Far away high in the sky, Chu Bei landed slowly in the sight of the Venerable grateful eyes of the Imperial Palace with his hands behind behind.

"Master, you are so amazing!"

As soon as Chu Bei took his seat, Shi Hao couldn't help but pounce on it.

"Cultivation well, you can easily kill them in the near future." Chu Bei squeezed Shi Hao's face.

"senior, isn't this precious bottle gourd and basket used by those two villains to capture Venerable?" The fat widow Venerable looked at the precious bottle gourd and bamboo basket floating beside Chu Bei, There are lingering palpitations.

Chu Bei slightly nod, with a smile on the corners of his mouth, and then only a wave of his sleeves.


The bottle gourd and the bamboo basket shook at the same time, and then released the blue rays of light, group after group of light and shadow flew out from it, magnified, until it fell on the great On the square in front of the hall.

A horned dragon yelled and roared up to the sky. It was azure light and cold. It turned into ten thousand zhang long, with fear in its roar.

A beast with blue-eyed golden eyes, its scales shimmering, it looks like a Qilin, curled up after landing, shiver coldly.

A large silver snake has ten thousand zhangs, coiling around the square, spitting out the snake letter, extremely nervous, involuntarily trembling.


In a blink of an eye, dozens of Immemorial creatures appeared on the square, all of them powerful Venerables, including human Venerables.

It's just that these guys from the Overlord level of the wasteland are shaking all over at this moment, and their eyes are full of fear, as if they were shocked.

"Demon Venerable, Wasabi Venerable, Sky Spider Venerable... You have been rescued by the senior."

Stone King, Fire King, Nine-Headed Lion, etc. Venerable Immediately flew into the square, comforting these Venerables who were caught by the Taoist priests and old women.

Gradually, these Venerable's emotions calmed down and stabilized. After confirming their safety, they knelt down in front of Chu Bei, opened the mouth and said thank you, very respectful.

They have personally experienced the horror of the Daoist of the Underworld and the old woman, even if they are stronger than them, they did not have the slightest resistance; but these two giants were killed by the mysterious person in front of them. .

"Get up all, this seat will go smoothly."

Chu Bei raised his hand again, and the invisible force lifted these Venerables from the ground.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ——

At this moment, several more pictures appeared above the ancient altar.

"Netherworld Sea, that is Tianyu!"

"Look, there are giants in Hongyu! They are also killing!"

"Sector's The catastrophe is here too!"


A crowd of Venerable looked at the extra picture, looking at each other in blank dismay, with sympathy on their faces.

At present, in the eight domains of Universe Great Desolate Heaven and Earth, the other seven domains are the same as the waste domains. In the distant sky, the unusual form appears, dozens of portals are formed, and giants descend from it.

Some giants are looking for treasures left in the lower realm, and some giants are harvesting powerhouses above the Venerable realm, like the Taoists and old women in the wasteland.

In just a few minutes, the originally peaceful and quiet Seven Regions fell into panic under the presence of the giants of the upper realm.

The continuous mountains exploded, the rivers were annihilated, one after another, sleeping or closed Venerable was fleeing, and the screams of fear were filled with fear.

In Seven Great Domains, all the cultivators under the Venerable environment looked at the image projected on the ancient altar in horror. While looking pale, they were helpless.

In the face of giants from the upper realm, even Venerable are just ants, let alone them.

"These damn guys! They treat our eight domains as cages and us as medicinal ingredients!"

"When my cultivation reaches their realm, I will kill you. Upper Realm, wash your hatred with blood!"

"Poor the Venerable of the other seven domains, it is difficult to escape the second catastrophe."


In the Imperial Palace of Shiguo, the Venerables of Shihuang, Huohuang, Nine-Headed Lion and others looked at the scenes experienced by the other seven realms above the ancient altar. Their faces were extremely heavy, with their fists clenched and eyes At the same time filled with monstrous hatred, with rejoicing.

Fortunately, they have a mysterious and powerful presence in the desert, otherwise their current experience is the same as the Venerable of the other seven regions.

