"Do you remember the name Yuxin?"

Before the grave, Chu Bei calmly looked at Chu Bei, and faint words came out of his mouth.


Hearing the name Chu Bei said, Chen Nan repeated it, then closed his eyes in pain, and hugged his head with both hands: "Dead, my favorite is dead, why should I be resurrected again! Do you want me, a useless person, to continue that bleak life in regret."

Chen Nan seems to remember What happened, the painful expression was full of regret.

Looking at Chen Nan who was holding his head in front of him and howling, Chu Bei shook his head and sighed. The other party was indeed a pitiful person.

This girl named Yuxin was killed by the demon in the palm of the demon in order to save him, but he could only watch the death of his beloved girl, powerless. Until later, he found revenge for the descendants of the demon alone, and was defeated.

"Do you want to see her again? To be precise, do you want to be with her forever."

After Chen Nan choked silently, Chu Bei put his hands behind his back and the corners of his mouth. With a smile.

"What...what do you mean? Yuxin is still alive!"

Hearing what Chu Bei said, Chen Nan's hollow eyes suddenly became angry, and both hands firmly grasped Chu Bloodshot appeared in Bei's arm.

"She is not dead." Four light and fluttering bytes spoke from Chu Bei.

"She's still alive! Please tell me, where is she? Where is she!"

Chen Nan looked excited, his words were full of excitement, and he couldn't help it. It shivered slightly.

"Although she is not dead, the situation is not good."

While speaking, Chu Bei raised right hand, a flashing purple rays of light appeared in the palm of her palm Ring: "If you want to see her, you must first have enough strength."

"Strength? Hehe. Ten thousand years ago I was a useless person, let alone now." Chen Nan laughed at himself.

"I have a fate with you, I can give you inheritance, or take you to find her. But on the day of your cultivation base Heavenspan, you must agree to my request. As for what this request is, the time has come I'll tell you again."

Chu Bei deliberately put on a purposeful expression opened the mouth and said, only if this kind of intention is transactional, the other party can more easily let go of their vigilance.

"As long as you can let me see Yuxin, don't say one request, I will promise you all ten requests!" After listening to Chu Bei's words, Chen Nan nodded and said without hesitation.

Chu Bei laughed, with a wave of his right hand, the agent ring flew towards Chen Nan: "Put it on and use blood as a bond, and you will gain my inheritance and take a shortcut to cultivation. You got me You are my successor. As for what you call me, whatever you want."

Chen Nan was stunned. After reacting, he hurriedly yelled: "Master!"


The shout fell, Chen Nan took the agent ring, and immediately bit his index finger, dripping a drop of blood into the agent ring.

[Host signed Level 1 to represent Chen Nan successfully]

[Level 14 Commodity Permission Opening Progress 15%]

[Level 1 Agent Package Issuance 】

Almost at the same time, the system tone sounded in Chu Bei's mind.

"Since you have called me Master, then I will give you an entering sect gift as a teacher." Chu Bei clicked on the agent package, which is also a crystal clear and near-transparent The Medicinal Pill.

"What a rich pill fragrance!"

Chen Nan took the Spirit Pill, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed it, and after a glance with Chu Bei, he threw it into the mouth.

"My body..."

Soon, Chen Nan discovered the changes in his body.

After swallowing that Medicinal Pill, every cell, every skeleton, and every piece of meat in his body is madly multiplying.

"Master, dísciple has eaten the pill you gave, and it seems to be in control of a kind of magical energy."

After a long while, Chen Nan moved his muscles and bones and looked at in surprise Chu Bei, thereafter, an expression of be eager to have a try.

After eating that Medicinal Pill, his body structure seems to have undergone some strange changes.

His body can undergo different changes with his mind. This change is not a change in appearance, but a change in nature.

thoughts move, its body is elementalized and turned into a golden flash!

He can perceive that there is a terrifying power in every cell, but this power is still in its infancy and awaits his development.

"Pill of Light, an Immortal Pill from Heaven Beyond the Heaven."

Chu Bei calm and composed looked at Chen Nan: "Now, in your body is It’s not that there’s a kind of strange energy. This energy is so huge that it penetrates all over the body?"

Chen Nan nodded turned back into a human form, a finger pointed, a golden flash of golden flash from his fingertips crawling out Coffin.

In an instant, the coffin was penetrated, leaving a round hole pierced.

"From now on, this ability will be regarded as your Innate Divine Ability, make good use of the cultivation. Until the day of complete mastery, the world is so big that it can be elementalized between your thoughts "Chu Bei said earnestly, squinting half his eyes.

Chen Nan was silent for a moment, nodded very seriously.

"Master, can you tell me why I was buried here? Why can I be resurrected? Why are the gods of the East and the West buried together? Why..."


Looking at Chen Nan who threw three thousand whys in front of him, Chu Bei somewhat grudgingly raised his ears: "I will answer some of your questions selectively. As for the remaining questions, you need your own Go and explore. When your strength is reached, all problems will be solved. This is what I expect of you! I hope that one day, I will be useful to you."

