"Did even two little fellows of True Oneness Realm dare to block the way of this seat? It seems that this seat should find time to go to the upper realm and take you Heavenly Venerate killing the chicken to warn the monkey!"

Aware of the coercion released by the yin and yang two ambassadors moved towards him, Chu Bei stared at him without anger.

The cultivation base was uttered by Chu Bei, and the yin and yang two ambassadors' expressions startedled. After reacting, an anger suddenly appeared on his face: "Bold! Insult Heavenly Venerate again, it's time to kill!"

The yin made her fists clenched, and between the eyebrows, a ignited black sacred fire appeared, and then from the inside out, the black haunted flames pulsed.

The black mist surrounds the body, coupled with the faint dark fire, the yin at this moment makes people look very strange, the silhouette is thin and fuzzy, like a demon from hell.

The ambassador of Yang also ignited the sacred fire. His sacred fire carries the light of Five Elements, which is peaceful and vast, and the breath fluctuates astonishingly.

In an instant, the breath of the two envoys of yin and yang suddenly rose up, terrifying to the extreme, and the faint aftermath was the trembling of empty chi chi.

"He who insults Heavenly Venerate, die!"

The cold syllables fall, the shadow envoy opens his mouth, and spit out a cloud of underworld fire, looking at the gloom, but the burning void is distorted, formidable power Amazing, moved towards Chu Bei at an extremely fast speed.

In the face of the imposing manner, Chu Bei's expression remained unmoved, and he opened his right hand at will, and his palm spewed chaotically, instantly crushing the imposing manner and disappearing.

Seeing the yin cause the underworld fire collapse, and the yang cause frowned, he immediately waved to the void, a golden staff appeared in his palm, fiercely waved, and blood-colored lightning intertwined, traversing the void until Chu Bei.

There is still no mood swings on Chu Bei's face, as he waved his hand, the emptiness sky burst into pieces, and the blood-colored lightning shattered along with it.

"His power breath is very weird!"

When I saw it, the two envoys of Yin and Yang looked at each other in blank dismay, besides surprise, they also carried allow some solemn.

Vaguely, they seemed to perceive something wrong. The mysterious person in front of them seemed to be far stronger than they thought.

Thinking of this, the two yin and yang made a look at each other, then nodded at the same time, and then made a certain unanimous decision.


Suddenly, the female emissary let out a sharp roar.

The roar fell, and a white sea of ​​bones appeared behind him, all of which were skeletons. Various undead stood up, and many bones recovered and culled to Chu Bei.

This is a taboo method of the upper realm, and it is revealed by the yin ambassador at this moment. Many bone spirits lay across the sky, densely packed together to fight forward, like a hell descending, and the mist is mighty.

The ambassador of the Yang babbles lightly, recites the Scriptures, takes out another taboo method, the fire is surging, the lava boiling, from the other direction moved towards Chu Bei surging away, powerful and powerful.

"Is this the battle of the gods? It's terrifying!"

Looking at the scene in the battlefield, Ageless Mountain, a number of cultivators, looked shocked.

Regardless of whether it is a yang or a yin, the taboos they use are far from what they can participate in. Once they stray into the battlefield, they may instantly body dies and Dao disappears and become ashes. fly.

chi chi chi ——

This is the two major taboos of terrifying. When Chu Bei is about to be swallowed, a Primal Chaos Great Hand swept out of the void.

gently clapped, the dead bodies and lava fire disappeared.

The crowd did not react yet, two screams resounded between Heaven and Earth.

next moment, the two envoys of Yin and Yang were held in the palm of the chaotic giant palm, and their expressions were distorted in pain.


The mournful scream sounded from the mouth of the two envoys of Yin and Yang, and the wailing sound was full of pain, as if suffering from the torture of the Eighteen Levels of Hell.

Their bodies have become distorted, and it is chilling to hear the skeleton shattering and the squeezing of flesh and blood.

"How is it possible!"

"That is the two True Gods from the upper realm, they will lose!"

"He is already terrified Is it this way? Even Lord True God is not his opponent!"

"Who else can subdue him now!"


The Ageless Mountain cultivator all around looked at the two envoys of Yin and Yang who were struggling with pain in Ripple's hands, and once again looked towards Chu Bei, his gaze was full of horror and an incredible color on his face.

Five young men and women who are also from the upper world opened their mouths and looked at each other in blank dismay. They seemed to want to say something, but because of fear, some tried to threaten Chu Bei. The words were held in my heart.

Amidst the sound of breaking through the air, four more Venerables flew out of Ageless Mountain, one by one falling beside Qin Fa.

After seeing the situation on the battlefield clearly, the four Venerables were taken aback at first, and when they reacted, they were all the same as Qin Fa, staggered as wood, motionless.

"Let us go!"

Yin and Yang struggled hard and tried to reignite the sacred fire to break free from the restraint, but they all ended in failure.

Gradually, the breath of the two becomes weaker, and the divine force fluctuates more and more unstable, and it seems to wither at any time.

"I want to go, but you just want to stop, why bother." Chu Bei calmly looked at the two envoys of Yin and Yang without expression.

"You come from the upper realm, and it is impossible to hear the Ageless Mountain orthodoxy! What you do now, Ageless Mountain will not let you go! Even if you hide in the lower realm, you will suffer from Ageless Mountain forever Pursue and kill!"

