was allocated, Chu Bei glanced A group of agents said.

"We must do a good job in operating the branches and make All Heavens Store's reputation!" The agents were excited.

"That's the case, then everyone will gather today. From tomorrow, I will go to the place I assigned to establish a branch." Chu Bei smiled.

For a while, the entire Holy Spirit Village became extremely lively again, and a group of agents were vying to discuss the sale of the two days.

"Boss, if you are free, you can go to Sea God Island. The people there only believe in Poseidon and are very exclusive. It is not easy to build a branch."

Tang Chen moved towards Chu Bei and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand, and turned into Changhong to go away.

"Boss, is that person also a Level 1 agent? When did you sign it? I feel he is really strong!" Looking at the back of Tang Chen, Dai Mubai, Oscar, Ning Rongrong and the others looked towards Chu Bei.

"He was once the king of slaughter, and he was also a Level 99 Ultimate Douluo."

Not waiting for Chu Bei to speak, Xiao Wu on the side said first: "Moreover, he still has This is the great-grandfather of Third Brother!"

"King of Slaughter!"

"Ultimate Douluo!"

"great-grandfather !"

After hearing what Xiao Wu said, Dai Mubai, Oscar and the others focused their gazes on Tang San's body, their mouths wide open and their faces full of astonishment.

"Boss, did he go to the Sea God Island on the sea?" Yu Xiaogang probed.

"Otherwise, there is a second Sea God Island?" Chu Bei said with a smile.

"Sea God Island? What is that place?" Wang Fan, Tang San, Oscar and the others held their heads high, their faces confused.

Chu Bei glanced at Yu Xiaogang and gave him a look, which meant to tell these little whites what he knew.

Yu Xiaogang nodded, then his eyes fell on Tang San, Oscar and the others.

"Although Sea God Island is an island, you can think of it as a forest of soul beasts isolated from the continent. There are many strange soul beasts living there, as well as many strange Soul Masters. When Martial Soul Palace accidentally discovered the existence of this island, it once sent two thousand Soul Masters to the island to try to collect the Soul Masters there. As a result, most of them were won but never returned, and fewer than a hundred were able to come back alive."

"Among them, two Titled Douluo died there forever. For this reason, the people of Martial Soul Palace also call it Devil Island. As for why it is called Sea God Island, it is because the Soul Master living there calls himself the sea The child, and their belief is an ancestor who claims to be the Sea God."

"Martial Soul Palace has never dared to fight Sea God Island since it returned in low spirits after failing. According to reports, on this Sea God Island, there is a strong Peak Douluo like Martial Soul Palace High Priest Qian Daoliu."


Yu Xiaogang sorted his mind. In the memory, there is a way to tell seven little fellows about Sea God Island.

"Uncle Gang, is everyone on Sea God Island a Soul Master? And the Sea God you mentioned, is he really a god? Is he also on that island?" Tang San Asked, with curiosity in his eyes.

"Yes, and according to my conservative estimate, there are at least three thousand people on the island. When I boarded the Sea God Island that time, I heard Lord Poseidon from them many times." Yu Xiaogang glanced at Tang San and responded.

"Since you are so curious about Sea God Island, then come with me and see for yourself."

Chu Bei has a smile on his mouth, why he To go to the sea, it is necessary to find a Level 2 agent.

According to the system, although the vast area of ​​the sea is not within the prestige rating range, it can be used as an additional prestige bonus.

For example, the reputation value of All Heavens Store on Douluo Continent reaches 85, and the extra reputation bonus in the sea reaches 10, and the total of the two is 95, which can be regarded as the completion of the mission.

"Boss, you are going to Sea God Island!" Yu Xiaogang was dumbfounded.

"Let these little fellows open their eyes, and at the same time experience on the island." Chu Bei opened the mouth and said.

"Boss, Sea God Island is indeed a good place to experience. However, Sea God Island also has a rule. Once you pass the experience, you must become the Soul Master there, and you must not leave Sea God Island in your life. These little ones Fellows, if you really pass the experience, will you force them out of the island by then?"

Thinking of Chu Bei's strength, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help adding: "Boss, your strength Although strong, Sea God Island is after all the land of the Sea Soul Master. On the sea, even a Sea Soul Douluo has the possibility of killing the land Tilted Douluo. If you really use it, let’s not say whether it really exists in the legend. The Seagod, the Peak Douluo on the island alone is probably not easy to deal with."

