"Blood of sin? You know the truth of what happened back then better than anyone else! For hundreds of thousands of years, everything you have done has been enough to kill you a hundred times!"

Chu Bei took a step forward, staring at Supreme Monarch Jin, coldly snorted: "I'm afraid you are the real sinner!"

"I will come to your Jin Family today. It’s for you to vindicate the so-called descendants of sin and blood! Let the people in this imperial city see if they are descendants of sin and blood!"

In an instant, Chu Bei was full of Supreme majesty and majesty. The sound resounded throughout the entire Imperial City, like the sound of rolling thunder, oscillating and floating in the sky for a long time.

"What do you mean by this!"

Hearing Chu Bei's words, Supreme Monarch Jin's body trembled slightly, and his face changed for the first time. Even the previous Jin San was killed. Her mood swings are not as great as they are now.

"Since you are all here, why are you hiding in hiding? It's better to show up! Let's talk about this sin and blood!"

Chu Bei tilted his head , His eyes lightly swept the direction of Heavenly God Academy, Changsheng Aristocratic Family Wang Family, Zhao Family and the Old Ancestor.

"Fellow Daoist Chu, you have done what I have always wanted to do but I have never been able to do it."

Heavenly God Academy behind the Elders, purple appears, one The old man named azure robe stepped out of it.

"Great Elder!"

The azure robe old man appeared, and the Elders of Heavenly God Academy immediately cup one fist in the other hand and bowed.

Almost at the same time, the longevity Aristocratic Family Wang Family and Zhao Family Old Ancestor's behind also walked out of a silhouette. Unlike the Great Elder of Heavenly God Academy, these two figures are very young, but they are eighteen-nineteen years old. Look like.

"That...that's the Great Elder Meng Tianzheng of Heavenly God Academy, the Highest Paragon!"

"For tens of thousands of years, he has frightened the foreign Supreme! Unexpectedly! I can watch him so close today!"

"There are also those two people, one is Wang Changsheng, the ancestor of the Wang Family, and the other is Zhao Haotian, the ancestor of the Zhao Family! Look at them, is it possible that also Have you all lived a new life!"

"The four Highest Paragons of the Emperor Pass are here! All of this is thanks to the Boss Chu!"


Countless cultivator's eyes switched back and forth on Supreme Monarch Jin, Meng Tianzheng, Wang Changsheng, and Zhao Haotian Four Great Paragons, one by one, his eyes rolled round and his face was full of incredible color.

They really can't imagine that one day they will be able to see the four most powerful characters in this imperial city at the same time!

"Fellow Daoist Chu, although I don’t know where you came from, what happened back then is a foregone conclusion. Let’s stop here."

Wang Changsheng sighed quietly, behind purple Hong Meng , Thousands of unusual form blooms, terrifying to the extreme.

Chu Bei laughed and ignored Wang Changsheng, only went out of that side of the battlefield and returned to the top of Jin Family Cave Mansion. Afterwards, moved towards the sky and waved his robe.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ——

next moment, the void trembles, and a huge picture is projected on the distant sky.

No matter which corner of the Imperial Pass is located, you can clearly see it when you look up.

What appears in the picture is the scene above the Jin Family Cave Mansion, including everyone including Chu Bei, Supreme Monarch Jin, and Meng Tianzheng.

"Look at the sky! Where is that!"

"Isn't that Heavenly God Academy Great Elder Meng Tianzheng! There are Supreme Monarch Jin, Wang Changsheng and Zhao Haotian!"

"How did the Four Great Overlords get together? Could it be that the borderland is going to change?"

"I recognize it! There is Jin Family Cave Mansion, is it possible That, this is related to the previous misty voice? Could someone really dare to provoke the Changsheng Jin Family!"


At this time, the Diguan City includes tens of thousands of kilometers away In the peripheral zone, all cultivators looked up at the images in the sky, with shock on their faces.

"Fellow Daoist, you are trying to make things big!"

The ancestor of Aristocratic Family Zhao Family glanced at the scene in the sky, and looked towards Chu Bei again, His brows wrinkled involuntarily.

"Fellow Daoist Chu, what you did is exactly what the old man wanted, the bigger the trouble, the better!"

Meng Tianzheng laughed, and he stood side by side with Chu Bei during his steps. For a moment, he seemed to have made some kind of decision.

Chu Bei moved towards Meng Tianzheng slightly nod, flicks with the finger, and several pictures appeared from the sky.

The first screen.

That was the Shi Clan tribe, a child about six years old, who successfully developed the top ten Celestial Grotto in his body. When clansman was celebrating him, a team of Knights sitting on the ominous beast fell from the sky. Lay the decree.

To ask the six-year-old child to go to the frontier battlefield to kill the enemy, Shi Clan clansman resisted and refused to accept the order. In an instant, several people were killed, flesh and blood flew all over, infesting the earth, horrible to see.

Finally, the six-year-old child looked at the corpse of his parents on the ground, and was taken away by the team of Knights while crying, crying hoarsely.

2nd screen.

The frontier battlefield is in desperate situation, and elite Warriors need to be dispatched from major tribes to kill the enemy.

Thousands of powerful Knights once again came to Shi Clan, directly selecting the 100 most powerful Shi Clan people, and then sending them to the battlefield, forcibly arranged to fight on the front line.

The same camp, but when these Shi Clan Warriors were fighting on the front line in blood, those Knights watched from a distance. Even if the Warrior was seriously injured, he still ignored him and let him die.

The third screen.

