"What is the origin of this tower!"

"It's too terrifying! Even Venerable can be killed!"

"And it seems It hasn’t been awakened yet. The power just now is just a lingering prestige. If it awakens completely, how terrifying it should be!"

"It is indeed Immemorial Battlefield! In my opinion, this tower must be a Supreme character. Treasure Item!"

"Do you think these Venerables can get the tower?"


In the depths of the ruins, more and more cultivators hear The sound gathered, and each one's eyes were projected over the battlefield, his face was full of astonishment.

I saw a white bone tower hovering far away in the sky, up and down, swallowing glow, and transpiring aura, which is extremely amazing.

In its all around, a group of Venerables are holding the Treasure Item previously found from the ruins, with vigilant faces and fear in their eyes.

No one dared to act rashly for a while, because just now, they witnessed this seemingly unremarkable Little Pagoda easily smashed three Venerables!

"Look for opportunities and dangers, I'll try it!"

In the repressive silence, Nine-Headed Lion took the lead and took a step forward in the palm of his hand. A Universe Bag appeared, sprayed with Xiaguang, with extraordinary power.

Perhaps because I have witnessed the terrifying of the bone tower before, the Nine-Headed Lion is extremely cautiously and slowly controlling the Universe Bag to fly to the bone tower.

long long long!

But when the Universe Bag was less than five meters away from the bone tower, the bone tower body shook, and then there was a loud bang.

next moment, the void of the bone tower all around collapsed, and then rippled like a sea, Above the Heavens and Under the Earth once again seemed to have a major earthquake.

As for the Universe Bag of Nine-Headed Lion, it was immediately crushed into light rain by the ripples of the bone tower.


The Universe Bag was destroyed, and many Venerable sucked in a breath of cold air including Nine-Headed Lion. The power contained in this bone tower is far more terrifying than they thought!

"What should I do now?"

A crowd of Venerable looked at each other in blank dismay, and the atmosphere in the field became awkward again.

"Why don't everyone work together to take it down? To be sure, this tower is definitely a Supreme Treasure Item!" After a long while, the fire emperor broke the silence.


"We try together once, and we can win the best! If we fail, we will retreat immediately!"

Hearing the words of the emperor, Stone King, You King, Nine-Headed Lion, Heavenly Demon Butterfly, etc. Venerable look nodded.

hong long long ——

However, before a crowd of Venerables could take action, the suspended bone tower suddenly lifted into the sky again, and then made a buzzing sound.

After that, in the horrified eyes of everyone, the sky split one after another slender gap, and countless purple red flames drilled out of the gap.

In an instant, the sky far away was blazing, turning into a fiery sea of ​​fire. Endless lava churning, gurgling, the scene is weird, as if the end is coming.

When the fire sea appeared immediately, the temperature of the entire mountain range rose instantly, and countless cultivators immediately took out the spiritual qi armor to withstand the scorching heat.

"This flame is like the sky fire recorded in the ancient book!"

"What is the origin of this tower! Sky fire, that is the top flame of the Treasure Item! From the outside world, even a group can cause countless Powerhouse competitions, it can be directly transferred from in the sky!"

"If anyone can control this tower, it will probably not be long before its strength Ask the entire wilderness."


Some cultivators recognized the purple red flame in the sky, and suddenly exclaimed, and the voice was full of surprise.

A crowd of Venerables looked at the fire sea above their heads, and their faces were equally astonished.

In the hot fire sea, lava churning, you can see a Feng Huang dancing, and there is a faint phoenix sound.

At this moment, the bone tower is floating in the center of the fire sea, receiving the melting and forging of these sky fires.

"Is it possible that it is hurting and is repairing itself?"

"It is also possible that it is transforming and refining itself!"

" In any case, this tower is definitely no less than the Supreme Item, and it is very likely that it is an immortal soldier of too ancient age!"

The gazes of a crowd of Venerables are fixed on the body of the bone tower, and there are faint eyes in their eyes. With the scorching heat, if they can really control the Immemorial fairy soldiers, then the next great calamity will definitely be able to survive.

"Don't wait, shoot now!"

The fire emperor, stone emperor, you king, Nine-Headed Lion, etc. Venerable moved towards rift heavenly demon butterfly took out. Universe Bag plays divine rainbow.

The Universe Bag, which gathers all the Venerable powers in the field, suddenly shines, and the bag mouth releases a piece of rune, which rushes into the fire sea like a wave, and goes straight to the bone tower.

"You mortals, really unsatisfied!"

Suddenly, an inexplicable and inexplicable ethereal sound filled with Supreme majesty sounded in the battlefield.

