long long long !

Suddenly, Bronze Immortal Palace vibrated violently. Before everyone could react, a huge force, like the falling of the Milky Way, resembling the silence of the Star Region , From above their heads, the huge pressure is suffocating.

I looked up and saw that it was a cloud of mist, and there was chaos surging, like mist, hazy waist and waist, moving towards the downward and drowning, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, which could not be stopped at all.

That is a kind of Strength of Source, like the beginning of the universe, Heaven and Earth are just taking shape, the stars are shining, the chaos is violent, and the force is unstoppable.

"This...this power..."

The pupils of a number of cultivators suddenly dilated, and there was an inexplicable chill in their hearts. They knew that if they were overwhelmed by this sudden power , Sure to die.

However, to their horror, this turbid force actually imprisoned their chakras, making them impossible to move even a little bit.

Just when numerous cultivators turned their eyes for help on the Great Powerhouse, the misty power suddenly dissipated, and what followed was the mist that gradually filled the entire great hall.

"This...this is Qi of Black and Yellow!"

"Oh my god, a little Qi of Black and Yellow in the outside world will cause scramble, this great hall unexpectedly So many!"

In the misty mist, thousands of cultivators in the temple seemed to be dreaming. After waking up in a daze, they cry out in surprise one by one, with extremely excited expressions.

Even many great abilities such as Shaking Light Holy Lord, Jiang Family Patriarch, Tu Tian, ​​Peacock King, etc., have inadvertently revealed expressions of astonishment, full of incredible colors.

Previously, they also used Extreme Dao Weapons for life and death battle for the little Qi of Black and Yellow outside the mysterious source stone. The clinker inside the Bronze Immortal Palace was unexpectedly covered by Qi of Black and Yellow. Flooded.

Of course, when everyone was still immersed in shock, Qi of Black and Yellow, which was full of the great hall, suddenly rioted, moving towards the upper center like crazy. Gather away.

Looking at it, I saw that in the center, a silhouette stood with his hands behind, and its body surface released a faint dazzling light, which was exactly the Chu Bei that numerous cultivators were looking for.

At this moment, Chu Bei is like a vortex with terrifying suction, madly devouring the mysterious gas in the great hall.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

As time goes by, the majestic Qi of Black and Yellow in the great hall begins to become thinner and less .

[The system has obtained a sufficient amount of Myriad Things Origin Energy, and the host has obtained the right to use the 15th level commodity once]

When the mechanical system sounds in Chu Bei’s mind, it is released outside the body The terrifying swallowing power suddenly disappeared.

"Boss, these remaining Qi of Black and Yellow..." Ji Ziyue tugged at the corner of Chu Bei's clothes, his lips moved slightly.

Chu Bei glanced across all around indifferently, and then looked towards a numerous cultivators below: "Since you are here, then it is also destined. It depends on how much Qi of Black and Yellow can be absorbed. His body can bear the limit."

"many thanks Boss!"

Hearing Chu Bei's words, a number of cultivators in the hall looked at Chu Bei with great gratitude, and instantly boiled.

Even Shaking Light Holy Lord, Peacock King and the others are all excited, although 90% of Qi of Black and Yellow in the hall are swallowed by each other, but even the rest The first floor is enough for all of them to refining, even more than enough.

After all, this strand of Qi of Black and Yellow is equivalent to a big mountain, even with their mighty physical qualities, they can’t absorb a few strands, let alone those cultivators under the Dragon Transformation environment.

long long long ——

Shortly after Chu Bei fell, Bronze Immortal Palace trembled violently.

"What's the situation again!" Everyone was shocked.

"It will leave. According to this seat, you should first absorb Myriad Things Origin Energy as much as possible. When you reach the limit of your body, you can go out of the great hall and then refining." Chu Bei indifferently said.

Hearing this, a number of cultivators looked at each other, and no longer hesitated, one after another turned on the sea, and started to absorb the Qi of Black and Yellow around the body little by little.

Over time.

More and more cultivators flew out of the Bronze Immortal Palace after their bodies reached their limits.

About a quarter of an hour later, Shaking Light Holy Lord, Jiang Family Patriarch and other powerful Powerhouses have reached their limits. After looking at each other, they left almost at the same time.

On the contrary, Ye Fan and Duan De are still devouring them crazily.

Another quarter of an hour passed.

Duan De looked at Ye Fan with jealousy, and stopped the absorption first.

At this moment, only Chu Bei, Duan De, Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue who refuse to leave with Ji Family Patriarch are left in the great hall.

After one hour, the thunder in Ye Fan's wheel disappeared, which also meant that he had reached his limit.

"Let’s go, it’s about to leave."

Chu Bei pointed all around the wall where the dazzling rays of light was lit up, and with a wave of his hand, the lightning flash flashed by, carrying Ye Fan and the three disappeared inside the Bronze Immortal Palace.

