"Old way, who are they? How do I feel that they are stronger than the Sect Master of the six Celestial Grotto!"

Volcanic crater periphery , Pang Bo glanced at the murderous aura rushing to the sky murderous aura rushing to the sky, and couldn't help asking the old man beside him.

"That is Flickering Light Holy Land!"

The old man of Spirit Ruins Sanctuary took a deep breath: "Our Celestial Grotto is attached to them."

"Flickering Light Holy Land? Are they strong?" Pang Bo asked.

"It's more than strong, it's terrifying!"

The old man stared at the sky in astonishment: "Most of these cultivators in the Holy Land have detached from the Wheel Sea Realm and entered the bottom. A mysterious cultivation realm! Any cultivator among them can kill us by raising your hands!"

"Hai Xuan, the tomb of the Monster Emperor is here, why didn't you immediately notify us!"

The majestic voice was questioning. This is a burly middle-aged man, a pair of cold eyes fixed on the Spirit Ruins Sanctuary Sect Master, and the terrifying pressure is shrouded in the latter.

"Seventh Elder, we have just determined that it is the tomb of the Monster Emperor. We haven’t had time to tell you." Under the pressure of the middle-aged man, the Spirit Ruins Sanctuary Sect Master’s His face became pale.

"hmph! Next time, your Celestial Grotto will no longer exist!"

The Spirit Ruins Sanctuary Sect Master trembled as a voice filled with threats fell. The coercion covering him suddenly withdrew, and a lot of sweat oozes from his forehead.

"Xiao Zhe, your Flickering Light Holy Land is so majestic!" At this moment, a joking voice came from the other direction.

Suddenly, only listening to the rumbling of the sky, eighteen ancient war chariots rolled in, murderous aura rushing to the sky, and the oppressive sky trembled.

"Ji Feng, there are you everywhere!"

Flickering Light Holy Land After seeing eighteen ancient war chariots, everyone's pupils shrank, everyone They were all on guard, and the solemn killing aura rushed up, rising steeply in an imposing manner.

As for that leader, Seventh Elder Xiao Zhe took a step forward and moved towards the war chariot coldly snorted in the middle.

"It's not just me, but the guys in Yaochi are coming soon too."

There was a laughter from the biggest Yiliang war chariot, followed by a person wearing a black robe. The man with the big "Ji" printed on his chest walked out.

Sure enough, just as the Ji Family man's voice just fell, there were bursts of melodious music coming from the distant sky. Then a dozen women came in lightly and flew over the heads of the Great Demon.

I saw that these dozen or so women all had clothes whiter than snow. Although they were not so beautiful, they all came out of the dust and did not contaminate the breath of the world. They were so light that they flew like Ling Fairy of waves, like a dancing elves, is not interested in mundane affairs, super dusty and refined.

Some people play the bamboo flute lightly, which is melodious and very beautiful, and some people are full of smiles, making people feel like spring breeze. Each of these picturesque women is like an immortal. Breath out of the dust.

"Are these Holy Land news so well-informed? It's only a while, but they all arrived!"

"I can't think of the relics of Monster Race's Great Emperor so tempting. , The Jade Lake Holy Land, which has not even been born for a long time, was shocked! It seems that within a short time, those far away forces Sect will also be swarming."

"Flickering Light Holy Land, Ancient Desolate Ji Family, Jade Lake Holy Land, the three strongest forces stationed in Yandi have all arrived! Even the most powerful powerhouse of the three forces has been dispatched. It seems that this Monster Emperor treasure has nothing to do with us."


Looking at the Three Great Influences occupying one side of the sky, the six Celestial Grotto Sect Masters looked at each other in blank dismay and smiled bitterly at each other.

In front of these Powerhouses of cream of the crop, although they are expensive Celestial Grotto Sect Masters, they are still nothing but ants that's all.

"Bai Lian, your Jade Lake Holy Land has always been uncontested, do you want to compete for the legacy of Monster Race's Great Emperor?" Flickering Light Holy Land Xiao Zhe, Ji Family Ji Feng both looked towards the direction of Jade Lake Holy Land at the same time, and asked tentatively.

"When I passed by accidentally, I found that the monster power here is as vast as the sea and came over to find out. Who expected it to be the birth of the tomb of Monster Race's Great Emperor."

Laugh, and then looked towards the direction of a group of Great Demon: "Since you ran into it, then take a look at it. If there is my Human Race treasure in it, I will naturally help."

"Damn it Human beings, you are so greedy!" The Monster Race girl and the Great Demon gnashing teeth stared at the three forces with resentment. At the moment, the Elder in the clan is unknown, they are completely at the disadvantage.

The leader of the tripartite forces glanced at the Monster Race girl, no one answered, they all cast their eyes on Ye Fan.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm a little panicked."

I noticed the fiery eyes of Xiao Zhe, Ji Feng, and Bai Lian, Ye Fan slapped abruptly. A chill, the feeling was like being stared at by a prey, and his subconsciously footsteps moved back and stayed behind Chu Bei.

The six Celestial Grotto Sect Masters cast a sympathetic look at Ye Fan one after another. The ghost knows how these Peak forces will take out the Taoism in the latter's body.

