"It turned out to be back to get the angel suit." On the podium, Chu Bei glanced at Qian Daoliu lightly, and couldn't help but smile knowingly.

At this moment, Qian Daoliu is standing in the void, without the slightest Soul Power fluctuation on his body. At first glance, it looks like an ordinary person. However, in those golden eyes that looked towards Tang Hao, they were full of chilling intense killing intents.

If you look closely, you can find that between the eyebrows in Qian Daoliu, there is a seraph brand.

"Tang Hao killed Qian Xunji? It turns out that the previous Martial Soul Palace Supreme Pontiff was killed by Tang Hao!"

"No wonder Qian Daoliu hair stands up in anger, it turns out I want to avenge the killing of my son!"

"This is why Tang Hao disappeared and Clear Sky Sect escaped from the world? But what I don't understand is why Tang Hao killed Qian Xunji?"


"From Tang Hao's previous words, it seems that he is avenging a person named Ah Yin. There are five of them, and the two offerings of Yin and Yang are the last two!"

"Ah Yin? is it possible that is his wife? That Tang San's mother?"


The crowd in the stands heard what Qian Daoliu said, one by one There was surprise in his eyes, and the confusion on his face was even worse.

As for the VIP seats and the podium, those who know the details are silent, casting their eyes on Qian Daoliu and Tang Hao quietly.

"Boss Chu, there must be a battle between Tang Hao and Qian Daoliu, will you intervene?" Feeling the weird atmosphere above Bidoutai with swords drawn and bows bent, Ning Fengzhi looked towards Chu Bei Can't help but ask.

At this time, Qian Daoliu and Tang Hao looked at each other, seemingly peaceful, but everyone at the scene knew that this was the calm before the rainstorm came.

"This is the battle between the two of them."

Chu Bei got up and put his hands around his chest: "As for whether you want to make a move, it depends on the situation."


"I thought you would choose to dictate yourself."

Qian Daoliu held the Golden fist in his hand, and the behind Golden wings waved, suppressing the monstrous anger said in a tranquil voice: "You are still Do you want to fight with me?"

"Of course I want to fight." Tang Hao smiled at Qian Daoliu, without any fear on his face, indifferently said.

"Do you think you can escape by chance?"

Qian Daoliu asked: "With your strength, you should be able to see that my current strength has surpassed Demi-God, and the distance is True. God is only one line behind, right."


Hearing the title spoken by Qian Daoliu, Tang Hao glanced at the podium subconsciously. Chu Bei, then his eyes returned to Qian Daoliu's body: "So what? Even more how, you are not a true god."

There is no sound of mood swings floating in the air. , Tang Hao stomped the void with his right foot slightly, and the red glow spread out in circles around him. At the same time, the nine spirit rings on his body lighted up again.

"Kill the god domain? It's a pity it's just a domain."

Qian Daoliu glanced at the red glow of the body all around with disdain, the six wings waved, and the red all around The glow disappeared immediately.

At this moment, his body has a spirit ring that is more eye-catching than Tang Hao, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, red, except for the all-colored ones. In addition to the ten thousand year spirit ring, there is also a one hundred thousand year spirit ring.

However, just when everyone thought Qian Daoliu was also a nine spirit ring, another spirit ring appeared on his body, the tenth spirit ring!

To be precise, it should be the ninth half of the spirit ring, because this spirit ring is not completely formed, but only half formed.

This is a broken golden spirit ring, which is like woven from pieces of golden angel feathers.

Although the golden spirit ring is only half, the volume is still far larger than the other nine spirit rings. For this reason, it is not distributed up and down with the other nine rings, but is suspended separately from Qian Daoliu. behind.

"There is a Golden spirit ring!"

Looking at the incomplete Golden spirit ring behind Qian Daoliu, Ning Fengzhi, Yu Tianhao, Emperor Xue Ye, White Tiger Great Emperor looked at the same time Towards Chu Bei, a look of shock.

"The spirit ring of the one hundred thousand year soul beast is red, but if your Soul Power can go from level 99 to level 100, which is the so-called level 100 becoming a god, you will have a tenth spirit. ring. The color of this tenth spirit ring is Golden, which can also be called a god ring. As for this Qian Daoliu, with the help of an angel suit, it can barely be regarded as a quasi god, but it is still a short distance from True God. "

Speaking of this, Chu Bei glanced across Ning Fengzhi four people, and said: "This is why his tenth spirit ring is only half of the reason."

