Not only are the five people on the podium, but the few Tittled Douluo sitting on the VIP table also opened their mouths at the moment when Acacia Broken Heart Red left Xiao Wu’s body. Wrong expression.

Among them, Bibi Dong's expression has changed the most. In addition to being surprised, he also has a little excitement.

On the competition platform, Xiao Wu clearly felt the oppression force from the crowd of Tilted Douluo, and there was a panic on his face.

But when he met Chu Bei's smiling gaze, a warm current inexplicably rose in his heart, and the color of fear on his face instantly dissipated.

Bibi Dong glanced at Xiao Wu again, then turned his head towards the VIP seat. On the VIP table, the two elders with hair grey-white seemed to understand the meaning of Bibi Dong's gaze, and gestured slightly nod.


On the platform, after Tang San stabilized the stature, he danced with the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand. Under the chaotic cloak hammer method, his second one hundred thousand The red spirit ring lights up.

Next moment, in the rumble rumbling sound, its hammer suddenly swelled, wrapped in a huge blue glow and hit the armor. In the blue glow, the purple and black lightning intertwined and evolved into a deep-sea giant shark.

"Fanatical nightmare!"

The combination of Li Hai and Zhou Feng glanced at Tang San disdainfully, facing the Clear Sky Hammer like a hot knife through butter. Avoid, hold the weapon in both hands, fiercely slash from top to bottom.

hong long!

Amidst the shocking noise, Tang San silhouette flew out again. If it hadn’t been condensed in time for a Blue Silver Grass shield, I’m afraid it would have been Seriously injured. The aftermath of the collision cut a deep gully directly on the platform.

"Third Brother, you are not his opponent right now. Let's use combos too." Xiao Wu glanced at the mighty two combined together, nibbling the white teeth looked towards Tang San.

Tang San didn't answer immediately, but instead turned his attention to the other six people. When Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing and the others were nodded, Tang San silhouette flashed and flew to the center of the seven.

"Poseidon's Light!"

When Tang San is in the middle of the seven, the eight are loudly shouted at the same time.

On the Bidoutai, Tang San of the eight All Heavens Store is located in the center, and the remaining seven are distributed around it in a circular shape.

When the uniform shouts fell, a blue beam of light rose up on the eight people at the same time. In the light beam, little blue light is diffused, and floating and flowing water droplets can be vaguely seen.

In the blue light beam, the water droplets gather more and more, and begin to form small streams of water. In the current, the phantom of seaweed, coral and reef is faintly reflected.

"Are my eyes not blooming? Sea water is coming out of the bodies of those eight little fellows!"

"The sea god...the light of the sea god! The sea god in their mouth refers to Is the overlord in the sea?"

A crowd of spectators in the stands crowded around the fence, staring intently at the eight All Heavens Store and the blue beam outside their bodies.

crash-bang ——

Just then, there was a sound of water.

Under everyone's attention, the blue light beams on the bodies of Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, etc., gathered towards Tang San.

Gradually, Tang San’s Soul Power fluctuates by leaps and bounds, and there seems to be an inexplicable breath in its Soul Power. This power gives people the feeling that it is running continuously.

Look at Dai Mubai and the others again, their Soul Power fluctuations are just the opposite of Tang San's, sharply decreasing, and their vigorous breath gradually becomes weaker.

"What are you two hesitating about!" Huo Ran, Bibi Dong's cold voice spread from the air.

Judging from Bibi Dong's angry expression, she obviously sensed an element of instability from Tang San.

Hearing Bibi Dong’s screaming, Li Hai and Zhou Feng’s combination, the blood in the eyes is even worse, almost instantly appearing above the heads of Tang San and the others, with blood in the hands. The weird weapon of rays of light fiercely slashed down.

hong long!

However, when the weird weapon struck the blue light beam outside Tang San's body, a terrifying counter-shock force immediately shook the body. Backed out, even the weird weapon in his hand almost got rid of.

"This power is enough. Next, leave everything to me." Tang San glanced at the seven deathly pale faces of Xiao Wu around him. After the gentle voice fell, he slowly flew towards Li Hai Zhou Feng.

Martial Spirit Clear Sky Hammer, once again appeared in Tang San's hands.

It’s just that as the distance from Li Haizhou’s peak decreases, the Clear Sky Hammer among them is getting bigger and bigger, until the hammer body has surpassed his entire body size.

Under the gaze of the crowd, the Clear Sky Hammer that originally released the dark rays of light was covered with a layer of blue rays of light, and the water snakes were swimming in the blue glow.

