"Don't go call Du Hai and Du Tao! Remember to tell him my name is Chen Nan!" Chen Nan's cold voice spread from high in the sky.

Hearing the two names in Chen Nan's mouth, the patrol leader of the Du family was taken aback. After reacting, he glanced at Chen Nan in fear and ran towards the direction he came.

After half a quarter of an hour.

The long rainbow thread swept from the east.

"Chen Nan, the person in the picture really is you! Ten thousand years have passed in a hurry, and you are still here."

There is a sound of breaking through the air in the distance, but no one has arrived. , An old sigh has floated over.

Afterwards, hundreds of silhouettes appeared in the sight of the Chu Bei entire group. The headed person was an old man with a rickety figure and white beard and hair.

These nearly a hundred people came from the spatial flight, and they have obviously entered the 6th-Rank realm.

On the outside, a 6th-Rank Powerhouse is enough to support a party. It must be said that the foundation of the Du family far exceeds the Great Influence of the outside world.

"Old Ancestor, who is he! He wants you to go out!"

"With your cultivation base, even in Heaven Realm, there is a place. It is necessary to deal with it personally. Is this a hairless brat? It will also call us all together."

The old man behind the people said one after another, with puzzled words.

Of course, some of them also had grave expressions. Although they didn't know who Chen Nan was, they had witnessed the ancient and terrifying battle projected in the eternal forest.

Cha Cha, the terrifying existence in the picture is standing in front of them.

"He is a man from ten thousand years ago. To really talk about his identity, I have to call him Young Master."

The hoarse words of the rickety old man fell, and he was behind a crowd of people. There was an incredible color in his eyes almost at the same time.

The youngster in front of them is unimaginable, it turns out to be the Young Master of their Old Ancestor!

"Du Tao, I didn't expect you to know that I am your Young Master!"

Chen Nan looked at the rickety old man blankly: "Where is Du Hai? What happened back then? , You are not the only one!"

"Du Hai failed to break through to Divine King, he has already gone." The old man shook the head sighfully.

"That's really cheap for him!"

Chen Nan looked at the rickety old man, his voice became colder and colder: "What you did to Yuxin back then, how do you want to solve it now?"

"Yuxin Young Miss may already be a fairy of Heaven Realm."

Perceiving Yuxin's Divine King breath still above him, Du Tao's sunken eyes A trace of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

"Old Ancestor, are they here to seek revenge? What is the relationship between our Du family and them?"

"Old Ancestor, great-grandson is willing to fight! Let me try first Their fictitious reality."

"Old Ancestor, are you afraid that you won’t be able to win them with your cultivation base? Moreover, our Du family also has a heavenly demon master. Even those great characters from Immortal World are here. I don’t dare to make a second here."


The 6th-Rank experts of the Du family looked at the Chu Bei entire group with hostility.

The anger in those eyes seems to be that as long as Du Tao is nodded, they will use the strongest means to win Chen Nan and the others without the slightest hesitation.

"Shut up all!"

Listening to the noise behind, the rickety old man suddenly turned his head and let out a cry.

"I really didn't think that you not only broke through to the Divine King, but also established a Du Family Profound Realm. If this Du Family Profound Realm is placed outside, let alone those ordinary forces, even the Holy Land evil way will have to retreat." Chen Nan's cold gaze swept across the huge Du Family Xuanjie, with sarcasm in his words.

"Young Master is really jesting."

Du Tao moved towards Chen Nan and hugged cup one fist in the other hand with a respectful expression. If you don't look carefully, it's hard to notice the cruelty that flashes by in his eyes.

If it weren't for Chu Bei, he would immediately shoot Chen Nan.

"I have talked about it too, now I can discuss how to solve the ten thousand years." Chen Nan half-squinted, his cold eyes locked on Du Tao, his voice indifferent.

"Young master, before killing me, don’t you want to know about your father’s true identity?"

Du Tao glanced at Chu Bei and saw him After a matter of no concern to oneself, his eyes returned to Chen Nan.

