In the battlefield, the ripples that appeared out of thin air continued to descend and fell on the painful Queen Mother.

Suddenly, the chains wrapped in the power of heavy collapsed, countless golden gravels were bounced off, and Queen Mother's ferocious expression became soothed, as if she had been saved and liberated.

"You're late!"

Queen Mother's disordered breath began to subside, and the fairy light outside her body became bright again. She raised her eyes and looked towards the distance, with sorrow and resentment in her words. Angry.

"It's the voice of the Jade Emperor, he is out!"

"Knock to the Jade Emperor!"

This misty voice sounded in my ears. All the Great Firmament Loose Immortal and Celestial Court Great Immortal officers were first taken aback, and then moved towards the Queen Mother and bowed down in the direction they were looking at, each with respectful faces.

In the Star Region battlefield, the void in front of Queen Mother trembled, and a silhouette came out of the ripples.

This is a man wearing a dragon robe, his head is wearing a dragon crown, his face seems to be obscured, and he looks a bit fuzzy.

"All the officials will get up."

The Jade Emperor looked down towards Celestial Court, his voice was calm but with Supreme majesty.

As the Lord of the Celestial Court, even though he stands so casually on one side, he is filled with the imposing manner of a superior, which makes people unable to resist the urge to worship.

Just as the Jade Emperor's voice fell, another silhouette appeared beside him.

This is a woman, her beautiful face is not under the Queen Mother, she holds Jingbo and Yangzhi in her hand.

Bodhisattva Guanyin first glanced at the imprisoned Queen Mother, then looked towards Chu Bei, with a complex expression, but he wanted to say nothing.

“Bodhisattva Guanyin is here!”

“Is she surprised by the battle between Queen Mother Empress and the Lord of All Heavens Store, or did she come with the Jade Emperor?”

Recognizing the identity of a woman, the Celestial Court officials were surprised.

"Master, is that the Jade Emperor?"

Sun Wujie pointed at the Star Region battlefield, his mouth opened wide, and his eyes were astonished. Not only him, but all the children of All Heavens Store looked towards the Jade Emperor with a strangeness that was unclear.

After all, they are still mortals. Once upon a time, Jade Emperor was out of reach of them!

But now, this existence has appeared in their sight, but it is standing on the opposite side of their Boss.

"Junior Brother, do you know the strength of this Jade Emperor?" Sun Wukong asked with a solemn look towards Zhu Bajie.

Zhu Bajie shook the head: "No one has seen the Jade Emperor take action, but the Lord of the Celestial Court is expensive, and his strength must be higher than that of the Queen Mother."

" There is also Bodhisattva Guanyin. I don't know if she will also attack the Master. After all, a hundred years ago, the Master defeated Bodhisattva Guanyin." Sun Wukong worries on his face.

"Friends fairy, stop!"

In the Star Region battlefield, Jade Emperor looked at Chu Bei, his voice was neither happy nor sad.

"Stop? If this seat doesn't come, do you know what will happen next?" Chu Bei stood with his hand in hand, glanced lightly at Bodhisattva Guanyin, and then fell on Jade Emperor's body.

Jade Emperor did not answer, but looked at Chu Bei calmly.

Chu Bei looked at Jade Emperor indifferently, with a blank expression on his face: "If this seat comes back a while later, the two disciplines of this seat may have died tragically by the Behead Immortal knife. As for All Heavens Store. , And it disappeared an hour ago and lost its inheritance. But now, you are telling you to stop. If you are you, would you agree?"

Although the Jade Emperor in front of you is indeed harmonious The difference he expected was that one party was extremely powerful, and its strength was far higher than that of Bodhisattva Guanyin and Queen Mother; however, he borrowed the power of Xiao Hei and was fearless.

"Does the meaning of Fellow Daoist really kill my Celestial Court? These hundreds of millions of lives?" Jade Emperor raised his eyebrows and asked in a deep voice.

"This is not a person who kills indiscriminately. But if you have a cause, you will have an effect. Anyone who has participated in the siege of All Heavens Store can't escape." Chu Bei's voice was indifferent, with Supreme majesty.

This cold voice sounded in my ears, Queen Mother Empress, Primordial Unity Daoist, Li Jing and the others, my heart trembled inexplicably, especially when I noticed the other person’s glance, my heart rose even more. There was a chill.

"Is the Jade Emperor too kind? The lord of All Heavens Store uprooted all the peach trees in Pan Peach Garden, killed Five Star Monarch, ruined the Primordial Unity Daoist fleshy body, and severely injured Queen Mother Empress!"

"Even Queen Mother Empress was defeated by the owner of All Heavens Store. I am afraid that the cultivation realm of the owner of All Heavens Store has really reached the requirements of Lianyu Imperial Capital. Take it seriously."