This blue rays of light is formed by the power of the eight seagods of light.

In midair, Tang San slowly raised the huge Clear Sky Hammer, and the huge light pattern on the hammer suddenly burst out completely. The bright blue glow is permeated with light green, and the dark rays of light can be vaguely seen under the light green.

At this moment, there seems to be an extremely powerful voice on the Clear Sky Hammer roaring crazily.

And Tang San himself, it seems that he has become a hammer handle, and the whole person seems to have been integrated into the Clear Sky Hammer.

"That energy wave..."

Feeling the energy wave in Clear Sky Hammer, Bibi Dong could not sit still, staring at Tang San in the battlefield with horror. .

It was not Tang San's Soul Power fluctuation that was no weaker than 8Level 5 Soul Douluo that shocked her, but the breath of the strange but no less than Rakshasa god!

"Does he really inherit Sea God Force?"

Thinking of this, Bibi Dong's face is even more ugly. No one knows how terrifying the power of God is better than she .

Bibi Dong glanced at Chu Bei, All Heavens Store already has a Demi-God, she will never allow this All Heavens Store to have a second Demi-God or even a true god to grow up!

This little fellow who is only six years old, the innate talent shown is really too terrifying, so terrible that she feels palpitations.

In the sky above the fighting platform, Tang San's huge Soul Power began to form a strange cycle with Clear Sky Hammer.

At this time, Tang San himself was also covered with a layer of shallow blue rays of light, and he and the breath released on the Clear Sky Hammer had no distinction between each other.


The combination of Li Hai and Zhou Feng, with blood-red eyes staring at Tang San, the weird weapon in his hand is raised high, releasing weird red rays of light. As the blood in his body evaporates, the red glow on the weapon becomes more and more surging until it completely envelops the body.

At this moment, the combination of the two of them is also integrated with the weird weapon.

"Asura is born!"

Roar's voice floated from the air, and a huge red and black shadow appeared behind the two combined. At the next moment, his body slashed towards Tang San with the weird weapon.

"Poseidon's Hammer!"

Tang San took a step forward, a flat voice fell, and a tall silhouette also appeared behind it.

Compared with Li Hai Zhou Feng's combination, the shadow behind Tang San is much more solid, and it can even see the appearance of the shadow clearly.

The monstrous breath rushes out of the Clear Sky Hammer, and the blue rays of light that represent the sea are filled with pale green.

In an instant, two figures interlaced.

hong long!

In the loud noise, the six people of Martial Soul Palace, who were almost zombie-conscious, flied out of the competition platform, and fiercely fell on the platform. Bring up deep pits one by one.

Perhaps because of Tang San’s shelter, the seven Dai Mubai and Xiao Wu were not affected by the aftermath of the collision. Their eyes are noisily locked on the two figures above.

Not only Martial Soul Palace dísciple, in this brief moment, in the stands, VIP seats, and rostrum, everyone’s eyes in the arena are gathered on the space above the competition stage. On the two figures.

hong long!

Another deafening noise.

The original stalemate of the two figures was broken by the Clear Sky Hammer that once again bloomed with blue glow.

Under the Clear Sky Hammer, the huge phantom behind Li Hai and Zhou Feng's combination dissipated, and the weird weapon was also shattered.

With a sound of pu chi, the two people who had become skinny merged together, blood spurted from their mouths, and their bodies were like broken kites shot down on the platform.

In the crisp sound of ka-cha, the bidoutai made of marble broke in half because of the huge impact of Li Hai Zhoufeng's body.

The silhouette fiercely of Li Hai and Zhou Feng's body penetrated into the cracks of the Bidoutai. At the edge of the fall, a pool of red blood was clearly visible, and the pungent bloody smell was disgusting.

"Third Brother, are you okay?" All Heavens Store had no time to check the state of Li Haizhou Feng's fit in the crevice, and looked at Tang San with worry.

"It's okay, he failed to take the Poseidon's Hammer."

Tang San put away the Martial Spirit Clear Sky Hammer, slowly landed next to Xiao Wu, and the corners of his mouth raised. Smile: "It's you guys. I transferred Soul Power to me. It consumes too much."

"Hehe, I have recovered a lot after eating Oscar's big sausage." Dai Mubai laughed, putting one hand on it. On Tang San's shoulder.

As the eight Tang San care about each other, the emcee has brought Li Hai and Zhou Feng from the cracked gap. At this moment, the silhouettes of the two have been separated, their pupils are glowing white, and there is no life breath on their bodies, and their bodies have become like corpses that have been drained of blood.

