"Chen Nan, come with me on the road!"

In the sky, black roared and flew towards Chen Nan with thousands of soldiers behind.

The roar full of monstrous killing intents floated from the air, but seeing the black rising to lure the blue sky clone to attack When it reached three meters in front of Chen Nan, the billowing white mist surged, forming a wall of chaos.

This chaotic wall stands in the bottomless gully, and its height extends far beyond the end at a glance.

The appearance of the Wall of Chaos seems to isolate this void into two worlds.

Black frowned, but there was no time to think, without the slightest hesitation blasting towards the Chaos Wall.

next moment, Heiqi's face was stunned, because he easily penetrated this wall of chaos, and the latter seemed to be non-existent.

"Primal Chaos Tribulation Light."

At this moment, a fluttering syllable sounded in his ears.

When he turned his head, the source of the sound was from the strange youth man beside Chen Nan.

Hei raised his gaze on Chu Bei's body, a wisp of Divine Consciousness probed over, and his face changed abruptly when he probed.

At this moment, the chaos wall behind him also has movement.

weng weng weng!

I saw weird rune surging inside the wall, endless chaos rays of light evolved into billions of golden daggers, moved towards that hiding the sky and covering The earth shot past like thousands of soldiers' souls billowing in a long river.

These Golden daggers seem to have only the palm length, but each one contains a sharp and terrifying breath with a holy breath.

chi chi chi!

Hundreds of millions of Golden daggers shot out, submerged in the souls of thousands of soldiers.

For an instant, thousands of army souls struggled and wailed, and the ghosts continued to roar.

Thousands of army souls are like a nemesis, wailing with pain; they stop the stature and try to escape by instinctively turning the direction.

However, the number of these Golden daggers is too much, hiding the sky and covering the earth, blocking every direction, and the speed is fast to the extreme.

In an instant, thousands of army souls were penetrated and dissipated between Heaven and Earth in the hiss of fear, as if they were purified by these Golden daggers.

In an instant, the sky became quiet, and thousands of army souls disappeared, leaving only a wall of chaotic light standing between Heaven and Earth.

"Qingtian clone's attack has been resolved again!"

"That's an attack that can't even be blocked by the dark."

Witness this scene All the Divine Kings were stunned, came back to his senses from the trance, swallowing subconsciously.

After that, one by one, his eyes moved on Chu Bei's body, with consternation and admiration.

Although they can't perceive what kind of energy is contained in those Golden daggers, they can be sure that if this Golden dagger hits them, they might end up like those army souls, and they will be wiped out in an instant.

Immemorial, one of the seven kings of Immemorial, the murderous god black rises, this moment is also dumbfounded, his eyes are a bit hollow, more surprised, it seems that he can't believe what he saw before.

"You...who are you!"

From the shock, he came back to his senses, and his black eyes fixed on Chu Bei.

When he first looked at this person before, he found that Divine Consciousness was gone forever, as if he had fallen into a quagmire.

"Many thanks Master, take it!"

Chen Nan moved towards Chu Bei bowed, his face was respectful, and then he pointed his finger towards Hei: "I also look at Master I can break this guy into the Eighteen Levels of Hell."

Chu Bei stared at him, looking towards Hell.

Meeting Chu Bei's calm gaze, his body shuddered instantly when he got black, and his whole body climbed up in an imposing manner, his gaze filled with fear and vigilance.

"Speaking of which, you are a member of the camp, he can't be considered an enemy."

Chu Bei did not attack Hei, his eyes fell on Chen Nan Faintly spoke.

"A camp? Master, what do you mean by that?" Chen Nan looked puzzled.

Chu Bei laughed, leaning out his fingers to the six-armed ten thousand zhang woman in the distance, saying: "Heavenly Dao slaughters the common people, it is your common enemy."

" Who are you! Why didn’t this king see you in too ancient age? Even if you are a reincarnated person, I should be able to feel the breath of the deceased from you!"

Said, Sovereign King Heiqi frowned deeper and deeper, and asked.

"This is the first time you have seen this seat. This seat did not participate in your battle back then, but Heavenly Dao is inextricably linked to this seat. This time, just This Heavenly Dao is destroyed by this seat." Chu Bei said lightly.

"It's really arrogant!"

The black is coldly snorted, with disdain in his voice: "Back then, the Demon Lord, Ghost Lord, and Dugu Baitian couldn't even kill the blue sky. It's up to you Still want to destroy Heavenly Dao above the blue sky?"

Chu Bei laughed, no longer paid attention to Heiqi, and you set his gaze on the blue Heavens Avatar ten thousand zhang woman in the distance.