"This group of guys who regard human life as horrible, really deserve to be killed."

When a crowd of Venerables was full of anger and chattering, Chu Bei put down his hands Chashui, got up from the chair and frowned as he looked at the picture of the Seven Domains above the ancient altar.

When Chu Bei's calm voice fell, the void of all around suddenly vibrated.

To be more accurate, it is the void of the entire wasteland, or the void beyond the wasteland, and at the same time it trembles rhythmically.

next moment, endless divine glow swept out from all corners of the big domain, pouring into Chu Bei's body one after another.

In a few breaths, Chu Bei's body became transparent, all around billowing chaotic mist surging, like a mighty river.


As the word Chu Bei fell, focusing on itself, a burst of dazzling rays of light suddenly burst out.

For a moment, the Venerables such as Shi Huang and Huo Huang discovered that the divine force in their bodies had stopped working. After instinctively closing their eyes and opening them, they suddenly discovered the dazzling rays of Chu Bei's body. light dissipated.

What surprised them even more was that there were seven identical'Chu Bei' in front of Chu Bei.

It is similar to the Five Elements Sword used by the old woman, but the biggest difference is that these seven Chu Beis are much more powerful than the old woman.

"What a treasure this is!"

Almost at the same time, including the six great big shots above Yaodu, all the giants in the wasteland cast their horrified eyes. , One by one was full of incredible colors, with greed in his eyes.

In the Imperial Palace, the Venerables were also shocked, staring blankly at the eight identical Chu Beis in front of them, their expressions dull, as if they had lost their souls.

"Senior, do you want it?"

In the Imperial Palace square, the Venerable Shi Huang, Huo Huang, etc. looked at the eight Chu Beis with amazement and trance.

"The eight domains are one, and now the seven domains are in difficulty, so I can't stand by and watch." Chu Bei looked up at the void at a 45-degree angle, pretending to be melancholy.

Just as Chu Bei's sigh fell, the seven silhouettes that were differentiated in front of him were exactly the same, and at the same time they split open space and moved towards different directions.

weng weng weng!

next moment, seven huge images have been added to the sky far away. The projection is exactly the tragic situation of the seven domains.

"Look at the sky! What are those places!"

"It turns out that everything is true! It is said that there are seven big domains besides the wasteland!"

"Heavens! The Seven Great Domains, like us, have also been attacked and killed by these villains from the sky."


The seven domains in the sky are corresponding. As soon as the seven images appeared, the faces of all the cultivators in the wasteland changed. While showing resentment, they carried sympathy and pity.

At the same time, roaring explosions and screams can be heard everywhere in the seven territories.

In Tianyu, there is an old man with one-armed walking. With every step taken, the ground and mountain peaks underneath will explode, and then there will be a wailing, and one powerful Venerable will be imprisoned by it.

In this region, a child who seems to be less than ten years old, shook a folding fan in his hand, and released a monstrous breath between the fans. Wherever it went, all the creatures fled, panicking.

Xuanyu, a three-eyed old man like Heavenly God descends into the world, the third vertical eye shoots bright rays of light from time to time, terrifying breath flows, vaguely visible mysterious rune. Every time the rays of light shoot out, it will be accompanied by a scream.

Yellow domain, a hunchback woman holding a silver collar, like a fisherman casting a net, every time she passes through a heavenly paradise, the Venerable Powerhouse inside is detained on the spot. No matter how these Venerable struggle and beg for mercy, they are all in vain.


"Is this big domain going to die!"

All the cultivators of the seven domains looked up at the terrifying existence that came down from the upper realm, Each face was ashamed.


North Deep Sect, Big Domain First Sect.

Today was originally the day of grand competition within the clan, but the lively atmosphere was instantly replaced by panic and fear after a gray-clothed old man appeared.

"Here is here, he is here!"

"Sect Master can they escape?"

"What the hell did we do wrong!" Who is he again?"

"How can there be such a terrifying existence in this world!"