The second yin and yang star stared at Chu Bei coldly, and his words were full of threats.

"It's really not a little conscious."

The flat voice without the slightest feeling fell, peng sound, the yin and yang two envoys burst in the chaotic giant palm, and the Divine Soul died.

The loud roar and explosion echoed above Ageless Mountain. Venerable such as Qin Fa and Qin Shoucheng, as well as a number of cultivators from Ageless Mountain, and five young men and women who also came from the upper world, with fierce expressions. The ground was stagnant, and it was a long time to be unable to return to his senses.

They couldn't believe it anyway, the two envoys of Yin and Yang, representing the Ageless Mountain Order of Upper Realm, were just killed!

This kills them completely unprepared!

So that one by one was stunned in place, looking at the chaotic giant palm that had not yet dispersed, only a trance remained.

I am afraid that even the dead yin and yang envoys would not have expected that the people they threatened would be so decisive, otherwise, they might be complacent.

"Now that the two envoys of Yin and Yang are dead, how can we go to the upper realm!"

"Are we going to be buried in the catastrophe too?"

"Don't hurry up to contact Ageless Mountain, Shangjie!"


Ageless Mountain Venerable seemed to have thought of something and became extremely panicked.

"You have killed the two envoys of Yin and Yang, what else do you want to do? Are you really going to kill all of us?"

Looking at Chu Bei slowly flying in front, Qin Fa showed fear on his face, and did not have the calmness that Ageless Mountain Old Ancestor should have.

However, Chu Bei only glanced at Qin Fa faintly, did not pay attention to it at all, and flew away with Shi Zhongtian and Shi Hao moved towards a valley.

"Brother, what should we do now!"

After Chu Bei and the others left, a Venerable immediately came to Qin Fa and asked.

"Of course, I will inform the upper world about this first!"

After that, Qin Fa's hands are connected to the seal, and a Dharma Dao Decree is drawn and carved into the sky far away. In the round gap.


On the other side.

Chu Bei has brought Shi Hao and Shi Zhongtian to the top of a valley.

Within the valley, the clouds are steamed and filled with clouds, a piece of peace.

If you look closely, you can see the nine-color deer running and the Five-Colored Peacock flying. This is a real Divine Land, with silver waterfalls hanging on the peaks and falling into the air.

There are various sceneries in the depths, magnificent like God World, and sacred breath permeates.

From top to bottom, the valley is divided into six areas.

"This courtyard..."

Looking at the area below, Shi Zhongtian's body trembled suddenly.

He is very familiar with the layout there, which is exactly the same as the courtyard where Martial King lived.

Soon, Shi Zhongtian found a pair of familiar silhouettes in the courtyard, and his eyes became ruddy involuntarily.

"Ziling, my son."

With a soft call, Shi Zhongtian tears.

"Is this father and mother?"

Shi Hao stared blankly at the pair of silhouettes in the courtyard of the valley, a rush of heat rises in the mind, blindfolded eyes and mouth Muttered.

For others, parents are close relatives, they often stay with them and grow up with them. For him, it was a luxury, and his own memory has not been seen so far.

He longs for this kind of blood relationship, and now he is going to meet each other eventually.

"Hao'er, they must miss you very much."

Shi Zhongtian hugged Shi Hao, and took the lead to swoop to the area where Shi Ziling and his wife were.


However, just as Shi Zhongtian was about to fall into that area, various rays of light suddenly appeared in the sky above the area, the rune shone, and a surging force directly shook Shi Zhongtian back out.



Shi Hao moved towards the bottom and shouted.

The echoes in the valley were shrouded, like the roar of heavenly thunder, but even so, the couple in the area below did not respond.

"The Supreme great spell blocked this valley! The array is isolated from strength, we can see in, but they can't see through." Shi Zhongtian brows frowned.

The deep voice fell, Shi Zhongtian squeezed his fist, and fiercely moved towards the downward boom after the momentum was completed.

hong long!

A powerful and fierce Zhenya appeared, moved towards the great spell below, and the void hummed as it passed.

In an instant, Zhenzhen strikes on the array, bringing out a loud noise, but it only brings a layer of ripples and does not cause any substantial damage to the array.

At the same time, in the valley below, in the area just like a corner of the Martial King’s mansion, a man sits in a bamboo forest with Dao Rhyme on his body. move.

Huo Ran, he opened his eyes, stood up voluntarily, and said: "What's wrong with me, why do I suddenly think of Hao'er and think he is here..."

The white clothed woman on the other side raised her head and said: "Hao'er is often brought in by Qin Fa. Isn't it normal for him to come?"

"No, I mean the one from Stone Village Hao'er! He is here, and he is very close to us. It feels weird!" The man shot two divine electricity from both eyes, and his body was trembling slightly.

"How is it possible! We haven't been able to leave here to find him yet, has he come to find us first..."

The white clothed woman trembles, and the beautiful eyes are wide open. , Lithe and graceful's body is also trembling slightly.


Just as the couple was in a daze, chaos surging above their heads, and then there was a burst of crisp and cracking noise, and they could faintly feel a terrifying weird force fleeting.

next moment, husband and wife two people have widened their vision, and the long-lost mountain peaks and the sky can be seen.

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