"This guy is who again!"

"What a terrifying power! Ruthless Fairy's attack was ruined by just a few seconds!"

"Ruthless Fairy is a ruthless world, but a fairy statue has the cultivation base of Divine King Realm! How can her attack be destroyed so easily!"

"What a strange face! It is said that whether it is the Eastern Heaven Realm or the Western Heaven Realm, there are several Divine Sovereigns that cannot be retired all year round. Do you think he is Divine Sovereign?"

"Ruthless Fairy cultivation base I have reached the Divine King Great Ascension, who can disintegrate her attack with a finger, maybe only Divine Sovereign."

"It's no wonder that kid is so arrogant, he dares only with 6th-Rank Initial Phase cultivation base. Come here to provoke Tantai Fairy and Ruthless Fairy. It turns out that there is a Divine Sovereign expert behind him!"

"Haha, today I didn’t come in vain. Even if I can’t listen to the lecture, I can at least watch the show. It's a show."


As soon as Chu Bei appeared, he became the focus of everyone in the field.

The stunned eyes of a numerous cultivators focused on Chu Bei's body, talking and discussing spiritedly.

"You still shot."

The white clothed woman looked at Chu Bei coldly. When the other party shot, she knew she couldn't kill Chen Nan today.

Although she does not leave the ruthless world all year round, she still saw the battle in the Eternal Forest.

Based on her cognition, she can be sure that the mysterious man in front of her is definitely not a Divine Sovereign, but an unknown realm above the Divine Sovereign!

"Since you know me, why would you dare to kill him?"

Chu Bei put his hands around his chest, looked at the white clothed woman blankly, his face gradually Heavy Come down: "Are you not putting me in your eyes?"

The indifferent voice without the slightest emotion fell, and Chu Bei waved his sleeve robe.

In an instant, the dazzling golden glow enveloped the entire Tantai Immortal Realm.

Bejeweled Jade Tower is gone, the huge square is gone, the rolling peaks are gone, and some are just endless dazzling rays of light.

At this moment, everyone seems to be in a world of light.

In sight, except for silhouette, there is light.

"Is this really just the means of Divine Sovereign?"

"It's so holy breath, I feel warm all over, so comfortable."

" If you can cultivation here, I’m afraid the cultivation speed will be ten times and a hundred times faster than the outside world!"

"This should be his inner world? It's really a terrifying means!"


A group of cultivators are full of intoxication, as if wandering in a sea of ​​love, and some cultivators have begun to question their guesses about the Chu Bei cultivation base.

Different from the comfortable feeling of an ordinary cultivator, Ruthless Fairy can't feel the slightest warmth in this ocean of light.

She seems to have come to the realm of Death God. Every light element that diffuses all around is filled with murderous intention. It seems that as long as the other party has a single thought, she may be swallowed by golden light, completely Turn into nothingness.

"This body doesn't belong to you, so why bother to be so addicted."

Chu Bei glanced at Ruthless Fairy, the flat voice fell, the latter all around the golden light Long slender rays of light emerged from it.

Ruthless Fairy is hardly given any time to react, and the light entangles the latter.

Ruthless Fairy's face suddenly changed. She found that her body was unable to move even a little bit under the restraint of these rays. What's more terrifying is that the Origin Force in her body also stopped flowing, like a pool of stagnant water. .

"Ah-don't, don't come out -"

When the golden light sinks into Ruthless Fairy's body, Ruthless Fairy's devastatingly beautiful beauty suddenly becomes distorted. There were even more miserable and painful screams, and the frightened voice seemed to be afraid of something.

"Master, don't hurt Yuxin..."

Seeing Ruthless Fairy's painful expression, Chen Nan looked very flustered and immediately wanted to stop Chu Bei.

Unconsciously, Chen Nan's tears flowed down uncontrollably again, his brows filled with pity.

Not far away, Little Chen Xi bit her lip lightly, Shui Lingling's big eyes turned red, and her tears kept falling.

The two women, Katherine and Corpse King Yuxin, glanced at each other, both with unbearable eyes.

"Oudi a dragon, expert is so cruel. Such a beautiful Fairy can bear to bully." Purple Divine Dragon ao wu said, and at the same time Baby Dragon covered his eyes.

"Don't be nervous, being a teacher is helping her."

Chu Bei gave Chen Nan a soothing look to signal his peace of mind, while continuing to manipulate the light into Ruthless Fairy's body , Separating something like a silky cocoon.

"No matter who you are, even if you exist on Divine Sovereign, I will never allow you to hurt mercilessly!" Suddenly, Tantai Xuan dreary cold voice echoed in this light world.

Next moment, Tantai Xuanqi silhouette flashed, and appeared in front of Chu Bei in an instant.

At the same time, his right hand pinched Dao Jue, a burst of azure light emerged, and the majestic Origin Force storm hit Chu Bei.

