"What? The Soul Lamp is gone!"

The words of the old man of the rain are like a bolt from the blue, echoing in the ears of everyone in the field.

"Dead, the Rain King is really dead!"

For a while, everyone in the field focused on Chu Bei's body.

There is no doubt that King Rain was definitely killed by the opponent, but no one can see exactly what he did to King Rain.

The King of Rain, an old monster who lived for hundreds of years, and Shi Guo's famous overlord level existence, just died silently!

Great Demonic God Shi Zhongtian hugged Shi Hao, his eyes fell on Chu Bei's body, his eyes were full of surprise and a little confusion.

Even if he is better than him, he still didn't see how the opponent made the move and what methods he had; the only thing he noticed was a space fluctuation that was extremely difficult to capture.

Martial King was stunned, staring blankly at the location where the Rain King was previously, came back to his senses and looked towards Chu Bei again, his face was full of fear and fear.

A person who was the same realm with him was silently obliterated, and the other party also blood sacrificed the Supreme weapon of the clan!

"Three years ago, someone dug this seat of the discipline Supreme Bone, and this seat came here today to collect debt for the discipline."

Chu Bei held his hands behind, calm The voice spread from the air.

Although its voice is not loud, it contains a kind of secretive power, which rang directly in the minds of everyone in the field, and it was straightforward.

The indifferent voice fell, Chu Bei turned his head and glanced at the vicious black clothed beautiful woman, and then looked towards Shi Yuan, who tried to protect Shi Yi back then.

Facing Chu Bei's gaze, Shi Yuan, who was not far away, trembled inexplicably, a crisis rising in the mind.


Shi Yuan seems to have noticed something, and his terrifying voice has just uttered, and he suddenly realizes that he has been corroded by an invisible force. Consciousness dissipated.

"Shi Yuan Elder, he also disappeared!"

"Like the previous Rain King, he disappeared suddenly, silently!"

" Oh my god, what kind of cultivation base is he!"


The panic voice has not died yet, Chu Bei's eyes moved and landed on the second Elder of Shi Yi lineage Body.

The void ripples like a breeze.

In the blink of an eye, the second person disappeared out of thin air.

The third person,

The fourth person,

The fifth person,


In just a few breaths, the old man behind Martial King behind is less than half.

When Chu Bei looked back, the number of these people also stopped decreasing, and the surviving old men took a long breath, wiped off the cold sweat on their foreheads, and looked lucky.

"Shi Yuan's lineage people are all dead!"

"Back then, they all tried their best to protect Shi Yi and that vicious black clothed beautiful woman!"


"It's not that it didn't report, but the time has not come! After three years, these people have paid the price of their lives for it!"

"My God, these people are all murdered Is it? He obviously didn’t do anything, just glanced at them, and they all died!"


In the mansion, I know that Martial King was the secret agent three years ago. The man of the palace, cast his eyes on the direction of those who disappeared, shook the head with a sigh, with a strange expression between his eyebrows.

"Hao'er, what is the origin of your Master?"

Shi Zhongtian's eyes fixed on Chu Bei's body, instinctively swallowed saliva and said, he couldn't help but to Shi Hao Asked.

The opponent kills one person at a glance, this method is really too terrifying!

"I don't know, the Master is very strong anyway, even Willow God has suffered a loss in the hands of the Master." Shi Hao said with wide-eyed eyes.

Clansman disappeared one after another, but Martial King did not dare to speak, looking at Chu Bei's indifferent expression, he retreated instinctively.

The other party's methods have been terrifying to make him palpitations, and he dare not have any resistance at all.

Chu Bei glanced across the Martial King, and after hesitating no longer paid attention to, instead he cast his eyes on the vicious black clothed beautiful woman beside Shi Yi.

"Demon, you...what are you going to do!"

The vicious black clothed beautiful woman's face turned pale, her words trembling with the gaze cast by Chu Bei , Collapsed directly in the air, trembling all over.

"Demon? Are you taunting this seat or talking about yourself?"

Chu Bei smiled and looked at the vicious black clothed beautiful woman, the joking voice fell, and raised his hand With a wave in the air, a picture was created.

In the picture, there are two beds. One of them lies on a three- or four-year-old child. It is the Innate Double Pupils, with divine light looming in his eyes. He bit a piece of cork and sweats coldly on his head. Seems to hold on to something in the severe pain.

On the other bed lay a baby with blood all over but only seven or eight months old. Tears kept falling from his pale face. He shrank into a ball, his body shivering. , Blood dyed redd the entire bed board, which is horrible to see.