"Why? Don't you believe in my strength?" Chu Bei looked at Yu Xiaogang jokingly, his mouth pouted. With a smile, there is confidence between the eyebrows.

In response to Chu Bei's gaze, Yu Xiaogang's expression startedled, but he stopped talking.

After a long while.

Yu Xiaogang took out an object about one foot long from the Soul Guidance Device. Its surface was shuttle-shaped, the front end was like a dragon head, the tail section looked like a fish tail standing upright, and there were four fish on each side. Fin-like wings. The whole body is milk-white, like a jade stone carved, exuding weird energy fluctuations from time to time.

"Boss, this is the Longyuan Boat, also known as the Conqueror of the Sea. I got it by luck." Yu Xiaogang stroked the Longyuan Boat.

"Uncle Gang, you said it was a conqueror of the sea? But it is only so big!" Ning Rongrong couldn't help but drew a circle in the air with his fingers.

"Don't be confused by its surface."

After saying that, Yu Xiaogang right hand throws, the original palm-sized object suddenly multiplies and enlarges, and it changes in an instant It became a huge monster about twelve meters long and two meters in diameter at its thickest part.

"It can accommodate nearly twenty people at the same time. It can go up and down in the sea, and it can sail on the sea and dive into the sea. With it, there is no need to fear anything when navigating on the sea. Wind and waves. Even if the wind and waves are too strong, you can immediately dive into the deep water. It can be described as a treasure boat blessed by heaven." When introducing the Longyuan Boat, Yu Xiaogang was proud.


Hanhai City, located on the westernmost side of Douluo Continent, is a city bordering the sea.

Standing at the Hanhai Wharf, sweeping away, hundreds of sea ships moored.

This is the beginning and end of maritime trade, and it is also a huge source of income for the entire Hanhai City. Relying on the sea to eat the sea, this has long become the unchanging truth of Hanhai City.

"Boss, this is the first time I have seen the sea. It is magnificent!" Ning Rongrong stood by the pier, opened his hands and felt the oncoming sea breeze, and his face was full of excitement.

Oscar, Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu and the others also have the same excitement on their faces, their expressions are really unspeakable. Obviously, like Ning Rongrong, they embraced the sea for the first time.

I have to say that the scenery of the sea cannot be replaced by any other scenery. I have not really been to the sea, and I will never be able to feel the feeling of surging forward with great momentum. The endless sea, water and sky meet in the distance. The tumbling waves are like the white clouds in the sky. Under the sun, the sea was sparkling.

"Boss, are we leaving now."

Yu Xiaogang looked towards Chu Bei, after seeing the latter nodded, raised hand, Long Yuan boat appeared on the sea.

Soon, Chu Bei entire group boarded the Longyuan boat and sailed on the sea.

On the deck, Yu Xiaogang looked at the forward direction, worried, as if worried about something; but looking at Chu Bei's back, he swallowed what he wanted to say.

Look at Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and the others happily and feed the seagulls happily, just like traveling.

Over time.

"Boss, something seems to have happened ahead!" Suddenly, Ma Hongjun screamed.

I saw their up ahead, several large ships similar to the Longyuan boat moved towards them flying by. To be precise, the term “fleeing” is more appropriate.

There are three to five people standing on the bow of each ship, and the spirit ring flashes on each of them. There are six spirit rings for the high cultivation base, and four spirit rings for the low cultivation base.

"Turn around, turn around! The devil of the deep sea is coming!"

The man on a huge ship first discovered the Chu Bei entire group, and yelled loudly when running Soul Power, full of roars. Panic.

"Don’t froze, leave! If you don’t run away, your life will be lost!"

"Damn it, I shouldn’t listen to you, I have to go this deep sea devil A frequent route!"

It is another person on a huge ship who moved towards Chu Bei entire group loudly roar, and there is no lack of regrets.

However, the fear of these people just fell, and the sky above the sea in front of them was strangely distorted.

Next moment, the Longyuan Boat shook violently. Had it not been for Yu Xiaogang to raise the ship cover of the Longyuan boat in time, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and the others would have been thrown into the sea.

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