"What's going on!"

"Is it possible that Tianyuan will break open again?"

"Thousands of years Is peace going to be broken!"

"The most terrifying thing happened."

"Senior Chu said before he left that we can be peaceful for a million years. "


On the city wall of the border, the Warriors of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths looked at the shaking Tianyuan, browsing tightly frowns, and their faces were extremely heavy.

hong long!

Suddenly, there was a loud noise.

I saw the sky surging into a sea of ​​laws, and then under the eyes of countless Powerhouses, a weapon came out. Its breath is simple and intimidating. It seems to cut the sea of ​​laws and cut out a passage.

"Not good! A foreign Powerhouse is trying to break through Tianyuan!"

"Damn it! Shouldn't you really let them break through."

"Back then, Senior Chu made a strong move to kill An Lan and Yu Tuo, and collapsed Tianyuan, so as to protect our thousand years of peace. Is it too normal to end so soon?"

"Who knows that? Where is Boss Chu? If you can find him, even if it’s a foreign Powerhouse coming over!"


Looking at the scene in Tianyuan, a number of cultivators looked at each other in blank dismay, with fear in his eyes.

It was a battle halberd, it flashed cold glow, and it was cold, and it was continuously strikes Tianyuan.

The sight brought up by the halberd blades that popped up from time to time was too terrifying. The void shattered, and the sea of ​​laws was boiling, like the waves hitting the sky, and the entire expanse of battlefield shuddered.

That breath, clearly separated by Tianyuan, still makes people palpitations, and soul trembles.

"This breath is shot by the King of Immortal from a foreign land!"

The Powerhouses of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths look at each other, and their words are full of fear. This is definitely a foreign land. The King of Immortal is attacking, otherwise how could such a terrifying breath be born?


With the sound of a crisp sound, the hearts of the Powerhouses of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths suddenly sank to the bottom.

This time, that battle halberd not only penetrated the sky with the halberd blade, but also penetrated half of the halberd body.

Fortunately, the mysterious power of Tianyuan is firmly wrapped in battle halberd, otherwise this imperial gate may have been destroyed by the breath on battle halberd.

Finally, the rumbling sound stopped and the battle halberd quieted down. It was so horizontal in the sky, half-seen, letting the Divine Order Chain impact, letting the sea of ​​decree erode, exuding murderous intention.

"This is the weapon of the King of Immortal in the foreign land! Tianyuan is moving, is he going to take the opportunity to come over!"

"No way! Senior Chu is not here, now I am Fine Heavens The strongest person in Ten Earths and Ten Earths is nothing more than Elder Meng. Let alone the King of Immortal, even if Immortal from a foreign land comes over, we will suffer the catastrophe!"

On the city wall of Emperor Guan , The Powerhouse of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths looked at the long spear that flashed with cold glow, with horror on his face.

"Coming here!"

Suddenly, an Evading Oneness Realm Powerhouse trembles with despair in his voice.

next moment, with only a boom, a vague silhouette manifested in the broken sky. He stepped forward, as if he was about to cross to Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, all kinds of lightning Strikes down violently on his body, but failed to cause any harm to him.

chi chi chi!

Seeing that silhouette was about to cross Tianyuan with the battle halberd in his hand, billions of red clouds spewed from the sky, the brilliance was endless, the blood-colored symbols were burning, and that silhouette was forced back.

"Look! Tianyuan still works, the Immortal King can't make it!"

Looking at Tianyuan, which is like a sea of ​​blood, the Powerhouse of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths is slightly sighed. in relief.

"But battle halberd is still there! I have not been pushed back by Tianyuan!"

Looking at the fuzzy silhouette being pushed back, the people of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths looked towards with hope. That half passes through the long spear of Tianyuan.

However, to their astonishment, the battle halberd was not damaged, and the light of the halberd blade became more and more dazzling.

It is trembling, against Tianyuan, and against the sea of ​​law.

hong long!

Just as the rays of light of the halberd blade stabilized, there was a loud noise, and a big purple word burst out in front of the halberd blade, a striking'shang' 'word.

As soon as the word "shang" appeared, the sea of ​​law was shaken open, and then battle halberd protruded forward more than half.

"I know who he is!"

There was an ancient Supreme who seemed to recognize the origin of the battle halberd through the purple characters, his voice trembling, complexion pale.

However, he did not say the person's name. Because every King of Immortal possesses unpredictable abilities, he is worried about the unpredictable consequences of calling out the other's name.


High in the sky, Meng Tianzheng condensed his brows and said the name.

It's just that he split the two words and said it after a long time.

"What? How could it be him!"

"No wonder this battle halberd is so powerful!"

"What a good one! "

"Do we really have no choice?"


On the city wall of Emperorguan, there is Supreme sighing and Supreme voice Trembling.

At their realm, nothing can affect their emotions, but when the name Ziwushang was spoken, their expressions were so unnatural.

Wu Shang, the king of foreign land.

About him, there are too many legends in Ancient Battlefield.

