"You ran fast enough!"

On the edge of volcanic crater, a masked man stared at Zhuge Chengfeng coldly and sneered. When the sound fell, he waved the big sword in his hand, and took the lead at Zhuge Chengfeng.

Looking at the masked man who was attacking, Zhuge frowned, and immediately moved his steps, hurriedly leading Chu Yu to flash to the side: "Yu'er, don't care about me, you go first!"

The masked man pierced the air with a sword, and the second sword arrived again. The sword body inspired a beam of Light cyan rays of light to cut Zhuge Chengfeng's waist obliquely, and where the azure edge passed, a deep line was left on the ground. Deep ravine.

After pushing Chu Yu aside, Zhuge Chengfeng stopped evasive, drew out the rapier around his waist and fought with the masked man, spiritual qi one after another.

In an instant, the two people intertwined with various rays of light, like fireworks blooming, extremely gorgeous.

"The water spirit wandering between Heaven and Earth, please listen to my summon, cold thorn."

At this time, another masked man who chased together suddenly Thinking of incantion, three air-conditioned ice guns quickly appeared up ahead.

xiū xiū xiū!

Under the illumination of Vision, three ice guns carrying bright rays of light fired from different directions to the fighting Zhuge Chengfeng like a rainbow through the sky.


Zhuge rides on the wind and stomped on the ground, his body suddenly leaped into the air, then swept across with a sword, and the three ice guns shattered into countless pieces.


Only listening to the masked magician shouting loudly, the broken ice suddenly burst out with terrifying energy and exploded.

Suddenly, Zhuge Chengfeng's face turned pale, and blood spurted from his mouth.

At this moment, the third masked man who had already gained momentum threw the lance in his hand. In the sound of breaking air, lance tears shatter void in an instant.

Zhuge Chengfeng immediately blocked each other with a horizontal sword, but even if it blocked Lance, he still couldn't remove the strength from above.

Under the tremendous force, Zhuge Chengfeng's chest was sunken by three points, and his whole body shot backwards like a cannonball. Heavily hit the ground, bringing up a half-meter deep pit.


Chu Yu yelled, and quickly jumped into the pit to lift Zhuge up with the wind, and healed him with the few spiritual qi in his body.

"Didn't I let you go?"

Zhuge Chengfeng's face deathly pale, he humiliated Chu Yu and pushed Chu Yu away: "Let me go!"

After that, straightened up with difficulty, long sword stretched across his chest, staring coldly at the three masked men on the opposite side.

"You are too despicable to worship the Moon Kingdom!"

Chu Yu not only did not go, but also stepped forward to fight side by side with Zhuge Chengfeng: "Imperial Father will definitely help us Revenge!"

Looking at Chu Yu's stubborn expression, Zhuge Chengfeng shook his head and sighed. He knew that his discipline was determined to stay.

"I can't think of killing one and earning one."

The masked man sneered. The original goal of their trip was Zhuge Chengfeng. Unexpectedly, there would be a lot of trouble. Chu State Princess.

"Didn't expect that you little girl is kind and righteous, but didn't leave your Master."

At this moment, Chu Bei leisurely walked to Chu Yu In front of him, there was approval in his eyes.

"You villain! Do you think they will let you go after they kill us? They are dying, and they tease me!" Chu Yu bit his lip and stared at Chu Bei.

"Kill all, let no one live!"

As expected, the three masked men glanced at Chu Bei and Chen Nan, and Sen Han’s voice floated in the air. Come.

Immediately after that, the three of them gathered momentum at the same time, and the fierce sword qi, the freezing ice gun, and the long spear carrying the wind blade rose into the wind.

Three different attacks were mixed together. While brilliant lights and vibrant colors, with a terrifying imposing manner, they swept towards the locations of Zhuge Chengfeng, Chu Yu and Chu Bei.

"Fancy and fancy."

Looking at the trembling chi chi attack from the opposite side, Chu Bei raised his right hand extremely calmly, and a purple glow The evolving palm print was patted out.

The purple glow palm print faces the wind blade, ice gun, and lance.

There is no deafening explosion, and there is no violent energy storm.

Everything is silent.

Before the purple glow palmprint, the three masked men attacked like air. It disintegrates and dissipates without encountering it.

Destroying the fancy attack in the flower, the purple glow palm print continued to move forward and appeared in front of the three black robed man in an instant.

Still silent.

The air stagnated slightly, and the earth became silent.

I saw three black robed man eyes shrank, with fear in their eyes, before screaming and avoiding them, they turned into nothingness under the palm prints of purple glow.

There is no slag left.

If it were not for the remaining battle remains, people even wonder if these three black robed men have ever appeared.

Zhuge took the wind like a thunderbolt, froze, and forgot to treat his injuries.

