Looking at the great cauldron in the battlefield of different time and space, Immortal in the foreign land is terrified. If he is hit by the great cauldron or the thunder, he may instantly turn to ashes.

However, the creature in the battlefield wearing a blue gold armor can actually shake it hard, even if it is injured, it is unparalleled!

hong long long!

In the battlefield of different time and space, that stalwart silhouette is walking on the tripod, chasing fast, surpassing time, everything seems to be turning backwards, extremely terrifying!

At this moment, he really looks like the Heavenly Emperor in the dust, with long hair scattered, divine might be peerless!

The great cauldron covers the sun and the moon, rising from the sky, releasing the power of thunder.

The stalwart silhouette pursued the humanoid creature with the green gold armor cover, and soon, he blasted his punches forward again.

"Wang, do you want to take action?"

Immortal secretly transmits to war chariot sound, he feels the threat of that stalwart silhouette, the other party is very likely to be related to that drop of blood .

"They are not in the same age as me. If I act, the riots will cause unimaginable consequences."

This is An Lan's words, only to that one. Immortal listened, it was light and calm, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

"Death, I also want to pull you into reincarnation!"

The humanoid creatures wearing green gold armor suddenly stopped fleeing, suddenly turned around, and moved towards the stalwart silhouette. Roar.

The next moment, there was a bang, heaven falls and earth rends, ghosts were crying and howling.

His green gold armor burns, and it is countless times brighter than the gathering of the stars, stars and moons. The power of the Star Condensation River brings the Supreme Law to the stalwart silhouette, and the imposing manner climbs to the extreme. .

"Pro, soldier, fighting, zhe, all, number, group, forward, and line!"

"Nine Heavens Thunder!"

"Ding Town!"

At this moment, the silhouette of the stalwart walking on the tripod made a sound for the first time.

Even through the years, countless cultivators can still hear his voice clearly, as if the source of the voice is in the ears.

The three-sentence sound vibrates Above the Heavens and Under the Earth. It seems that the Heavenly Emperor is coming, extremely majestic, descending the decree, and extremely magnificent.

I saw the nine-character rune transforming into nine groups of light, carrying thunder into the Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron.

Finally, the great cauldron bursts with immense power, evolves to the highest secret technique, and instantly penetrates all obstacles.


The creature wearing a green gold armor spurted blood and staggered backwards.

The stalwart silhouette followed up, opened and closed, magnificent, grabbing the opponent, and then violently tore it.

With a snort, the creature was torn in half, and so was the Primordial Spirit!

The mouth of the tripod glowed, vomiting Star River, and collected the corpse and blood of the creature in it.


The battle in different time and space ended, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and the Warrior sucked in a breath of cold air, trembling for it!

The war is over, but the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and the foreign cultivator watching the battle have been unable to calm down for a long time.

This scene is too shocking!

That stalwart man who?

Where did you come from?

What age do you belong to!

Is it before or after the immortal ancient times?

The bloody rain on that battlefield is pouring, and every drop that falls can burn out the big star, cut off the Star River, and the formidable power is extremely terrifying.

Fortunately, it was a different time and space, it did not belong to this realm, and it did not affect them.

"Look, look! Is he paying attention to us!"

At this time, the foreign millions and millions of creatures eyes shrank, all exclaimed, looking in panic Looking at Tianyuan, his eyes didn't blink.

On the battlefield in different time and space, I saw the majestic great cauldron swallowing divine splendor, and Myriad Things Origin Energy emerged, absorbing all the blood essence of the hostile creatures.

Immediately, the stalwart silhouette walked on the tripod, landing slowly, as if it were about to fall in the sky.

At this moment, the scene of Tianyuan is magnificent and unparalleled in the world!

Myriad Things Origin Energy swept across Tianyuan, the stalwart man stepped on Dingkou, behind thunder unusual form evolved everything.

He is looking down on all beings, Unparalleled, slender and tall, with black hair scattered on his head, deep pupils, heroic, like a Sovereign world.

"What does he want to do!"

The stars flowed in the stalwart man's eyes, and his eyes fell in a foreign direction.

Suddenly, hundreds of millions of troops in a foreign land are like a big enemy!

For them, this stalwart man is a variable, coming out abruptly, making them jealous.

After all, their kings have already broken through Tianyuan, and they are about to destroy Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

But at this time, the opponent appeared, and it shocked their king's mount.

At least from the current point of view, it would be better if this stalwart man did not appear!

"Is he here to help us?"

Diguan, the Warrior of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths stared blankly at the silhouette of Tianyuan with his back facing them, feeling Trembling, hope rose in his eyes.

"Will he really help us deal with foreign land?"

"If he is willing to take action, he should be able to block the king of Immortal in that foreign land."

"Not belonging to the same piece of time and space, it is really going to collide, and the consequences are unpredictable!"