An old man with big gold characters printed on the back of his robe came to Shi Clan and threatened to refine the great medicine, he needed to be led by people, and said he would come and borrow people. Shi Clan everyone refused. The old man was angry and killed several people on the spot. Finally, he chose eight powerful Shi Clan cultivators to leave.


The ninth picture.

It is still the Shi Clan tribe. Six True Oneness Realm Warriors are besieging a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man’s behind is a boy about ten years old. The boy has stepped into the inscription realm, looking at the whole Diguan couldn't find anyone more enchanting than him.

However, at such an age, a decree came once again to send him to the front line to kill foreign villains.

Fortunately, in the end, a wave of people appeared. A youth man headed up raised his hand and killed three Warriors, and retreated the other three.

"Aren’t these pictures all Shi Clan?"

"Even if they are descendants of sin and blood, you can’t treat them like this!"

"For tens of thousands of years, they have made far more contributions to the frontier battlefield than us!"

"What is the enmity between the Jin Family and Shi Clan? Those Shi Clan evildoers are all There is hope for Supreme!"

"Maybe this Jin Family is someone who is worried that there will be another mutiny among the descendants of this sin and blood! So I have strangled these evildoers with innate talent in the cradle early, Rong Don't make any mistakes."


In the Imperial City, all the cultivators held their heads up and looked at the pictures of in the sky, with sympathy in their eyes.

At this moment, everyone behind Chu Bei behind Shi Clan, with bloodshot eyes, clenched fists one by one, looking at Jin Family cultivator angrily.

These scenes in the sky dome are exactly what Jin Family has done to Shi Clan for tens of thousands of years.

"Old Woman Jin, these all are your will? Okay! No wonder that the first Imperial Family has never been born again for tens of thousands of years. It turns out that these innate talents are evil Miaozi has been strangled by you since I was a child! I am guarding the frontline of the frontier desert, is this what you gave me!" Meng Tianzheng shouted, the breath of horror was permeated, behind it was like a Great World appeared.

Supreme Monarch Jin didn't answer the conversation, but was coldly snorted, his face was ugly to the extreme.

"This is my own business, and you don't need to intervene." Chu Bei tilted his head and glanced at Meng Tianzheng, then spoke lightly.

The calm voice fell, and the scenes of Shi Clan being treated unfairly in the sky disappeared, replaced by a scene of fierce fighting on the battlefield.


In the imperial gate city, all the cultivators hadn't seen the scene in the screen clearly, and the sound of screaming screamed in their ears.

After that, the picture became clearer and clearer.

That is an ancient giant city with a vast and boundless battlefield outside the city. The Powerhouse there can pick the stars and seizing the moon, one by one, they are strong and outrageous.

The pool is extremely strong, lying on the sidelines, unbelievably big, just like a world.

hong long long!

In the endless battlefield, immortal dao breath fluctuates, rune rushes up, and the sky is full of stars.

That kind of battle is too fierce to imagine!

As the screen turns, several silhouettes appear, and they support each other. In the setting sun, walking towards the ancient giant city in the deserted land, the remains swayed, seeming to fall down at any time.

Under the dim setting sun, their bodies looked extraordinarily tall, and they did not appear to be decayed because of their injuries. They all have a breathtaking breath.

Seven people, like seven invincible kings, just like that, stepping on endless corpses, returning to the giant city, guarding one side.

Not long afterwards, endless terrifying creatures came to kill, and there was the highest breath of the gods, as if it had been Immortal, and it seemed that the light of the immortal appeared, terrifying incomparably.


The seven people, covered in blood, were extremely tall, standing on the head of the city, looking up to the sky and roaring, rushing out again, killing the infinite enemy.

Looking at the city again, there are still many people in ragged clothes and unkempt faces, including skinny old men, thin teenagers, and girls with damaged animal skins and patches. They all boarded the city to participate in the battle.

In the sound of the earth-shaking fight, the holy light on the foreheads of these people rushed into the sky, together, crushed the clouds, pierced the sky, and finally converged into a rune of the word'guilt'.

The seven kings dragged their wounds to fight and fight against the murky heavens dark earth of the encroaching enemy.

As the screens flowed, the battle continued, the seven kings fell one after another, and the sky full of stars was all dimmed.

The old people, young people, and girls who were behind the eyebrows with the word'sin' on their faces cry up to the sky, with sorrow.

In that battle, the Seven Kings fell, but with the outbreak of the power of the word'Sin', they successfully repelled the terrifying enemy and successfully defended the huge city behind them that did not know how many miles away.


"The battlefield on that side is deserted!"

"Who are the seven people! They guarded the imperial gate with their lives!"

"Why have I never heard of these seven people? They guarded the imperial gate with their lives, why such a person, I did not know!"

"Look at that blood symbol Are you here? Are the seven also sinners?"

"No way, they clearly protected the emperor pass! If it weren't for them, then the emperor pass has been lost!"


At this moment, all the cultivators in the Imperial Pass screamed, staring blankly at the battlefield scene in the sky, their blood seemed to be ignited, and they wished to go to the frontier to fight with that foreigner immediately!

Of course, they are guessing, guessing about the identity of the seven guarding the emperor with their lives!

"Did you know this battle back then!"

Above the Jin Family Cave Mansion, Chu Bei pointed at the sky screen, and suddenly looked towards the Supreme Monarch Jin in the distance, The icy questioning sound resounded through Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!

Chu Bei’s questioning sound seemed to be mixed with a certain terrifying mysterious force. The moment the sound floated away, the divine force of all the cultivators in the entire Imperial Pass suddenly stagnated.

In the distance, Supreme Monarch Jin's complexion became more and more ugly, and he became more and more heavy. In the gaze looking towards Chu Bei, a sharp killing intent surged.

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