In the sky battlefield, after the double-eye female soldier was destroyed, she directly used the power of the taboo double-eye, which is her Innate Divine Ability.

The girl with the double pupil stared at Chu Bei, endless black flames gushing out of the turning eyes, and it was vaguely visible that traces of red blood flowed from the bottom of the woman's eyes.

The black flame seems to come from the ghost of hell, entrained with the energy of destruction, everything it passes is turned into nothingness, and the void is distorted and collapsed.

"Is this the power of complete mastery? It's no wonder that in the ancient years, I was able to watch the heroes!"

"What terrifying power is this!"

"These flames seem to be unquenchable, they can swallow everything!"

"The sky battlefield is gone, is it all consumed by flame?"


The audience was in a trance, the originally broken sky battlefield was completely engulfed by the black flame released from the right eye of the double pupil.

At a glance, the other end of Golden Avenue is not like a battlefield in the sky, but more like a black hell on one side.

Looking at the chilling black flame on the battlefield, Shi Zhongtian looked solemn, his eyes filled with worry.

"Why is there no movement? Could it be that the mysterious person has been burned into nothingness by the strange flame of the double pupil girl?"

Looking at the flame without any movement, everyone was suspicious .

But just as they were puzzled, a white light group lit up in the black fire sea, and the silhouette wrapped in the light group was the Chu Bei that everyone was looking forward to.

In the light group, Chu Bei has a smile at the corner of his mouth, even in this infinite strange black inflammation, he is still calm and collected.

I saw him move his muscles and bones a little, and then he clenched his fists, crossed each other, and moved towards the void casually.


Just as his two punches hit the air beside him, there was a continuous crackling sound.

I saw the place where Chu Bei's fist fell, the void collapsed, and countless cracks spread far and wide at an extremely fast speed.

At this moment, the black fire sea covering the sky battlefield seemed to be frozen and solidified, and then cracked and cracked, turning into strands of black fragments and falling to the ground.

"What did he do!"

"Don't talk about the collapse of the void, the black flame of the double pupil girl is insubstantial, but it is also broken!"

"What kind of divine ability is this? I have never seen it in the ancient book!"


The endless black flame turned into pitch black fragments and dissipated in an instant, the sky The battlefield appeared in the sight of everyone again.

To be precise, the sky battlefield has disappeared. What reappears is the space burned into nothingness by the black flame.

Countless spectators were confused, and the realm battles such as Shi Hao Master and Shi Hao Master were not what they could observe.


Chu Bei moved towards the void beside him again and punched.

With a punch, all the void in the battlefield was distorted, like a big river rushing, moved towards the heavy pupil girl not far away suppressed.

The girl with a heavy pupil was shocked. The moment the other party's fist fell, she suddenly discovered that she was restrained by an invisible Power of Space, as powerful as her, and she couldn't break free for a while.


The surging void even made a choppy sound similar to the waves.


next moment, the twisted void with a weird force poured into her body from all directions in all directions without dead ends.

Also in this brief moment, the sound of the heap of flesh and blood and the fragmentation of the skeleton floated between Heaven and Earth.


The painful wailing sounded, and the woman with a heavy pupil once again released endless black flames from her right eye, madly burning all around the collapsed void.

After trying her best to break free, the girl with a heavy pupil gasped for breath, because she was squeezed by the void, blood beads spread all over her body, horrible to see.

"I look down on you a little bit."

Looking at the girl with a heavy pupil who broke free from the restraint, Chu Bei smiled.

Zhongtong female stared at Chu Bei and did not speak for a long time. The other party's previous terrifying methods really frightened her.

At the moment, the other person feels like she is facing the Number One Person of the same generation at the time. After thousands of years, her heart is awe-inspiring again.

Squeeze the throbbing in her heart, and the white light brilliance flowed from the left eye of the female with double pupil, flowing all over the body.

In an instant, all the wounds were nourished, the blood stopped, and finally there were no scars left.

"Is this the healing ability of the left eye of the double pupil? It is amazing!" The audience was astonished.

"So, isn't the ancient double pupil girl already invincible?"

"No way, her healing ability should also have a limit!"

"Speaking of which, what is the origin of Shi Hao's Master? Faced with the ancient double pupil girls, they have gained the upper hand!"

"Broken and stood up, maybe this is God will pity Shi Hao. He was dug out of Supreme Bone shortly after he was born, and now he has such a powerful Master arranged for him. It won’t be long before he can stand on the top of the stone country."


The eyes of a crowd of spectators swept across Chu Bei in the battlefield, and then fell on the small child, sighing.

"The double pupil is rare, and he will need his efforts to fight against the foreign race in the future!"

In the battlefield, the double pupil female looked directly at Chu Bei and spoke lightly.

"Why? Still thinking of taking him away?" Chu Bei calm.

"You are too persistent!"

The ancient double pupil female's lips moved slightly, and the murmur fell, seeming to have made some kind of vacillating decision.

"The pupils are open and chaotic!"

With a lightly said, the eyes of the girl with the double pupil were dripping blood at the same time, left white and right black, extremely weird.

