hong long long!

The fierce collision sound still continued over the sky above the fighting platform.

I have to say that Sima has enough combat innate talent, even if he is always at a disadvantage, during the switching of seven spirit abilities, forcibly took over the Tang San 60 hammer.

"The final word!"

Suddenly, Tang San shouted loudly, and seven spirit rings on his body lit up.

As soon as Tang San’s voice fell, everyone in the stands and VIP seats stood up straight, their eyes rounded and their expressions numb.

"Another seven...seven hundred thousand year spirit rings!"

"Monster, the real monster!"

"A person with ten Four hundred thousand-year spirit rings, my God!"

"What the hell did Boss Chu do to him? If he can accept me as a disciple, I would like to live a short life of ten years!"



The expressions of the spectators were dull, and their hearts were shaken without words.

They saw too much incredible from the little fellows on the beating platform! Seen too much impossible!

"Sima, retreat!"

Not far away, the leader of Martial Soul Palace immediately cried out in surprise, while the silhouette flashed past the void.

When the man named Sima heard the voice, he couldn't help showing a touch of helplessness in his eyes.

Looking at the hammer in Tang San's hand that released a terrifying black glow and suddenly expanded several times in size, he also felt the terrifying energy contained in it.

However, the opponent's weird hammering technique is inexplicably sticky. He wants to get rid of it, but his strength does not allow it!

hong long!

With a deafening rumbling sound, Clear Sky Hammer slammed Sima's body steadily. First, it shattered the light armor outside his body in an instant, and then landed on his chest.

In this brief moment, the leader of Martial Soul Palace arrived, but he did not have time to stop the Clear Sky Hammer from falling, but was able to catch the cannonball moved towards the distance. Sima.

"Pu chi!"

In Li Hai's arms, Sima vomited blood repeatedly, his cheeks were no longer bloody, and his breath was extremely weak.

Especially the part of the chest that was hit by Tang San's hammer, the clothes were deeply recessed in the flesh and blood, a blur, and the internal organs that could vaguely stirred together, looked extremely miserable.

"The Tang San of All Heavens Store gained the upper hand!"

"Is the final final word just the spirit ability of one of the hundred thousand-year spirit ring? The imposing manner is so fierce. !"

"For the champion of this Grand Competition, I have begun to shake a little! Looking at the trend of All Heavens Store like a hot knife through butter, maybe they can really beat the Martial Soul Palace team. Ah!"

"I don't know if I can win, but what is certain is that after this battle, the battle of this group of child soldiers will be the talk of the whole continent."



Looking at Sima, who was coughing up blood, everyone in the stands was taken aback, and after reacting, there was a loud noise.

"You are really damn it!"

As the leader of Martial Soul Palace, Li Hai fiercely stared at Tang San. Infinite killing intents appeared in his eyes, but he was not in a hurry. Instead, he held Sima Fei and quickly swept towards the auxiliary Soul Master named Shao Tong.

I saw a blue ring of light lit up on the staff in Shao Tong's hand, which was attached to Sima's chest.

"How is he?" Li Hai looked at Shao Tong anxiously.

"The injury was very serious. In a short period of time, he may not be able to continue the next battle." Shao Tong frowned said.

"It’s fine if it’s not fatal."

Lee Haichang sighed, his eyes returned to Tang San's body, and his voice was cold: "To deal with this group of little fellows, I'm all alone. Come!"

"Unexpectedly, it consumes Soul Power."

Tang San played with the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand. The previous last hammer almost wiped out ten of his body. One's Soul Power, fortunately, this effect makes him very satisfied.

One hammer severely injured a level 80 soul saint in Martial Soul Palace!

Now All Heavens Store is well-known as continent, and his own boss is the True God who defeated Poseidon. For this reason, he does not need to hide the twin Martial Spirit.

"Good fellow!"

On the podium, the White Tiger Great Emperor stood up and clapped his hands and exclaimed. He didn't expect this little fellow to have another identity, Clear Sky. Sect's direct line!

Emperor Xue Ye and Ning Fengzhi's expressions are also stunned.

"Twin Martial Spirit, one is Clear Sky Hammer, and the other is Blue Silver Emperor..."

Qian Daoliu's cold eyes fixed on Tang San's body, and his mouth kept muttering , His eyes gradually became scarlet, and a violent breath burst out and swept away. In the endless killing intent, the marble tiles under its feet spread out densely packed cracks like spider webs.

"High Priest, what's wrong with you?"

Feel the heavy killing intent pervading Qian Daoliu and the terrifying Soul Power fluctuations, White Tiger Great Emperor, Emperor Xue Ye, Ning Fengzhi, and Yu Tianhao looked towards Qian Daoliu in shock at the same time, each with puzzled eyes.