In the Battle of Immortal Ancient World, he was just a killer. His appearance even disturbed the balance between Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and Alien Original!

Even if it is in a foreign land, it must be feared and trembling.

Because he is too strong and Immemorial is old, he is even a generation higher than Anlan Yutuo, his status is respected and terrifying scary.

The reason why he is still outstanding in Immortal King is because of his innate talent.

Immune to divine ability, no way to invade!

This is his proud capital, Innate is undefeated, no one can compete with it!

"Look! Someone is going to cross Tianyuan again!"

At this moment, an Evading Oneness Realm cultivator pointed at the Sea of ​​Laws and exclaimed.

I fixed my eyes and saw another silhouette appeared in Tianyuan, but he did not directly cross the sea of ​​law, but walked slowly along the battle halberd.

"This breath, that is the exotic Immortal!" On the city wall, a Supreme spoke.

"Even if it's just an Immortal, we are no one to beat!"

Hearing the words of that Supreme, the Powerhouse of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths trembled and my heart trembled. , His face turned pale.

The foreign Immortal, equivalent to their True Immortal, but now they simply don’t have True Immortal, how to resist?

"Don't panic, although he has battle halberd to open his way, but he is an Immortal after all, he can't make it."

Meng Tianzheng lightly glanced at the cultivator on the city wall When his heavy voice fell, that silhouette on battle halberd suddenly coughed violently, showing a large amount of golden blood spewing out, then staggering back and being forced out.

"Failed! Immortal also failed!"

Looking at the silhouette that was being pushed back, the cultivator of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths took a long breath again.

long long long ——

But the cultivator's heart fell on the city wall, and when he cheered, more silhouettes appeared on the battle halberd.

Although their breath is much weaker, they are not restricted by the sea of ​​laws, and they are walking along the battle halberd unharmed.

"Assemble all the cultivators on the Nine Heavens Void Dao Realm, and prepare to fight!"

In this brief moment, all Supreme faces including Meng Tianzheng in the Emperorguan Shen, gave the order.

The other side.

In the huge imperial gate city, above the narrow streets, a layer of ripples wafted out of thin air.

In the ripples, a clear blue passage emerged, and a youth man wearing a purple robe walked out of it slowly.

As soon as this youth man appeared, he turned his head and looked towards the direction of Bianhuang, frowning slightly.

The youth man is Chu Bei who just came out of Tian City.

"A thousand years ago, Tianyuan was destroyed by Boss Chu? Why did it break open again!"

"Fortunately, the King of Immortal and Immortal in the foreign land have not survived. Come, otherwise the Imperial Pass may no longer exist."

"The time is still too short! If it is given another thousand years, Shi Hao's innate talent should be enough to enter the Supreme Realm. "

"As far as I know, Shi Hao is already a Peak. If you really give him another thousand years, in my opinion, he can become a True Immortal!"


"Although the king of Immortal and Immortal in the foreign land cannot get through, Supreme has come a lot, far more than us!"

"It would be great if Senior Chu was there. So we don’t have to worry about it. Even Anlan and Yu Tuo can beheaded, even if another Immortal King comes from a foreign land, the same will end up."


The Emperor In Guan Cheng, a large number of cultivators looked at the huge Chu Bei Divine Idol in the square and talked constantly.

The voice of all around people sounded in his ears, Chu Bei smiled knowingly, and the next moment, silently, disappeared on the street.


The marginal shortage.

Chu Bei appeared on the city wall of Emperor Guan, beside him was a blue clothed girl holding a white meat ball.

The girl is only fourteen or five years old, and her cultivation base is even weaker and pitiful. She just trifling the Spirit Stage, and I don’t know how she came here.

If Supreme is here, you can tell at a glance that the white meat ball she holds in her arms is extraordinary, it is a purebred Divine Beast Qilin.

"Come on, Lord Shi Hao! You are the best!"

"Kill all these exotic Imperial Clan young Powerhouses! Let them know how powerful we are! Kill them again! Don't dare to infringe!"

The blue clothed girl has a look of worship moved towards the boundless desert and screams, and the one with a vivid expression is a fan.

"Hey, who are you!"

"Forget it, no matter who you are, follow me to cheer Master Shi Hao! He has cut nine foreign Imperial imperials in a row. Clan youth expert!"

The blue clothed girl discovered the existence of Chu Bei, and pulled Chu Bei's arm, asking Chu Bei to follow her and shout together.

"You are really ignorant! Lord Shi Hao is fighting for our Nine Heavens and Ten Earths! He is killing our enemies on our behalf! If it weren't for him and Meng Headmaster, these Supremes, you Can I still stand here?"

Seeing Chu Bei indifferent, blue clothed girl frowned, could not help but stare at Chu Bei.

It's the cub Qilin in the arms of the blue clothed girl. He glanced at Chu Bei, shivering coldly from instinct, and Shu Lingling's big eyes were full of fear.

Chu Bei naturally doesn't care about the blue clothed girl. After laughing, he cast his eyes on the battlefield.

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