"Go to the next place."

Far away in the sky, Chu Bei faintly glanced at the mountain range of death below his eyes, and the tone barely fell in his mouth, and in an instant the entire group Has appeared above a lake.

Magic Pupa Lake is also one of the restricted areas of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Chu Bei is crisp and clean, punched out directly, and the lake water evaporates instantly.

After a while, a black dragon flew out. In terms of breath alone, it is even stronger than the red haired man in the mountain range of death to allow some, but it also does not dare to make mistakes in front of Chu Bei.

Chu Bei still gave two choices. The black dragon and the red haired man chose the same choice and flew to the area where the Darkness material diffused.

Next, the third, fourth, fifth...

In a quarter of an hour, all the restricted areas of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths were all walked by Chu Bei . Most of them have stepped into the realm of immortal dao, and there are even two quasi-Immortal Kings among them.

[Host completes the task, can open ten Level 6 commodity permissions]

[Task 1: Break through the void barriers of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and immortal domain, together with the two worlds]

Shortly after walking through all the restricted areas, the system sound turned on in Chu Bei's mind.

"It's finally here."

Listening to the system sound, Chu Bei raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

The tenth level 6 commodity permission task is opened!

At the same time.

"Look! That darkness is gone!"

"That silhouette is who! Besides Senior Chu, is there such a powerful existence in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths? !"

"He pushed back the creatures in Darkness!"

"We are saved, we are alive!"


Over time, immortal dao Powerhouse appeared in all areas covered by black mist in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

I saw them fighting with unknown creatures in Darkness, releasing terrifying breath fluctuations.

"Come out! The existence in the life forbidden zone has come out!"

"It's him! It's the one who killed the Lord of Myriad Beast Palace Palace Palace!"

"What on earth is he coming from! I thought he was also a member of the immortal domain, but he can see his appearance clearly, but there is no such thing in my memory!"

"Is it possible that, he It is the Immortal King of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths?"

"Impossible! In the battle of Xiangu, Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and even True Immortal were all killed, how could there be an Immortal King!"


Above the border city wall, the immortal domain Powerhouse looked at the direction of the original restricted areas, and when I noticed that the powerful existence in these restricted areas was forced to Darkness by the same breath. When the material spreads out, all faces are full of consternation.

Although they couldn't figure out the breath, they were familiar with it. It was the same breath fluctuation that killed the Myriad Beast Palace Palace Lord.

With the shot of the immortal dao Powerhouse in the restricted area, the Darkness material diffused in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths began to gather, until it finally shrank back into the gap in Ling Realm.

Darkness material disappeared, and the cultivator who survived Nine Heavens and Ten Earths began to exclaim, with excitement in his eyebrows.

"Darkness is expelled!"

The immortal domain Powerhouse above Tianyuan seems to have noticed the disappearance of Darkness energy. They looked at each other, and there was a strange light in their eyes.

"But so what? The immortal domain has abandoned us!"

"The Bafang Nine Cauldrons array is about to open, and this realm will be refined soon. By then, We will also be reduced to nothingness with the demise of this realm."

"It's really unwilling! I never thought that Immortal King Old Ancestor would treat us like this!"

" They are also trying to protect themselves!"


Looking at the twisted portal in the sky, more and more immortal domain Powerhouses began to feel dissatisfied.

"They are here!"

As an immortal domain True Immortal exclaimed, all directions began to have a strong breath.

After that, one after another silhouette appeared above the city wall of the Imperial Pass, each of them hanging in the void, releasing terrifying breath fluctuations.

"Are you also abandoned?" A red robe man coldly swept across the immortal domain Powerhouse.

A group of immortal domain Powerhouse looked at each other in blank dismay, moved towards white-haired man nodded, with respect on their faces.

"This is really their style!"

The red robe man glanced at the sky far away, and uttered a shout, a majestic energy rushed into the sky, and the strikes were in the sky. On the twisted portal.

next moment, only a dull sound was heard, and the person in the immortal domain behind the door seemed to be blown out.

long long long ——

At this moment, the entire sky above Nine Heavens and Ten Earths roared, and the sound of great cauldron collision could be faintly heard.

"Sifang Nine Cauldrons formation!"

"Ao Sheng, Taishi, Early Yuan, in order to prevent future troubles, you really have lost money!"