Before he came, he had ordered people to wake up the heavenly demon. As long as heavenly demon wakes up, he doesn't have to worry about the terrifying Powerhouse next to Chen Nan.

"What do you mean? is it possible that my father has any special identity? Let's listen!" Thinking of the Chen family in Yuxin's mouth, combined with what Du Tao said at the moment, Chen Nan immediately asked.

Of course, he doesn't care what Du Tao's wishful thinking is. In his opinion, as long as Chu Bei is there, the ending will not change.

"Thousands of years ago, Heaven Realm had some clan that escaped the world. These clans were all Heaven Realm giants. Among them, Chenjia is one of the most terrifying clans."

"Your father is the ninth person in his generation. He was born shocking and stunning. He was praised as a generation of Heaven's Chosen. He broke into the realm of Divine Sovereign within hundreds of years after he was born, and he also Take control of a broken world. Because of his talents, he was established by the contemporary Chen family Helmsman as the best candidate for the resurrection of Chenzu."

"Your father would not succumb to the death of the resurrection Chenzu. Destiny, although he tried his best to resist, was outnumbered in the end, and was finally subdued by the members of the Chen family, sealed his skills and modified his memory, and entered the Human World. After entering the Human World, he became the Free and Unfettered King and married a woman. Give birth to a baby boy."

Speaking of which, Du Tao pointed to Chen Nan: "That baby boy is you."

"Where is this Chen family? I am father and others Where!" Chen Nan frowned.

On the side, Chu Bei glanced at Du Tao approvingly. He didn't expect this old fellow to know a lot.

Chen Zhan, the reincarnation of the Immemorial madman, in the final battle days, like Dugu Baitian, Demon Lord, and Ghost Lord, is one of the four most powerful powerhouses!

The thing that impressed Chu Bei the most was the other Zeng Haoyan shouting: "There is no need to resurrect the distant ancestors, I will surpass the distant ancestors!"

long long long!

While Chen Nan was waiting for Du Tao to return to his question, a huge incomparable energy fluctuation suddenly broke out in the depths of the profound realm.

Immediately afterward, Heavenly Demon Qi was filled, and in a blink of an eye, a cloud of black mist appeared above Du Tao.

Look carefully, there is a bloody head in the black mist, terrifying terrifying.

"Heavenly demon, the Du Family Profound Realm has been violated! The offender, the cultivation base profound, Junior has to ask you to be born."

With the arrival of the head in the sky, Du Tao immediately revealed the original The corners of the mouth that deserved to be Zhengrong, once again looked towards Chen Nan, the killing intent in his eyes did not hide.

"The reason why you are procrastinating is that you kept such a hand."

Chen Nan looked at Du Tao coldly: "You really deserve to die!"


"I'll deal with him."

After Yuxin gave Chen Nan a reassuring look, the silhouette flashed moved towards Du Tao away.

Feeling the oncoming tyrannical breath, Du Tao's face sank, and he hurriedly moved towards the head in the black mist above and shouted: "Master heavenly demon, I beg you to take action!"

weng weng weng!

Heavenly Demon's skull seemed to sway slightly in response to Du Tao, and the void spread out from one after another pitch-black gap.

In an instant, Yuxin's body seemed to be imprisoned by some invisible force, and the attack on Du Tao that had been fully accumulated was also instantly dissipated.

"I've seen...you."

Heavenly Demon's skull confines Yuxin, but he didn't attack him. Instead, he projected a pair of blood eyes on Chu Bei's Body.

Hearing the words of heavenly demon, Chu Bei's expression has not changed much, and the opponent must have seen him through the battle in the eternal forest.

"Are you insisting on protecting him?"

Chu Bei's gaze is opposite to the heavenly demon, laughed out his hand to Du Tao said in a tranquil voice.

"He can't die, I have an agreement with someone to protect the Du Family Profound Realm..." The voice from the black mist was intermittent, but full of determination.

"Have an agreement with others?"