"No way, the Jade Emperor is Lord of the Celestial Court!"


The crowd wake up from retreat The Great Firmament Loose Immortal that came, all eyes fell on Jade Emperor's body, with strangeness in his eyes.

"Ninth Stage Peak."

Queen Mother Empress murmured, her eyes returned to Chu Bei's body, her expression becoming more solemn.

No one knows the Jade Emperor better than her. There is only one reason why the other party chooses to mediate. That is, the master of All Heavens Store has reached the same height as the other party.

"Then discuss with the fairy friends."

After a long while, Jade Emperor adjusted the dragon robe, shook the head, and took a step forward.

The sound of a faint sigh fell, and the fairy light outside the Jade Emperor's body was surging, and the terrifying breath vibrated.

next moment, under the gaze of countless eyes, an amazing scene took place in the Star Region battlefield.

I saw the bodies of Queen Mother, Bodhisattva Guanyin, and Chu Bei shrinking at an extremely terrifying speed, and even the Star Region there was shrinking.

To be more precise, it is not that the Star Region battlefield and Chu Bei and the others shrink, but the Jade Emperor's body has grown bigger.

In an instant, Jade Emperor's body was already bigger than that of the Star Region battlefield, and even a few seconds later, even the Star Region battlefield of that side shrank to his feet.

Chu Bei's expression remained unmoved. Almost at the same time, his body also grew bigger, and soon became like that Jade Emperor.

At this moment, they have left the previous Star Region battlefield, as if they have come to a larger starry sky.

In the two of them all around, the Star Regions rise and fall, some spirally, some mushroom-like, of various types, releasing different brilliance.

"Jade Emperor and the Lord of All Heavens Store, what kind of realm have they reached!"

"This battle, too terrifying!"

The Celestial Court fairy officials and the children of All Heavens Store looked at the starry sky in the distant sky one by one in dismay, with incredible expressions on their faces.

Even Queen Mother Empress and Bodhisattva Guanyin are a little surprised, especially the former. Although she has also entered the Great Principle Golden Immortal category, she is still far from being able to do it. Jade Emperor and Chu Bei are like this.

Jade Emperor glanced at Chu Bei, he took the lead.

The majestic Immortal Qi came out. In an instant, the starry sky trembled violently, and the Star Region all around shook as if it was about to explode.

In the Star Region closest to him, tens of thousands of big stars cracked at the same time, and then burst into pieces. The scene was shocking, which was impacted by the breath of Jade Emperor.

However, at the next moment, all the big star dust in the Star Region began to reorganize, gather together, and become a complete big star.

At this moment, the birth and death of good fortune seemed to be in the emotional ups and downs of the Jade Emperor, and the Great Firmament Loose Immortal watching at the Celestial Court, Divine Soul trembled.

long long long!

Jade Emperor raised his hand to shoot out, the star bucket turned, the sky shattered, as if in splitting heaven and earth apart.

I don't know when, his palm detained a Star Region, containing endless stars, turning his hands, moved towards Chu Bei and suppressed it.

Chu Bei has no expression on his face, his emotions are not fluctuating, he just sticks out the right hand, flicks with the finger, the endless golden light points are condensed and compressed into one point, accompanied by the ripples formed by chaos.

In an instant, a golden divine glow beam swept out, eternal and fleeting.


The starry sky trembled, countless black holes formed, and large black cracks spread.

The Star Region in the palm of the Jade Emperor exploded and turned into powder; at the same time, the golden divine glow beam disappeared.

"If the fairy friend is willing to take a step back, why bother."

Jade Emperor shook his head again, his backhand shot down, and another Star Region moved towards Chu Bei was shot. Unlike the previous time, the Star Region at this time was directly compressed and condensed into a fist mark, terrifying to the extreme!

"The establishment of the All Heavens Store by this seat is not allowed to be bullied. The same is true for your Celestial Court! The offender, destroy it!"

Chu Bei stands in place , Do not dodge or avoid, let the fist strikes.

In an instant, his whole body burst into brilliant brilliance. A dazzling long sword stretched across the top of his head and pointed directly at the position of the Jade Emperor. The tip of the sword was sprayed with blue-green rays of light; in the rays of light, It is vaguely visible from the worship scene of millions and millions of creatures, with a pious face, which seems to be Supreme strength of Faith.

Behind it, an ancient tree with a weird shape exuding ancient breath emerged. The ancient branches and leaves shook, and thousands of different shades of colors swayed from the sky above them, changing into various shapes from time to time in the humming sound. An extremely rich and relaxed and joyful breath filled the air, rippling in the battlefield, changing into a magical image, which is surprising.

This is the Enlightenment Tree obtained by Chu Bei from Shrouding The Heavens plane. After the system is strengthened, the power of Xiao Hei is used to mobilize its blessing. Staring at it, every leaf of Enlightenment Tree contains thousands of stars, like a Star Region on its own.