Shortly after Chu Bei left, Bronze Immortal Palace sank into the void and disappeared in the buzzing sound.

Looking away, there was no one on the battlefield, which was almost turned into rubble except for the corpse. After getting Qi of Black and Yellow, these cultivators all immediately returned to the power to refining.

One day later.

"Have you heard about the Bronze Immortal Palace?"

"Hehe, I was a personal participant and almost died there!"

"I heard that Boss Chu is here again and saved you all person? Is there such a thing!"

"You don't know, you want to get the opportunity in the Bronze Immortal Palace The deadlock must be broken first! The group of people three thousand years ago, simply did not find a chance to become a fairy, but became a corpse. In that fairy hall, there are not only thousands of powerful ancient creatures, but also an emperor corpse, even The power that holds the Extreme Dao Weapons is no more than an ant in front of it."

"Fortunately, with the presence of Boss Chu and the Supreme Divine Ability suppressing the emperor corpse, we were spared. Moreover, I seem to be spared. I also saw the generation of empresses recorded in the ancient book!"

"What? The Great Empress Ferocity! Wouldn't she know Boss Chu?"

"Just to say Come back, what chance did you get in the end?"

"hehe, Qi of Black and Yellow!"


Just a lapse of time, about The deeds of Chu Bei and Bronze Immortal Palace spread wildly to the entire Eastern Wilderness at the speed of flowing water.

3rd day since the disappearance of Bronze Immortal Palace.

spiritual qi In an ample barren ancient restricted area.

Ye Fan sit cross-legged on a rock, the whole body is wrapped by Myriad Things Origin Energy, and above the Sea of ​​Bitterness, a small cauldron is thoroughly polished and shaped, simple and natural, with yin and yang in both ears. Fully set Heaven and Earth.

Small cauldron is only one inch tall, without dazzling rays of light, without appalling divine force fluctuations, and some are just nature and atmosphere.

Although it is not big, it gives people the feeling of grand and magnificent. Unlike the is a device, it is more like a mountain river, a Star Region, a world of Taoism and nature.

"It is indeed a treasure of refining tools, no wonder it is so rare." Fat Daoist Priest held his chin in his hand and looked at that tripod in Ye Fan's body with envy.


A dull sound came from Ye Fan's body.

At this moment, Ye Fan's mind is immersed in the sea of ​​rounds. He stepped directly on the sacred bridge and crossed the sea.

He crossed the Sea of ​​Bitterness and came to the end. This is a pure land with mist and mist. In the high sky, he vaguely saw a huge Dao Palace.

Dao Palace, corresponding to the thorax area of ​​the human body, where there are five Revered Divinities, heart, lung, liver, spleen, and kidney.

Looking at Dao Palace from a distance, after a long time, Ye Fan got up and moved towards Chu Bei and hugged a cup one fist in the other hand.

Immediately, he was on the Dao Palace realm!

"It really is a super Great Demon monster with a Remote Antiquity Sacred Body!" Ji Ziyue pouted, looking at Ye Fan with jealousy.

"Boss Chu, didn't you say that I was given a chance to become a fairy? When will it be given?"

Not far away, Fat Daoist Priest Duan De looked flattering Looking at Chu Bei.

Chu Bei glanced at Duan De, who was looking forward to it. With a wave of his hand, the agent ring flew towards Duan De, and a group of information about Level 1 agents fell into Duan De Sea of ​​Consciousness.


At the same time, a sensational major event spread.

This news not only caused a great disturbance in Eastern Wilderness, it has even spread outside Eastern Wilderness.

The former Divine King Jiang Taixu is still alive!

Two days ago, news broke that a cultivator from Jiang Family strayed into Purple Mountain, the dojo of Great Emperor Without Beginning, and found Divine King Jiang Taixu.

One day ago, this news was confirmed and it was indeed true.

Jiang Taixu, the ancient Desolate Jiang Family's genius, who is hard to come by in thousands of years, makes one side and dominates Eastern Wilderness. But on one day, it suddenly disappeared from Eastern Wilderness, and even the people in the Jiang Family didn't know its whereabouts.

"Is this Divine King Jiang Taixu really still alive? A man who has lived for nearly five thousand years!"

"It is reported that he has been under the seal and has been exhausted. The lamp is dead."

"My God, after being sealed for five thousand years, he actually supported it!"

"The legendary Purple Mountain has the Without left by the Great Emperor Without Beginning Beginning Scripture, do you think Jiang Taixu got it?"

"Whether you get the Without Beginning Scripture or not, this time Jiang Family can be said to be full. There are rumors that Divine King Jiang has the Fighting Character in the Nine Secrets. Art ——Battle Saint Method, that’s the Supreme divine technique known as Eastern Wilderness’s highest attack power!"


In recent days, the biggest movement is the Ancient Desolate. Aristocratic Family Jiang Family.

