But just today, there is a mysterious Supreme from unknown origin who made a strong shot. Not only did he approach Jin Family, he also shot and killed a Senior Elder ancestor!

For Jin Family and even the entire Imperial Pass, this is a huge storm!

The overlords such as the King of Mokui and the King of Gourmet are also in a trance. The battle between the senior and Jin Family who are walking with them is inevitable.

Shi Clan everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, they didn't expect that the person in front of them who was fair to them turned out to be a side Supreme!

Inexplicably, there was a glimmer of hope in their hearts. Perhaps the crime and blood incident of the year was not as rumored now. The truth of the matter is hidden!

"The eighth generation ancestor...he was killed!"

The children of the Jin Family who followed together came back to his senses from panic, looking at each one in fear. Chu Bei, shiver coldly, silhouette keeps backing away.

"Who on earth are you." Jin Family, a Self Severing Realm cultivator asked with a vibrato.

"Let Jin Yan come over, I have something to question her!" Chu Bei said again, his voice was thunderous, rumbling, shaking the emperor gate.

The same voice floated in the air, but unlike before, it was in the ears of everyone this time, and it shook their hearts.

At the moment, they know that Chu Bei is also a Supreme, this is a Supreme's call to another Supreme!

Hearing the name Jin Yan, the scalp of the direct descendants of Jin Family core area was tingling, and they were shivering.

Who is the culprit? How dare to call their ancestors that way!

Who is Jin Yan? She is the granddaughter of the person who became a fairy in the Jin Family, and the ancestor of the Jin Family now.

One of the four Peak Supremes of Emperor Guan, supreme existence is only half a foot away from becoming immortal!

"Who is rampant here!"

Suddenly, the Jin Family core area divine light blooms, and the powerful pressure is coming, hiding the sky and covering the earth, sweeping the entire Jin Family territory.

Looking intently, I saw a person wearing a purple crown and a moon-white daoist robe, stepping 1-star, and walking straight over.

His breath is too terrifying, as if an immortal came to the world!

"Big brother, you are also awakened."

An indifferent voice spread, and a person walked in the other direction, with white hair like snow, Immortal Qi covering his body , Very shocking.

"Is the old eight dead?"

The words filled with coldness sounded, and the 3rd silhouette appeared, wearing a golden daoist robe, and Sun, Moon and Stars appeared underfoot , Shocking.

"Who are these three people!"

"Why have never seen the three Jin Family!"

"Their breath seems to be Much more terrifying than the Eighth Ancestor!"

"More powerful than the Eighth Ancestor? He is already the benefit of the Supreme Number One Person, is it possible that these three are already Supreme!"


The appearance of the three Jin Family instantly became the focus of everyone all around. People watching the battle from a distance talked and guessed their identities.

"The King Mokui, what is the origin of these three people!"

The king of gluttonous food, the gods and the others looked at the King Mokui with confusion in their eyes.

The three people who came from the Jin Family core area, breath too terrifying, bathed in Xianhui, as if they have stepped into the realm of longevity, there is an unmatched trend!

"Jin Family Three Dragons! Two hundred thousand years ago, it stood in the existence of Dunyi Peak! In order to step into the Supreme position, at the same time to retreat, this also gave birth to the later Jin Family eighth generation ancestor benefit the The title of Supreme Number One Person."

The Moque looked at the three slowly approaching in shock, and took a deep breath: "Now, they are willing to wake up from the retreat, I am afraid they have already arrived. Supreme!"

"What? Three Supremes!"

Hearing the words of King Mokui, the Powerhouses such as King Gourmet, Gods and others all sucked in a breath of cold air, his eyes were filled with surprise.

Shi Clan everyone looked at each other, and then they all looked towards Chu Bei, with worry again appearing on their faces.

As for Chu Bei, looking at the shrouded Jin Family Sanlong, the expression on his face did not change at all.

"Da Shizu, 2 Shizu, and 3 Shizu!"

"They are out! They are on the Supreme seat!"

"putting it that way , I’m Jin Family Supreme!"

"Three Shizu masters, he killed the Eighth Shizu, offended the majesty of Jin Family, and threatened to ask the ancestor to come and see him in person!"


Looking at the Jin Family Three Dragons, even the Jin Family’s direct descendants were stunned for the first time, and it took a long time before an Evading Oneness Realm Powerhouse came back to his senses. Exclaimed.

Soon, all the children woke up, and after guessing the identity of the three, they were ecstatic.

Supreme Monarch Jin has eight sons in symbiosis, and the old man previously beheaded by Chu Bei is the youngest one. Among them, the leader, the second child, and the third child were born in the same age. The three of them were invincible among the same age in the Emperorguan, and they are almost invincible. They are called the Jin Family Three Dragons.

hong long long ——

Suddenly, the mountain range trembled and the sky buzzed.

At this time, three incomparable terrifying breaths emerged from the east, west, and south.

Looking at it, the void in these three directions splits a pitch black gap, and there are several people standing in each gap. These people are all breath horrible and extremely powerful.

Those people who walked out of the gap, each of them had white hair like snow, but their complexion was crystal clear, like the skin of a baby, very smooth and tender.

This is very abnormal. From the vicissitudes of life, you can see that their age is absolutely scary. But each fleshy body is bright and white, containing the vigorous Qi of Life.

Hefa Tongyan, fairy muscles and bones, is the best explanation for them.

Their realm is unimaginable, even if they have lived for endless years, they still maintain a vigorous life force.