Chu Yu and a group of guards stared at Chu Bei staringly, and they were even more surprised as if a piece of wood poked there in a daze, motionless.

After a while, Chu Yu turned his head towards Zhuge Chengfeng and pointed at Chu Bei, swallowed saliva and said, "Master, what is his...what cultivation base? 5th-Rank?"

"I'm afraid it's still above 5th-Rank." Zhuge shook the head and smiled.

His current cultivation base is in the 4th-Rank Great Ascension. Although he has not yet entered the 5th-Rank, he has initially been able to spy on the strength of the 5th-Rank.

He can be sure that 5th-Rank will definitely not be able to make a casual blow with a lifted hand and kill three 4th-Rank Great Ascension experts.

"Is it the legendary 6th-Rank?"

Chu Yu took a deep breath, and there was a slight strangeness in the beautiful eyes. Before, she even expected Zhuge to take the wind for herself Revenge.

Now it seems that her idea is just a joke.

Looking at Chu Bei pacing towards him, Chu Yu's face changed and he took a step back in fright when he noticed the joking smile on the corner of the other's mouth.

"Senior, what I said before was a joke, don't take it seriously." Chu Yu hurriedly said, his attitude changed with Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

Now she doesn’t think that the person in front of her is just a youngster with some weird methods. She believes that the legendary expert of 6th-Rank will definitely be able to rejuvenate. Maybe the person in front of her is a two-hundred-year-old old monster. Up.

"Old Mister, Yu'er has a stubborn character, please don't care about her."

Zhuge took the wind to protect Chu Yu behind, moved towards Chu Bei and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand, with a plea in his eyes: "If you insist on holding Yu'er responsible for the previous offense, Junior is willing to fight with death."

After that, Zhuge Chengfeng resolutely lifted up right. hand, moved towards myself between the eyebrows blast away.


Before the attack, the imposing manner gathered in Zhuge Chengfeng's palm was disintegrated by a crushing invisible force.

"Living is a beautiful thing, don't look for death easily."

Chu Bei laughed, then looked at Chu Yu up close and raised his eyebrows: "What you said earlier I am very interested in palace punishment."

Hearing what Chu Bei said, and remembering his previous arrogant words, Chu Yu trembled suddenly, and he almost fell to the ground: "senior, I It’s a daughter, I don’t have that."

"Then I can install one for you."

Chu Bei shrugged: "Do you believe I have this method?"


"Senior, I...I was wrong! Please forgive me."

Facing Chu Bei's playful gaze, Chu Yu immediately faced deathly pale, his legs softened and he went straight Collapsed to the ground.

"little girl, I'll give you a warning. Misfortune comes out of your mouth."

Chu Bei no longer intimidated Chu Yu, he straightened the corner of his clothes: "Let's go, I will help For your life, I happened to take this to go to your Imperial Palace to pick up a dear treasure."

"Old Mister, are you going to follow us back to the palace?" Zhuge Chengfeng asked in confusion.

Chu Bei nodded: "As a gift, please ask for something by the way."


Chu State, imperial city.

Outside the Imperial Palace, there are many horses and carriages on the street, people coming, people going, so lively.

Chu State Imperial Palace is divided into an inner palace and an outer palace. The outer palace is a deep red high wall and some male guards. Of course, there are some relatively ordinary and simple houses. The main task of these guards is to prevent Any suspicious people approach the Imperial Palace.

After passing the outer palace and then passing a five-meter golden-yellow high wall, the inner palace is the inner palace, and the majestic palaces in the inner palace also show its central position in the Imperial Palace. .

Beside the golden-yellow high wall, teams of rigorously trained escorts are constantly patrolling back and forth.

"Didn't expect you to go back home and the pomp is quite big." Chu Bei glanced at the front of the battle, couldn't help but glanced at Chu Yu.

I saw soldiers standing on both sides of the gate of the inner palace, and the bright armor stretched to the end of the red carpet.

At the end, a slender silhouette stood quietly on the steps. A clothes whiter than snow illuminated by Xuyue, the whole person seemed to be dyed with a faint golden brilliance, as if Nine Heavens descended from Fairy in the red dust, the clothes fluttered, as if they would take the wind away at any time.

"Elder sister, I'm back!"

Chu Yu yelled in excitement, then spread his legs and ran towards Chu Yue until he threw into the other's arms.

"Elder sister, younger sister, I almost died outside! It's a boa constrictor and an attack by the moon worshipping country. Fortunately, I am lucky and fate, everything is scary and not dangerous." Chu Yu hugs The waist who lived in Chu Yue couldn't wait to sell her miserably.