In the breathtaking and weird sound, nine great cauldrons of ten thousand zhang high appeared in the four directions of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths in the east, west, south and north.

Thirty-six great cauldrons are suspended in the sky. They are connected in series with Immortal rays of light, and the dazzling rune flows like a whole.

Looking at thirty-six great cauldrons, the immortal dao Powerhouse from the restricted area instantly changed his complexion, and his eyes were full of anger, especially the two quasi-Immortal Kings, even Killing intent has been revealed.

"Master Aofeng and Master Cognac, this means the three Immortal King Old Ancestors. Your descendants, Master Immortal King said, they will take care of one or two." In the twisted portal There was a voice again. This was to the two quasi-Immortal Kings.

weng weng weng!

When the voice of the portal in the sky far away, Nine Thirty-six great cauldrons above Heavens and Ten Earths tremble at the same time, and the burst of brilliant rays of light floods the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths in an instant.

In the next instant, the void of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths rippled, slowly twisting at the speed visible to naked eye.

long long long!

The continuous mountain range exploded, big rivers flowed upstream, the sky turned bloody, it seemed that the end of the world was coming.

"Do you really think that by refining this realm, the Darkness Era will not affect the immortal domain? It's ridiculous!"

The anger sounded, called Aofeng's Quasi Immortal King Appearing in front of a great cauldron, he punched out, bursting out incomparable immortal dao energy.

But the great cauldron trembled, and a more terrifying counter-shock force shook Ao Feng back.

"Sure enough, even the quasi-Immortal King can't do anything about the Nine Cauldrons!"

"It's a foregone conclusion! After all, we have become the funerary of this realm."

Seeing that Ao Feng's attack didn't work, the immortal domain Powerhouse looked like a dead gray, and the only hope in their eyes was completely shattered.

The presence in a group of restricted areas also looks extremely ugly, heavy to the extreme.

"If you want to refining Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, those who make the decision should be blamed."

Suddenly, a flat voice rang in the minds of countless Powerhouses above the Emperor Pass.

Hearing the sound, the dim eyes of the powerhouses in the immortal domain suddenly glowed again, and the color of hope rose again.

"My lord!"

The Powerhouse in the restricted area including the two quasi Immortal Kings of Aofeng and Cognac, after reacting, also revealed some colors of joy, immediately moved towards A silhouette that suddenly appeared in front of him hugged cup one fist in the other hand, and his face was respectful.

Not long ago, they experienced the horror of the strength of this unknown man in front of them. That coercion was by no means weaker than any Immortal King they knew!

"What this seat promises you, I will do it."

Chu Bei moved towards Aofeng, Cognac and other restricted areas Powerhouse nodded, indicating that they stand separately behind him Shi Hao, Cao Yusheng, Meng Tianzheng and the others.

The voice fell, Chu Bei's gaze faded from thirty-six great cauldrons in the sky, and then with a wave of his sleeves, a golden long sword emerged.

The hilt and body of the sword are respectively engraved with different divine runes, releasing the dim dazzling light and circulating mysterious breath.

This is the Level 19 killing commodity that he has redeemed, and its name is Executing Immortal Sword!

weng weng!

Chu Bei flicked one finger and landed on the sword.

Suddenly, the blade trembles, and the rays of light bloom.

next moment, thirty Six Paths Golden sword glow shoots out from the blade, exactly corresponding to the thirty-six great cauldron's position.

bang bang bang!

Thirty-six sword glow strikes on different great cauldrons at the same time, first with a crisp cracking sound, and then a continuous explosion. Echoing in Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

"The tripod is broken...broken!"

"The Sifang Nine Cauldrons great spell is broken!"

"Darkness material retreats, Immortal King great spell is broken! , Which means we are all right!"


Looking at the thirty-six great cauldrons that were broken, look at all around the emptiness gradually calming down, a crowd of immortal Domain Powerhouse was stunned for a moment, and then showed excitement after reflecting on it.

weng weng!

Before the crowd of immortal domain Powerhouses calmed down their excitement, a scene that made them even more excited happened.

I saw Chu Bei holding the hilt of Executing Immortal Sword and swinging his right hand diagonally.

With the buzzing, a bunch of ten thousand zhang sword glow swept out of the sword, and instantly appeared under the twisted huge portal.

ten thousand zhang sword glow Submerged into the portal, the terrifying energy storm spread wildly around it, moving towards penetrated deeper.

hong long!

