hong long long ——

Amidst the loud noises, several daoist sect households have completely taken shape.

Hearing the sound, a crowd of Venerable immediately cast their eyes on the Imperial Palace in Shiguo.

I saw a breath no weaker than the silhouette of the old woman and Taoist who came out of the portal first. He was mysterious and hazy, surrounded by clusters of clusters of light, in each cluster of light. They all seem to sit cross-legged and worship a god.

Invisible, there is a vast and long avenue, Profound Truth assaults the senses, and bursts of sacrificial sounds, shaking the entire sky of the wilderness.

As soon as the 2nd silhouette appeared, the sword qi was overwhelming and Chaos Energy surging. That is not a normal killing intent, accompanied by the power of opening the sky, soaring up to the Foreign Domain, hazy and misty.

3rd silhouette, holding an eucalyptus with a monstrous murderous aura, with a wave of it, the halberd light cut through the sky, and Heaven and Earth roared.

"It has appeared, it has appeared!"

As soon as the 4th silhouette walked out of the portal, the Desolate Pagoda that Chu Bei had previously conquered flew out of the Sea of ​​Consciousness and hovered beside him. Can't help but cry out in surprise.

I saw that the 4th silhouette held a remnant tower in his hands, and its appearance was exactly the same as the corner of the Desolate Pagoda.

"Don't worry, what I have said will naturally come true." Chu Bei glanced at Desolate Pagoda said with a smile.

"The day has finally come!"

Desolate Pagoda was extremely excited, and after the excitement, the breath converged, as if to surprise the ruined tower.

In the sky, more and more silhouettes came out of their respective portals, but within a few seconds, ten silhouettes stood between Heaven and Earth.

These upper bound giants glanced at the unusual form displayed by Chu Bei in the sky, and after a little surprise flashed in their eyes, they no longer paid attention to.

Like old women and Taoists, they are all lower realms with purpose. But unlike the former, they are not harvesting Venerable, but looking for treasures left behind in the lower realm.

After these upper bound giants walked out of the portal, the stature also began to shrink, and then appeared in different places in the wasteland.

"There is a medicine city!"

"There are six giants!"

"Is there anything special about that medicine?"


Soon, the Venerables such as the Stone Emperor and the Fire Emperor in the Imperial Palace were attracted by the sky screen, and all of them were shocked.

Looking intently, above the medicine field, the largest medicine field, there are six upper bound giants circling unexpectedly; these six great big shots stand in different directions, and they are obviously hostile.

"Master, is there any baby there?" Shi Hao looked at Chu Bei, staring at Shu Lingling's big eyes.

Chu Bei remained silent, with curiosity in his eyes.

long long long!

The medicine is all over the sky, a giant shot, and the medicine field below exploded in an instant.

At the moment when the medicine field burst, thousands of rays of sunlight gush out from the ground, exuding a holy breath.

"That...that is the first spirit root!"

At this moment, Desolate Pagoda beside Chu Bei couldn't help cry out in surprise.

After exclaiming, Desolate Pagoda said again: "But it seems to be the same as me. Origin has been seriously injured. What has it gone through."

I saw the explosion, An incomparable gigantic spirit root rises and falls, its color is dark gray, and it releases primitive breath, as if it has survived splitting heaven and earth apart, engraved with the traces of the years.

[Task 4, the host gets the first spirit root]

[Task completion reward: the power of the black]

Suddenly, Chu Bei’s mind sounded Added system mechanical sound.

Chu Bei's expression was slightly startled, and after came back to his senses, his gaze fell on the spirit root in the medicine city, and he didn't rush to make a move.


The medicine was all over the sky, and a giant couldn't help it first, and directly took a mouthful of the Golden Bell. The bells are lingering, shaking Heaven and Earth, simple and mysterious, flowing through the Profound Truth.

The big clock vibrates, and it seems that there is no substantial sexual energy fluctuation, but it spreads out a purple ripple, which looks very soft, but it can affect the stability of time and space, and moved towards spirit root rushes.

While witnessing this scene, the other five great big shots glanced at each other, but they couldn't help but shot one after another, as if they were afraid that the first spirit root would be taken away by the giant that took the lead.

hong long long!

Above the first spirit root, a terrifying battlefield soon formed.

A incomplete chaotic disk in the battlefield, misty, swiftly rushed to the Daozhong; afterwards, a broken Little Pagoda also joined in.

This is a melee, terrifying brilliance and fierce battle.


Six great big shots When the battle heats up, fluctuations again appear above the medicine capital. A woman sits cross-legged, with a simple gray dress covering her body, peerless grace and elegance, and she is unparalleled.

