In Panlong world, there are many material planes like Magnolia continent. Above these material planes are the four supreme planes and the seven gods plane.

The seven gods plane is created by the seven elements God Sovereign. The four supreme planes were created by the four Supreme Gods.

The seven god planes are Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, Lightning, Light, and Darkness. The four Supreme God planes are Heaven Realm, Underworld, Hell, and God World. .


The highest plane, hell.

The cold moon like a sickle hangs in the night sky, exuding a misty purple moonlight, covering the boundless world below.

hong long long!

The gloomy waves hit the 10,000-meter-high cliff hysterically again and again, but for hundreds of millions of years, no matter how the water hits, the cliff still stands tall.

Because the cliff is straight up and down, shaped like a knife cut, and the surface is smooth like a mirror, so it is called Mirror Moon Cliff in hell.

This cliff also has a popular name, it's called the cliff of Jiayin. Anyone who comes from other planes will appear on the Mirror Moon Cliff, all because of the two giant magic arrays drawn by Supreme God.

"The situation of the Four Divine Beasts clan recently is not good!"

"Hey, think about how brilliant the Four Divine Beasts clan was thousands of years ago! Its ethnic groups are spread across all planes. , The strength is extremely strong. Can you expect that the four God Sovereigns of Four Divine Beasts clan died at the same time overnight."

"Recently, the revenge of these eight clans has become more and more crazy! That chaos! The sea has become their specific battlefield. I heard that as of now, this Four Divine Beasts clan Elder has died sixty percent."

"It may not be long, this Four Divine Beasts clan It will disappear from hell completely."


On the cliff, there are several men wearing purple outfits with a special purple mark on their foreheads chatting and talking.


At this time, the giant magic array on the cliff suddenly lit up with bright rays of light, and then about ten silhouettes appeared in the center of the twisted magic array .

"The newcomer is here, everyone should get busy. Let's divide it."

Looking at the ten silhouettes appearing on the magic array, all of them have their foreheads The purple-marked man suddenly raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Six Low Gods and four Sacred Domains. The quality of this batch is barely enough."

A purple clothed man glanced over ten people one by one, and took a look. Fan nodded.

"Is this hell? A place where Powerhouse is like a cloud!"

In the magic array, ten silhouettes are looking around. They come from different planes, but they are gathered at the moment. Together, they have the same desire and curiosity.

"Little fellows, welcome to the supreme plane created by Supreme God-hell! It is this supreme demon array that will bring you to safety, it was drawn by Supreme God. Anyone who wants To come to hell, you must pass through this magical array, even if it is as strong as God Sovereign." The purple clothed man in charge of receiving the newcomers said lightly.

"Is there really a Supreme God in this world!"

"Is this magic array drawn by Supreme God?"

I heard the words of the purple clothed man , The ten Powerhouses who had just stepped into hell showed a look of consternation. They looked down at the magic array under their feet, and their faces were full of shock.


At this moment, a gap appeared above their heads, and a youth man appeared in the gap with a young man, with a palm-size mouse on his shoulder.

"Boss, is this hell! It's so gloomy, it's so different from our Magnolia continent!" Beibei looked around and couldn't help but cried out in surprise.

At this moment, on the cliff below, everyone, including a bunch of purple clothed men, had their expressions frozen, their eyes widened, and their expressions looked like they had seen something. Impossible things.

"My lord, didn’t you just say that this magic array was hand-painted by Supreme God. Anyone who wants to go to hell must pass through this magic array? No one is better than God Sovereign. "

The ten people on the magic array who have just arrived in hell looked at the purple clothed man blankly, and did not forget to point out Chu Bei and Linley who were hitting their faces high in the sky, with confusion in their eyes:" So... Then how did they..."

"Shut up!"

The purple clothed man screamed directly, and the tyrannical breath instantly shook the ten noisy newcomers.

As far as the degree of shock is concerned, he is much higher than these ten people.

Since ancient times, he has never heard of anyone who can go directly to hell from the material plane without going through the magic array!

However, at the moment, this impossible scene was hit by them!

More importantly, the breath fluctuation of these two people, which breaks the convention right now, is only Level 9 and the other seems to be an ordinary person!

It can be said that the two of them are not even qualified to enter the hell plane!

After all, if you want to enter the four highest planes through the guardian of the plane, your strength must be in the Sacred Domain at least.

"Where did you come from!"

A purple clothed man looked towards Chu Bei and Linley.

"really strong!"

Detecting the fluctuation of breath on the purple clothed man, Linley exclaimed, the breath released by the opponent is still above that Martial God O'Bradi !

"We are from Magnolia continent." Beibei said.

"Nonsense! I'm not asking this!"

The purple clothed man yelled: "Why don't you come out of the magic array?"

"This me I don't know, Boss, he swipes casually and we came in. When we came out, we came out like this." Beibei continued.

"Just swipe? You think you are Supreme God!"

The purple clothed man frowned immediately, thinking that Beibei was playing tricks on him: "Catch them first." , Give it to the palace owner to decide!"

next moment, three purple clothed man flew to Chu Bei.


But three purple clothed man just shot, an indifferent voice floated.

After that, the three purple clothed men exploded suddenly, as if they were being squeezed by invisible force.

In an instant, the three purple clothed men turned into nothingness.


Looking at the three companions who died inexplicably, the purple clothed man who had previously questioned Beibei suddenly shrank his pupils, and a wave of fear rose in. the mind.

"You...who the hell are you..."