"little fellow, do you know what is the gold foil in your Sea of ​​Bitterness?"

Xiao Zhe stared at Ye Fan with half-squinted eyes: "That's my Human Race lost the wheel and sea volume of the Tao for several years, and the Wheel Sea Realm cultivator built with your trifling sacred bridge. You can't guard this treasure at all."

Speaking of which, Xiao Zhe right The hand sticks out, the palms are densely covered with rune, and a giant palm moved towards Ye Fan intertwined by runes swept towards Ye Fan.

"Don’t be nervous. You have swallowed the thunder pill, but the body becomes a thunderbolt, no one here can hurt you. It is precisely, you can clearly understand the thunder formidable power that you control now "

Faced with the intrusive attack, when Ye Fan was about to ask Chu Bei for help, the latter's indifferent voice sounded in his mind first.

After such a reminder, Ye Fan's expression startedled, and his gaze narrowed. He is no longer a normal human being, but he ate the thunder Dan in the All Heavens Departmental Store!

At the moment the rune giant palm hit, Ye Fan's body suddenly turned into lightning.

With the sound of chi chi, the rune giant palm passed through its body and fell on the rocks below, causing a violent shock.

Next moment, I saw a flash of lightning flash, Ye Fan has appeared above Xiao Zhe's head.


I noticed the fluctuation of breath above my head, Xiao Zhe eyes suddenly shrank. However, before he could make any response, a rolling thunder crackle appeared above his head.

"This kid can control Power of Thunder!" Six Celestial Grotto Sect Master looked at the thunder formed by Ye Fan in the sky, and couldn't help but sigh.

Ji Feng of Ji Family and Bai Lian of Yaochi, the two also showed a surprised look at the methods Ye Fan showed, but they were more confused. The billowing thunder that Ye Fan turned into, although it seemed quite an imposing manner, did not make them feel the slightest threat.

In fact, it is true. All of the crackle's thunder strikes are on Xiao Zhe's body, but the latter has no response. The attack power seems to be tickling to him.

"Boy, you dare to play with me!"

Feeling the thunder formidable power, Xiao Zhe's face suddenly turned pale, and once again looked towards the one who had returned to Chu Bei's side Ye Fan, his eyes are about to burst into flames.

"How?" Chu Bei smiled at Ye Fan.

"This, it seems to be of no use to these cultivators." Ye Fan scratched his head. If the lightning he turned on was on an ordinary person, he was confident that he would instantly make the other person unconscious; but for this, etc. The powerful cultivator has no effect at all.

"These three little fellows have entered the Four Pole Realm in the breakthrough Dao Palace. The heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, and spleen have all been strengthened. Now they are training their limbs. Preliminary control of the hands and feet connecting to heaven penetrating the earth. Raising hands and lifting is the ability of the Profound Technique. And your Power of Thunder is related to your own strength, naturally it will not have any effect on them. When you cultivation complete mastery, it is even a thunder Yu Wei can easily kill them."

Chu Bei did not deliberately lower his voice. For this reason, although the voice can't be considered too large, it was clearly transmitted to Xiao Zhe, Ji Feng, Bai Lian and six Celestial Grotto Sect Masters, a group of Great Demon, and even Pang Bo, Lin Jia and the others below.

"This Boss Chu is really not the usual madness! It seems that the three giants of swallow land are not in the eyes at all." Six Celestial Grotto Sect Masters simultaneously glanced at the direction of Chu Bei, The corners of his mouth were pulled subconsciously.

"Easily kill us?"

Listening to Chu Bei's words, even Bai Lian, who has always been calm and composed without asking about world affairs, was emotionally turbulent, between his brows The anger is faintly visible; as for Xiao Zhe and Ji Feng, they have already squeezed their fists, and a powerful breath comes out, killing intent become faintly discernible in their eyes.

"It's really arrogant! Do you know who we are?" Xiao Zhe's gaze narrowed, Sen Han's gaze fixed on Chu Bei.

"No need to know." Chu Bei looked indifferent.


Hearing this, Xiao Zhe's face instantly became extremely heavy. But when his breath climbed to the extreme and he was about to show this crazy guy some color, the ancient palace that had calmed down shook violently again.

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, I saw the dazzling rays of light suddenly blooming at the second level of the ancient palace, and then a group of brilliance swept out.

"There is another treasure flying out!"

Six Celestial Grotto Sect Master cry out in surprise, but no one fights for it, because they know that since Two Great Holy Lands, After the arrival of a large Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family, there is nothing left for them here, and all they can do is a spectator.

As for the Great Demon below, they also didn't make a move. They just stared at the group of brilliance unwillingly, and their eyes were full of anxiety awaiting the arrival of Clan Leader's retreat elders. If they go up at this time, they will undoubtedly die in front of the Big Three.

"A piece of Green Copper Disc? But it seems that there is some invisible breath in it." Seeing the things in the light group, Ji Feng brows slightly wrinkle.

This Green Copper Disc looks very ordinary at first glance, like a fragment from a certain vessel. But if you look closely and stare for a while, you can find that it turns out an unexplainable charm, giving people a sense of endless simplicity and vicissitudes of life.

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