Her eyes glowed, opening up a terrifying passage, and playing Chaos World again, shining directly on the first spirit root.

"Master, is the girl who took Shi Yi away, she is here too!" Seeing the woman in gray, Shi Hao opened his mouth wide, creded out in surprise.

"Ancient double pupil girl?"

Venerable such as the fire emperor, the heavenly demon butterfly, etc. were confused, but their eyes were shocked. They could not imagine that there were still people in this deserted land. Dare to keep up with the giants in the upper world, trying to seizing food from the tiger's mouth.

After the appearance of the double pupil girl, six great big shots frowned, continue to spare no effort to fight for the first spirit root.


"Come on, the two of them are here!"

Just in Chu Bei and the others, I watched Yaodu above the battlefield. When energizing, Nine-Headed Lion suddenly yelled in horror, his paw pointed to the front, and his expression was full of deep fear.

The Venerable of Stone Emperor, Fire Emperor, You King, etc., also immediately shuddered, looking at the two figures standing in the sky in front of the great hall, which came from instinctive creeping After a throat, the subconsciously moved towards Chu Bei leaned.

The silhouettes of the Venerable complexion greatly changed are the old women and Old Daoist picked all the way.

"Look now, those two terrifying existences have reached the Emperor of Stone!"

"My God! Can the Emperor of Stone and the Emperor of Fire escape a catastrophe! Both of them have collected a lot of Venerable along the way!"

At this moment, the eyes of all the cultivators in the wasteland were projected into the picture of the Imperial Palace in the stone country, one by one looking at the stone emperor, The fire emperor waited for Venerable's heart tightly, with worry on his face.

"Unexpectedly, I could meet such a pure-blooded Nine-Headed Lion here. It's amazing!"

"Huh? There are actually four ancient relics! This time also It’s really not in vain."

"The old way, the heavenly demon butterfly belongs to me. I need to use it as a medicine."

"Haha, then let it go You. The fat remains delicious, I want it. As for these Human Race servants, let's split them in half."


Listening to the conversation between the old woman and Old Daoist, Venerable, such as Fat Yi, Nine-Headed Lion, and Heavenly Demon Butterfly, shuddered directly, shrank their necks and hid behind Chu Bei. There was nothing like a wasteland overlord should have.

It is Stone Emperor, Fire Emperor and the others, with anger in their eyes.

Especially when facing the old woman and Taoist's eyes that seem to be looking at ants, if their strength is not allowed, they must have stood up and fight with each other.

"When you gather together, don’t you imagine that you will survive the union? Your idea is a joke, but it saves me some trouble."

Amidst the laughter, Old Daoist shot, flipped his hand and patted a giant palm moved towards Venerable in the hall.

Under one palm, three thousand silver threads flew out and turned into a galaxy, which instantly filled the entire great hall.

At this moment, all the Venerables in the hall were instantly imprisoned, and the whole body was unable to move even a little bit. I could only watch the giant palm of Old Daoist grow bigger and bigger in sight.

The Venerable faces looked scared, and their eyes were full of trepidation. However, when they were about to be held by the giant palm, the void made a weird buzzing sound.

I saw a billowing chaos surging, followed by a crisp sound of ka-cha, the galaxy in the great hall was shattered by three thousand silver threads, and the captured giant palm was split into countless pieces. The debris dissipated in the air.

At the same time, Venerables such as Shi Huang and Huo Huang were relaxed, and the restraint force disappeared.

"Thanks Senior to help!"

A crowd of Venerable hearts have lingering palpitations. After calming down their inner fears, they immediately moved towards Chu Bei and bowed and thanked them.

Although they did not see Chu Bei take action, it is certain that the other party resolved their crisis.

After all, if there is a possibility of blocking this upper bound giant in the field, only the mysterious person in front of him.

"Unexpectedly, you can escape the past catastrophe."

The attack was resolved, Old Daoist was a little surprised, and the purple light flowed between his eyes, falling on Chu Bei tried to see through the latter.

"Huh? It's a bit weird!"

A little bit, Old Daoist's face suddenly became serious, and he couldn't see the person in front of him with his cultivation base.

The murmur fell, Old Daoist frowned, right hand moves, and a bottle gourd appeared in the palm of his hand.

The bottle gourd took out, nothing that cannot be broken, the gourd mouth released the monster rays of light, with terrifying pulling power, and moved straight towards Chu Bei.

"I promised to protect these little fellows, you two don't hurt them."

Chu Bei said with a smile, his sleeves waved, The invisible force appeared in the distant sky with the old woman and Old Daoist.

