"che, then you just say at first, it's a waste of time." Some young talents from Great Influence outside Yandi let out a sigh, and then they turned to Xia Yanran. Out of the source.

After that, one by one carefully selected the source stones. Among them, Ji Ziyue, regardless of Chu Bei's persuasion, also joined the source selection army.

"Boss, didn’t you say that there is only one source stone? Why did you choose two? Isn’t this a waste of 30 kilograms of source? Is it because you don’t want these people to be interested? Or, It's hard to be sure which of these two source stones has the source?" Ye Fan looked at Chu Bei incomprehensibly.

"You will know this in a while." Chu Bei pretends to be mysterious.

In the square area, I saw Ji Ziyue turning around, patting this piece for a while, then knocking that piece again, showing a very careful look.

"It's weird, it feels like there are sources! And the sources seem to be all the same size." After searching for a long time, Ji Ziyue pouted, with a hesitant expression on his face.

After a long while, Ji Ziyue's eyes suddenly lit up, and the corners of his eyebrows suddenly stretched out, filled with joy.

"It's you!" Ji Ziyue screamed in excitement, then picked up a source stone and returned to Chu Bei Ye Fan's side.

"little girl, you are wasting thirty kilograms of source in vain." Chu Bei shook the head.

"hmph, I bet there is no source in your source stone!"

The source stone in Ji Ziyue patted's hand, did not forget to move towards Chu Bei and made a grimacing face.

Chu Bei said with a smile: "How about we gamble on one?"

"How to bet?" Ji Ziyue was interested.

"Just bet on the source stone of my two, who can cut out the heterogeneous source!" Chu Bei smiled and looked at Ji Ziyue.

"Okay! What is the bet?" Ji Ziyue agreed, his face full of confidence.

"Block all sources of your body!" Chu Bei said.

"I still have twenty catties of black sources, equivalent to two hundred catties of ordinary sources. What are you betting against me?" Ji Ziyue shook the spatial pouch.

"Fuck, I didn't think you were a super rich woman!" Ye Fan couldn't help but sigh.

"If you win, everything in this bag is yours."

Chu Bei raised hand, a seemingly ordinary bag floats on Ji Ziyue's body before.

A Divine Consciousness broke into the Spatial Ring, and after recognizing the things in the Spatial Ring, Ji Ziyue's eyes widened and his mouth opened wide!

"Are you sure you want to take...take all of this and bet with me..."

Ji Ziyue swallowed saliva and said, because he was shocked and shivered. There was obviously a slight difference in his eyes, which was a suspicion of Chu Bei's identity.

"As long as you win, they are all yours." Chu Bei looked calm.

"it's a deal!"

Ji Ziyue yelled excitedly, but when she was preparing to solve the stone, others had already chosen their favorite source stone. , Start to ask Master to lay the stone.

"God bless, you can hit it with one hit!"

This is a middle-aged man with gorgeous clothes. There is no spiritual power fluctuation on his body. It is obviously just an ordinary person. .

At this moment, the middle-aged man's gaze is firmly locked on the knife in the hands of the source Master, his hands are folded together, and his mouth is constantly muttering.

The source master makes a sharp move, the knife is like a dragon, and the source stone stone skin falls quickly. With the waiting of the audience, in a short while, the original stone of the same size was not as big as a fist.

The stone skin continued to fall, until the source stone was completely solved, and there was still no source.

"It's really a waste source! It seems that Yanran Fairy is right. These source stones are only assimilated by the High Level heterogeneous source before they have its breath."

"It's just that I'm sorry for this upstart, all of this, the 30-jin source is gone, and I didn't get anything."

Everyone looked towards the middle-aged man with pity in their eyes. As for the middle-aged man, his liver-colored face is as ugly as a dead relative.

"Come and solve me!" The second person stepped forward and handed his source stone to Yuan Master expectantly.

As for some other cultivators that can't wait, they have also found a source Master to solve the stone.

Almost at the same time, the six source masters smashed stones together.


In the crisp sound, the stone skin kept falling. Every time a piece was dropped, the hearts of everyone in the field chuckled.

The second piece, passive!

The third piece, passive!

The fourth block, passive!

The fifth piece, passive!


"Six in a row are nothing! If this is not the rock gamble shop, I suspect this is a scam."

When the six source masters closed the knife, the six source stones that were cut at the same time were nothing, and the viewers on the side suddenly exclaimed.

"Seven of them have been there, and now our probability is greatly increased!" The cultivator who hasn't laid the stone on the side showed joy.

"Come and solve me this time!"

Ji Ziyue put the source stone in his hand next to Master Yiyuan, not forgetting to glance at Chu Bei, and raised his head. Little fist: "Don't forget my bet, if you agree to bet you must accept to lose!"

After that, Ji Ziyue be eager to have a try Master of the source: "Cut it!"

