"This imposing manner......"

Emperor Jia Ma took the lead to get up from the Dragon Throne, and then the silhouette flashed and swept out of the great hall.

The other ministers in the hall, after looking at each other, also filed out.

"Dou Huang Powerhouse!"

"Still two!"

When they arrived outside the hall, the ministers immediately looked towards the great hall Northwest position, feeling Looking at the two terrifying imposing manners in the distance, everyone was shocked.

"I'll go and see first."

Emperor Jia Ma glanced at the ministers, the gorgeous Dou Qi wings quickly condensed behind them, and then turned into a light and shadow, moved towards The two imposing manners flew away from where they broke out.

Almost at the same time, the Imperial Capital Three Large Clans of Nalan Mansion, Premier Mansion, and Mu Mansion all have their silhouettes vacated.

Looking at the distant back of Emperor Jia Ma, the ministers hesitated for a while, and then they all showed their divine ability and moved towards Northwest.

hong long long!

Over the Imperial Capital garden, the white and yellow light clusters constantly interweave and collide, causing a terrifying explosion.

Including Emperor Jia Ma, the Dou Wang Powerhouse, who arrived first, gathered together, looking solemnly at the two light groups in the battlefield.

I saw a silhouette become faintly discernible in each of the two light groups.

Whenever these two figures are intertwined, a fierce and unmatched energy ripple will erupt.

Under this energy ripple, even Dou Wang Powerhouse had to condense Dou Qi's armor to block it.

"That's getting old!"

Mu Chen seemed to recognize the identity of that silhouette in the yellow light group, and blurted out the words of astonishment, and then subconsciously looked towards Emperor Jia Ma .

Perceive Mu Chen's gaze, Emperor Jia Ma nodded.

"Who is the one who can fight against Caloo?"

Nalan Jie stared at the silhouette in the white light group, frowning.

"Ice old man, several decades have passed, your cultivation base has not grown a bit." At this time, there was an old laugh from the yellow light ball.

"Adding the old man, I was in trouble. It was you, so many years have passed, and there is no breakthrough to the realm of Dou Zong. Continue like this, waiting for the day of your fall, Jia Ma Imperial Family won't be so comfortable anymore!" There was also a burst of laughter in the white light group.

"hehe, old man, I will live for a long time, how easy is it to fall."

In the yellow light ball, although the old voice still has a smile, it is not difficult It can be heard that allow some to be heavy.

"Ice old man?"

"And this cold air, is he the Ice Emperor Hai Bodong!"

"He actually returned Live!"

Emperor Jia Ma, Mu Chen, and Nalan Jie said one after another.

After guessing the identity of that silhouette in the white light group, the three immediately looked towards Premier Teng Shan, with questions in their eyes.

"How could Hailao fall? He has lived in seclusion for several decades."

Premier Teng Shan glanced over the three of them, and said: "But I only saw it yesterday Hai Lao."

As the battle heats up, more and more Powerhouses rushed to the garden, focusing on the two figures fighting in the air.

After some older generations of Powerhouse recognized the identities of Jia Xingtian and Hai Bodong, they passed them from ten to ten. At the end of the day, all those who watched the game were stunned and shocked.

"If you two old fellow continue to fight, the entire Imperial Capital will be alarmed!"

At this time, another old voice floated from the air.

After that, in the northeast, a purple light and shadow flew quickly.

In just a few breaths, purple light and shadow appeared on the battlefield.

"That...that's the Chairman of the Imperial Alchemist Association!"

"His Senior is here!"

Inside and outside the garden, some Powerhouses who watched the battle recognized Out of Fa Ma, exclaimed.

Hearing the sound, Jia Xingtian and Hai Bodong also stopped fighting.

The three old men were in a triangle shape. After looking at each other, they laughed out loud at the same time, just like old friends they haven't seen for a long time.

"Ice old man, how did you solve the seal of the snake in Medusa?"

Fa Ma's face was curious: "Did it rely on that map fragment?"

"What? The seal of the snake! No wonder you disappeared all these years!"

The look of shock appeared on Jia Xingtian’s old face. He had heard of Medusa’s seal of the snake. Once In the move, there is almost no solution.


Hai Bodong blurted out: "Rely on the map fragment, I guess I will die in the desert."

"Then you How did you unlock the seal curse of the snake?"

Fa Ma frowned and asked, Jia Xingtian also curious.

Hai Bodong glanced at Emperor Jia Ma, Nalan Jie and the others not far away, then turned his eyes back to Fa Ma: "I am also considered good luck. I met a mysterious businessman from him. I got a weird formation mark and easily solved the snake seal curse."

"mysterious businessman?"

Fa Ma and Jia Xingtian looked at each other, Emperor Jia Ma, Nalan Jie, Mu Chen and the others were also looked at each other in blank dismay, each of them became more curious.

"Two days later, Premier will hold the Heaven Grade auction in Wu Tan City. In addition to the treasures prepared by our auction house, there are six treasures of the mysterious merchant I mentioned."


Hai Bodong runs Dou Qi, and his majestic voice drifts away: "At that time, you will see this mysterious businessman."

"This is how you arranged the Heaven Grade auction The reason in Wu Tan City!" Emperor Jia Ma, Mu Chen, and Nalan Jie looked towards Premier Teng Shan at the same time.

"Not bad."

Premier nodded with a smile in response.


The other side.

All Heavens Store.

"Boss, a guest is here." Xiao Yixian gently pushed open the door of Chu Bei's house.

Chu Bei complied, when he came to the outbuilding and saw the guests in Xiao Yixian's mouth, his face instantly added to allow some playfulness.

The so-called guests are Snake-man Tribe Queen Medusa and Yue Mei, one of the eight chiefs, who have dealt with not long ago.

Seeing the arrival of Chu Bei, Qing Lin, who was staring at by Medusa, moved quickly and hid behind Chu Bei.

"Boss Chu, we meet again."

Medusa shifted her gaze to Chu Bei, with a cold expression.

Yue Mei is the same, and even the beautiful eyes are faintly hostile to Chu Bei.

"The visitor is the guest, Qing Lin serves tea." Chu Bei laughed.

"No need."

Medusa waved his hand: "This king is here for the Donghuang Taiyi suit."

After the skill [Falling God Contract] in the Taiyi suit, she felt the extraordinary exquisiteness within a few hours of cultivation.

It can even be said that the profoundness of this skill is still above the Sealing Curse of the Snake.

That's why she can't wait to get the complete Donghuang Taiyi suit.

"You should understand the rules, so I won't say more. If you can get them today, it depends on your luck."

Said with a smile After falling, Chu Bei waved his sleeve robe.

With a hum, in front of Medusa, a golden disc appeared, emitting dazzling rays of light.

The top of the disc is engraved with seven characters [Level 8 Great Wheel of Fortune].

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