"Look, it's the mysterious man who took the Supreme Little Pagoda from the 100-break mountain range!"

"Is he going to make a move? Fight with the man who came down from the sky!" "

"Will he be the opponent of that Taoist? Venerable is like an ant in that person's eyes."

"Yes, that old Taoist has collected at least ten There are a few Venerables. In front of him, those Venerables have no resistance at all."

"But I can’t figure it out. They seem to only target Venerable. Why not target us people?"

"Maybe it's too weak, it hasn't caught their eyes. When we break through to Venerable, I am afraid we can't escape."


Numerous cultivators in the wasteland looked up at the scene that appeared suddenly, one by one, their eyes fell on Chu Bei's body, worrisome.

If you say that the most nervous, there is nothing more than the Venerable in the Imperial Palace of the stone country such as the Fire Emperor, Nine-Headed Lion, and Fei Yi. After all, Chu Bei's victory or defeat is directly related to their life and death.

For this reason, these Venerables looked at the battlefield far away in the sky with great anxiety, their hearts hanging in their throats.

The other side.

The six great big shots fighting fiercely above Yaodu also cast their eyes, but they just glanced at them and stopped paying attention.

Although they are both Sect Lords of the upper realm, there is still a huge difference in strength between each other. This old woman and Taoist are the weaker existences in the Sect Lord, and they are a great realm behind them.

In the sky, Chu Bei stands with his hands behind him. With himself as the center, several li around him form a huge blue mask, which isolates the outside world.

"It is a good choice to refining you to become a war servant."

In the mask, Old Daoist looked at Chu Bei calmly, with arrogance in his eyes, as if looking down on sentient beings. Of the gods.

hong long!

When the cold voice of the old Dao fell, a loud noise came from the top of his head, followed by a large gap in the void spreading, the sky shattered, and the thick mist rushed Out.

I saw a big yellow river rushing out of the fog, with various skeletons and corpses floating in it, I don't know where to flow.

Huang Shui is surging, with Yin Qi.

"This...this is it possible that it is Yellow Springs!"

Not only an ordinary cultivator, but also a crowd of Venerables looking at the surging yellow water across the sky, the heart is also Shocked and feared.

"Does Yellow Springs really exist? What kind of status is this old man! Yellow Springs is going backwards, he wants to turn the wasteland into a dead world!" A Venerable face showed fear.

"I know who he is! There is a record of him in the genealogy of my family, Mingtu Taoist, he is from Mingtu! For three thousand years, he will come down every catastrophe!" The fat widow Venerable seemed to recognize After being old-fashioned, he wriggled his throat.

"Underworld? Does this place really exist in the world!"

When he heard the words of the fat widow Venerable, all the Venerable were shocked: "If he really comes from that place, then senior Can you keep us?"


The surging Yellow Springs rolls, the blood-colored lightning intertwined and dances above it, the weird and terrifying scene makes people tremble like the end of the world.

"Lao Mingtu, are you too serious?" The old woman glanced at the Yellow Springs Water above her eyes, laughing at the Taoist Mingtu.

"This Dao wants to make him the strongest war servant!"

The Taoist priest looked at Chu Bei fiercely, as if he had seen a prey, his face was full of excitement.

The sound fell, and the Yellow Springs Water moved towards Chu Bei rushed forward, faintly able to hear the terrifying voice of wail like ghosts and howl like wolves.

"Void Dao Realm that's all."

Chu Bei shook the head glanced at the Daoist in disdain, appeared above Yellow Springs Water during his steps, hunting in clothes, Gives a sense of direct vision that is ethereal and ethereal.

He is clearly hovering above Yellow Springs Water, but it seems like it does not exist, it is difficult to capture.

I saw him stick out his bright white palm and waved his hand, all around Shifang Yin Qi, billowing black mist, in this brief moment, was shaken away, and the torrential Yellow Springs Water actually flowed back. In the dark gap.

"Corpse King, now!"

Eyebrows slightly frowned, and then let out a roar.

next moment, a silver white creature emerges in Yellow Springs Water, shrouded with blood-red aura, and a pair of white flesh wings grows behind it. This is an extremely powerful ancient war corpse.

Under the control of the Taoist priest, the ancient war corpse howled in rage, the surface of the corpse was flickering with weird rune, and there was no sharp claw moved towards Chu Bei. The land emerged, and the surface was covered with countless bones.

"That piece of land, is it the underworld in the ancient scroll record!"

Looking at the ancient war corpse carrying underworld strikes Chu Bei, the Venerable in the Imperial Palace suddenly trembled. Of course, at the moment they pupil shrink, the Chu Bei silhouette moved.

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