"Yi'er, you are proud of being a mother. With Supreme Bone, coupled with Innate Double Pupils, no one can stop you from now on, this land will acknowledge allegiance in your Foot!"

A black clothed beautiful woman cautiously hugged the arm of the child on the first bed, her face was full of joy, and the rays of light in her eyes were extremely hot.

After covering the child with a soft cup, the black clothed beautiful woman couldn't help laughing. The laughter was crazy and hysterical.

"Auntie...Hao'er is cold..."

On the second bed, the baby who is shiver coldly curled up on the bed, but seven or eight months old, pale and weak Calling.

Hearing the call, the black clothed beauty not only did not go to get the quilt, but instead brought a vessel, constantly collecting the baby's blood.

"These True Blood of yours can also nourish the Supreme Bone in Yi'er, but it can't be wasted."

The black clothed beautiful woman uses the Secret Skill, the rune flashes and starts to take blood. , The dazzling glow made the room a gloomy cold.

"It's cold..."

Finally, the baby in the picture still passed out, perhaps instinctively. Even so, the small body is still continuously curled up and shivering.

Over the mansion, the picture finally freezes on the baby's tender but extremely pale face without the slightest blood.

The screen stopped, and the scene became silent for a moment.

"Is this the scene three years ago? This wicked woman's heart is really vicious!"

"That is, I have the heart to deal with such a small baby, and it is hers Nephew! Such a wicked woman, even if she kills her a hundred times, it won’t be much!"

"If it was me, I would let her taste the most poisonous punishment in the world, and make her die better than life. !"


A crowd of melon-eating people on the street came back to his senses from shock, one by one looked towards the black clothed beautiful women, and their eyes raised the sky. killing intent, can't wait to get rid of it.

Not far from Martial King, after watching the picture, his face was ugly to the extreme, and he kept sighing.

"You Hao'er treat me like this!"

"Vicky woman, I want you to be better than dead!"

At this time, there was a sad cry With a strong and extremely killing intent roar sounded between Heaven and Earth.

Shi Zhongtian's face was full of tears, his eyes were red from crying, and his veins were exposed.

Taking a big step, he killed the black clothed black clothed beautiful woman.

"Which one of us do you think is the devil now? At that time, this discipline was only eight months old. As his aunt, how did you have the heart to do it?"

Far away in the sky, Chu Bei looked at shiver coldly's vicious black clothed beautiful woman expressionlessly.

Wait for Shi Zhongtian who was killing intent overflowing heaven to reach the black clothed beautiful woman, a majestic suction instantly dragged the black clothed beautiful woman to Chu Bei's.

"Don't move my mother!"

Shi Yi's eyes flowed, two beams of monster rays of light hit Chu Bei with a weird rune.

Chu Bei didn't even glance at Shi Yi, an invisible force was to annihilate the two rays of light and directly blast them out.

"Benefactor, please give me punishment for this black clothed beautiful woman!"

Shi Zhongtian came to Chu Bei with a fierce killing intent, pleading in his eyes.

"Never mind, leave it to you."

Chu Bei spoke lightly, then glanced at the remaining Yuclansman, who disappeared one by one.

At this moment, no one dared to speak.

Including Martial King, it seems that for fear of this mysterious person of unknown origin, the eyes will fall on them.


Soon, a shrill scream floated over the mansion.

I saw Shi Zhongtian slap a palm on the forehead of the vicious black clothed beautiful woman, as if deliberately, the black clothed beautiful woman’s head did not explode, but was injected with a wave of black. airflow.

The vicious black clothed beautiful woman is like the most terrifying poison in the world. She has blue veins protruding all over her body, and her eyes are about to pop out.

Immediately afterwards, the black clothed beautiful woman clutched her body in pain with both hands, with blood stains all over her, her expression distorted, as if she was suffering from the pain of ten thousand ants.

"Three years ago, when you dug Hao'er Supreme Bone, did you think about this day?"

Looking at the black clothed beautiful woman in pain, Shi Zhongtian's face Without the slightest look of pity, I laughed, laughed crazy and hysterical.

"What did you do to my mother!"

Shi Yi let out a low roar, looked towards Shi Zhongtian, and a killing intent appeared on his face.

After that, Shi Yi's eyes suddenly turned, and two black flames flew out, immediately causing the void sky in front to explode.

"This breath of power, at his age, is really terrifying!"