“It’s incredible. After five thousand years and undying, Divine King’s fate is really hard. Now if Jiang Family gets Divine King Jiang inheritance, it owns Nine Secrets Fighting Character Art, and the rest Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family 、Holy Land, who can fight with it?"

"If the Fighting Character Art in the Nine Secrets is really born, I am afraid that it is not just the Eastern Wilderness that shakes. Those forces other than Eastern Wilderness will all Do whatever you can to get it."

"Who can match Divine King when he was born?"

"According to the main news, Jiang Taixu was indeed rescued, but with The dead are almost the same. Not only the fleshy body is almost withered, but the Divine Consciousness is also almost extinguished. Now the Jiang Family is like a big enemy, with the Extreme Dao Weapons guarding Jiang Taixu day and night, for fear of being taken advantage of."

"A generation of Divine King Jiang Taixu, in the past years of heroic appearance, the age of the weak crown has shaken the world, but when he did not expect to be born again, his heroes were late."


Eastern Wilderness each Great Influence is discussing Divine King Jiang Taixu, and people who know the inside story sigh again and again, but such a man of heavenly posture has ended up like this.

On the other side, in Divine City, the nearest to Purple Mountain, Jiang Family Patriarch stands in a void, staring at it and sighing.

His Divine King Old Ancestor is too weak. After coming out of Purple Mountain, there is no way to send it back to Jiang Family. The fire of Divine Consciousness will be extinguished at any time, so he can only be sent into this Divine City. Dragon Transformation Pond. "

Dragon Transformation Pond, as old as Divine City, has a miraculous effect on healing, and there is an illusory legend. It has transformed into a True Dragon, which is the only life-saving herb today.

In order to save Divine King, Jiang Family has released news to the entire Eastern Wilderness and offered a way to save lives at a sky-high price.

the rising wind forebodes the coming storm, since Divine King Jiang Taixu fell on the Dragon Transformation Pond After that, the atmosphere of Divine City was obviously unusual, and there was a faint sense of depression.

"Do you know that in the middle of last night, Divine City shook, and a super expert attacked the Dragon Transformation Pond at night and killed it. A Supreme Elder of Jiang Family almost rushed in. Fortunately, Jiang Family Patriarch felt that it promptly urged the Eternal Universe Furnace to retreat the enemy, otherwise the Divine King would have been killed. "

"Jiang Family is Ancient Desolate Aristocratic Family, and even possesses Extreme Dao Weapons. Isn't the attacker afraid of Jiang Family's revenge?" "

"Hehe, I heard that this night attacker came from outside Eastern Wilderness. Think about it, too, the Divine King that year, but in the entire Big Dipper younger generation has created a terrible reputation. "

"With this night attack, the Jiang Family is now like an enemy. The Divine Furnace, which is made of golden blood and gold, is always guarded in front of the Dragon Transformation Pond, and a large number of them have been transferred. Expert guardian in the family. "

"As far as I know, those forces other than Eastern Wilderness that Divine King got into trouble have already partly sneaked into Divine City. "


More and more Powerhouses are pouring into Divine City, and the atmosphere of Divine City has gradually become tense. Powerhouses with blood and blood are all over every corner. There are imposing manners of Peak Powerhouse faintly running through the sky.

"Boss, where is your purple source stone? Cut it open and show us it! What's the baby in there? "

Just out of the deserted ancient forbidden area, Ji Ziyue seems to have thought of something, eyes shined, and immediately looked towards Chu Bei.

Hearing this, Ye Fan and Duan De are also immediate He cast his gaze on Chu Bei, his eyes filled with curiosity.

"Then cut it open and take a look. "Chu Bei laughed, with a wave of his right hand, rays of light flashed, and the robbed purple source stone appeared in front of Ye Fan.

Ye Fan supported the source stone, first I was stunned, and then the finger knife cautiously cut the source stone.

ka-cha !

With a crisp sound, the purple source stone exploded. Then, a huge piece of stone was exploded. The black shadow threw out.

Ye Fan's speed is so fast, but due to the slow reaction, he was directly pounced by the black shadow.

Because of the astonishment, he forgot to elementary Ye Fan was thrown directly on the ground, and then a big sharp black claw was pressed down, very stout.

This is a tall creature with gray hair hanging down to the ground. The face is covered, the strands of sunlight shine through the hair and sink into the pair of black holes. It looks terrifying.

Seeing the big black paws of the tall creatures press down, Ye Fan immediately came back to his senses, the right hand turned into a thunder, and slapped it out with a slap. After quickly touching the black paw, he turned over and sat up, riding on the tall creature.

When seeing the tall creatures clearly, Ye Fan twitched at the corners of his mouth.

This turned out to be a big dog, much larger than the common huskies on Earth, like a cow, and black all over Like Mo, with square head and big ears, it is bigger than a tiger.

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