"The Emperor Chu, Your Majesty, the performance of the three of us is a bit boring. It is better to let me wait for a discussion with the younger generation of Da Chu. Not only is it lively, but it can also increase the relationship between the two countries. Friendship." One of them saluted Chu Han respectfully.

"This is a blatant challenge, you want to compete with my great Chu hero!"

Chu Hanpatted said with a big smile: "But since you have sent an invitation How can I dignified Da Chu not to fight? Let’s be it!"

"The Emperor of Chu, Your Majesty, the three of us are Dragon Knights. We cultivation together when we were young, so only three of us fight together. In order to exert the strongest battle strength. Before we came, the three of us had challenged the domestic 4th-Rank Lesser Stage and we won a small victory."

One person moved towards looking at Chu Han one step forward. Said: "In order to make Your Majesty enjoy watching, you can choose nine of the most outstanding youths from Da Chu to fight with us. If you are worried that nine people are not enough, you can increase the number."

"Huh? I can beat the 4th-Rank expert!"

"Three to nine? This is too much to look down on the younger generation of my master."

"The youngster present, who of you is willing to fight him?"


The ministers were filled with indignation.

The younger generation of Eccentric Mansion gathered together to discuss in a low voice, with a little dignity between the eyebrows.

The younger generation here of course refers to those under twenty-five years old. Among them, the highest cultivation base is only 3rd-Rank Middle Phase. But the other three defeated the 4th-Rank expert not long ago. Even if all nine of them played in the 3rd-Rank Middle Phase, the result of this battle is not very good.

After some discussion, finally The nine took a deep breath and knelt down in front of Chu Han: "Emperor Chu, the nine of us are willing to fight!"

"Absurd! The challenge of a trifling Subsidiary Country, how can I dignified Da Chu so much? Less?"

Chu Han yelled, then looked towards Heavenly Wind Country and the three raised a finger: "One! I only send one person to fight against the three of you."

After hearing Chu Han's words, the nine youth complexions of Eccentric Mansion have greatly changed. They were not sure about going together, and now only let one person go up, this is the end that must be lost!

"The Emperor of Chu, Your Majesty, the old minister has something to say."

An old man of Eccentric Mansion seems to have seen the difficulties of the nine youngsters, and what he wants to say has not been said yet. Chu Han waved and interrupted.

"You don't need the nine of you to play, the emperor already has someone in his heart."

Chu Han glanced across the three Dragon Knights of Heavenly Wind Country, with a smile at the corner of his mouth: " Still that sentence, one person is enough."

"Emperor Chu, are you too small for us? During the battle, swords don't have eyes, the attack power is hard to control, if this is injured or even killed If you have chosen your candidate, please don't blame it." Dragon Knight of Heavenly Wind Country bowed.

"Fighting and learning, death and injury are inevitable. There is an accident, and the emperor will naturally not blame you. However, if you are injured or killed by my great talents, I hope to understand."

Chu Han laughed heartily, these three people are representatives of the younger generation of Heavenly Wind Country. From the very beginning, he didn't think about letting the other person grow up. He had to kill him in the cradle.

"I don't know where is Chu Huang's Your Majesty candidate now?" A Dragon Knight said curiously.

After Chu Han moved towards Chu Bei nodded, his gaze fell on Chen Nan: "My little friend, you have work."

"Leave it to me." Chen Nan Carrying the Hou Yi bow, after responding to Chu Han, he walked out from behind Chu Bei, cup one fist in the other hand.

"It turns out that Your Majesty's candidate is him. He should be the dísciple of the 6th-Rank expert, right?"

"No, you carefully sense the Origin Qi fluctuation of his body."

"en? 2nd-Rank? This...what's going on. Such a cultivation base can't even enter Eccentric Mansion, can you win?"


Some ministers in the hall frowned slightly as they felt the Origin Qi fluctuation on Chen Nan. But seeing the confident look on Chu Han's face, they didn't dare to raise questions out loud.

"The Emperor of Chu, Your Majesty, since the three of us are Dragon Knights, we can't let go of this great hall. Can we transfer the venue to the battlefield?" The three Dragon Knights glanced at Chen with disdain. Nan, they can naturally perceive Chen Nan's 2nd-Rank cultivation base.

"This emperor has this intention." There was a smile on Chu Han's face.

As Chu Han's voice fell, Chu Bei, Chen Nan and the ministers moved towards Bidouchang.

"Yu'er, why hasn't Xuanzu left the customs yet?"

Chu Han looked towards Chu Yu and asked in a low voice, the fight is over, Chu Bei Chen Nan The two will leave. If Xuanzu hadn't left the pass at that time, he could only watch these two people with hatred and take away the national treasure Hou Yi bow.

"Xuanzu is hitting the critical moment of 6th-Rank, he will catch up." Chu Yu bit his lip lightly.

"I hope so." Chu Han sighed.

Compared to the arena.

Heavenly Wind Country three Dragon Knights stood in the center of the field. The three placed their fingers on their mouths and each made a unique cry.

long long long ——

After a while, the three-headed six-seven zhang-long wyvern flew from afar to the sky above the arena.

The three Dragon Knights beckoned slightly, and Wyvern rushed down and fell beside them, and a gust of wind blew up.