Diguan Supreme murmured one after another.

"My friend, the battle on your side is over, and it is time to leave."

In a foreign land, there is a peaceful voice from the ancient war chariot, without the slightest sense of vicissitudes. , Like a youth in golden years is opening his mouth.

The one who spoke was the King of Immortal, An Lan.

However, the stalwart silhouette ignored An Lan, just glanced at the ancient war chariot, still landing.

No one can see his true face, there is Myriad Things Origin Energy surging there, but you can feel that his appearance is also in the golden age, because there is a vigorous life force.

His eyes are so deep, they seem to penetrate the world and see the secret of heaven.


Suddenly, the Barbaric Ox pulling the golden back of the ancient war chariot made a dull thunder-like sound again, seeming to be suffering from a lot of unstoppable suffering .

As the stalwart man stepped on the tripod and landed, its skeleton sounded constantly, as if it was about to explode.


Finally, all its four leg bones shattered, and finally crawled in the sky, trembling.

"He is provoking the king!"

The alien cultivator is panicked.

This scene is straightforward. The gold-backed Barbaric Ox is the ancient beast of the King of Immortal. Even if Immortal exists, it must be treated politely.

However, this mysterious Powerhouse from a different time and space from which I don't know from which era, it is such unscrupulously driving the breath of the world, shattering its four leg bones!

In front of the King of Immortal, suppressing his mount, how powerful!

Since ancient times, who would dare to trouble the King of Immortal?

This person in different time and space, he dare!

Now it’s in action!

"Have you seen it? He severely injured the mount of the King of Immortal! He really helped us!"

"Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are saved!"

Emperor Pass, countless cultivators looked excited, looking at the creeping gold-backed Barbaric Ox, clenched his fists, overwhelmed by emotions.

Looking at their appearance, it seems that they can't wait for the stalwart figure in Tianyuan to be themselves, kick Naan Lan war chariot with one kick!

"My friend, you are too much! Do you want to intervene in this king's affairs? You know that we can't fight against each other, you really want to do that, this time and space, the world you are behind, will change drastically "An Lan's voice came from the war chariot again, still flat.

"What if this Heavenly Emperor has to intervene?" The stalwart man in different time and space spoke, with a smile in his words.

"Then fight!"

An Lan's voice became low, full of Supreme majesty.

When An Lan's voice fell, there was a loud bang, the ancient war chariot glowed, and Chaos Energy surged.

After that, the entire expanse of desert was illuminated.

An Lan was born!

Many people closed their eyes subconsciously, it was too bright there.

A humanoid creature steps out of the war chariot, with one hand behind it, and the other hand holding a golden ancient spear!

The spear is too dazzling. The yellow metallic luster illuminates the ancient and the present and the future, as if all ages are united and eternal.

Immortal Ancient Era, this lance nail passes through the ten fierce horned ants, and pierces through the Immortal King, divine might be world-famous, shocking ancient and modern.

An Lan, the king of the foreign Immortal, was born. His body was radiant, shrouded in his body, unable to face it, very gorgeous and dazzling, just like the golden ancient spear in his hand, showing off one's ability.

"It's a pity that we are not in the same era, otherwise we will kill you when we raise our hands."

In the Tianyuan, the stalwart man walking on the tripod opened his mouth, sighing faintly, seemingly with a little helplessness .

As soon as the indifferent voice came out, he was shocked by Nine Heavens and Ten Earths!

Emperor Guan, countless cultivators are excited, and look at the stalwart man with great admiration. What a arrogant and arrogant Immortal King is that.

The contemptuous words of this man stem from that invincible spirit, which is awesome.

Foreign Land, millions and millions of creatures, his face is ugly, I can't believe what I heard, the other party is too arrogant, dare to speak such crazy words!

"You can try it! This king is invincible in the world, so why be afraid of you!" An Lan smiled lightly, he was extremely conceited.

"Does the king really want to fight him?"

"A character who does not belong to this era, will he come across the ages!"

A group of foreign cultivators look at each other, looking at each other in blank dismay, their eyes are full of horror.

However, just when everyone thought that the stalwart man of different time and space was about to use Supreme Divine Ability to start a duel with An Lan, he turned around and faced the direction of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

"Sure enough, this drop of blood brought me here, but unfortunately this is not the time I want."

The stalwart man glanced at the drop of blood, and then looked away It moved slightly and landed on Chu Bei's body.

next moment, under the gaze of hundreds of millions of eyes in Alien, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, he knelt down across time and space, across eternal years.

This move immediately shocked all Warriors in Bianhuang!

Even the king of the alien Immortal showed a rare expression of surprise, with a surprised expression on his face.

As for the foreign Immortal, at the moment the stalwart man kneeled in Tianyuan, his expression had frozen, and even his breathing had stopped.

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