"Today’s sales have reached the upper limit, so let’s stop here."

Chu Bei looked at Hai Bodong apologetically: "If you have time someday, go All Heavens Store in Wu Tan City is looking for me."

"What do you mean? Fuck me?"

Hai Bodong's complexion immediately came down, and the baleful aura flashed in his eyes, hideous scars It seems more and more fierce.

"I am a businessman, some rules are set by Old Ancestor and cannot be changed." Chu Bei responded lightly.

"Since you know who I am, you must have some understanding of my temperament."

Hai Bodong stared at Chu Bei coldly: "Today you do not hand over the so-called The reversal of the seal formation, never want to get out of this door!"

"Are you threatening me?" Chu Bei frowned, his face getting colder.

Hai Bodong coldly snorted, and his right foot stomped fiercely on the ground.

Suddenly, ice cold aura centered on itself and quickly spread throughout the shop. The mist shrouded and concealed sight.

"Ice thorns!"

Hai Bodong shouted, turning his hands quickly to form seals.

In an instant, the cold mist in front of him quickly turned and condensed into three spiral-shaped transparent ice thorns half a meter long.


As Hai Bodong patted Chu Bei with his right palm, three spiral ice thorns burst out with a whistling sound.

Feeling the oncoming bitter chill, Chu Bei did not evade, but the divine sense moved.

A light wall as thin as cicada wing is formed in front of Chu Bei.


Three spiral ice thorns fiercely hit the light wall, causing a muffled sound.

Following, under Hai Bodong's gaze, the three spiral ice thorns seemed to have entered the vortex, all submerged into the thin wall of light.

"What's going on!"

Hai Bodong brows tightly knit.

Just as his voice fell, ripples appeared on the weird wall of light.

Immediately afterwards, three more terrifying breath spiral ice thorns formed in the light wall.

Hai Bodong's face changed abruptly as he looked at the ice thorns that shot out like lightning, and his hands quickly turned over again.

The cold air surging and gathers all around its body, forming an ice shield in front of its body.


However, before the three more terrifying ice thorns, the ice shield instantly shattered, without the slightest defense.


There was another muffled sound.

Three ice thorns fiercely hit Hai Bodong's chest.

Pu chi!

Hai Bodong a mouthful of blood spurted, his body shot upside down like a cannonball, hitting the wall, his face instantly pale.

"Don't say you're just a Dou Ling now, even if you return to Dou Huang, I won't take it seriously."

Chu Bei takes a step neither too fast nor too slow In front of Hai Bodong: "For the sake of your dealings with me, this is the first time I don't care about you. If you dare to be aggressive, I don't mind finding a cemetery for you."

Sen Han's voice fell, Chu Bei waved his sleeves, and the light wall of as thin as cicada wing in front of him disappeared.

Three times the rebound mirror, this is what he has spent 10000Force of Desire Value to redeem.

Under Dou Wang, all attacks are refunded three times, and the time limit is 3 minutes.

Hai Bodong got up, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, but looked at Chu Bei coldly, without saying a word.

"As for this map fragment, it can’t solve your seal. Don’t study it unfaithful."

Chu Bei picked up the map fragment on the table and threw it to Hai Bodong, Then he said: "If you want to undo seal, remember to go to Wu Tan City."

After all, Chu Bei flipped through a bunch of messy maps, selected the most detailed map, and threw it in The space of the heavens.

No money was given, and he walked out of the house.

Looking at the map fragment in his hand and looking towards Chu Bei's leaving back, Hai Bodong seemed to want to ask something, but finally stopped.


The vast desert is full of wind and sand.

Chu Bei waved his wings and flew over the desert.

Just as Chu Bei flew over a towering sand surface, he stopped the stature.

I saw in the desert below, more than a dozen mercenaries were holding weapons and facing their backs, with a solemn face.

All around them, eight strange-looking creatures are distributed in a circle, surrounding them.

These creatures have human heads and bodies, but their feet are a huge snake tail, and the snake tail makes a chick noise when throwing, which is chilling.

"Kill all, don't leave one!"

The lead Snake-Person's cold eyes swept across the mercenary team, his voice hoarse, and his face was bloodthirsty.

Hearing the commander's order, two Snake-Persons immediately came forward, their mouths slightly opened, and the scarlet snake letter was vomiting.

"Everyone stay vigilant! We have just sent out the signal, as long as we hold on for a while, the team leader will arrive, and then we will be saved!"

See Snake-Person In the action, among the mercenary team surrounded, the one-year-old man opened the mouth and said.

Hearing this, although the other mercenaries echoed out loudly, the palms of each of them holding their weapons were full of sweat.

Although they have an advantage in number, the highest strength is only 7-Star Dou Zhe, and the weakest opponent is 8-Star Dou Zhe.

This kind of gap, they all knew in their hearts that they simply couldn't sustain the arrival of their head.


The leader of Snake-Person, coldly snorted, and the two Snake-Persons who stepped forward, suddenly moved towards the mercenary team with a grim face and slaughtered away.

"Ready to fight!"

The leader of the mercenary team hurriedly said.


However, when the two Snake-Persons were about to rush into the mercenary team, a sky-splitting sound started.

After that, a silhouette suddenly lay across the gap between the two Snake-Person and the mercenaries.

Looking at the youth man who appeared suddenly, a group of mercenaries were surprised at first, and then rejoiced after they reacted.

Since the opponent is also a human, and it appears at this time, it must help them.

"Let's kill together!"

The leader of Snake-Person glanced at Chu Bei disdainfully, and he just waved his hand without asking anything.

The two Snake-Persons with Dou Zhe 8-Star strength who received the order slammed their tails and rushed to Chu Bei with a fierce face.

Chu Bei's face remained unchanged, his hands squeezed his fists, the stature flashed, and he quickly passed by the two snakes.


For an instant, the two Snake-Persons seemed to be Suffering a heavy blow, the stability tremblingly shot out against the sand, blood spurting in their mouths.

"Dou...Dou Qi is out!"

"He, he is Da Dou Shi!"

"How come! Too young!"

Looking at the two Snake-Persons that had been blasted out for several tens of meters, a group of mercenaries opened their mouths and stared at Chu Bei, their faces filled with astonishment.

Under these heavy blows, even if the two Snake-Persons are undying, they must be seriously injured and dying.

"Humans, it is not a wise choice to offend our Snake-Person in the Tageer Desert!"

Seeing two subordinates seriously injured by Chu Bei, leading Snake-Person triangular eyes My pupil condenses, and his voice is cold.

Chu Bei laughed and looked at the leader Snake-Person calmly.

"get lost!"

The sound of a word fell, like the sound of rolling thunder.

"You will regret it!"

To meet Chu Bei's gaze, lead Snake-Person coldly snorted.

If he hadn't witnessed Chu Bei Dou Qi being released with his own eyes, he would have already killed him.


After that, the leader Snake-Person looked towards other Snake-Person and gave the order.

"Are you threatening me? Then stay here forever."

The leader Snake-Person just turned around with his subordinates, and Chu Bei sounded jokingly.

[PS: New book issue, need a recommendation ticket~ Dear friends, give out the tickets in your hand~ I love you~ Super love]

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