Even if the souls of thousands of soldiers were destroyed, the six-armed ten thousand zhang woman still remained calm, with a faint and cold breath on her face.

Dark green's long hair hangs high in the sky like a waterfall, and his icy eyes looked towards Chu Bei, coldly looking down at the crowd.


The woman's gaze was fixed on Chu Bei's body, and a strange and breathtaking sound came from her mouth.

Next moment, I saw his six arms swinging across the sky, carrying a terrifying breath moved towards Chu Bei.

Compared with the attack on Heiqi, the woman seemed to be more serious when she hit Chu Bei.

The aftermath alone brought up like the stormy waves hitting the shore, the rocks pierced through the air!

The Fengdu mountain range, which was already completely shattered, is even more like a tsunami. All the rocks are surging like a river, and the majestic power fluctuations shocked the crowd watching the Powerhouse.

"Let’s start with you!"

Looking at the giant Great Demon claws and tentacles thrown from a distance, Chu Bei's expression remained unchanged, and his indifferent voice confided from his mouth. Out.

With the sound falling, the wall of chaotic light standing in front of Chu Bei between Heaven and Earth evolves, and the endless bright rays of light continue to converge and compress until it forms a ten thousand zhang high Primal Chaos Giant.

Vaguely, you can see the center of Primal Chaos Giant's body, with an iron lump that looks like a human suspended.

The moment the Primal Chaos Giant took shape, the outer surface of the body was covered with a layer of dazzling armor. At the same time, two points of red light are emitted from the eyes, like a living thing.

Afterwards, Primal Chaos Giant stepped out, and there were waves of friction all over the body, and a fierce and violent breath of terror spread.

"This...this breath..."

Feeling the horrible breath fluctuations released by the Golden Giant, all Powerhouses including Sovereign King Heiqi changed their faces suddenly.


A loud roar resembling the ancient Great Desolate, resounding between Heaven and Earth, the terrifying sound waves spread far, echoing Heaven Realm Every corner.


Primal Chaos Giant's big hand reached forward, first grabbed the tentacles of the Blue Heavens Avatar, and tore it briefly and roughly.

In an instant, the front end of the tentacles was cut off, and red blood fell from the air like a waterfall, dyeing the ground below.


The Blue Heavens Avatar seemed to feel pain, and the strange voice in his mouth became sharper and harsher.

long long long!

Without waiting for the ten thousand zhang woman to act, the Primal Chaos Giant slid in front of her.

punched out, the sky is so powerful that the sky is split into two halves.

If Chu Bei didn't take the initiative to isolate the battlefield in time, I'm afraid this Heaven Realm would be destroyed!

With a punch from the Primal Chaos Giant, the ten thousand zhang woman was blown half of her body, but she quickly returned to the original state.


The six-armed woman whispered, a pair of tentacles and a pair of beast claws that had been broken, suddenly grew crazily, and fiercely clamped the body of Primal Chaos Giant.

After that, I saw the ten thousand zhang woman's jade arms that deceived the snow and fiercely moved towards Primal Chaos Giant's neck!

Primal Chaos Giant was completely fearless, ignored the attack of the ten thousand zhang woman, and was punched out again.


The giant's double fists are shrouded in chaos, and the rune flickers.

This time, the force on her fist was even greater, and she directly blasted the ten thousand zhang woman into the bottomless gully below, causing a loud noise, and the earth was shattered.

"It's horrible!"

"It has the upper hand!"

A crowd watching the Powerhouse stared blankly at the Primal Chaos Giant condensed by Chu Bei , Looked at each other, looked at each other in blank dismay, with amazement in his eyes.


Huo Ran, a gloomy syllable sounded between Heaven and Earth, and the source of the sound came from the deep gully below.

"Could it be that the blue sky clone is talking!"

Just as the powerhouse was suspicion, the ten thousand zhang woman flew out from the gully below.

Finally, her mood fluctuated, fiercely glared in Chu Bei's direction.

After that, the ten thousand zhang woman looked towards Primal Chaos Giant in the sky again, and bursts of blue aura broke out all over her body, and a powerful force that made the powerhouses tremble surged out violently.

"Did she not do her best in the previous battle!"

Immemorial Sovereign King Heiqi's face was solemn, his mouth muttered, and his fists clenched tightly.

The strength of this blue sky clone is stronger than he expected!

As for Chu Bei, still watching the battlefield calmly, with a wave of his sleeves, a thin layer of chaotic ripples spread far away, forming a huge three-dimensional space, isolating the battlefield from the outside world .

In the battlefield, Blue Heavens Avatar actually gave birth to a fourth pair of arms!

