"Jin Da and Jin Er were killed!"

"Although they have just left the level, they are also in the Supreme position!"

"In front of Supreme Monarch Jin, bombard her parents and children, and look at Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. I am afraid that only Boss Chu from unknown origin can do it!"



The discussion recurred.

On the outskirts of Jin Family Cave Mansion, the cultivators who watched the battle were even more frightened, and their faces looked incredible.

"You die for me!"

Supreme Monarch Jin roar, her look is completely different, although she is still very delicate and pretty, but there is a kind of unspeakable terrifying Temperament, like Demon Venerable revival!

Originally, she was a graceful girl who lived out her second life, with an immortal dao temperament; but now she is still immortal Qi shrouded, in the white mist, but her appearance has changed. The look of an old woman is extremely fierce and intimidating.

It is as if a sword of Zhuxian is out of its sheath, murderous intention bursts out, and the sky will be in chaos!

"Even if this seat is in this world, the cultivation base is suppressed, but it will be destroyed if you touch you!"

Chu Bei's voice is cold, and he notices the breath of Supreme Monarch Jin , There is still disdain in the words.

At the same time, a breathtaking breath that shook the sky hiding the sky and covering the earth, centered on him, spread towards all directions.

In an instant, all the creatures in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths were terrified, and the soul was throbbing. Many fierce birds and beasts shiver coldly in the mountains quickly bowed down and worshiped.

At this moment.

Supreme Monarch Jin made another move, but unlike before, she did not use the so-called immortal dao Great Divine Ability this time, and she did not feel any divine force fluctuations between waves, and there were no vast rules intertwined, and it could even be used. To describe peaceful, the robe is fluttering, the right hand is a knife, and it is moved towards Chu Bei.

Although there is no fancy, but at the moment Supreme Monarch Jin shot, everyone clearly noticed that all around suddenly became dead, and the original noisy world seemed to be left with her light and fluttering right. hand.

Chu Bei glanced at Supreme Monarch Jin faintly, as calm as ever, his careless right leg slowly swayed, pulling towards Supreme Monarch Jin's right hand.

A numerous cultivators are speechless, even a little stupefied, looking at the battlefield blankly. It is hard for them to imagine that this will be a life-and-death duel between the two Highest Paragons. The moves are too ordinary, there is no power fluctuation, and there is no Heaven and Earth law.

However, unlike ordinary cultivators, Meng Tianzheng, Wang Changsheng, Zhao Haotian and the Initial Phase Supreme in the field watched the battle between Chu Bei and Supreme Monarch Jin very seriously. With grave expression on his face.

They can naturally see that Chu Bei and Supreme Monarch Jin each confined their own way to the whole body, without the slightest leakage of energy, looking at it without getting angry, very casual, even like two An ordinary person is fighting, but in fact the power is unimaginable!

Once detonated, heaven falls and earth rends will definitely destroy everything!

In the battlefield, Supreme Monarch Jin is constantly shifting, like an eagle spreading its wings, with its arms resonating, whistling in the mouth, changing and attacking moved towards Chu Bei from time to time. There is no splendid brilliance, and no avenue symbols emerge, everything is straightforward.

Looking at Chu Bei again, with one hand on behind, his eyes flashed, as if he didn't pay attention to Supreme Monarch Jin's attack at all.


In the ordinary collision, one fist and one leg touched, which caused a dull sound. The sky never collapsed, only the contact parts of the two bodies made an abnormal sound.

In the muffled sound of the muffled sound, Supreme Monarch Jin stopped his hand, and then the stability backed away, his face was pale, blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and his breath was disordered.

"You...your cultivation base..."

Supreme Monarch Jin failed, but the suspicion in her mouth has not yet been fully spoken, and Chu Bei appeared in front of her .

After that, Chu Bei unfolded his robe sleeves, and under the latter's incredible gaze, a big slap slapped on the latter's face with a crisp bang.

"Do you dare to humiliate me!"

On the battlefield, Supreme Monarch Jin was staggered, with Golden blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

First, he was a little stunned, his right hand touched the beaten cheek, came back to his senses, and came back to his senses, the color behind, roar towards the sky, bursting out the sound of billowing thunder, killing intent sweeping the Ninth Stage day.

At this moment, Supreme Monarch Jin couldn't calm down due to the violent anger in her heart. No matter how hard the power of the great power she controlled, it could not be restrained and burst out directly.

bang bang bang!

In an instant, the sky split, the void collapsed, and countless gaps in space spread far away.

In the battlefield, one after another, intimidating black holes emerged, countless stars burst, turning into billions of fragments and bursting into the gap.

The terrifying divine force aftermath continues to spread, and there is a faint trend of moving towards Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Meng Tianzheng, Zhao Haotian, and Wang Changsheng did not hesitate. They immediately shot and took out the enlightenment weapon. Only then did the divine force emitted by Supreme Monarch Jin be blocked from Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

This is the terrifying of Peak Supreme!

An anger, heaven falls and earth rends, loss of life!

At this moment, in the battlefield, Chu Bei's sleeves were waved, the chaotic ripples spread, and he took Supreme Monarch Jin to a more distant battlefield.