"What about Lord of the Celestial Court, this seat is not afraid!"

The cold voice without the slightest emotion fell, Chu Bei stepped forward, and between his fingers, the sword above his head glow shoots out.

hong long!

The sword glow collided with the fist print in the starry sky.

Suddenly, Supreme coercion enveloped the starry sky, centering on the collision, several Star Regions were shaken off.

In Starry Sky Battlefield, faint coercion penetrates thousands of Star Regions and penetrates into Celestial Court.

In an instant, the cultivators including Great Firmament Loose Immortal shuddered, like those heavenly soldiers with weaker cultivation base, directly limp on the ground one by one, shiver coldly, and the sound of pounding was endless.

The endless rays of light dispersed, a faint sigh, spread all over the starry sky.

Jade Emperor and Chu Bei are facing each other far away, no one retreats, the previous collision seems to be both equally excellent. However, the appearance of the Jade Emperor at this moment was no longer vague, and the hazy air outside his face was blown away, which was the appearance of a middle-aged man with distinct facial features.

"All the immortals are one!"

Jade Emperor looked at Chu Bei, with two beams of fairy light in his eyes, like a Star River.

"This, this is the call from the Jade Emperor!"

At this moment, the expressions of the immortal officials in Celestial Court were startled, and they suddenly realized that the immortal strength in their bodies was uncontrollable. moved towards Yaoyao Tianqi, under their startled gaze, they sank into the starry sky and gathered in the body of Jade Emperor.

Gradually, the body of Jade Emperor became transparent, faintly turning into a wide sword.

This sword stands in the starry sky. The hilt of the sword is formed by interweaving the Star Region. The body of the sword comes from its own power and the power of the immortals. As for the tip of the sword, there are endless stars circling there.

Looking at Starry Sky Battlefield, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and other All Heavens Store children, their breathing became rapid and they were extremely nervous.


Looking at the wide sword made by Jade Emperor, Chu Bei's expression became serious.

When the one-word syllable fell, Enlightenment Tree was completely integrated into Chu Bei's body, and the long sword, which evolved from the power of the black above his head, was also submerged in his body at the same time.

Next moment, Chu Bei turned into a white glow!


Amid the weird sound, the white glow and the broad sword flew towards each other.

The starry sky was cut in half, like a deep gully, and like a huge mouth, directly engulfing the nearby Star Region.

The two collided, and the starry sky was silent!

The dazzling white glow filled the sight of all spectators in Celestial Court, even if they were better than Queen Mother Empress and Bodhisattva Guanyin, they still could not see a scene in Starry Sky Battlefield.

"This...Is this over? The Jade Emperor won or the Lord of All Heavens Store won!"

For a long time, a fairy official returned to God and couldn’t help but speak. Asked.

However, what responded to him was a giant hand that directly peeked down from the sky.

That giant hand seems to penetrate through thousands of Star Regions, coming from the Starry Sky Battlefield with dazzling rays of light.


Suddenly, Primordial Unity Daoist screamed, his Primordial Spirit was divided into chains restraint by that giant hand.

Not only Primordial Unity Daoist, but also Li Jing of Tota, Mo Lishou of Jiguo, Molihong of Guangmu Tianwang, Molihai of Duowen Tianwang, Eastern Sea Dragon King, Nezha, etc., as well as some celestial troops and generals, but none of the people who participated in the siege of All Heavens Store fell, almost at the same time a ripple pierced through the restraint.

Amid the screams, the giant hand grabbed the Queen Mother Empress.

Queen Mother Empress's body is surging with immortal light, one after another Immortal Technique is played, but it is so weak in front of the giant hand.

With another cry of pain, the giant hand directly grabbed Queen Mother Empress in his palm.

Bodhisattva Guanyin held the clean bottle and the willow branch in her hand. She wanted to shoot, but felt the breath on the giant hand, frowned, and finally did not dare to act rashly.

"All Heavens Store, inviolable! Violators, punish!"

The cold and merciless words came from the Starry Sky Battlefield, that was Chu Bei's voice.

Boom, boom, boom!

As the sound fell, the giant hand starlight filled, with the surging of the Star River, and the dying of the stars.

Thousands of silhouettes exploded together with the Primordial Spirit. It is better than the Queen Mother Empress, and the fleshy body and Primordial Spirit are all destroyed.

"Friend fairy, you are too much!"

At this moment, the voice of Jade Emperor finally floated from Starry Sky Battlefield, and then a giant hand came out again, but This time the giant hand moved towards All Heavens Store dísciple.

Detecting the Supreme breath contained in the giant hand, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and the others were frightened.

However, when Death God was about to come, he snorted and cut open the second giant hand with a touch of white glow, saving the child of All Heavens Store.

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