Through the Secret Skill uploaded by the ancestor, she has the most direct sense of the source. Although these source stones are almost the same, she still senses from this source stone. There was a slight fluctuation.

After learning the ancestral Secret Skill, she began to search for the source, and she rarely made mistakes in the ordinary source stone. In the black three stone gamble shop, she chose the wrong place not because of her, but because the unscrupulous merchant took away the source inside.

"I said little girl, don't be full of confidence, the result will disappoint you."

"That is, although seven pieces have been cut, you only have The possibility of one-twenty-ninth, hope is still extremely slim."

"Put your mind right, even if you can't cut it out, don't be too uncomfortable. Who will let this alien source have only one."



Seeing Ji Ziyue's confident look, the viewers on the side could not help but sneer.

"Hehe, just wait and see, how can this Miss's vision be comparable to you!" Ji Ziyue moved towards everyone shook their heads.

At this time, the knife in Yuan Master's hand has gone Dragon Snake, and Yuan stone casserole keeps falling to the ground.

"Boss, will the source stone she chose come from?" Ye Fan asked curiously.

"Yes, there are, but..."

"Yes, there is light!!"

Chu Bei didn’t finish speaking, he was The middle-aged man was interrupted by a scream and exclamation.

When the source master's new knife fell, a dazzling green light shot out from the source stone.

At this moment, the spiritual power in a numerous cultivators Sea of ​​Bitterness suddenly revolved up, and the pores all over my body began to relax, like swimming in a hot spring and feeling very comfortable.

"This...is really cut by this girl!"

"What kind of source is it that can actually cause our spiritual power to fluctuate!"

" Hey, putting it that way, don’t I need to cut the source stone in my hand? Can I return it?"


The consternation was mixed with the frustration of part of the cultivator .

"Hehe, let me just say, I have a heterogeneous source here!"

Ji Ziyue swept all around people with a triumphant face, and finally fixed his eyes on Chu Bei. The arrogant expression is like a little rooster who has won a battle: "if you agree to bet you must accept to lose, all the things in your bag belong to Young Miss."

After all, Ji Ziyue looked towards the Source Master: "Continue to cut it, cut it out, I want to see what source it is!"

However, when the source Master’s next knife fell, Ji Ziyue The excited expression instantly solidified, and his face turned gray for an instant, as if he had eaten a bitter lotus.

It’s not just her. Everyone in the field except Chu Bei stared at the source cut out by Yuan Master with dull eyes and a dull look, one by one, like a sunny day. Like a thunderbolt, the strangeness in that gaze could hardly express their astonishment at this moment.

"Why...how could it be like this! I bet on the source for several decades, and this is the first time I have seen it like this."

"Does this heterogeneous source have already produced intelligence? I understand. Did you use the blinding method?"

"My cognition has been changed! The source is indeed a magical existence!"

"haha, so it seems that we have The source stone still has a chance!"


Amidst the astonishment and clamor, there was a little voice of rejoicing.

"Impossible, how could this be..."

Ji Ziyue stared blankly at the source in Yuan Master's hand, only loss left on his face.

Yes, that is not a source, but a source that is so thin that there is no half a millimeter, and this source is evaporating and disappearing at a speed visible to naked eye.

"It has disappeared, it has disappeared!"

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, the thin piece of alien source cut out by the source master all turned into a light rain and disappeared, and finally Only a pile of stone skins remained.

"Is this heterogeneous source become refined?"

Xia Yanran's face was shocked, and when the green light flashed, she thought that the heterogeneous source appeared. Up. Unexpectedly, this is just a blindfold of that alien source, a complete fake.

"It's really cunning!" After realizing that he was being tricked by a source, Ji Ziyue stomped angrily, looking like gnashing teeth.

"Cut this piece."

While everyone was still immersed in surprise, Chu Bei raised his hand and waved, a source stone fell in front of the source master .

Suddenly, everyone's eyes fell on Chu Bei's guy who picked two source stones at random.

The source master received the source stone thrown by Chu Bei. Perhaps the source stone before it was waste stone, but the original expectation in his eyes was much less.

Hand-held knives, like a dragon walking around.

Number One Blade fell, everything was normal.

The second knife fell, and there was still no abnormality.

The third cut, the fourth cut, the fifth cut,


"hehe, it seems that you have gone too far."

Seeing that the big source stone of football was cut and only fist sized remained, Ji Ziyue looked towards Chu Bei and laughed at taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

However, just as it was about to say something more, there was a snap, a different kind of crisp sound that was different from cutting a stone skin.

Sounding the body, everyone trembled, Yuan Master immediately became cautiously up, and the limit of the carving knife in his hand slowed down.

In the next moment, Luhua rushed out, a green misty atmosphere, and the spiritual qi was as strong as it condensed into liquid.

Almost at the same time, the Sea of ​​Bitterness voluntary revolving of all cultivators in the field seemed to have received a huge temptation.

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