"Although she will be fine, but if you attack me, there will be no good end."

Chu Bei calmly looked at Tantai Xuan, carrying The joking voice fell, his left hand was raised, and he waved at random.

In an instant, the rays of light gathered, and a huge substantial golden light palm print was placed on the left hand side of Chu Bei.

long long long!

The golden light palm seal fixed the void and faced the attacking Tantai Xuan.

In the deep rumbling sound, the golden light giant palm with no difficulty smashed the Taoist formula that Tantai Xuan had pinched, and then the real strikes were on her.

When the golden light disappeared, Tantai Xuan had completely turned into a blood man.

Looking at Tantai Xuan's miserable appearance, not only the cultivators of the Immortal Martial Realm, but also the immortal Venerables were stunned, each of them wriggling their throats, staring in horror. The back figure in front of Chen Nan.

"This is not a level of battle at all!"

"Master Xianzun, what do you know about his origin? Stronger than Tantai Fairy, and even trivial ant in front of him "

"The specific origin of the old man is not clear! You only need to know that he came from the lost Small World, and the cultivation base has reached the realm that we don't know at all."

"Tantai is too irrational. He has obviously seen the other party's methods in the Eternal Forest, and actually took the initiative. Fortunately, this person did not kill, but only slightly punished her."


Among the cultivators, people kept asking the Great Immortal deities about the identity of Chu Bei; among them, there were many immortal deities who sighed and regretted Tantai Xuan.

Tantai Xuan wiped off the blood from the corners of his mouth, staring at Chu Bei unwillingly, and the blood outside the body was gradually absorbed.

When she was about to make another move, several golden light chains were wrapped around her limbs. Not only that, her mouth was also sealed by an unknown force, she couldn't even make a sound, she could only watch what happened to Ruthless Fairy.


The cry of Ruthless Fairy became more painful, and it was pitiful to hear it.

"This...what is going on? Why are there two souls in Ruthless Fairy's body?"

At this moment, everyone is always paying attention to Ruthless Fairy's repairs. The person was dumbfounded and exclaimed.

I saw Ruthless Fairy lithe and graceful body, there are two souls intertwined. One soul has gratitude in his eyes, like a kind of relief; in the other soul, his eyes are always full of hatred.

The field knows the Great Immortal and the six God Sovereign recorded in Ruthless Fairy cultivation Supreme Indifference, and looks at the two soul consciousnesses in each other's body, and his eyes gradually become clearer.

At this moment, they seem to understand Chu Bei's purpose.

At the same time, he also has a new understanding of Chu Bei's methods, and he can forcibly strip away the soul consciousness of the Divine King Realm Great Ascension repairer!

"Come out!"

Following a low coldly shouted, Chu Bei right hand pulled one back, and suddenly the tiny light that sank into Ruthless Fairy's body engulfed the two soul consciousnesses One of them dragged out.

As soon as the hateful soul was removed, Ruthless Fairy fell slowly, as if asleep.

Chen Nan, who had been watching the changes in the situation, immediately swept around and hugged the unconscious Ruthless Fairy in his arms.

"I hate you!"

"Why do you show up! Obviously I will succeed, why...why!"

Be stripped out The Divine Soul stared at Chu Bei unwillingly, roar hoarse.

Looking at the soul body that was born because of the Supreme Indifference, Chu Bei shook the head: "You shouldn’t have appeared in this world, Heavenly Dao reincarnates, go find your new Go home."

The indifferent voice fell, Chu Bei a finger pointed, and a flood of light rained toward the soul body in front.

In the holy breath, soul's unwilling expression began to relax, as if it were being released.

In the light and rain, the soul body becomes lighter and lighter until it disappears completely.

"This trip, our business is over, and the people are taken away. As for you, let's continue the preaching."

Chu Bei glanced across the group of repairs below Daoist, after finishing speaking with a wave of his sleeves, all around golden light gradually dissipated.

Soon, the familiar all around, Bejeweled Jade Tower, square, rolling peaks, etc., returned to the sight of the fighters.

Tantai Xuan also regained his freedom. After scanning the Yuxin in Chen Nan's arms, he looked towards Chu Bei again, although there was hatred in his eyes, but he did not act rashly.

The cultivators in the field looked at each other in blank dismay, one by one seemed to be in a trance. If it weren't for the comatose Ruthless Fairy, they thought that what had just happened was a dream.

"Let's go."

Chu Bei waved and disappeared with Chen Nan and the others.

"Ruthless Fairy is not sure what is going on."

"By the way, Ruthless Fairy was taken away. Will today's lecture continue?"

"Look at the current state of Fairy in Tantai. Do you think she still has the thought of preaching? In my opinion, it is better to go back to each house."


Look at In the direction where the Chu Bei entire group disappeared, the Daoist people on the square sighed.

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