[The next three chapters are divided into the early morning 4D chapter, you who have read it, please don’t subscribe]

"These other means..."

In the battlefield, Jiang Taixu looked at Chu Bei's back with a trance and suddenly, he actually believed that the other party was an old monster who had survived the ancient times.

After all, he has already boarded the Divine King Realm, but he still can't capture the other party's spiritual qi fluctuations, and he can't even capture the opponent's movement trajectory.

"Boss, these three slaps are good, really clean!" Duan De on the side took a step forward, looking at Chu Bei with a flattery face, without the slightest hesitation patted the flattery.

"Ye Fan, when do you say we will have the strength of Boss, it's good to watch." Ji Ziyue tugged Ye Fan's arm.

"It's not big or small, it's Brother Fan!" Ye Fan ruthlessly squeezed Ji Ziyue's nose.

Not far away, the Dark Night Monarch swept through the three-way blood mist that had not yet dispersed, and when he looked towards Chu Bei, his face became more solemn and hard to look.

Through the means revealed by the other party, he knew that the other party was definitely not a messy existence.

Thinking of this, Dark Night Monarch clenched the Yin-Yang Divine Sword in his hand even more.

"It's you."

The plain syllables without the slightest emotional fluctuations fell, and Chu Bei tilted his head and looked towards Dark Night Monarch, with a glimmer of light in his eyes.

The speed of the dark light is extremely fast, and a Thunder Dragon is faintly visible in it, and it penetrates the void in an instant and appears in front of the Dark Night Monarch.

The sudden attack obviously made Dark Night Monarch's body tremble, and subconsciously raised the Yin-Yang Divine Sword to resist it.


With a metal trembling, the Yin-Yang Divine Sword was almost knocked into the air by the power contained in a glimmer of light. But even if Yin-Yang Divine Sword blocked the power of 9-Layer for the Dark Night Lord, the remaining layer of formidable power still shook his blood.

I saw Dark Night Monarch's body tremble sharply, and a ball of silver blood was sprayed out of the city.

The silver blood water fell on a magnificent building below, which was immediately shattered and collapsed after the drop of blood fell.

"Silver blood!"

"Why is his blood silver?"

"It was just a mouthful of blood that collapsed a building, What is going on in his blood, and what kind of weird energy it contains!"


In Divine City, a number of cultivators watched it being pressed by the silver blood of Dark Night Monarch The collapsed building is full of look of shock.

On the ruins, the silver blood is very eye-catching, and everyone is surprised. What is this physique? Almost everyone is puzzled and has never heard of it.

"Damn you!"

Dark Night Monarch wiped off the blood from the corners of his mouth, staring fiercely at Chu Bei, and after a terrible killing intent, his behind appeared A huge Divine Idol, like the ancestor of the creation of the world, majestic and inviolable, overlooking the common people.

"It's really Interesting."

Looking at the huge Divine Idol behind Dark Night Monarch, Chu Bei's mouth is slightly curved, and a playful smile is drawn on his face.

"What kind of creature is that?"

In Divine City, a number of cultivators looked at the tall Buddha statue behind the Dark Night Monarch in horror. In this imposing manner, cultivation A cultivator with a weak base can no longer stand upright, and even a strong older person shows a look of consternation, and it is difficult to maintain his composure.

"The Lord of Dark Night, Ancient Great Emperor, Monarch Overlooking The Whole World, this is the unusual form of Dark Night Monarch!"

Finally, some well-informed cultivators remembered something Rumors have recognized this majestic god.

Under the attention of everyone, that Divine Idol of Dark Night Monarch behind keeps expanding. The huge silhouette quickly filled the sky of Divine City. It seemed that as long as a big hand patted it, it was enough to shoot out the vast ancient city!

"Is this the unusual form of Dark Night Monarch? It is so huge!"

"A god, worthy of being a contemporary Divine King who has lived for more than four thousand years, is really too terrifying That's it!"

The extremely huge Divine Idol stands behind the Dark Night Monarch, with a pair of big pupils with bloody glow looking down on Divine City. Facing such terrifying eyes, a number of cultivators in the city were suppressed, and felt the terrifying pressure of hard to describe, like an ant looking up at Heavenly God.

"Didn't expect this guy really has two things." Duan De looked at Dark Night Monarch and gave an evaluation.

Jiang Family Patriarch, Jiang Yi, and Jiang Yun looked at each other with amazement in their eyes. Obviously they didn't expect Dark Night Monarch to be so powerful.

Fortunately, there is a more terrifying Boss Chu present at this moment, otherwise the ending is really not optimistic.

Jiang Taixu remained silent all the time, but his face became more solemn. In the four thousand years he was sealed, this Dark Night Monarch has indeed grown too much, even surpassing him back then.


Dark Night Monarch shouting loudly, like a thunder from the sky.

The sound of shouts filled every corner of Divine City, which directly caused a number of cultivators complexion pale and involuntarily trembling. This is a kind of natural suppression and a fear from soul instinct.


Dark Night Monarch raised his hand and moved towards Chu Bei to take the picture, and then the Divine Idol behind it also pointed out the big hand full of rune, the sky was shaking, and it was about to break .

"If he is really here, maybe I will take it seriously."

Chu Bei pointed to that huge Divine Idol, moved towards Dark Night Monarch laughed, and the indifferent voice fell, The tone changed: "However, only a trifling unusual form appears, it's just that's all that's all in the flower."

After that, Chu Bei moved towards the void.