A beam of black eyes and a beam of white eyes are intertwined and blended in front of him, flowing and misty.

In an instant, the battlefield in the sky was chilly, and the black and white colors were intertwined, extremely gloomy.

At this moment, the temperament of the double pupil woman has undergone a Heaven and Earth turning upside down change, a pair of pupils are extremely deep, like the source of the world, and chaos spews outward, making the entire battlefield hazy And blur.


Standing in the chaos, Chu Bei quickly noticed the changes in his body, his own power seemed to have been imprisoned, and his circulation was a little frustrated.

"Fight again!"

The coldly shouted voice fell, and the girl with the heavy pupil sometimes turned into a 犴, sometimes turned into a Qilin, sometimes turned into a True Dragon, among various Ancient Divine Beasts Transformation, imposing manner is extremely violent, walking in the void.

Chu Bei stopped laughing, his expression became a little serious, and the surface of his fist was chaotically surging.

punched out, the girl with heavy pupil all around, the void instantly twisted and squeezed.


However, this time, the double pupil girl was safe and sound, and her body turned into a glow and dissipated in the sky.

Following the evolution of the sun, the double pupil girl appeared again, and came to the sky above Chu Bei's head, transformed into a golden sun, suppressed.

"What method did the ancient double pupil female use? It can evolve the Ancient Divine Beast!"

"It should also be a kind of pupil ability."

The audience was shocked. The method used by the female double pupil was too terrifying. Even if they weren't in the shattered sky battlefield, they felt depressed inexplicably, and it was terrifying.

"In the vast Heaven and Earth, I am an invincible body, immune to all abilities in the world, any attack is useless to me."

The faint voice of the double pupil girl came from the top of Chu Bei's head The golden sun was suppressed from above.

"You are too self-confident."

The Golden Sun, carrying the incomparable horrible breath, crashed down, Chu Bei did not evade, and after the indifferent syllables fell, an iron lump appeared behind. phantom.

The iron lump stretched out his hand, and layers of translucent ripples rose from the palm of his palm to the sky, facing the Golden Sun.


With one word coldly shouted, Chu Bei punched him in the void.

Suddenly, the ripples released by the iron lump seemed to be filled with endless power.

With a bang, the sky dome where the shattered sky battlefield is located trembles violently, directly splitting into eight areas.

With a punch, this world was shattered.

At the same time, those layers of void ripples enveloped the Golden Sun in all directions.

Destroying heaven extinguishing earth-like Power of Primal Chaos squeezed, the Golden Sun suddenly left, suddenly right, constantly changing, but letting the latter struggle and change, it is impossible to break through the outside Ripples in layer space.

hong long!

In the battlefield, Chu Bei stood with his hand under his hand, glanced at the Golden light sphere faintly, and pointed out the right hand. With a full grip, the void and chaos suddenly shrank.

A loud noise made Heaven and Earth cry Ghost God!

In the sky battlefield, the heroic spirits who died in the ancients resurrected, crying, crying loudly, and the sight was sore.

In the dazzling rays of light, the Golden Sun was crushed and turned into dozens of fragments. That is the evolution of rune and Taoism.

"Pu chi!"

The fragments are reorganized, and it becomes a woman with a double pupil again, a mouthful of blood spurted.

At this moment, the girl with the double pupil, her face is extremely pale, her face is not a trace of blood, her breath is also extremely weak, like a kite with a broken thread, swaying and shaking.

"You don't belong to this era at all!"

The double pupil girl steadily stabilized her stature, her left eye flowing out of clean white light, flowing all over her body.

However, her own injuries have not been nourished. The void and chaos that shattered the Golden Sun before evolved into a big hand, which grabbed her neck.

"cough cough cough......"

The girl with double pupil coughed again and again. What made her horrified was that she was caught by the big hand transformed by this emptiness and chaos, and the clean flow from her left eye The white light Hui was actually suppressed, and his healing ability was ineffective.

In the battlefield, Primal Chaos Great Hand pinched the neck of a woman with a heavy pupil like a butcher carrying a hen to be slaughtered.

"Is there any more powerful means?"

Chu Bei held the heavy pupil girl and looked at each other calmly.

Seeing the silence of the double pupil girl, Chu Bei left the sky battlefield while walking, and appeared again above the Martial King mansion along the golden light avenue.

The golden light avenue disappeared, everything returned to calm, and the sky battlefield seemed to have never appeared before.

"It's the ancient double pupil girl who lost!"

"What realm are they two? Better than Shi Huang!"

"You said Isn’t it nonsense? How long did the Emperor Shiguo live? It would be a thousand years to die! That double-eye girl has lived from ancient times to this life! As for the Master of Shi Hao, who can easily defeat the double-eye girl, I’m afraid he will survive. It’s even longer!"

"What kind of power does Shi Hao Master use? Invisible and invisible!"

"Anyway, the power of the double-eye girl is suppressed. Now, the healing ability of her left eye is useless."


On the street, in the mansion, etc., the faces of the people watching the battle showed strange expressions, and their eyes were projected on Chu Bei above the mansion was full of noise.

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