Chu Yue slapped Chu Yu's forehead in a petting way: "Do you dare to mention it? Did you know that when you sneaked out of the Imperial Palace, the Imperial Father and the Queen were worried to death. I'll see how you confess!" "

"They love me so much that they are reluctant to punish me." Chu Yu had an arrogant expression on his face.

"These two are?"

Chu Yue noticed the two Chu Bei Chen Nan who came back from the same group, and asked Chu Yu aloud, with confusion in her eyes.

"He saved me and Master from the Powerhouse of the Kingdom of Worship. As for coming to the Imperial Palace, he was asking for something, but I don’t know what it is." Chu Yu fingered While walking with Chu Bei, he told Chu Yue about the experience of this trip.

"What? It may be 6th-Rank!"

Chu Yue caught the key point, raised her eyebrows, her eyes widened, and she looked at Chu Bei again in astonishment.

"Elder sister, Imperial Father, is he in the palace now?" Chu Yu asked.

Chu Yue nodded: "Then take these two to see the Imperial Father first."

In the depths of the inner palace, the emperor's bedroom.

In the glorious great hall of the golden wall, bright and cheerful dance music sang. As the singing sounded, several male and female waiters in weird costumes immediately dancing lightly and gracefully.

The emperor of Chu State, Chu Han, is lying sideways in a large and comfortable soft chair covered with golden colorful mink in the center above the great hall, watching the servants under the steps with full attention. The enchanting and moving dance, he nodded his head from time to time to express his appreciation for the dance under the stage.

"Imperial Father, do you miss a daughter?" Chu Yu ran into the hall, his voice groaning.

"I thought you were dead outside!"

When Chu Yu came back safely, Chu Han first showed joy, and then seemed to think of something, his face turned Shen.

The coldly snorted sound fell, Chu Han made a gesture, and several dancing waitresses bowed and retreated.

"The child went out of the palace privately without your permission. Isn't it for your old birthday gift!" Chu Yu embraced Chu Han from behind, with a grievance expression that was aggrieved.

"Where is the birthday gift?" Chu Han was still angry.

"The child's birthday was caught by the senior the early bird catches the worm." Chu Yu pouted and pointed to Chu Bei.


Chu Han browses frowned, his gaze falls on Chu Bei's body: "Who are you."

"Who am I? Important."

Chu Bei calmly said: "I'm here only to ask Your Majesty for something."

"I blatantly come here to ask for something?" Chu Bei's words, Chu Han's dragon robe waved, his face became a little ugly.

"Imperial Father, he is the 6th-Rank expert! He also saved us."

Seeing Chu Han's anger, Chu Yu hurriedly stepped forward on tiptoe to Chu Han whispered in his ear.

Hearing this, Chu Han browses slightly wrinkle looked towards Zhuge Chengfeng. Zhuge Chengfeng didn't speak, but nodded gestured. Obviously he had guessed what Chu Yu said to Chu Han.

"Your Excellency is a 6th-Rank expert, and you have saved Yu'er. If there is something you are interested in here, the emperor is naturally willing to give it to you and make a good destiny with you."

Getting Zhuge Chengfeng's reply, Chu Han's attitude improved: "I just don't know what you want?"

"What's in that box."

Chu Bei pointed his finger at a rectangular wooden box hung on the wall of the bed. The position of the wooden box was in line with the red dot on the system map.

Seeing what Chu Bei was referring to, Chu Han's originally relaxed expression looked ugly again.

However, before Chu Han spoke, Chu Yu, who was already curious and intolerable, rushed to the bedside and took off the wooden box.

"Hou Yi Bow!"

As soon as the box was opened, Chen Nan and Chu Yu's shocked shouts resounded in the great hall at the same time.

Looking at the long bow glowing with black light in the box, Chen Nan pupil shrink, staring unblinkingly, there is a little strange emotion in his eyes, as if he has seen the long-lost Like a best friend.

Hou Yi bow!

He didn't expect that after 10,000 years of death, he woke up from the resurrection and saw that the first Old Partner was the famous divine bow of the fairy fantasy continent.

Hou Yi has many masters. The last master before his death was his father Chen Zhan.

At the time, Chen Zhan also relied on this bow to shoot and kill three peerless Powerhouses that besieged him in one day, thus becoming famous in World War I and the entire fairy fantasy continent.

"Old Partner, didn't expect that I can meet you again after ten thousand years..."

Chen Nan murmured softly with trembling lips, and then raised his eyes and looked towards Chu Bei: "Master, is this what you are here to ask for?"

Chu Bei glanced at Chen Nan, nodded complied.

Chu Yu, who was holding the long box, looked surprised and astonished. She didn't expect the other party to ask for something that turned out to be the Hou Yi bow!

This is Chu State’s treasure! How can I hand over people!

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