"The Emperor of Chu, Your Majesty, are you sure you really want a 2nd-Rank cultivation base Fighter to compete with us? He may not even be able to catch one of our moves!" Dragon Knight leapt onto the dragon's back Holding a dragon mark long spear is very conceited.

"Is this flying in the sky?" It's so mighty!

"I don't know what Your Majesty thinks, I just hope this youth really has one or two brushes."

Some ministers looked at the churning in the sky and wryvern was envious. There are also some ministers who are worried about Chen Nan.

"Master, do you want to kill?" Chen Nan stared at Chu Bei and asked for advice.

Chu Bei laughed: "Chu State has kept this Hou Yi bow for thousands of years, and Chu Han definitely doesn't want these three guys to leave alive. Moreover, they won't be merciful to you. "

"I know how to do it."

After listening to Chu Bei's words, a trace of cold and severe flashed in Chen Nan's eyes, and then he jumped onto the stage.

"Can the game begin?" Chen Nan looked at the three Dragon Knights blankly.

"Are you in such a hurry to see Hades?"

The sarcasm fell, and the three Dragon Knights stepped on wyvern and slowly approached Chen Nan. The tyrannical breath permeated the three of them, and the ministers who watched the battle felt a heavy oppression.

Suddenly, the field became quiet, and each one focused on Chen Nan's body, with worry in his eyes.

Chen Nan faintly scanned the three Dragon Knights diagonally above his eyes, without saying much, but neither too fast nor too slow took down the bow of Hou Yi behind him.

Hold the bow in your left hand, and place your right hand on the bowstring at the golden light starting point. In the blink of an eye, three golden light arrows are formed.

"That...that is Your Majesty's Hou Yi bow!"

"Why is it in his hands!"

"And as far as I know, Hou Yi's bow can only be used once a year! Your Majesty used it once half a year ago, and it is impossible to pull it away! Weird!"

"What's the matter with the arrow? It seems to be from his right hand It evolved, what kind of means is this!"


Most of the onlookers recognized the Hou Yi bow and saw Chen Nan slowly pull the bowstring. Amazed.

"Not good, that bow is weird!"

I noticed that Heaven and Earth in all directions rushed towards Hou Yi in Chen Nan's hands below. The three Dragon Knight faces looked on. Sudden change.

Gradually, the vast energy fluctuates violently on the stage. Chen Nan and Hou Yi's bows emit hundreds of zhang rays of light, and a powerful imposing manner emerges from the former.

At this moment, Chen Nan's imposing manner has undergone a change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down, just like the giant that can support both heaven and earth, people can't help but have an urge to worship.

Wyvern at the feet of Dragon Knight seemed to sense dangerous breath, his huge body shivered, and his mouth kept growling low.


The three Dragon Knights looked at each other, and then swooped down with wyvern.

The three long spears danced, the tips of their guns pointed at Chen Nan, and the wind blade chi chi rang.

Although the three Dragon Knights no longer underestimated the enemy, they even took the initiative to launch a fierce attack. But it was too late, Chen Nan had already let go of the bowstring, and three golden lightning bolts pierced the void.

In an instant, violent wind erupted than the battlefield, thunder rumbled.

This World Mysterious Anomaly shocked onlookers of civil and military officials retreated one after another, for fear of being affected.

In an instant, three golden lightning glows greeted the three wyvern.

hong long long!

Amid the deafening explosions, there were three places above the arena, like fireworks blooming.

Afterwards, amid the miserable and painful roars, a large rain of blood sprinkled from the sky, and the three-headed wyvern and three Dragon Knights planted like broken kites, and fell on the ground that was shaken by the fighting platform. .


"This is over?"

The civil and military officials who watched the game could hardly believe their eyes, if not more than The six dead bodies on the platform that could no longer die, they thought they had a dream.

After a long time, the civil and military officials still did not come back to his senses. They were a little caught off guard by seeing this fight.

To be precise, I just prepared to watch the Dragon Knight battle, and the battle is over!

Moreover, the winner is still the 2nd-Rank cultivation base they are not optimistic about.

"Very good!"

Chu Han got up and clapped his hands without much shock. He had seen the formidable power of the arrow shot by Chen Nan before, although he I don't know where the golden light arrow came from.

“Impossible …impossible …”

Looking at the corpse in the arena, the messenger of Heavenly Wind Country collapsed on the ground as if his whole body was drained.

"It's really my Immortal Treasure Hou Yi bow, which allows 2nd-Rank Fighter to kill three 3rd-Rank Great Ascension Dragon Knights!"

When the crowd was still immersed in the three golden light arrows, a vigorous voice came from the east.

Listening to the sound coming from a distance, the corners of Chu Han's eyebrows suddenly appeared, and the stone hanging in his heart seemed to be let go.

"Sure enough, I didn't really give us the Hou Yi bow."

Perceiving the breath fluctuations in the distance, Chu Bei smiled slightly, everything was as he expected, this The Chu State emperor gave them Hou Yi bows only as a way of slowing down.

"Imperial Father, Xuanzu has caught up."

The two emperors Chu Yu and Chu Yue smiled at each other. Hou Yi's bow is Chu State treasure, and they witnessed it with their own eyes. The formidable power of Hou Yi's bow was even more impossible so that the two people who emerged out of thin air took away.

A group of civil and military officials followed the sound and saw a changhong passing by in the east, followed by a croaking silhouette appearing in the sky above the battlefield from a hundred meters away.

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