North Deep Sect, a group of dísciples gathered In the huge square, I looked at the sky nervously.

There, the gray-clothed old man went hunting, his blazing gaze was like looking at the prey.

Across from him, there are four middle-aged men wearing North Deep Sect robes. One of them wears a golden crown, and the other is Peak whose breath has reached the Venerable state.

"If you act like this, sooner or later you will be punished!" North Deep Sect Sect Master glared fiercely at the gray-clothed old man.

"Retribution? Just rely on you ants?"

The old man in gray glanced at the golden crown man with disdain, and the sarcasm fell, and he patted it with a palm, simply and neatly .

"If you give me another three hundred years, I will suppress you!"

Seeing the giant palm fall, the North Deep Sect Sect Master and its behind three Venerables are impossible to move even a little bit, under this oppressive force, they can't do anything.

But when the four North Deep Sect Sect Masters were waiting for death with a deep sense of unwillingness in their eyes, there was a sudden hum in their ears, and then only a cool breeze was blowing by.

After that, there was a loud bang, and the giant palm photographed by the man in gray was seen bursting open.


The gray-clothed man from the upper realm immediately yelled, swinging his head and scanning all around, and the perception of Divine Consciousness was maximized.

As for the North Deep Sect Sect Master and the three behind them, their bodies are slightly trembled and their faces are blank.

"If it weren't for the incomplete world law, with your aptitude, you can kill him in a hundred years."

At this time, an extremely calm voice was in the sky above North Deep Sect. Reverberated.

Afterwards, the void rippled, and a youth man wearing a robe who appeared to be in his twenties walked out from it, with his hands behind, a calm and composed look.

This youth man is naturally one of the seven clones differentiated by Chu Bei.

"You...you are..."

Looking at the'Chu Bei' suddenly appearing out of thin air, the God Sovereign of North Deep Sect is startled.

"Where is the ant, dressed up as God, playing the Devil!"

The man in gray cast a cold glance at Chu Bei, the right hand came out again, his palm Tuan black, underworld fire collapsed into the void, moved towards Chu Bei enveloped away.

"trifling Heavenly God Realm, I can only bully these cultivators from the lower realm."

For the black haunted fire that enveloped her,'Chu Bei' didn't even look at it. With a casual wave of his sleeves, the black flames dissipated.

In terms of strength, the gray-clothed man in front of him is a great realm weaker than the old woman and the Taoist priest in the wasteland.

"Who are you!"

As soon as'Chu Bei' shot, the gray man's face changed. He knew that he had missed his eyes. The realm of the person in front of him is definitely not weaker than him, but the other party has a secret skill that hides the divine force breath that's all.

The man in grey clothes is very decisive, his whole body lit up with weird rays of light, immediately split open space, ready to escape.


However, as soon as the gray-clothed man sank into the void, a chaotic giant palm directly imprisoned him and dragged him out of the void crack.

Under this absolutely overwhelming force, the man in gray did not have the slightest resistance to resist, and even the sacred fire that had been ignited was extinguished at this moment.

The gray-clothed man looked towards Chu Bei, and there was a sense of fear in his heart. He wanted to ask for mercy, but the invisible force oppressed him and he didn't even have the strength to speak.


The giant palm of the chaos suddenly clenched, and the roar was accompanied by the scream of the gray-clothed man.

However, this scream came faster, went faster, and disappeared instantly as its body turned into blood mist.

"Ok...really strong!"

"Dead! People from the upper world are dead!"

North Deep Sect Sect Master and its three behind Venerable looked at the blood mist falling not far away, with a terrified look on his face.

A forbidden existence from the upper realm, leaving them without any resistance to existence, just like this, they were crushed to death like an ant!


North Deep Sect Sect Master and the others moved their gazes to Chu Bei's body, suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air, and while being extremely respectful, in the voice With a trembling sound: "My lord, you... are you?"

Chu Bei laughed, did not answer North Deep Sect Sect Master's question, but pointed his hand up to the sky, and suddenly there were other seven in the sky. The picture of the domain.

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