"Did you hear it? Does the sound come from the bone tower!" All cultivator complexion in the field greatly changed.

The white bone tower was repeatedly disturbed, and finally rioted.

Afterwards, the tower body shook, and a terrifying energy storm immediately rippled with itself as the center.

hong long!

With a loud noise, a heaven overflowing giant wave appeared on the fire sea.

In an instant, the ruined battlefield below cracked a ravine of tens of meters, the mountains collapsed, and the entire mountain range was shaken.

"This force is not good!"

Nine-Headed Lion complexion greatly changed, and was the first to scream.

Venerable such as the heavenly demon butterfly, the stone emperor, the fire emperor, etc., seem to have discovered that the situation is not right, and immediately rushed to the distance to try to leave this place.

But before they can escape far away, a red purple energy thread appears out of thin air entwined with them.

In an instant, their whole body was unable to move even a little bit, the spiritual power in their bodies passed quickly, and the vitality in their bodies passed along with them.

"Those Venerable seems to have something wrong!"

The cultivator below looked at the sky in fear, and instinctively started moving towards the back.

Distant high in the sky, the mysterious bone tower is still hovering in the center of the fire sea, but its tower releases countless energy threads, and the other ends of these energy threads are wrapped around a Venerable's body.

At the moment, these seemingly insignificant threads are releasing dazzling rays of light. They are like vampire and are constantly absorbing a lot of Venerable Life Essence.

"It’s a care!"

"That’s good, we all have a companion on the road."

"That’s true, anyway. The catastrophe is approaching, and we can’t escape."


A crowd of Venerable unable to move even a little bit naturally understands the current situation with their cultivation realm. They Has become the nourishment of the mysterious bone tower.

At this moment, Nine-Headed Lion, heavenly demon butterfly, fire emperor and the others seem to have become unafraid of life and death, and they seem to have become relieved of being indifferent to life and death.

"You all asked for it!" In the sky, the bone tower trembled and made a sound again.

"Let them go, they are just looking for a way to survive that's all."

At the same time as the misty sound of the bone tower sounded, it sounded in the sky again. Another calm voice.

Soon, in the eyes of everyone, two figures appeared in the sky, one big and one small.

Chu Bei came to the battlefield. With a wave of his sleeves, layers of chaotic ripples gush out like waves.

Where the chaotic ripples pass, the energy threads released by the bone tower dissipate instantly.

"Who is he!"

"I saw him outside. He came with Shi Huang."

"All Venerable united Together, there is no resistance in front of this mysterious bone tower. And he alone broke the mysterious bone tower's attack, is his strength still higher than Venerable!"

"No wonder I saw that Shi Huang was so polite to him at the time!"


In an instant, everyone's eyes were projected on Chu Bei and Shi Hao, and the eyebrows were filled with consternation.

"It's him!"

Venerable such as Nine-Headed Lion, Heavenly Demon Butterfly, Fat Yi, etc. After regaining their freedom, they looked at each other, staring at Chu with aghast. Bei.

Although the fire emperor and the three behind the Venerable were equally shocked, they were not as exaggerated as the Nine-Headed Lion. After all, before entering the Hundred Broken Mountains, they learned about this person from the stone emperor. It is an old monster who has lived for thousands of years.

As for the four legacy species of Qiongqi, Vermilion Bird, Swallowing the Heavens Sparrow, and Zhu Wei, there is no look of shock on their faces, and everything seems reasonable.

"Senior, you are back."

Shi Huang, You Wang, and the others look pale, moved towards Chu Bei bowed, secretly grateful.

Fortunately, they have come here to invite this senior, otherwise they have just gone to see the king.

"Who are you!"

In the fire sea, the bone tower sinks up and down, condensing the surrounding mist, it becomes more and more dazzling, and the whole body is almost transparent. The fluctuations of heart palpitations are spreading.

"Does it make sense for you to know who this seat is?" Chu Bei said with a smile.

hong long!

No more words, the bone tower erupts directly, like a meteorite traversing the sky, like a round of compressed to the extreme hot sun, appeared in Chu in a flash In front of Bei.

Chu Bei smiled knowingly, poked out his right hand casually, patted forward, and the white light of his palm bloomed.


With a clear sound, the sky far away was suddenly filled with white, and even the fire sea disappeared from everyone's sight.

The power of terror exploded and spread in the white glow, sweeping the entire mountain range.

Under this collision breath, countless dead souls flew out of the ruins and circled in the sky.

Far away in the sky, the aftermath of an extremely terrifying collision was about to spread to the crowd below the cultivator. A thin layer of chaotic light crossed the sky, successfully preventing the aftermath from spreading.