It is not just Du's 6th-Rank expert, even Du Tao's expression changed when he heard this.

They know that heavenly demon is the Guardian God of Du’s Formation, but they don’t know why.

"Then do you remember the name of the person who agreed with you?" Chu Bei asked, neither too fast nor too slow, staring directly at the black mist in the sky.


Two heavily syllables came from the black fog.

Hearing this name, Du Tao's body trembled suddenly, and a bad feeling came out inexplicably in his heart.

"Do you remember the agreed content!" Chu Bei said loudly.

"Waiting here...waiting for someone named Chen Nan...to help him." A voice came from the black mist again.

This time, Du Tao's face completely changed, his eyes were replaced by fear.

At this time, Du Tao’s 6th-Rank experts from the Du family behind Du Tao also reacted, looking at each other in blank dismay, looking at each other in a panic.

"Just remember."

Chu Bei smiled and pointed at Chen Nan: "He is the one you are waiting for."

For this heavenly Demon, Chu Bei still has some impressions.

Ten thousand years ago in the war days, the opponent was also a Powerhouse with the first flight of steps. As for his identity, Immemorial is forbidden to be the son of the great god Dugu Baitian and the moon god Situ Mingyue.

Speaking of which, he and Chen Nan’s previous life lonely loneliness is still a half-brother!

"He is...Chen Nan?"

The confused words sounded, and a drop of red blood flew out of the black mist.

This drop of blood flew to Chen Nan as if consciously, and after circling around him a few times, it penetrated into his between the eyebrows.

"It's really you."

Heavenly demon seems to be confirmed, and there is excitement in the vague words, more like a kind of relief.

Next moment, under everyone's attention, Heavenly Demon pierced through the void and turned into Chen Nan's body in an instant.

"Master, he...he..."

Chen Nan looked at Chu Bei with some trepidation.

"Don't worry, from now on, you have one more powerful help." Chu Bei smiled and patted Chen Nan's shoulder.

"It's fine if it's not harmful to me."

Hearing Chu Bei's words, Chen Nan looked down at the shrunken head hovering in his chest, and took a long breath.

Du Tao, who was not far away, sank to the bottom when he saw Heavenly Demon's skull swooping into Chen Nan's body.

At this time, Yuxin, who had regained his freedom, attacked Du Tao.

The battle between the Divine King Realm Great Ascension and the Divine King Realm elementary level, although it can be considered fancy, but the fighting time between the two is not too long.

Finally, the curtain came to an end with Du Tao’s fleshy body shattered.

As for those 6th-Rank experts, they also died in the hands of Chen Nan.

After the battle, look at the Dujia Xuanjie again, blood flowing into a river, the smell of blood is permeating the air.

[System detects that Level 1 agent Ye Fan is in crisis]

[Level 1 agent fixed-point transmission function is enabled]

[The host can be a Level 1 agent To resolve the crisis, you can choose a Level 18 product in the process]

Suddenly, the system tone sounded in the Chu Bei Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Hearing the sound, Chu Bei hurriedly clicked on the system interface, only to see the "Ye Fan" on the agent list flashing red glow.

"Master, what's the matter with you?"

Chen Nan on the side seemed to have noticed something and quickly asked Chu Bei.

"If you have something to do for the teacher, you must leave for a while."

Chu Bei lightly patted Chen Nan's shoulder, and his eyes swept across Katherine, Yuxin and the others.

Chen Nan was taken aback for a moment, but quickly returned to the original state, tentatively said: "Master, are you going to Heaven Beyond the Heaven?"

"That's right. "

With a smile, Chu Bei divine sense moved.

long long long ——

next moment, the rumbling sound rang, and the void in front of Chu Bei began to twist.

After that, a blue cross-rolling wheel slowly emerged. On the top of the wheel, the six characters [plane wheel of time and space] are particularly conspicuous.

Look intently, inside the roller is a blue passage crocheted by time.

Chu Bei stepped out, stepped into the wheel of time and space, and disappeared.

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