With the loud noise of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry, the twisted portal exploded directly, forming a huge gap.

Followingly, the spiritual qi in the gap, which is not known how many times richer than Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, surged crazily, which was refreshed.

"It's on!"

"We can return to the immortal domain!"

Looking at the transparent gap, whether it is the existence of the restricted area or The immortal domain Powerhouse just in the lower realm, they even forgot to lament the power of Chu Bei, and their bodies trembled with excitement.

Especially the restricted area exists. Although they have survived in the lower bounds for tens of thousands of years, this is not their home after all.

Nine Heavens and Ten Earths do not have their family and everything they are familiar with. Now that they can return to their homeland, how can they not be excited?

[Host breaks through the void barriers of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths and immortal domain, the mission is completed]

[Task 2: Fusion of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, immortal domain]

The system tone sounded in his mind. After a daze, Chu Bei took a step forward and flew towards the huge gap leading to the immortal domain.

xiū xiū xiū!

Next moment, countless divine rainbows rushed into the sky and followed Chu Bei into the huge gap.

At the same time, the other end of the huge gap.

The group of True Immortal Powerhouses in the immortal domain stared blankly at the transparent opening that suddenly exploded. They were all numb. They looked at each other, all with terrified look.

"The Quartet Nine Cauldrons broke through, and the barrier between immortal domain and Nine Heavens and Ten Earths was pierced!"

"How is it possible!"

"The major event is not good!"

"Go to report Immortal King!"

However, when the group of True Immortal was about to leave, the gap was counted. Dao silhouette rushed out, followed by boiling cheers.

"Master Aofeng, Master Cognac!"

"Did you destroy the great spell of Immortal King Old Ancestor? And broke through the barriers?"

"Could it be that your cultivation base has broken through to the Immortal King!"

A bunch of True Immortal eyes fell on the two forbidden Immortal Kings, and their words were surprised. , Completely ignored Chu Bei at the forefront.

"Is this the immortal domain."

Meng Tianzheng, Wang Changsheng and the others looked all around and muttered to themselves, their eyes filled with consternation.

Although they knew the existence of immortal domain for a long time, this was the first time they stepped into the immortal domain.

Up ahead of them, the land is broken, and behind is an endless starry sky.

There is a huge monster standing in the starry sky. It is too big to be seen at a glance. The Sun and Moon Star River revolves around it. It just hangs quietly in the starry sky, releasing a rich Immortal Qi.

"My lord, that is Panwang City."

Ao Feng pointed to the Great City in the starry sky ahead and said to Chu Bei.

Pan King, immortal domain Supreme Immortal King, is also one of the most powerhouses. He has lived for a long time. No one can tell exactly what age he is a creature.

The Panwang City he built is also one of the largest ancient cities in the immortal domain. It has survived since ancient times, and it has been prosperous for many epochs.

"Who you are!"

A group of True Immortal noticed Aofeng’s respect for Chu Bei, and the complexion greatly changed.

Chu Bei ignored this group of True Immortal, just maximized Divine Consciousness, seeming to perceive something.

"As expected, the immortal domain has already been invaded by Darkness creatures." After a while, Chu Bei spoke lightly.

"My lord, what do you mean by that? In the immortal domain, there are also Darkness creatures?!" Hearing Chu Bei's words, Aofeng and Cognac trembled suddenly.

If this is the case, how powerful are these Darkness creatures that can hide from the Immortal King?

weng weng weng!

Rather than waiting for Chu Bei to answer the questions of Aofeng and Cognac, tens of thousands of divine rainbows in the star dome of the immortal domain crossed and appeared in an instant In the sky above Panwang City.

"What happened there!"

"The barrier was broken, and my immortal domain is connected to the lower bound!"

"Damn it! How could this be? ! The lower realm is contaminated!"

"Who did this? It was Aofeng and Cognac! Why did they come back? This must have something to do with them!"



More and more immortal domain Powerhouses gathered in Panwangcheng. When they saw the huge transparent gap, they frowned and their faces were extremely ugly.

"Go and invite Immortal King!"

"Yes, now only they can mend the barrier! If it's late, I'm afraid the immortal domain will be infested by the Darkness substance. !"

There is an immortal domain True Immortal Powerhouse shouting anxiously.

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