They don't understand that they don't leave the Douluo Palace all the year round. They have never asked Qian Daoliu of Martial Soul Palace how such a terrifying murderous aura suddenly appeared at this moment.

"He is Tang Hao's son?!"

Qian Daoliu looked away from Tang San's body and fell on Chu Bei's body, with questioning in his eyes. The cold voice was filled with monstrous hatred.

"yes and how? He's still my agent."

Chu Bei turned his body and looked calmly at Qian Daoliu with bloodshot eyes on his forehead and green veins exposed. The corners of his mouth were pouting. A faint smile.


Qian Daoliu has a single word, four syllables confided out of his mouth heavily.

"Do you think I don't exist?"

Chu Bei speaks in a gentle tone, the calm and collected looks like chatting with people casually.

Hearing the conversation between Chu Bei and Qian Daoliu, the faces of the White Tiger Great Emperor, Emperor Xue Ye, Ning Fengzhi and Yu Tianhao suddenly changed, and violent waves suddenly appeared in their hearts.

At this moment, they were no longer calm, and they were pushed to a high point.

For a time, the four of them looked at each other in blank dismay, no one spoke, and finally squirmed their throats unanimously to digest the message they had just heard.

Boss Chu’s agent, Tang San, turned out to be one of the two heroes of Clear Sky Sect who had disappeared for many years. He was one of the two heroes of Clear Sky Sect, the son of Haotian Douluo Tang Hao!

With the status of the four of them, they naturally know what happened that year.

Qian Daoliu’s son, Qian Xunji, was the Martial Soul Palace Supreme Pontiff of the previous generation. Qian Xunji hit the Blue Silver Emperor for a hundred thousand year spirit ring, that is, Tang San mother Tang Hao’s wife Ah Yin on his body.

In that battle, Ah Yin sacrificed to Tang Hao in order to protect Tang Hao and the newly born Tang San.

In that battle, Tang Hao hair stands up in anger, and in the monstrous hatred, with the help of the one-hundred-thousand-year spirit ring sacrificed by Ah Yin, two Tilted Douluo were beheaded and Qian Xunji was seriously injured until he died.

It can be said that although Qian Daoliu and Tang San have not met each other, they have an absolutely irreconcilable vengeance before!

One side is the hatred of killing the mother, and the other side is the hatred of the child!

"Do you want to stop me?"

Qian Daoliu stared at Chu Bei, and along with the coldly snorted, its all around void suddenly distorted, and the crackle air exploded. stop.


Chu Bei shook the head first, then his smile narrowed, his eyes condensed suddenly: "If you dare to do it, I will kill you."

The plain voice fell, and a layer of light purple rays of light appeared on Chu Bei's surface. In an instant, the void rippled in layers, and the void suddenly stagnated wherever the ripples passed.

A monarch Overlooking The Whole World suddenly spread. Even the Emperor Xue Ye and the White Tiger Great Emperor who sat on the dragon's seat all year round couldn't help being stunned by this imposing manner. .

This inexplicable imposing manner does not have the slightest Origin Force fluctuations, but it contains a number of inexplicable coercion and shocking hearts, a kind of breath of the king who has been in high position for a long time in the world!

"Want to try?"

The deep voice fell, and nine spirit rings lit up on Qian Daoliu's body, and three pairs of six Golden wings appeared behind him. At the same time, the Soul Power breath on his body climbed to an incomparable height.

The fluctuating horror Soul Power is like a turbulent river rushing down, moving towards Chu Bei surging away.

Chu Bei indifferently smiled, facing the huge Soul Power coming from Qian Daoliu, there is no panic between his brows. I saw that the corners of his clothes were adjusted, and the purple light filled his body, and a terrifying breath burst out of his body.

The two tyrannical breaths merged in the air in an instant.

In an instant, the air on the podium stagnated.

hong long!

Suddenly, a loud noise erupted in the deadly air that was far beyond the previous battle between Tang San and Sima.

Next moment, the original huge rostrum exploded. The area surrounded by only seven chairs was still intact. As for the other positions, it was blown into rubble and skyrocketed.

The loud noise from the rostrum instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the stands and the VIP seats. One by one, they moved their eyes away from those on the platform, looking at the almost all of them exploded in confusion.的比斗台.

"Then...what happened over there? What's going on?"

"The people sitting on the podium, but the seven most identifiable people in the continent today, this Where did the explosion come from?"

"Could it be that there is a madman who wants to attack those seven great characters?"

"I can't see why. Maybe only they know what just happened."


Everyone discussed spiritedly, countless eyes switched on the bodies of Chu Bei and Ning Fengzhi, various Suspicion was everywhere.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?"