"I'm going to kill you! I'm going to smash your corpse into thousands of pieces, and never enter into reincarnation!"

Supreme Monarch Jin moved towards Chu Bei roar like crazy! , His within both eyes are covered with bloodshot eyes, and one hand tightly holds the cheek that was previously enlarged.

Millions of years, she has never suffered such an extraordinary shame and humiliation!

In Diguan, her words are imperial decree, and no one dares to disobey. She is accustomed to domineering and strong, but today not only was she killed four parents and children, she also suffered a big mouth.


There was another shock.

As for Chu Bei, not only is he not afraid of Supreme Monarch Jin's crazy appearance, but even with a smile at the corners of his mouth, he gets close again, and his big hand smashes down like a sky.



Peak collision again.

The stars burst and the Milky Way flowed backwards. After a stalemate, Supreme Monarch Jin retreated, unable to stop Chu Bei's offensive.

But just as Supreme Monarch Jin was preparing to attack again, Chu Bei's palm came out again.

Power of Primal Chaos can be seen surging in the palm of the palm, and the rays of light are gorgeous when photographed with one palm.


It was another crisp sound that alarmed Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Chu Bei slapped Supreme Monarch Jin again, and this time it hit the other half of Supreme Monarch Jin's face firmly.

The strange little black power exploded on Supreme Monarch Jin's cheeks, instantly causing a clear palm print on the other half of his face, and golden blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

If it is an ordinary cultivator, even if it is a newcomer to Supreme, under this slap of Chu Bei, the head and Primordial Spirit will probably turn into blood mist in an instant.

But Supreme Monarch Jin has always been Peak Supreme, and the hardness of her face is far from what the average Supreme can compare. She tried her best with blood energy and divine light to resolve her biggest crisis and humiliation.

"Why! Why is this!"

Supreme Monarch Jin frantically, disheveled hair, cold eyes, and frantically questioned Chu Bei.

She has been cultivated by True Immortal since she was a child. For millions of years, she has already aspired to Supreme Peak. It can be said that under True Immortal, she is not afraid of anyone!

But why, she just couldn't beat the guy called Boss Chu in front of her!

She doesn't believe that in this era, their Nine Heavens and Ten Earths still have immortals!

In her opinion, no matter how strong the person in front of her is, she must be in the Supreme Realm just like her.

On the contrary, the result of the battle is not like a realm at all. The opponent crushes her so easily.

Even, she has never touched the divine force exerted by the other party, as if it came from energy outside of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!

As an existence above the imperial gate, she was beaten by the opponent twice in a row. This shame was unbearable for her!

She knows that after this battle, even if she is Supreme, she will lose her reputation and lose her true majesty.

Looking at Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, from the ancient times to the present, apart from her for millions of years, which Highest Paragon will be slapped in the face?

"That person is so powerful!"

"Is he really just Supreme?"

"Don’t give Supreme Monarch Jin any face, In front of all the cultivators of Emperor Guan, she slapped her twice in succession!"

"Supreme Monarch Jin has been standing in Supreme Peak for many years, but she is still not that person's opponent. He is afraid that he has become a fairy. Right."

"In my opinion, this Boss Chu must have a great relationship with the Seven Wild Seven Kings who guarded the Emperor Pass back then! Otherwise, he will be so angry again?"

"If all that is true, then this Supreme Monarch Jin die without regret!"


At the same time, it is not just the cultivator outside Jin Family Cave Mansion , The entire Imperial Pass and even all the cultivators of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths looked at the pictures in the sky with their heads upright.

This scene of the battle before and after, from the very beginning was projected by Chu Bei to every corner of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, including the lower realm of Three Thousand Dao Province!

At this moment, all the cultivators were dumbfounded and shocked.

They couldn't believe that Supreme Monarch Jin of aloof and remote would fall into this step and be hit so strongly.

Jin Family cultivator's face is like ashes, and each face is full of unwillingness. At the same time, the look towards Chu Bei carries hatred, but also contains jealousy and fear.

Shi Clan's faces were filled with joy, and they couldn't help shouting, their expressions excited.

"Boss Chu is the well-deserved number one Powerhouse of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!"

Mokui King, Gourmet King, Laotianren, Palace Master, etc. The Dunyi Powerhouse, who followed Chu Bei, was dazzled, watching Chu Bei's back become more and more admired.

"Supreme Ancestor Master, good draw!"

Ye Qingxian was stunned, and she was not surprised by this result. After all, she, the Supreme Ancestor Master, can go back and forth between the years at will. in.

Even if she is as strong as her Sir Father, she can’t rewrite the history of the years and come and go freely like the other party.

As for Chu Bei’s strength, she naturally does not have any suspicions. She is extremely convinced of what the other party said. Due to some mysterious power in the confinement, the other party’s Supreme cultivation base has been affected. limit.

Meng Tianzheng, Wang Changsheng, and Zhao Haotian looked at each other and were silent.

Supreme Monarch Jin, from the centenary Gu Zhen's centenary inheritance, is not weaker than any of them.

For millions of years, prestige shakes Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, but now it is completely suppressed by the Boss Chu that emerged out of thin air, and there is no force to fight back.

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