"Ten thousand years ago, Xian The magic continent and the magic continent were connected by a breakthrough strait in a severe earthquake. Because the two continents had different civilizations and beliefs, a large-scale war broke out between the two continents. In that war, corpses everywhere across the field Blood flowing into a river, countless Powerhouses fell. In order to reduce casualties, the Peak Powerhouses of the two continents had to sign an armistice agreement, and the Eastern and Western cultures blended and live in peace. Finally, the two continents merged and renamed Heavenly-Origin Continent. The current continent."

"You mean, the east and west gods also participated in the war, and later generations buried their bodies in the Cemetery of Gods and Demons?" Chen Nan glanced across all The tombstone speculated around.

"Cemetery of Gods and Demons appeared as early as a thousand years ago in that war."

Chu Bei shook the head: "As for the secret of Cemetery of Gods and Demons, It's up to you to explore it yourself. I can only tell you that their death is related to the sky."

"Heaven?" Chen Nan opened his mouth slightly.


Chu Bei pointed at Yaoyao high in the sky: "The second question, why did you resurrect? Ten thousand years ago, after your death, two people used Heavenspan Means to bury you here, resurrect with the help of gods and demons and Life Power."

"Who are they?" Chen Nan asked.

"One person is Chen Zhan, that is, your father; the other person is Dugu Baitian, one of Immemorial's taboo gods." Chu Bei said indifferently.

"Dugu Baitian? Why would he help me? Did he and my dad know each other?" Chen Nan's brow was even more confused.

"This is about your second identity, and you have to explore it yourself." Chu Bei smiled at Chen Nan, pretending to be mysterious.

"Master, through the information given by this ring, I only know that you are a businessman. Apart from this, can you tell dísciple other information about you?" Chen Nan took a deep breath, The look was very serious, and the person in front of his grave waiting for his birth had too many secrets in his body.

In addition to knowing what happened ten thousand years ago, the other party seems to be able to predict the future!

Vaguely, he has a feeling that he has become a chess piece, and the opponent is the chess player. It's just that his chess piece hasn't grown up yet, and the opponent is waiting quietly, even giving him a great opportunity.

"About the origin of being a teacher, you will have a heaven knows."

Chu Bei continued to put on the appearance of a profound mystery, and instead introduced this to Chen Nan The world’s cultivation system.

"Today's Heavenly-Origin Continent, Daoist, Dragon Knight, magician, Eastern Fighter, and Western Fighter each have their own classification standards. In order to compare their strengths, they are divided into five levels.

Repair Daoist: Foundation Establishment, Qi Yang, Sublimation, Core Formation, Nascent Soul.

Dragon Knight: Ground Dragon Knight, Flying Dragon Knight, Sub-Dragon Knight, Giant Dragon Knight, Saint Dragon Knight.

magician: quasi-magician, middle-level magician, high-level magician, great magician, magister.

Eastern Fighter: Refining Essence into Qi, Innate realm, sword Qi is out of the body, Refining Qi, Transforming Spirit, God Qi Condensation is solid.

Western Fighter: swordsmith, swordmaster, sword chief, sword saint, Sword God."

Chu Bei both hands Carrying behind, neither fast nor slow told Chen Nan about his cultivation level ten thousand years later.

“After the 5th-Rank, there should be a higher realm!”

Chen Nan brows slightly wrinkle, at least his father Chen Zhan’s cultivation base back then has already far surpassed the East Fighter's 5th-Rank cultivation realm God Qi Condensation is solid.

"The level I mentioned earlier is just the cultivation level of Heavenly-Origin Continent. 5th-Rank is already a peerless expert on Heavenly-Origin Continent. After breakthrough 5th-Rank, it is True Martial Realm. , Which is the so-called 6th-Rank. 6th-Rank, this is already the highest level on your continent."

Chu Bei put his hands around his chest: "After the breakthrough 6th-Rank, Will be led to Heaven Realm. After that, the fairy tale, Divine King, Divine Sovereign, Heaven Rank..."

Through the information given by the system, this 6th- of the Tomb of the God plane Rank, which is True Martial Realm, equivalent to level 10, which is Dou Sheng in the Dou Po plane, and the great power in the Shrouding The Heavens plane; 7th-Rank Fairy Martial Realm, equivalent to Level 11, which is the Dou Po in the plane Dou Di, Divine King in Shrouding The Heavens plane.

After that, 8th-Rank Divine King corresponds to system Level 12, which corresponds to Shrouding The Heavens Half Sage; ninth rank Divine Sovereign corresponds to system Level 13, which corresponds to Shrouding The Heavens Saint;

Heaven Rank primary level, corresponding to system Level 14, corresponding to Shrouding The Heavens Saint King; Heaven Rank Great Ascension, corresponding to system Level 15, corresponding to Shrouding The Heavens Great Saint.


[Mission 2 is released: the host obtains the Hou Yi bow]

Shortly after Chu Bei's voice fell, the system tone sounded in his Sea of ​​Consciousness.

At this time, another red dot appeared on the system map, and its position represented the location of Hou Yi's bow.

"Master, would you like to take me to see Yuxin first." Chen Nan looked at Chu Bei extremely expectantly.

"Before going there, I will take you to Chu State Imperial Capital as a teacher." Chu Bei lightly patted Chen Nan's shoulder, which naturally takes his business first.

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