When the white glow dissipated, when everyone saw the scene in the sky, their expressions were startled.

I saw the imposing manner, the bone tower that looked like a meteorite outside the sky was being held in the palm of Chu Bei, and the sky fire sea that was originally mobilized by it was gone.

"Senior did he surrender the mysterious bone tower?"

The eyes of the Venerables such as Shi Huang and Youwang projected on the bone tower in Chu Bei's palm, a little trance. , Hasn't came back to his senses yet.

weng weng!

Suddenly, the inside of the bone tower vibrated, and a brilliant rays of light shot straight into the sky from the top of the tower.

In the next moment, a huge gap opened in the sky, and a crimson lava spewed out from the gap, which seemed to come from the Foreign Domain.

Then, the billowing lava carrying the breathtaking breath, the fire is surging, the rune flashes, like the waves moved towards Chu Bei pouring down.

Faced with the billowing lava that was like a waterfall hanging down from the sky, Chu Bei did not evade, there was still no trace of fear on his face, and the corners of his mouth were always smiling.


When the lava was about to drown Chu Bei, Chu Bei neither too fast nor too slow a finger pointed, and the void was stagnant in an instant.

At this moment, the billowing lava that was rushing down like a river is suddenly imprisoned, and the space is distorted and compressed.

ka-cha, ka-cha!

The billowing lava made an incredible crisp and cracking sound, and then quickly dissipated in the empty space.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ——

The bone tower is unwilling, and the trembling sound is even sharper, which directly shakes the hearts of everyone in the field.

An increasingly terrifying breath spread from the top of the bone tower, from the sky to the entire mountain range, everyone trembled inexplicably.


Wan Daoguang glow shot out from the top of the bone tower. Under the eyes of everyone, it gathered into a huge True Phoenix. The wings of the phoenix vibrated, bursting out monstrous rays of light.

Following a neigh from the top of the food chain, True Phoenix opened its mouth wide, spitting flames, and swooped down.

"Don't waste your effort."

Chu Bei said, his voice was particularly calm.

The indifferent voice fell, Chu Bei raised his right hand and waved again.

A big rippling hand easily squeezed True Phoenix into a twist, and finally turned into nothingness.

"If it weren't damaged, and the cultivation base was less than half of it, how could I fall into your hands!" The bone tower sent out coldly snorted, with a hint of arrogance in the words.

It keeps struggling, releasing terrifying energy one after another, but no matter how it impacts, it simply cannot break through the palm that contains Power of Primal Chaos.

"Your cultivation base has fallen to less than half, but how do you know that the strength of this seat is Peak?" Chu Bei played with the bone tower and calmly said with a smile.

"I haven't seen you."

Hearing Chu Bei's words, the bone tower no longer trembled and became calm.

"The time when this seat shows its edge is longer than the time you have experienced."

Chu Bei pretends to be mysterious, looked towards the void, pendulum at a 45-degree angle A look of reminiscence of the years.

"Are you hitting my idea?" For Chu Bei's words, Bone Tower was skeptical.

"Follow this seat."

Chu Bei reached out his hand and stroked the bone tower, and said: "This seat can help you fuse the other half of the tower."

Hearing this, the bone tower trembles suddenly, obviously because of being too excited.

After a long while.

Chu Bei pointed out with his left index finger, a lottery disc appeared, and vortex surged in the center.

The bone tower flew into the disc vortex with a swish, and then disappeared with the disc.

"He really conquered that mysterious bone tower!"

"A Supreme Treasure Item, really envy!"

"Wait for you to have him like that Cultivation base, you can also subdue the Supreme Treasure Item. But in my opinion, you will stay in Celestial Grotto for the rest of your life."


The eyes of countless cultivators below Frozen on Chu Bei's body, with respect in his eyes.

No matter which world you are in, Powerhouse will always be the object of worship for the weak.

"senior, do you know the origin of this tower?"

From the shock came back to his senses, Shi Huang, You Wang, Qianxi Venerable and the others came to Chu Bei Next to him, pointing to the mysterious bone tower on Shi Hao's head, with a respectful look on his face.

Nine-Headed Lion, fat remains, and heavenly demon butterfly also followed, with confusion in their eyes.

"Do you mortals want to know me this way? Just rely on you, you are not qualified to know!" Before Chu Bei spoke, a sarcasm and disdainful voice suddenly sounded from in the sky, It seems to come from Chu Bei's body.

Hearing the sound, a crowd of Venerable looked at each other in blank dismay. Although there is fire in their hearts, they dare not show it on the surface. After all, they just experienced the terrifying of this bone tower personally, almost body dies and Dao disappears.

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