" What about you? Is it only the last step away from True God? Demi-God has been achieved, and even like the current Qian Daoliu, it is a quasi-god between Demi-God and True God?"

Bibi Dong glanced at Qian Daoliu, after a wave of waves in his heart, his eyes fell on Chu Bei's body coldly asked.

Chu Bei glanced at Bibi Dong, only laughed, and did not answer the other party's question.

At the same time, the sky above the bucket platform.

Tang Hao takes a step forward, and the flames rise all over his body. The strange thing is that the nine spirit rings on his body that originally represented the purple, black, and red of the soul beast's cultivation years have all disappeared, and they have all become dazzling white. Almost at the same time, Tang Hao's body was also wrapped in bright white glow.

The huge Clear Sky Hammer releasing the stunning dark rays of light appeared in his hands again.

"Very good! Let the old man take a look at the Martial Spirit Clear Sky Hammer first under the heavens Sect, the Clear Sky Hammer that once severely injured my son to death, how powerful the formidable power is!" Qian Daoliu stared at the Clear Sky Hammer in Tang Hao's hand coldly, clenching his fists slightly.

"You will not be disappointed."

Tang Hao's silhouette moved, and the body wrapped in the bright white glow was like an arrow moved towards Qian Daoliu, No spirit abilities were used in the process.

“en? ”

Qian Daoliu seemed to be a little bit confused about Tang Hao, so he dashed over, and the six wings moved slightly behind him, browsing slightly wrinkle.


Just when Qian Daoliu couldn't understand, Tang Hao's silhouette appeared in front of Qian Daoliu. At the same time, along with the white glow flickering, its first spirit ring burst.

Next moment, Tang Hao raised his right fist and moved towards Qian Daoliu fiercely fiercely.

Qian Daoliu didn't think too much anymore, a black spirit ring lighted up on his body, and he squeezed his fist to greet him.

There was a bang, and black and white flames rose into the sky.

Tang Hao's body flew upside down in response, but the body of Qian Daoliu of Divine Grade was also lagging in the air for a moment, and the body with the huge Soul Power breath trembled.

"How can this power..."

Looking at Tang Hao flying upside down, Qian Daoliu stared wide-eyed, he didn't understand how the other party did it.

As far as the opponent's previous punch is, the pure Soul Power is enough to rival the Level 99 Peak Douluo!

However, Tang Hao did not confuse Qian Daoliu. When he stabilized the stability, the second and third spirit rings exploded at the same time. Immediately afterwards, the silhouette flashed and flew towards Qian Daoliu again.

"Is this the secret of Clear Sky Sect?"

Qian Daoliu half-squinted, just as the opponent’s second, third, or second spirit ring burst, the opponent’s Soul Power fluctuated The breath suddenly climbed a big level.

Compared with the previous burst of the first spirit ring, Tang Hao's eyes have completely turned white at this moment, with a white flame shining in his eyes. This time, the opponent's offensive is more rapid and fiercer.

"Have you seen what happened to Tang Hao? What exactly is it?"

"Can the spirit ring burst? And, judging from these two times Every time the spirit ring bursts, his Soul Power has been improved by leaps and bounds, and it has become more terrifying!"

"I just want to know, can the burst spirit ring be restored? Isn’t it nine? If all the spirit rings are exploded, people will die? Isn’t this Tang Hao trying to perish with Qian Daoliu?"

On the VIP seats, some spectators browse tightly frowns, which are Tang Hao Shocked by the means.

Tang San raised his head and looked at Tang Hao high in the sky, pinching the corners of his clothes tightly with both hands, his forehead was soaked with cold sweat, as if he was worried about Tang Hao. From time to time, he cast his gaze on Chu Bei again, with pleading.

"I seem to understand your method a little bit."

In the air, Qian Daoliu's looking thoughtful nodded, and then the golden light broke out on his body, and his whole body turned into a golden flame and directly greeted him. Tang Hao.

The surging sacred breath bursts out of the body, the huge Golden flame makes the air distorted, and the speed is fast as lightning.

In an instant, Qian Daoliu's palm wrapped in the golden flame collided with the more powerful fist of Tang Hao imposing manner.

"break for me!"

Tang Hao burst out loudly, and his fourth spirit ring burst again in a deterrent roar.


The incomparable terrorist explosive power immediately brought up a piece of space fragments.

At the collision, the huge energy fluctuations soared into the sky, turning into a huge white beam of light, which forcibly broke through the golden flame outside Qian Daoliu's body.

"It seems I still underestimate you."