"Wang Family, that is the person from the Changsheng Aristocratic Family Wang Family! Those three are who? Even the fourth ancestor of the Wang Family is standing behind them!"

"Zhao The family members are here too! That is the seventh ancestor of Zhao Family. It is said that its cultivation base is also Evading Oneness Realm Peak, and the second person of Emperor Beneath the Supreme! The breath of the two in front of him looks even more terrifying!"

"That's Fifth Elder, Fourth Elder, and Third Elder of Heavenly God Academy! Even Second Elder is here!"

"Oh my God, the supreme existence that is rarely seen in these imperial gates is normally rare. , They are all here!"


A number of cultivators onlookers in the distance can see the appearance of the people coming from the east, west and south directions. After recognizing their identities , Each expression suddenly startled, and his face was full of incredible colors.

The great character they have seen this day is much more than what they have seen in tens of thousands of years combined!

At the moment, the eyes of these great characters first fell on the Jin Family Sanlong, and when they noticed the breath on the other side, a little surprise and shock suddenly appeared.

But when they moved their eyes to Chu Bei's body, they frowned, and the surprise and shock on their faces were filled with confusion.

The breath of the Jin Family soldiers is too weird. Although they can perceive that the breath of the opponent is not weaker than them, they cannot tell the level of the opponent's cultivation base.

"You killed Lao Ba! No matter who you are, you must die today!"

The Jin Family who came first stopped drinking, and Yue Bai Daoist Robe was hunting. , The purple crown on his head flashed with immortal dao coercion, and his eyes were like the ancient Star River, deep and unpredictable.

His voice has a magical nature, it seems to be wrapped around the Force of Immortal Dao, and the soul of the person will be cut off during the break, terrifying incomparably.

Chu Bei did not respond, but the body shone slightly, and a layer of chaotic ripples scattered, obliterating the terrifying sound waves that came!

"Supreme duel."

The powerhouses such as the King Mokui, the King Gourmet, etc. changed color. In just an instant, this Boss Chu has already faced off with the Jin Family dragon. One note.

Previously, the Jin Family dragon's screams, with terrifying power, if they were to be replaced, I am afraid that they would be directly cut off the Primordial Spirit.

"This level of struggle is really amazing! It involves the higher road, Profound Truth, profound mystery. Even those who step into the Evading Oneness Realm can only marvel and look up from behind." , Xiandian Palace Master let out a sigh of emotion.

"Although your breath is weird, it can be concluded that you are also in the Supreme position. But if you dare to come to my Jin Family and run wild, Supreme will die!"

Wearing a Golden daoist robe Jin Family Two Dragons also stepped forward. He took a 1-star chen, as if he had come from the Land of Primal Chaos splitting heaven and earth apart. The Supreme breath was pervasive, brilliant lights and vibrant colors, and people wanted to kowtow to him. Worship.

The Sun, Moon and Stars embroidered in the golden robe on his body rumbling sound as he takes his steps, and the imposing manner is terrifying.

"But for a few little fellows who have just stepped into the Supreme position, your horizons are probably limited to this. You don’t know that there is always someone who is better than us." Chu Bei glanced across Jin Family. Long and Erlong, with disdain in their words, their voices were extremely calm.

"Although you don’t know which ancestor you are, maybe you can accomplish all the good fortune. Once known as the expert of Gedai, it has shocked for a long time. However, there are talented people from generation to generation, each leader Coquettish for hundreds of thousands of years!"

"The era that belonged to you has passed. Come and provoke me Jin Family with you. The ending is only body dies and Dao disappears!"

Sen Leng When the words fell, the Jin Family dragon moved all over the moon white daoist robe, the wind roared, and the sky collapsed. In his imposing manner, Heaven and Earth rumbled and the mountains and rivers trembled uneasy.

What kind of power is this, every word and deed affects the stability of the universe, shocking people!

"My brother, the three have already reached the top, even if they are one-on-one, they are not necessarily weaker than you! Why? Killing the old eight, thinking that you are Supreme, feel invincible in the world? "

"And I dare to threaten to commit crimes and blood to the ordinary, you are not qualified!"

Jin Family two dragons look indifferent, and the golden daoist robe on his body is shaken by the stars. Starlight rushes into the sky, Chaotic Heaven Earth Shattering.

"Climbing to the top? It's ridiculous! I thought that now that the cultivation base is successful, and the pinnacle of this life, you can watch Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, can you fight with anyone?" Chu Bei coldly snorted , There is no trace of fear on his face.

"Big brother, second brother, what are you talking about with him! Before, you all let me. Tens of thousands of years have passed, and the old rules remain the same. I will take the head of this guy!"


Jin Family Sanlong also stepped forward, raising his hands to isolate a battlefield in the distant sky.

As he walked, he appeared on the battlefield, all around Star River hanging down one after another, as if standing in the center of the vast universe.

Chu Bei held his hands behind, swaying leisurely silhouette, and then appeared in the sky battlefield isolated by the Jin Family Sanlong.


Jin Family Sanlong looked indifferent, and didn't say much, it was a ruthless move.

He used the Jin Family Supreme treasure. It is rumored that it was brought down by the immortal inheritance of the Jin Family. The purple glow was like a rainbow, and the stars flowed, one after another, dazzling, to kill Chu Bei!

In an instant, in the sky battlefield, the light beams formed into sheets, like a comet across the sky, colliding at the same point.

Faced with such a terrifying attack, Chu Bei was as calm as ever, and the Power of Primal Chaos emerged from the palm of his hand. With a shot, all the purple glow was dim, like a candle in the wind, quickly extinguishing.

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