"It is worthy of being a double pupil!"

"Perhaps there is Supreme Bone in it! Blessing!"


Perceiving the fluctuation of Shi Yi's breath, the crowd on the street opened their eyes wide, staring at the black flame incredulously.

"And you vicious little fellow! If it weren't for you, your vicious mother wouldn't find the Supreme Bone in Hao'er!"

Shi Zhongtian's icy gaze fell. In Shi Yi's body, the other party has been able to condense such breath at such an age, and he must not stay!

When the shout fell, Shi Zhongtian stuck out his palm, and a Heavenspan palm print was condensed in the void. After extinguishing the two beams of black fire, he directly grabbed Shi Yi.

"Let her pass the past."

When Shi Zhongtian was about to catch Shi Yi, a sound like a natural sound resounded above the Martial King mansion. The sound is very nice, but it is difficult to capture the source of the sound, illusory, if it is carefully sensed.

The sound fell, and a long rainbow thread emerged out of thin air, directly destroying Shi Zhongtian's palm print on Shi Yi.


Shi Zhongtian complexion changed, his eyes swept all around, shouting loudly.

"Look! Another person appeared, like a woman!"

"My God, Shrinking the Earth into an Inch, Great Divine Ability!"


"Who is she? Was she the one who stopped Shi Zhongtian just now?"


On the street, the eyes of all the people watching the battle fell on suddenly Appeared on the woman on the battlefield.

I saw the woman in a gray coat with big sleeves fluttering. If an ordinary woman is dressed like this, she must be dull; but because of her outstanding temperament, she gives people a sense of direct vision of ethereal Dao Rhyme beyond vulgarity.

A strand of hair is scattered, covering her white and pretty face, making it difficult to see her true face. But the breeze blew by, and only a small part of his face was revealed, which was enough to be amazing.

"Who are you! Is it possible that you want to intervene in my family?" Shi Zhongtian looked at the gray-clothed woman coldly.

"This little baby is destined to me, you can't hurt him."

The gray-clothed woman pointed her finger at Shi Yi, and the wind blew her hair away, giving her a quick glance. Those pupils flowed with a hazy mist of time, which made the heart tremble.


Shi Zhongtian focused his eyes on the gray-clothed woman, browsed tightly knit, and fell with an angry shout, holding a bow in one hand and a sleeve in the other arm Instead, pull the bowstring, shining brightly.


The bowstring tremor oscillates in the void, bringing out bursts of terrifying lines; the arrow feathers are divine light, enveloping the divine might.

The arrow came out and shot at the woman in gray.

"How is it possible! She actually pinched the fifteenth master's arrow!"

"My God, this is too terrifying! The fifteenth master's arrow, just Even Martial King and Rain King can be seriously injured, but she is pinched by her two fingers, and she seems to have no effort."

"Where did she come from? What day is today? So suddenly two unknown terrifying monsters appeared!"

"That's right, Martial King, Rain King and this Great Demonic God, but they are all Powerhouses of the cream of the crop in Shiguo! Right now, in front of the Shi Hao Master and the gray-clothed woman, it's not enough to see."

"I'm afraid they can already fight the Shi Huang!"

" In my opinion, maybe even Shi Huang is not his opponent!"


A crowd of onlookers on the street looked at the two fingers in amazement and pinched the arrow. The gray-clothed woman in Shi's eyes was filled with surprise.

Shi Zhongtian frowned deeply. He didn't release the arrow just now, but the other party was still able to take it so casually. The other party's cultivation base was definitely far above him.

Martial King is also full of consternation, his eyes are constantly switching between Chu Bei and the gray-clothed woman, seeming to be comparing something.

"Master, do you know her? Who are you good at?"

The small child seemed to notice Chu Bei's expression and couldn't help but ask curiously.

Chu Bei squeezed the bridge of the small child's nose, laughed and did not respond, but the smile at the corner of the mouth of the woman in gray was more interesting.

"Since ancient times, double pupils have been rare. No matter what this little fellow's mother and what he did three years ago, they can't die here."

The gray-clothed woman spoke again, this She brushed the green silk off the next time, showing her true face.

This is a beautiful woman, if you say that the most special thing, there is nothing more than the pair of deep eyes, there is a kind of tiredness, there is a kind of vicissitudes, like seeing the ups and downs of the world , It feels weird.

She clearly gives people an ethereal and direct stare, but these eyes seem to have gone through endless years of baptism, as if they could penetrate everything.

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