Under Tang Hao's fist, Qian Daoliu's body couldn't help but step back. After that, as soon as Qi Senhan's voice fell, the third spirit ring lit up.

Suddenly, a layer of Golden ring of light appeared in his palm, and an incomparable suction force was generated in the ring of light. In the blink of an eye, all the white light beams outside Tang Hao's body were absorbed.

In this brief moment, Tang Hao's wild body rushed to a halt in midair and forcibly was forced to stop.


Qian Daoliu flipped out his palm and quickly stuck it on Tang Hao's body. Accompanied by a low muffled sound, Tang Hao's chest suddenly sank in, blood spurted from his mouth, breath was chaotic, and his face turned pale.

"Father!" Tang San cry out in surprise, with anxiety in his shout.

"San'er, don't worry."

After Tang Hao flew in the air to stabilize the stature, he wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and glanced at Tang San to signal him not to worry.

Boom, boom, boom, bang!

Under the attention of everyone in the field, five or six seven or eight black spirit rings on Tang Hao burst in sequence. The loud noise caused by each explosion shook everyone's heart deeply, just like the sound of a gong from hell.

In an instant, the void of Tang Hao all around vibrated, and its Soul Power fluctuated wildly again. Compared to the previous two times, the skyrocketing this time seems to have no upper limit, Soul Power continuously.

"Come again!"

Tang Hao suddenly laughed like crazy, and the huge Clear Sky Hammer appeared behind it. Clear Sky Hammer seemed to feel the breath on Tang Hao's body, and there was an excitement hum on the hammer body.

Looking at Tang Hao at this moment, Qian Daoliu's face has become serious. Especially when meeting the opponent's wild gaze, frowning deeply.

He deeply felt that Tang Hao was overdrawing his life force time and time again. Through that weird means, he kept getting his power closer to the power of God.

At the moment, even if he is wearing a full set of angelic costumes, he feels a slight threat under the horrible breath of the other party.

"Boss Chu, Tang Hao, what kind of method is that?"

On the podium, Ning Fengzhi and the others once again cast their eyes on Chu Bei, waiting for each other Confuse.

Even Bibi Dong raised her ears subconsciously, and she was very afraid of this power. If she is asked to face Tang Hao now, she is not sure that she will be able to defeat it, and she will lose out in all likelihood.

"Tang Hao's current method of forcibly improving Soul Power comes from the Great Meru Mountain hammer of Clear Sky Sect, and it is also the most overbearing secret skill among Great Meru Mountain hammers. This secret skill It's called, fried ring." Chu Bei said lightly.

"Fried ring?" Ning Fengzhi and the others seemed to have heard this word for the first time, and their expressions became more and more curious.

"Each spirit ring can be blown once. After the ring is blown, the power of the spirit ring will burst out completely, and it will become the power of the soul blower itself, which will be integrated into the attack. Travel far beyond one’s own power."

"When the ring is blown, the higher the quality of the spirit ring, the greater the effect. Just like when Tang Hao blows the first spirit ring, Qian Daoliu can take it with his bare hands. However, when the second, third, fourth, and three spirit rings explode at the same time, he has to use his spirit skills. Now, Tang Hao's five, six, seven, eighty-four thousand-year spirit rings explode at the same time When driving, he has to face it with great care." Chu Bei said, scanning Ning Fengzhi and the others.

"Such a terrifying secret skill, there must be some side effects, right?" Ning Fengzhi asked, if everyone in Clear Sky Sect could use this method, Martial Soul Palace would not have its current status.

Chu Bei slightly nod: "Blasting the ring, it can also be said that the Great Meru Mountain hammer's desperate skill. Because when all the spirit rings pass through the bombing, the user himself will also enter a weak state. And exploded. The ring is an extremely dangerous method. A poorly controlled one cannot suppress the energy generated by the ring explosion. It is very likely to be swallowed by the energy of the ring explosion. Only the physical quality like Tang Hao can pass the test and possess a very strong innate talent. You can only use it. If you are someone else, you can use this secret skill as suicide."

"Furthermore, after the ring is blown, all the spirit rings of the blower disappear. It will take three full days. Time, the spirit ring can gradually recover. The method of blowing the ring again will have to wait thirty-six days later."

"So that's how it is." After listening to Chu Bei's narration, Ning Fengzhi and the others looking thoughtful of nodded.

long long long ——

The silhouette of Tang Hao moved again over the sky above the bucket.

This time, his body seemed to have split, and it turned out to be illusory, like a ghost shadow with countless afterimages, gathered from all directions, moved towards Qian Daoliu and swept away.

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