The emcee took a deep breath, glanced at Tang San fearfully, and shuddered at the thought of the other party's previous hammer. Instead, he picks up the hammer, and the end is probably the same as the ending of these two people of Martial Soul Palace, body dies and Dao disappears.

He calmed down his heart throbbing, and the emcee cleared his throat: "Championship competition, All Heavens Store vs. Martial Soul Palace, All Heavens Store wins! I announce that this year’s top Soul Master Grand Competition, champion Yes, All Heavens Store!"

The emcee got more and more excited. When the last syllable fell, the whole body trembled. This sentence was like draining all the Soul Power in his body. .

The atmosphere in the field is boiling!

At the moment when the master of ceremonies announced the result of the game, the exclamation in the field rose to the highest point since the start of the game!

"I won, I won! The eight little fellows of All Heavens Store really won the championship!"

"8Level 5, the little fellow named Tang San actually defeated A Martial Soul Palace combination that surpasses 8Level 5 Soul Douluo!"

"In the end, what power did the other seven people from All Heavens Store gather on him? Is it really the Power of God?"

"This year's top Soul Master Soul Master is the most exciting one I've seen in years! Who would have thought that ending Martial Soul Palace's multiple championships for a group of little dolls?"

"This Boss Chu is really amazing! It's all of its own strength standing on the continent peak. The little fellow trained is also a terrifying one. At the beginning, who can believe that All Heavens Store really won the championship?"

"Now that I think about it, it's really a bit of a mockery. We thought that Boss Chu was joking, but we don't know that Senior is really capable!"


Excited The screams, screams, and shouts interweave into the sky above the square.

If it weren't for the identity of Boss Chu, they could not wait to jump on the stage and madly kiss these eight powerful and cute little fellows.

[Assessed by the system, the reputation of All Heavens Store has reached 95]

[Level 11 Commodity Permission Opened]

When everyone shouted, Chu Bei Listening to the system sound from Sea of ​​Consciousness, he took a long breath.

Level 11 permissions are finally opened!

His cultivation road can continue to move forward!

This trip to Douluo, the mission is complete!

After calming his excitement, Chu Bei got up and adjusted his dressing corner, walked leisurely to Bibi Dong’s side, knowingly said with a smile: "Has the ending changed? Sometimes, the so-called The result from the very beginning is doomed, and no matter how you struggle, you can’t change it."

Speaking of this, Chu Bei patted Bibi Dong's shoulder, sighed faintly: "It's a pity that your eight The hole cards of Martial Soul Palace were wiped out, and the last two of them had also experienced in the killing capital."

In the previous last battle, the combination of the two appeared behind a huge Phantom is the power of the god Asura. Unfortunately, they did not succeed in crossing the Asura Road to gain inheritance.

"Boss Chu, really congratulations! The All Heavens Store was established in just a few days, and it won this year's top Soul Master Grand Competition champion in one fell swoop. This year's battle, even if it is a few Thousands of years later, it is also a household name!" Emperor Xue Ye moved towards Chu Bei from the chair and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand.

"It's so incredible, my naughty baby girl will be a member of this year's top Soul Master Grand Competition champion team!"

Ning Fengzhi looked happy Zhi Se, after being excited, he seemed to think of something. He immediately cast his eyes on Chu Bei and asked: "Boss Chu, I wonder what Rongrong's last force is?"

"Power of God." Chu Bei indifferently said .

"What? It's really the power of God!"

Confirming the guess in my heart, Ning Fengzhi took a deep breath, and then moved towards Chu Bei again and bowed deeply "Many thanks Boss Chu for the opportunity for the little girl!"

"Sect Master Ning is welcome, since Rongrong is my discipline, I will naturally give her the best." Chu Bei said with a smile.

Seeing Chu Bei and Ning Fengzhi chatting happily, Bibi Dong on the side looked heavy and turned his head towards the two old men nodded on the VIP table.

next moment, under everyone’s attention, two long rainbow threads were seen swept out from the VIP seat, moved towards the stage.

"Take that girl and return to Martial Soul Palace immediately!" At this moment, Bibi Dong floated from the air with a majestic voice.

The distance between the VIP seats is a hundred meters longer than the bucket platform, but for Titled Douluo, this distance is just a blink of an eye.

Without waiting for everyone in the stands to understand this, two white haired old men have already appeared in the sky above Bidoutai.

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