This newly born arm is shockingly far ahead of the first three pairs of arms!

One of the arms is an Oriental Heavenly Dragon, endless. The dark green scales on it are shining with mysterious rays of light, and the huge dragon head’s cold glow twinkles, like a living Heavenly. Dragon. The ferocious mouth opened and closed, and a whistling sound resounded between Heaven and Earth.

"Expert, how did our clansman become one of its arms!" The purple Divine Dragon and Baby Dragon opened their mouths wide and looked incredible.

"Could this blue sky really be the ruler of all things, he can derive and transform all things!" The Nanhai old man murmured.

As for the other arm does not correspond to the Heavenly Dragon arm, it is a serpent like a mountain! The black scale armor was shining with rays of light, the blood-red eyes were fiercely beating, and the fiery red snake letter was especially scary.


Blue Heavens Avatar screamed from the sky, dark green long hair danced wildly, eight arms shattered the sky, moved towards Primal Chaos Giant danced wildly.

Especially the Heavenly Dragon arm and the snake arm are even more terrifying. Every time Primal Chaos Giant is drawn, the latter part of the rays of light will be annihilated.

"It's just a clone. I will destroy you first, and I will destroy you!"

Looking at the Blue Heavens Avatar who has been able to fight the Primal Chaos Giant, Chu Bei made a cold voice, and then pointed to Primal Chaos Giant.

As the Chu Bei indifferent syllable fell, Primal Chaos Giant roared up to the sky, as if it had evolved, and the roar was full of heart-pounding cruelty, seemingly full of endless destruction and killing .

And the source of this roar is the most terrifying disaster in the world.

Looking intently, I saw that Primal Chaos Giant’s hand appeared in the hands of a huge light sword of chaos condensed from the white mist of the forest!

Primal Chaos Giant stands in the sky, holding the sword of Senbai in both hands.

A sword swept across, and Heaven and Earth seemed to have lost the light. All the rays of light gathered in the sword in his hand.

The sword glow is raging, and the incarnation of the sky is gone in an instant!


All eight arms were cut off, even if it was the ten thousand zhang woman herself, it was turned into several pieces.


In the battlefield, red blood splashed all over the sky.

ten thousand zhang The woman uttered a sorrowful wailing neigh.

Dark green's long hair swept across the sky, breaking into one after another terrifying space.

At this moment, the Blue Heavens Avatar face looks sinister, who originally had a beautiful face, became very scary. The moist skin and flesh slowly shrank and cracked until all faded, revealing the azure light shimmering scale armor. .

In an instant, the head of the woman turned into a monster head full of lumps and scales everywhere.

"Perhaps it is its true body now!"

The transformation of Blue Heavens Avatar from a stunning beauty to a monster, the contrast is too great, and the crowd is astonishing to watch the Powerhouse stunned.

In addition to the changes in appearance, her body shape has changed drastically, and her slender jade body has become an extremely strong beast body.

"You damn it!!"

Blue Heavens Avatar's bloody eyes stared at Chu Bei, Sen Han's voice fell, and its shattered body quickly reorganized.

However, Chu Bei ignored the threat of Blue Heavens Avatar, but just as the opponent was about to take shape, its silhouette flashed and disappeared.

I saw Chu Bei flash past, personally took the Senbai sword in Primal Chaos Giant's hand, and slashed it down.

Different from Primal Chaos Giant, Chu Bei’s sword carries a mysterious rune, and carries a strange wave of power that does not belong between Heaven and Earth.

The sword glow is huge and completely covers the Blue Heavens Avatar.

Next moment, the body of the Blue Heavens Avatar exploded again, but it was difficult to heal.


"I remember you!"

"When the real body arrives, it is necessary for you to the soul flew away and scattered!"

Blue Heavens Avatar has a terrifying expression, screaming screams constantly, Senhan's eyes are locked on Chu Bei, with a monstrous killing intent.

"You don't need to find this seat, this seat will find you soon."

In response to the threatening words of the Blue Heavens Avatar, Chu Bei sneered, then followed It was another sword.

In the sword glow, it can be seen that the Blue Heavens Avatar is full of unwillingness and blood is poured out.

"It's over!"

"He really killed the incarnation of heaven!"

"God slaughtered! Even a clone!"

"It deserves to be a supreme existence that can talk to the Demon Lord of the ages!"


The powerhouse, including the old man of Nanhai, is sluggish. Looking at Chu Bei's back, he looked in a daze.

They couldn't believe the facts in front of them anyway, a cultivator actually fell after killing God, and destroyed the incarnation of heaven!

What a power this is!

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