The purple clothed man who was responsible for attracting the newcomer looked at Chu Bei in fear, and couldn't help but retreat.

But just as the vibrato fell, his body seemed to be invaded by an invisible force, and he flew to the two people of unknown origin inexplicably, unable to move even a little bit.

After that, Sea of ​​Consciousness was dizzy, as if someone had read the memory.

"Let's go, go to the Blood Peak continent."

The light and fluttering voice fell, and Chu Bei took Linley and disappeared into the sight of the crowd on the cliff.

Almost at the same time, peng sound, the purple clothed man exploded.

From the memory of the purple clothed man, I know that this hell mainly has five vast continents, namely the Bauhinia continent, the Kalossa continent, the Muya continent, the Blood Peak continent and the Bifu continent.

In addition to these five continents, the other areas are sea areas.

These five continents are almost connected into a ring. Inside the ring is the vast Stars Mist Sea, and the open sea is also called the Sea of ​​Chaos.

The goal of Chu Bei's branch mission in this line is the mountain range of the Heavenly Festival where the Four Divine Beasts clan in the Youlan Mansion of the Blood Peak continent is located.

"They are all newcomers, why is he so strong!"

The ten newcomers on the magic array stared at the disappearance of Chu Bei Linley, and couldn't help but wriggle their throats. Shocked.

"Hurry up...Go to report Sir Mansion Lord!"

The three surviving people who were responsible for the introduction, looked at each other, and ignored the introduction of newcomers, immediately The panicked moved towards the east and flew away.

Bauhinia continent, Black Feather Mansion.

"What? You said that the man directly cut through the space barrier of my hell plane! And easily killed four Middle Gods!"

In a great hall in the mansion, one The middle-aged man immediately asked after listening to the report from his subordinates.

"Sir Mansion Lord, this is true, but we have seen it with our own eyes!" A purple clothed man respectfully replied.

"Where did they go?" Palace Master Heiyu asked in a deep voice.

"This... subordinates don't know." The purple clothed man bowed.

"Find me now! Confirm their whereabouts! If these two people can really get through to the space passage of hell from other planes, this matter should not be underestimated!" Palace Lord Black Feather narrowed his eyes. His face was solemn.

"Don't look for it, they have left the Bauhinia continent."

Just as Palace Master Heiyu gave instructions, a cold voice echoed in the palace, and the voice could not be found. Source, but everywhere.

"Leaving the Bauhinia continent? How could it be possible!" The purple clothed man exclaimed, with an incredible expression on his face.

This Bauhinia continent is so big, even if it is as strong as High God, it will take several hours to cross it. But right now, less than a quarter of an hour has passed. Could it be that the opponent's strength has reached Great Perfection?

"Bold! God Sovereign is here, don't kneel to greet you!"

When Palace Master Black Feather heard the indifferent voice, he was shocked and quickly moved towards purple The clothed man shouted, and then took the lead in moving towards the void in front of him, bowing and saluting.

"Lord...God Sovereign..."

Hearing the words of Palace Lord Kuroba, the purple clothed man immediately softened his legs and knelt on the ground with a puff, his face was incomparable Respectful and respectful.

"Get up all."

The misty voice sounded, and there was a ripple in the void in front of Palace Master Black Feather, and a red haired man walked out of it: "The two have just arrived. When I got to hell, I noticed it. I thought they just hit the hell by mistake. After all, their divine force breath fluctuates too weakly. But since he killed the four Middle Gods, I knew I was underestimate. He is here. But when I was ready to probe him, he had disappeared from the Bauhinia continent."

"God Sovereign, listen to you, he walked out of Mirror Moon Cliff in no time. Bauhinia continent!"

Palace Master Black Feather was extremely shocked, raised his eyes and looked at God Sovereign Redbud, and said tentatively: "God Sovereign, I am afraid that even you..."

"Yes, I can't do it."

Palace Master Kuroba was interrupted by God Sovereign Redbud before he finished speaking.

"God Sovereign, can it be said that that person's strength is already..."

Palace Master Kuroba took a deep breath, even so, it is still difficult to suppress the astonishment in his heart.

"I can't see through. To be sure, he will not be weaker than me."

God Sovereign Redbud shook the head, and then the silhouette slowly faded: "Me too It’s time to go for a walk. While visiting the old friend, take a look and see if I can meet those two guys again."

"Is he the God Sovereign of another plane? But why is my memory? In, there is no such a thing." Palace Master Black Feather murmured to himself.

The cultivation levels in the God Realm are in order of Low God, Middle God, High God, High God Great Perfection; above the Great Perfection is God Sovereign, and when it comes to God Sovereign this realm is already the dragon world Supreme Powerhouse in.

Throughout the entire Panlong world, there are four supreme planes of Hell, Underworld, Heaven Realm, and God World, as well as eleven god planes including wind, earth, water, fire, thunder, Darkness, and light. There are seven God Sovereigns in each plane.

This God Sovereign can be divided into the lower God Sovereign, the middle God Sovereign, and the upper God Sovereign.

This high-ranked God Sovereign, also called Sovereign, is the most powerful powerhouse among the eleven god planes, and among them, the Sovereign of the four highest planes is the most powerful.

On Sovereign, there are the four Supreme Gods, namely, the Supreme God of Destruction, Supreme God of Death, Supreme God of Destiny, and Supreme God of Life.

Different from Sovereign, these four Supreme Gods are not created by cultivation, they are transformed by the rules between Heaven and Earth.

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