"Get down, it’s nothing to do with you, don’t come over!"

Not waiting for the guards of Heaven Dou Empire As the team approached the rostrum, Emperor Xue Ye let out a scream, and his majestic voice echoed in their ears.

After driving away the guards, Emperor Xue Ye glanced all around the blasted marble and couldn't help being sucked in a breath of cold air.

White Tiger Great Emperor, Ning Fengzhi, and Yu Tianhao also greatly changed their complexion. The collision between Chu Bei and Qian Daoliu in an imposing manner caused such a terrifying power.


Of course, just when they thought the two were evenly matched in the previous tentative sex, the exquisite dragon mark chair made of thousand-year-old sandalwood under Qian Daoliu's ass shattered and turned into a pile of sawdust.

Looking towards Chu Bei again, he still has a calm and composed expression, and he even lifted his calf leisurely.

Finally, Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong's calm face raised a bit of surprise, and his frowning eyebrows could see the unrest in his heart.

"Bibi Dong, stay here, I will go back to the Douluo Palace!"

Qian Daoliu dusted the sawdust from his buttocks, straightened up and glanced at Bibi Dong. , Looked towards Chu Bei coldly snorted, and then the golden light on his body was permeated, and he took a step and turned into a Changhong and disappeared on the rostrum.

"Huh? Why did the Qian Daoliu High Priest in the Douluo Temple suddenly leave? This battle is not over yet!"

When a crowd saw Qian Daoliu leaving, they couldn’t bear it. Shih was confused and puzzled in his eyes.


Emperor Xue Ye, White Tiger Great Emperor, Ning Fengzhi, and Yu Tianhao's eyes fell on the pile of sawdust, subconsciously swallowed saliva and Said, when he looked towards Chu Bei again, his gaze was full of strangeness, besides panic, it was more respect, and of course there was also a little curiosity.

They couldn't believe that the Peak Douluo Qian Daoliu, who had stood Douluo Continent for hundreds of years, lost in the collision of an imposing manner!

For Qian Daoliu's departure, Chu Bei did not make any comments. If he guessed right, the other party will definitely go back and make some trouble.

If it wasn't that he didn't want to interrupt the game on stage, maybe he just left Qian Daoliu. But even if Qian Daoliu returned to the Douluo Palace, he didn't panic at all.

After all, he is not far from unlocking Level 11 merchandise permissions.

By then, no matter what the bells are in front of him, it will be just a joke.

Because of the sudden change of the rostrum, the two teams of Martial Soul Palace and All Heavens Store on the Bidoutai also stopped fighting. Curious and confused eyes fell on Chu Bei, Bibi Dong and the others. Body.

"The battle is not over yet, go on!"

Bibi Dong got up and walked to the edge of the incomplete rostrum, and the majestic voice echoed over the entire square.

After hearing the sound, the two teams, Martial Soul Palace and All Heavens Store, woke up.

"Twin Martial Spirit, I didn't think you still have a great connection with Clear Sky Sect!" Li Hai flew towards Tang San neither too fast nor too slow.

"What is the relationship with Clear Sky Sect, I don't know. But my Martial Spirit, the hammer name is indeed called Haotian." Tang San calmly looked at Li Hai, and raised Clear Sky in his hand. Hammer.

"I have to admit that your innate talent is far better than me. However, you hurt Sima, even if you are a child, I will not keep my hands!"

Li The sound of the sea is getting colder and colder. Every time you get closer to Tang San, the Soul Power on his body increases by one point. Less than ten meters away from Tang San, a blue knife engraved with a dragon mark appeared in his palm.

"Is this your Martial Spirit?"

Looking at the blue knife that was already held by the opponent, Tang San frowned slightly.

"Asura's Blade!"

Li Hai did not answer Tang San's words, but saw that the moment his fifth spirit ring lights up, he has appeared in front of Tang San.

Almost at the same time, the blue knife in his hand burst out with a brilliant rays of light, the sharp Blade Qi shot away, and the blade that released the chill quickly and accurately slashed towards Tang San.

Tang San eyes suddenly shrank, the opponent's speed is too fast, so fast that he can't be regarded as the soul sage at all.

Tang San did not hesitate, and immediately formed a Blue Silver Grass shield in front of him.


The blue knife fiercely in Li Hai's hand blasted on the shield monument.

Different from Sima's attack, under Li Hai's knife, the shield monument was shaken off, and fiercely hit Tang San's body.

Under this force, Tang San was instantly repelled.

"Little San (Third Brother)!"

In the sound of breaking through the air, seeing Tang San flying out of the fighting platform and hitting the ground, Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu and The others couldn't help exclaiming at the same time.

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