Suddenly, Dark Night Monarch behind the huge Divine Idol cracked a huge gap, Primal Chaos Qi gushed out, and thunder, the sound of rumbling, came to the world.

Even though Chu Bei had deliberately controlled it, the power of thunder with Chaos Energy still caused many palaces below to collapse directly.

At this moment, everyone in Divine City almost had ringing in the ears, trembling, and the shocked blood rolled over.

hong long long!

In the gap, the giant hand of Chaos turns out to be not just in name only, but also in reality Shrouding The Heavens. In an instant, an extremely depressing and awe-inspiring might flooded every inch of Divine City's space, and a numerous cultivators just felt like they were going through Heavenly Tribulation, scared witless.

chi chi chi!

In the breathtaking rumbling sound, that Divine Idol was caught in the hand by the giant Chaos hand before the attack of that Divine Idol was hit.

Under everyone's astonished gaze, the giant chaotic hand shook sharply, Divine Idol twisted, and the red light in his eyes dissipated.

With a touch, it explodes directly and disappears from nothingness.

Almost at the same time, Dark Night Monarch's face turned pale, and the whole person seemed to have suffered a terrifying backlash, and big mouths of silver blood poured into the sky.

Dark Night Monarch shook and shook, and it took a long time to stabilize the stature. At this moment, a look of fear finally appeared on his face.

The moment behind the unusual form was destroyed, he fully understood the gap between himself and the other party, which was not on the same level at all.

"Want to go?"

As soon as the Dark Night Monarch stature moved, a dull and witty laugh sounded like a dull thunder-like sound in the sky.

At this moment, the Dark Night Monarch stature gave a sudden stop, as if being imprisoned by an invisible force.

"Your Excellency, must you spell either the fish dies or the net splits!" Dark Night Monarch stared at Chu Bei coldly.

"No, it's just that you will die." Chu Bei smiled.

Hearing Chu Bei's words, Dark Night Monarch's expression became extremely heavy, and coldly snorted fell, as if he had made some kind of difficult decision.

The right hand holding the Yin-Yang Divine Sword tightly, crazily input blood within the body into the hilt.

With the infusion of silver blood, Yin-Yang Divine Sword began to tremble happily, as if eating delicious food.

Gradually, Dark Night Monarch's whole body has doubled, the veins are exposed, and his eyes have turned into scarlet, giving people a horrified sense of direct vision.


Yin-Yang Divine Sword frantically swallowed the blood of Dark Night Monarch, and finally turned into a golden garment on the surface of the latter.

The golden garment completely envelops the Dark Night Monarch, setting off him like a dazzling day.

"He has the blood of Emperor Spirit, he can sacrifice the Extreme Dao Weapons, he is fighting for his life! Doing so can greatly increase the power of the Emperor Artifact, but he has also stepped into the abyss that he cannot extricate himself. "

Jiang Taixu looked at Dark Night Monarch with a little dignity between his brows, and with a beckon he pushed the Constant Universe Divine Furnace in front of Chu Bei: "This is the weapon of the Great Emperor Eternal-Universe. "

Chu Bei glanced at the Constant Universe Divine Furnace, waved and sent it back to Jiang Taixu's side. He didn't need it.

"When I die, I want to bury you all person too!"

Dark Night Monarch black hair dances wildly, at this moment he is like a demon, dreary cold voice After falling, holding the Yin-Yang Divine Sword hilt in both hands, it suddenly moved towards Chu Bei and chopped it down.

Under a sword, the sky suddenly split a big gap, dividing the sky into two halves.

The terrifying emperor's prestige is permeated. Under this breath, a number of cultivators shiver coldly in the city, his legs collapsed unconsciously.

At this moment, looking at the Dark Night Monarch in the vault of the day, it is like facing a Great Emperor who is truly Monarch Overlooking The Whole World.

However, what made them even more astonished was that such a "Great Emperor" held the Extreme Dao Weapons and wielded the sword glow of Heaven and Earth weeping Ghost God, which was forcibly used by the mysterious man with two fingers. Took it.

next moment, just listen to the crisp sound of ka-cha, the incomparable terrifying sword glow was pinched to pieces by the latter's two fingers.


"Is he still a human?"

For an instant, every corner of Divine City was filled with the sound of inhaling cold breath, and all of them stared at Chu Bei incredulously.

"You have accepted this sword seat."

The indifferent voice fell, Chu Bei poked out his left hand, and the palm of the lightning spewed and stretched, wrapped in a moment like chains. The sword body of Yin-Yang Divine Sword.


With a loud noise, Dark Night Monarch has not yet come back to his senses from fear, Yin-Yang Divine Sword has left his hands and hovered over Chu In front of Bei.

"Return my Divine Sword!"

After the reaction, Dark Night Monarch complexion greatly changed, hurriedly exclaimed, and the shouts were full of panic, like the root of life was arrested The same in the hands.

Chu Bei looked at Dark Night Monarch expressionlessly, holding the axe handle, and cutting it down.

long long long ——

Suddenly, the energy between all around Heaven and Earth, under the traction of the axe blade, forms a blade of light from the tip of the blade, which extends far away , Hundreds zhang, thousands zhang, ten thousand zhang.

Looking at the huge blade light above the head, the look of fear on Dark Night Monarch's face is even worse.

Without any hesitation, Dark Night Monarch all around rippled, but just as he was preparing to split open space to escape, the huge blade of light above his head smashed down.

Under this force, Dark Night Monarch suddenly found that the whole body was imprisoned, unable to move even a little bit.

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